We remember our happy healthy babies , we remember the doctor telling us that the screaming distraught demon she had become was just a stage . We remember him showing us the book , with the chart , that it was normal for our formally smiling and sleeping child to be in such pain. We know what Fauci did by shutting down Dr Judy Mikovits with her warnings of what would follow. Beware the mothers they are awakening. May love be with us all.

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Jul 24Β·edited Jul 24

So many unified lies from these doctors, just like the covid

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This breaks my heart... Our daughter is a nurse and thinks my husband and I are tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists! All we've asked is that she research 'ingredients' and ask questions...She is about to vaccinate our 8 week old Granddaughter (in addition to whatever they gave at time of birth in hsp!!) She’s terrified of SIDS but will not entertain our fears or concerns, believing wholeheartedly in the word of the Dr's & health care professionals she sees πŸ’” Thank you for telling your story and sharing your beautiful children, god bless you all πŸ™πŸ»

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I am in the same boat! My daughter is a nurse and my son in law a doc. They both took the covid crap shots like they were manna from heaven and super vax my beautiful grandbabies :(.

I am of course, just a crazy old lady who never vaxxed her own children (who are all free of chronic illness) but the "experts" are right and our family history of health is just a fluke.

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Pray and ask for the intercession of St Padre Pio. I’ll pray as well.

Ask her to look back at her pathophysiology book, and ask her what training she received with vaccines except the schedule. Poor girl was propagandized and terrified. I know. I am a nurse too.

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Also - go to your local pharmacy and ask for the package insert on the vaccines they have. Tell them you are trying to get new ones





They are little folded up papers that list the SAE’s


As required by law

Those will tell her everything in an objective way

It will list all the significant medical side effects and the adjuvants contained in shots.

You can go to several pharmacies and act as Claudius did in Rome

He pretended to be a fool so Nero’s mother wouldn’t kill him.


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But for the fact that I have an 8 week old grandson instead of a granddaughter, you are recounting my story EXACTLY. I pray every single day that my healthy, vibrant grandson is not injured by his parents' blind trust in the Big Pharma demons, courtesy of my RN daughter in law. God help these innocent babies.

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The common thread of our tragic life changing stories seems to be that β€œwe didn’t know!” Before the blessing and curse of the internet, we took the β€œadvice” of doctors, we were β€œtrained” that they were the β€œexperts” and naively believed our own governments were β€œprotecting” us; not β€œpoisoning” us! Covid like the internet has been a blessing and a curse to us as well. We lost loved ones while it exposed big pharma and a lying government. No one should ever live with the regret of β€œif I knew then, what I know now.” I, like many mothers, carry that guilt inside every day. We either grieve for the children we lost or we take care of our lifetime injured survivors. No mother should ever have to go through that! It is time to end these kill/maim shots!!

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Please, tell this mom to read the book; Crooked by Forest Maready which gives reasons for the child’s crooked smile and the need for heavy metal detoxing.

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Around 2018 a 5 yo beautiful little girl in Denmark died. She was electro hyper sensitive, and her mother believed it was caused by vaccines.

She had had a patch on her arm to test for aluminium sensitivity, and even though it had already been removed, she started having an increasing asthma attack - which was also the way she reacted to fx wifi, according to her mom. So her mother finally decided they had to go to the hospital. This decision made the little girl so hysterical she ended up having a heart attack, and her mother had to do cpr on her own little child.

In the hospital, she had a pacemaker implanted and was put into an artificial coma. A few days later, they scanned her brain to see if there had been any damage. The brain had looked fine, but in the hours after the scan, her brain started to swell (histamine as seen in EHSs acc. to Prof. Dominique Belpomme?), so they had to operate on her again and remove part of her skull to try to relieve the pressure. But she died that night.

Her name was Nellie, and she was her mother's 'little ruby'. The doctors had said they were dealing with something with which they did not have much experience. When they finally started to listen, it was too late.

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Thank you for your comment. Every living thing - humans, cats, dogs, insects - are affected by wireless communication signals. They cause Biological Harm.

Any device or appliance or infrastructure that transmits or receives Radio Frequency EMFs emits r A D i ation. This is a non-native ra d i ation and is not compatible with health or life.

Such r a d ia tion-spewing devices include m0bile phones, cordless phones, "smart" tvs, fridges, washing maching and utility me ters, tablets, ipads, fitb1ts, wireless door bells and baby monitors, anything using Blu t00th such as hearing aids and vehicles and ear buds.

Having a toxic heavy metal burden eg lead mer cury aluminium will create carnage in the body alongside w1reless comms radiation signals. Most of us are wise now to what va x ines contain - aluminium, mercury, etc. In a hospital / shop / entertainment venue, the wi re less ra di ation that people are exposed to will be extremely high, due to the amount of devices and equipment using it. G0d help the poor Patients if the hospital is renting out its roofspace for w1re less comms mast too. They are being irradiated without knowing it.

Industry also pays churches rent to conceal masts and emitting infrastructure inside church steeples. Talk about ung0dly.

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I wish I could Like your comment 100X. I see huge masts on hospital roofs. I read about a very young baby in hospital severely affected by the EMF towers on the roof. When baby was moved to a smaller hospital the problems disappeared.

We're living in a toxic soup of radiation, way more than most can possibly comprehend. There are technologies that can diminish the effects in our homes by changing bad energy into harmless energy. We need to try to limit high emf sources. It was shocking to learn how one tiny light bulb 20 wt. that looked like a flame registered very high on my meter. But the greatest sources are from military bases, which overwhelm the anti-emf technologies. Massive facilities on base and/or nearby are involved in so-called weather modification. This power output moves atmospheric rivers. Two lovely older but healthy cats of mine suffered greatly and died inside of a few months. They didn't live with me at the same time. The second cat was fine for two years until a satellite was installed just over our heads, amplifying the emf. He became lame and had tremors and eventually suffered great pain, couldn't be picked up without squealing. Near the end, he could not walk at all. If I had resources I would have moved immediately. He suffered for 6 months until his death, before my name came up on the property wait list.

The first dear cat suddenly ran around screaming one night. She had tremors, her pupils were dilated fully blacking out her beautiful blue eyes. She soon learned to be still while under attack, but her breathing was labored and her heart was visibly pounding. Her lungs filled with fluid inside of two months. Vets drained the fluid because I needed my daughter to visit this kitty that she had rescued several years before. Vets thought she would live well on heart failure medicine, but they didn't understand what I felt sure was ongoing emf exposure. I'm electro-hypersensitive also, and know the sounds and signals of exposure levels. This kitty was tortured and murdered by military emf and only lived another month.

What was done to this tiny baby boy in NICU seems unconscionable. For this thoughtful mother I feel deep sympathy. I don't think that rabid vaccinating protocol occurred in 1990 when my tiny baby was there. She was well taken care of and survived serious heart defects, and grew up.

I rely the story of the cats because people's pets are becoming ill and dying suddenly. Small birds and squirrels are disappearing near me and a massive joint base. It is obvious that children are small and babies are smaller. It is up to us to advocate for them.

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Thank you for sharing ❀️ I'm EHS too, to some degree, and at the time Nellie died, I was trying to get my own 4 weeks premature born son shielded in school. I watched the whole tragedy unfold on the sideline, and it absolutely changed me forever.

Then, last year, musician Samuel Hejslet also died. In a nursing home, and possibly by suicide. His ex wouldn't let him see his daughter, because she believed him to be mentally ill. That is often the stigma of EHS. A doctor even tried to help him with electro shocks, which just made it so much worse. Obviously!!!

Here's a video with beautiful soul, Samuel, trying to survive in a tent with the help of friends, before he was put into a 'nursing' home with wifi. In Danish, but I think people will get the point: https://vimeo.com/352553538

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I meant to add that the actual shungite meteor looks like coal with a blue/black sheen in daylight. Under LED/incandescent/florescent lighting it has a definite gold sheen.

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The story about Little Ruby is utterly devastating. Short of being stricken down outright, her extreme sensitivity seems to have been on par with my kitty who was visibly tortured and who would have died in two months if I had not intervened. She did well for two weeks, then the intense suffering resumed for the last two weeks. I too feel I've been absolutely changed forever. There is a free floating grief that persists, which rises in my heart hearing of every abuse or injustice.

In the book The Invisible Rainbow Arthur Firstenberg reports that nearly every human being is adversely affected by electricity, but to wildly varying degrees. Only a tiny sample report no effect whatsoever and show no adverse signs.

It was sad to see how Samuel was viewed as mentally ill by members of his family. Too bad for ignorant doctors. He appears to me as someone who is definitely tired from the emf, but who probably cannot sleep. That is so common. He looks a little rugged for living in a tent, but certainly not a mental case.

The Danish approach vs. the US approach is definitely different; but neither is helpful, not even adequate. Until recently I thought the US did not officially acknowledge the dangers of emf radiation. I've learned since that it does, but chooses to pretend otherwise and ignore questions and official comments made by concerned citizens, even as they're elicited by the FCC (Federal Communication Commission). Hundreds of thousands of concerned comments against 5G, for example, are dismissed as irrelevant by the FCC head on the grounds that 5G is "just too damned important".

I do not believe any medical practitioners even try to treat radiation exposures here. Suffering citizens are left to their own devices. Some live in dark rooms lined with layers of substances to shield them. Some stay in the woods inside their cars for days until they feel somewhat de-stressed. In general Americans innovate their own "cures" for whatever ails them, and you can see why we have the addiction problems we have. Some may not know what's messing them up. If they act out, they'll likely be jailed or shot by police. If they go to main stream doctors, they'll get the usual tests and be given pharma poisons.

I hope by now you've been able to shield your son from exposures. For your home and possibly for his school, I can absolutely recommend the technology found at FixTheWorld Project.com. Learn about shungite, from a meteor that cleans up radiation, was used in the Chernobyl exclusion zone. This brilliant young couple (American ex-pats) invented and manufacture their products in Morocco. My small apartment contains about $1400. worth of technologies that do work against all the exposures except those from the giant facilities on the nearby Base. I know for sure because when the military gives its order followers a few days off, there is pure silence in my ears and brain. The tinnitus that began with wifi installation in our home in 2009 is SILENT, and the meter readings still register some emf but otherwise confirm the low levels. Tivon and Naima (Hope is her pen name) are lovely. Their book, Forbidden Tech, is definitely eye-opening. Hope's Blog gets really serious with timely news. https://www.ftwproject.com/

I found a pendant made by Indian artisans that actually has chunk of shungite. It has been very protective. I put it on my suffering cat, along with the pendant from Fix the World. (You should choose the technology painted with the black epoxy, which is extra shungite.)

The substantial shungite pendant came from JTV.com Just now I see it is out of stock but may be wait-listed. Or they can notify you by email if it comes in. Be hopeful. JTV is another utterly outstanding company, which I love. https://www.jtv.com/product/oval-shungite-sterling-silver-pendant-1-08ct/IDA1105

Your candid comments have encouraged me again. Hope springs eternal. Thank you, K. Spirit Wind.

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Yes, it is no wonder ADD, ADHD and other neuro-psychological 'illnesses' are on the rise en masse. Dr David O Carpenter at the University of Albany, SUNY, once said; 'Most parents are oblivious to this whole issue. They think wifi in schools is the greatest thing since sliced bread, because they have no understanding of the concern.'

Prof. Karl Hecht called wifi in schools 'an abomination' (ungeheuerlichkeit), and warned the 10 Hz 'lighthouse signal' could put the brain into a permanent stress. This may be what this German experiment from 2017 shows: https://vimeo.com/244746945

With all the toxins from injections, the sky etc., a perfect storm may be created.

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Oh mom, you are a very good mom, thank you for sharing. I can see that you're doing your best and have done so all along.

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So sad. I’ll pray for you!πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

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Yes,absolutely evil how they've targeted our children. Many years ago my son left a tin of baby first formula(grand-daughter was a few months old). I read the ingredient label,added fluoride! I asked local pharmacists "why?" Only one answered me..."Well,it's good for your teeth!" Couple that with toxic 'shots' and big pharma can laugh to the bank all through someone's(ruined) life. Kudos to this mother for her caring and common sense.πŸ‘πŸ’ž.

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Dear one, by telling your story. YOU ARE HELPING OTHERS. THANK YOU.

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