I tried to warn people. The ones that listened are still alive. The others have ongoing chronic conditions or have died. There are some people who will have nothing to do with me. One female vicar, thinks I am a criminal.

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I know of 17 people who developed serious health issues after being injected, 7 of whom have died. A life-long friend is battling pancreatic & liver cancer. A neighbor, a healthy 63 y/o male, died suddenly a couple of weeks ago.

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A female vicar? There is no such thing anyway, so do not worry about that. God help her.

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I did complain to her church. I thought that her attitude could have been dangerous to anyone who had self harming problems. I am not that person, but her walking off spouting that she could not abide law breakers such as me was unacceptable.

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Sad that despite all of this and all the people she knows who are vaxxed injured, she still thinks the childhood vaccines are ok and only the newer ones like flu, covid and HPV is what we need to be cautious of when the culprit is ALL of them!!!

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There you are! The brainwashed nurses!

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It's pure evil all that have died from the clotshots and all those others injured and it's just as evil the coverup all politicians in west are equally to blame for there silence on the matter now is the time for those with faith to keep the fight going for justice lucifer cannot win and will not win god will have the final say

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I am wondering if some of the protests/riots all over the Uk are tied into the covid lies?

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🥲🥲🥲so many injured, so many died, dying. How do all the gov’t agencies, charged with protecting our safety, simply do not do their job? Isn’t that a crime?

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It was the plan. God help us🙏

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We're experiencing Democide. That explains everything we're experiencing.

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17 million same-different stories of vaccine-died...

17 million question to bigpharma!

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It's Democide. If only people would call it what it is, the story would likely change.

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The level of deceit of these “Doctors”, denying this failed mRNAproduct caused almost immediate breathing problems, blood clots in this child’s arms and weakness on his left side, indicating a stroke, is enraging.

Eugenicists in WWII eliminated the sick, crippled, mentally and physically unwell, high risk “useless eaters” in hospitals and institutions. In today’s world, the Mothers are lied to and encouraged to give their high risk immune compromised loved ones an emergency authorized genetic product rebranded as a “vaccine” that the FDA has suggested safety testing results be divulged in 75 years.

Before anyone considers another vaccine, listen or read Dr. Andrew Moulden’s work. Don’ t pay attention to the Medical Pharma Cartel’s slander. Just read. Laziness can cost you your life or those you love and want to protect.

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Keep reminding us of these crimes. We must never forget what was done.

We also must keep telling others until everyone knows the truth of what they did to us all.

Unfortunately until there are enough of us that say, NO MORE, no matter the consequences, this will continue.

Our founding fathers risked their lives and fortunes for us, should we not be willing to do the same. The only thing we have to lose is our freedom and the future of our children and our country.

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Why the heck are people still getting these shots! Here in Florida the Surgeon General called for a halt to COVID jabs in January. Then the CDC recommends for children as young as six months. Counties are calling for the ban and some have designated it as a bioweapon or weapon of mass destruction. If you want to know what was injected have a live blood dark field microscopy completed.

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What do you think all those TV doctor shows were for? To convince people that doctors cared and could be trusted. Marcus Welby MD was particularly successful in this regard. All lies! My sisters watched tons of them and were enthusiastic vax participants.

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If someone is forcing you to jab your kids, you can take it to the bank theres something wrong with it. God was trying to warn her not to jab her son but she didn't listen, she relented and look what happened. We are up against true evil from the depths of hell, we must turn to God and fight this evil agenda.

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Manslaughter mom... no more kids for you

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She's an idiot mom

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Everything but the vax!

However some shots are still okay. Just don't do more than one at a time. Umm....umm.....I want to say something here, but I want to be positive, and I want to be nice. Just don't know how to word what I want to say. Dang!

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Tragic. I can't believe how so many people in the Medical profession were convinced against their doubts to get this shot.

I have no other words, but we can always repent and pray. It would be interesting to know when ((month/year) this child was given the Shot.

No for heavens sake, No more Shots and don't trust the Pharmaceutical industry.

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What shots have long term, peer reviewed double blind true placebo studies to them? I don't understand.

Please listen to attorney Aaron Siri thehighwire.com/ark-videos/aaron-siri-gives-testimony-on-the-floor-of-arizona-state-senate/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email


They think it is funny that you think they actually test these shots. Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEO, was a no show at European Parliment when J. Small, from Pfizer, said, ha, ha, the covid shot was not tested for stopping transmission as they "really had to move at the speed of science" when Mr. Roos asked. https://rumble.com/v1nimpk-breaking-pfizer-director-admits-vaccines-never-tested-for-preventing-transm.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=2

Though the latest of what Attorney Siri said.. .Ugh.... https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/aaron-siri-testifies-that-mrna-vaccines

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Do you actually believe that they even trial them?

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Look up the word Democide. That will explain what the world is experiencing.

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