A mother in another CHD video who told about her two now young grown up children who were both injured by the regular childhood vaccines, and who is now an outspoken advocate on the issue, ended her account by saying:
'If you leave your children a world where you didn't stand up, they will inherit a world where they can't. We need a heart change in this world.'
I wonder how many dead children it is going to take?
Wow, that quote hits hard...it is the way I've tried to live my life, even while being denigrated by strangers, 'friends', and family. It's all we can do, since we have NO political power because our "representatives" are not ours at all, but belong to the vested, monied interests that have bought and paid for them.
How can we fight this fight? Our foe is a global pharmaceutical cabal. It includes our own government, governments around the world, the WHO, Bill Gates… - how do we fight this evil? There are thousands of stories like this family’s. It’s gut wrenching.
We stand up and say NO! It's hard but if we don't start standing up and saying what the he'll is going on!!! It's time before more kids and adults die! Stand strong there are natural things you can take and win. I know because I did! Get the book OUTSIDE THE BOX written by doctors who also saw this discord and complimented it with nature remedies that saved their patients!! Be BRAVE you'll win to and many others have too!
Speak your story. Share it. Use your knowledge. Share it, carefully. Get the word out about the harms of these things. Share resources such as CHD, books, documentaries, reports, etc. Plant seeds. After the COVID-19 fiasco, people are waking up and are more receptive. It’s clear that trust and use of vaccines are going down after COVID-19. Messaging is the weapon.
We don't take their bioweapon shots and we heal ourselves naturally! I was diagnosed with cancer and they told me to not take any of my natural products as it would interefer with their therapy. Radiation each morning 5 days each week for numerous
months. They couldn't understand why I wasn't getting sick. As it turned out I did get really sick at the end of my therapy but it was because I was bitten by a spider and I'm highly allergic to them so I was back in the hospital for about a week. Get the nook Outside the Box written by two oncologist who treated their patients with this ther apy! High power C1000 vitamin C! If everyone did this they would more than likely win the fight against cancer. There are many other natural remedies that work. Please take the time to explore this option!! I also told two friend about this and they too are beating cancer!
“I don’t want anyone to go through what we’re going through”. Those are the words that breathe fire into parents who have had a child injured or killed by these medical products. These are how warriors are forged. Under immense pressure.
To listen to what families go through because of the demonic and satanic evilness the global cabal have perpetrated is beyond infuriating. Yet again, these are not vaccines. They are Biological Weapons made to destroy, kill people in every corner of our globe.
The battle is not ours. Strengthen your faith, let go and let God. The Light of Truth always prevails.
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. -Joshua 1:9 ESV
For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. -
I'm truly sorry about your loss. Did you know that the Attorney General in Kansas is putting charges towards Pfizers vaccines that have caused far too many deaths. Here's hoping there's a start to this madness we've had to endure! Heads need to fall and first and foremost should be Mr BILL GATES. he's the evil brain child of this whole mess!
You're right he is the DEVIL and is behind this mass murdering spree! He should be STOPPED as he's evil and suffers from little man syndrome trying to murder as many people as he can. Why is he NOT charged with murder? His plan to reduce the world's population for his greedy self! He's truly evil to the core and should be destroyed with the rest of his followers!
The proof is that the Military announced the availability of jabs in US. The procurement contracts were Defence contracts. Here in the UK, Dr M1ke Yead0n has described the ways in which these jabs were designed (in their development) to cause intentional harm.
I'm so sorry for your great loss of your precious daughter! 😔🙏 This is so evil! This was a known reaction that these covid shots makers accepted as a okay loss. It's NOT right!
This could have been my son just as easy! I'm so sorry sorry.
Please disregard the negative comments above! The trauma you and your family have been through is no fault of yours or God's. I don't know why the Good Lord did not stop this before so many deaths! But God is a good loving Holy Father and this is wrong in His eyes too! I know when I get to heaven I am asking Him lots of questions about this evil that spread thru the whole world!
Thank you for sharing your journey! Hopefully someone will wake up by hearing your painful story! This is real, it's what the media reports asnot connected to these poison shots! Over 10 million deaths just in USA!
I'm crying with you now as I hear the last minutes of your time. Prayers for peace and comfort for your loss!
Keep sharing! Go to Ron Johnson in Congress! He is keeping the stories added to permanent records for proof! The media cannot shut your story down!! Oh good, you just mentioned your senator is fighting for you!
You have to get the book OUTSIDE THE BOX written by doctors who also learned what natural things also help us to heal! VIT C, Turkey Tail mushrooms & Tumeric all these things help heal you if you're getting radiation or Chemotherapy. They WILL NOT HURT YOU THEY"LL HEAL YOU AFTER THE DOCTORS HAVE GOT RID OF THE CANCER. YOU NEED TO HEAL YOUR BODY. VERY SIMPLE! LOGICAL AS WELL!!!
A mother in another CHD video who told about her two now young grown up children who were both injured by the regular childhood vaccines, and who is now an outspoken advocate on the issue, ended her account by saying:
'If you leave your children a world where you didn't stand up, they will inherit a world where they can't. We need a heart change in this world.'
I wonder how many dead children it is going to take?
Wow, that quote hits hard...it is the way I've tried to live my life, even while being denigrated by strangers, 'friends', and family. It's all we can do, since we have NO political power because our "representatives" are not ours at all, but belong to the vested, monied interests that have bought and paid for them.
How can we fight this fight? Our foe is a global pharmaceutical cabal. It includes our own government, governments around the world, the WHO, Bill Gates… - how do we fight this evil? There are thousands of stories like this family’s. It’s gut wrenching.
Pray...Burkele of San Salv when asked how did they win. He said "We Prayed"
We stand up and say NO! It's hard but if we don't start standing up and saying what the he'll is going on!!! It's time before more kids and adults die! Stand strong there are natural things you can take and win. I know because I did! Get the book OUTSIDE THE BOX written by doctors who also saw this discord and complimented it with nature remedies that saved their patients!! Be BRAVE you'll win to and many others have too!
Speak your story. Share it. Use your knowledge. Share it, carefully. Get the word out about the harms of these things. Share resources such as CHD, books, documentaries, reports, etc. Plant seeds. After the COVID-19 fiasco, people are waking up and are more receptive. It’s clear that trust and use of vaccines are going down after COVID-19. Messaging is the weapon.
An example of messaging against the Pharmaceutical Industry.
We don't take their bioweapon shots and we heal ourselves naturally! I was diagnosed with cancer and they told me to not take any of my natural products as it would interefer with their therapy. Radiation each morning 5 days each week for numerous
months. They couldn't understand why I wasn't getting sick. As it turned out I did get really sick at the end of my therapy but it was because I was bitten by a spider and I'm highly allergic to them so I was back in the hospital for about a week. Get the nook Outside the Box written by two oncologist who treated their patients with this ther apy! High power C1000 vitamin C! If everyone did this they would more than likely win the fight against cancer. There are many other natural remedies that work. Please take the time to explore this option!! I also told two friend about this and they too are beating cancer!
“I don’t want anyone to go through what we’re going through”. Those are the words that breathe fire into parents who have had a child injured or killed by these medical products. These are how warriors are forged. Under immense pressure.
To listen to what families go through because of the demonic and satanic evilness the global cabal have perpetrated is beyond infuriating. Yet again, these are not vaccines. They are Biological Weapons made to destroy, kill people in every corner of our globe.
All under the lie of “it’s for your safety!” The brainwashing propaganda keeps so many hypnotized to the truth.
There will always be sheep 🐑
The battle is not ours. Strengthen your faith, let go and let God. The Light of Truth always prevails.
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. -Joshua 1:9 ESV
For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. -
2 Timothy 1:7 ESV
Godspeed, friends.
Putting these names of the injured out, puts a real human touch on these deaths, what a tragedy. These deaths need to stop.
I'm truly sorry about your loss. Did you know that the Attorney General in Kansas is putting charges towards Pfizers vaccines that have caused far too many deaths. Here's hoping there's a start to this madness we've had to endure! Heads need to fall and first and foremost should be Mr BILL GATES. he's the evil brain child of this whole mess!
Please DO NOT call that evil SOB Mr. STOP!!!!!
You're right he is the DEVIL and is behind this mass murdering spree! He should be STOPPED as he's evil and suffers from little man syndrome trying to murder as many people as he can. Why is he NOT charged with murder? His plan to reduce the world's population for his greedy self! He's truly evil to the core and should be destroyed with the rest of his followers!
100%. You should research his HIV times. He is a POS
Passed away November 9, 2022
I believe it.🙏❤️
The proof is that the Military announced the availability of jabs in US. The procurement contracts were Defence contracts. Here in the UK, Dr M1ke Yead0n has described the ways in which these jabs were designed (in their development) to cause intentional harm.
I'm so sorry for your great loss of your precious daughter! 😔🙏 This is so evil! This was a known reaction that these covid shots makers accepted as a okay loss. It's NOT right!
This could have been my son just as easy! I'm so sorry sorry.
Please disregard the negative comments above! The trauma you and your family have been through is no fault of yours or God's. I don't know why the Good Lord did not stop this before so many deaths! But God is a good loving Holy Father and this is wrong in His eyes too! I know when I get to heaven I am asking Him lots of questions about this evil that spread thru the whole world!
Thank you for sharing your journey! Hopefully someone will wake up by hearing your painful story! This is real, it's what the media reports asnot connected to these poison shots! Over 10 million deaths just in USA!
I'm crying with you now as I hear the last minutes of your time. Prayers for peace and comfort for your loss!
Keep sharing! Go to Ron Johnson in Congress! He is keeping the stories added to permanent records for proof! The media cannot shut your story down!! Oh good, you just mentioned your senator is fighting for you!
GATES is now planning for a new way to destroy the people of this world. Why.is he NOT STOPPED?
🇦🇺💉Proposed mRNA manufacturing facilities: just in, from Australian journalist Alison Bevege -
You have to get the book OUTSIDE THE BOX written by doctors who also learned what natural things also help us to heal! VIT C, Turkey Tail mushrooms & Tumeric all these things help heal you if you're getting radiation or Chemotherapy. They WILL NOT HURT YOU THEY"LL HEAL YOU AFTER THE DOCTORS HAVE GOT RID OF THE CANCER. YOU NEED TO HEAL YOUR BODY. VERY SIMPLE! LOGICAL AS WELL!!!
Absolutely heart breaking......I'm so sorry y'all as a family went through this tragedy. Prayers, condolences, and love sent to your as you grieve.