VIDEO - California COVID Nurse exposes deadly COVID-19 Hospital Protocols (Remdesivir), and flood of COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries (posted Dec.10, 2023 by Children Health's Defense)
VIDEO - California COVID Nurse exposes deadly COVID-19 Hospital Protocols (Remdesivir), and flood of COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries (posted Dec.10, 2023 by Children Health's Defense)
This is the same thing I experienced in skilled/long term care nursing. She mentions not attending public school… I did not attend public school. I was Catholic school educated which taught us to use our critical thinking skills, and my biology teacher actually went on to become a cardiologist. We had absolutely awesome classes with him. I was also an “outcast” at work for even suggesting that the increase in illness was jab related. The agency nurses from overseas, began calling me “crazy Amy” and telling other staff that I was obviously uneducated.....
My mum was a nurse who never traded in her critical thinking skills.. if she thought a doctor was off track about anything.. she would tell him/her.... she nursed for 30 years with this mindset.. she would have been proud of you... so am I.
UK nursing used to have nursing Matrons who over ruled Doctors.. then they changed things round and got rid of the matrons and put in No7’ talk of bringing back Matrons...she was headstrong and spoke her mind ... often!
COMMONSENSE injected into medical decisions should be required with a legal over-ride to make it a certainty or then arbitrarily called out on it ...!
My RN stepmother was a nurse for over 60yrs and to her~ "Drs. were obeyed knowing most everything"
When I was a teenager tried explaining to her needed specially supplemented nutrition as the more important true healing medium then "synthetic medicines" as in being "Let your food be your medicine" - Hippocrates
I home schooled my now 44 yr old daughter with a full service Catholic curriculum.
Sad to say but many people took the shots BECAUSE POPE FRANCIS insisted they all should. Cardinal Burke, who already had immunity because he had had the virus, was NOT allowed into Vatican City because he did not get the jab.
That pope needs to be dragged out and disposed of in the most public way possible. All big religions are co-opted and took money to pass the evil message on their flock.
Add to all of this mess that the main jabby juice producing companies used aborted human fetal cells to make and/or test their products. HEK 293 is the aborted cell line; PF supports abortion, ergo he is not Catholic. Sad times.
Interesting, Natural immunity was not accepted, why well see the excess deaths and injuries which is their main goal. I am hoping PF before he leaves this earth realizes what he has done by encouraging the shot. It is my understanding he has respiratory condition brought on by his immune system being compromised due to vaccines he has taken
I thank God and my parents every day for the critical thinking skills bestowed upon me as a student from Catholic schooling. It was and still is a lifesaving gift.
I taught in two Parochial schools and went to a phenomenal one in Plymouth ,Mass .Sorry to tell you, there are very few if any solid ones left. FYI they take Fed monies and so they teach sex ed just as bad as the public schools . Big hint, if you ask to see the curricula they will show it to you BUT they do NOT show you the perverted reference material they are also asked to use.
When I took my eldest out in fifth grade (she is 53 now) the catechism "Christ Among Us" came home too and I was aghast at the heretical series. Enough people were upset by it's horrible watered down garbage that the Vatican eventually condemned it but it looks like Borgoglio brought it back.....all according to the communist global agenda.
Dennis , you are correct about these Popes you mentioned.
The Poles discovered Lech Walesa was a communist agent code named "Bolek".
"saint" JP2 ,they now know he transferred and covered up for clerical pedophiles.
The "fall of communism" was staged and as my daughter's Russian Vaganova ballet master told us , it was all "Theatre for the West", so Russia could participate in global trade and technology and spread their ideology throughout the world.
Thank you for this information. I made a copy of it.
I could not understand all the excitement about JP the Great and could not understand the sainthood thing. What you tell about the ballet master is also intriguing. What does the average Pole know?
Putin has said many times that Russians must remember their past and get back to their Orthodox Christian religion. This is good for the people but I guess it is theater too- in a way. I cannot see Putin practicing Christianity.
I guess you know that Lenin and company were paid large sums by the "money lenders"
to spread communism and kill anyone in the way. The cruelty is hard to take even for me in my 70s. What was done to the Czars going back to the 1800s is never brought up in America.
I had read in a book by Alan B. Jones and a few other sources that in 1829 in New York City that Clinton Roosevelt and others started a fund and that years later this fund made payments to Marx and Engels to develop a Manifesto so that communism could be spread in Europe and America. Other sources from old books indicate that Marx had stolen most of his information from another philosopher who may have been an Italian.
Miriam look it up this catechism used in many if not most Parochial Schools WAS condemned by the Vatican the present Francis Borgoglio the Vatican's covid shot enthusiast , brought it back.
"It would seem then that the Sacred Congregation exercised especially good judgment in singling out this particular book for condemnation, and not a little courage. The very feature of Christ Among Us which makes it so destructive, the craftiness with which the heresies are tricked out, makes its unorthodoxy somewhat more difficult to demonstrate. Hence we have already heard that indignant modernists are complaining that the book does not deny magisterial teaching. Cardinal Ratzinger and the Holy Father apparently have determined that a catechism must be affirmatively, positively orthodox; it is no longer sufficient to crawl along the edge of the abyss of infidelity. Likewise it is reassuring that the book is not to be reconsidered even with substantial revisions; no amount of cutting and pasting will salvage a book which assumes an adversarial posture toward the Church’s supreme teaching authority from the outset. The tone of Christ Among Us is as deficient as its content."............................not anymore because it has been reinstated.
Bergoglio is a fake. He is working for the elite globalist-socialist-communists. John XXIII and Paul VI worked with the Grand Orient Freemasons. Paul VI paid for Saul Alinsky to tour Italy for months to spread his Communist doctrine. Francis is the man that the NWO/One World Government is relying on. Francis believes Jesus was a great man. That is it.
Vatican 2 was part of a plan to change the Catholic Church for the worse.
Many cardinals had been actual members of Grand Orient lodges.
The subversion of the vatican was a well-kept secret for decades. The late Anne Roche-Muggeridge of Welland Ontario wrote extensively in the 70s, one entitled The Desolate City. Daughter in-law of the famed Malcolm Muggeridge, BBC Moscow correspondent.
It goes further back than that. I have in my possession a notarized copy of a public speech by Bella Dodd who was a member of the Communist Party and testified before Congress having converted to Roman Catholicism. She stated in 1939 that she placed over one thousand communist party members into seminaries in order to subvert the church on the orders of four or five COMMUNIST PARTY CARDINALS in the Vatican. I repeat that was in the early thirties.
On the document copy was a sticky note that read ,"Alice wants you to know that only homosexual party members would take the assignment." Toby Westerman received the same notarized document copy from the late Alice Von Hildebrand . Both Alice and her husband Deitrick met Bella Dodd after she left the communist party which she had joined at Hunter College in NY many decades earlier.
I read the article. I also read Kengor's book about Dodd. All we can do is stick together. Support the good priests and churches. I didn't realize that the teaching of religion to include the Catechism in Catholic schools was so bad.
OMG!!! I am so sorry you were mistreated. My own kids thought we were crazy since we weren’t vaxed. We are in medicine. My sons are not medical people & they still thought we were crazy.
When people are brainwashed they think their views are the only valid options. It’s astonishing how it works.
i am a retired registered nurse and friends with many others who are still employed.
You would be shocked as to how many adult children think their parents are just crazy who begged their children not to get their grandchildren to take the jabs or take it themselves.
I left that facility due to burn out. They gave me 2 units totaling 50 residents/patients on 3p-11p shift. I’m a good worker so I killed myself trying to get all the meds& treatments & charting done. I work one on one with patients now in their own homes. Much more rewarding.
I saw doctors early on saying hospitals were empty thru "covid" but then after the bioweapon injections rolled out hospitals were swamped. I get so angry when I listen to nurses say what this one said because what was done to humanity is pure unadulterated evil. Then when they knew we knew what they were up to, they just doubled down and caused more harms to innocent people, "Get your shots, they're safe and effective", I still see drugstores selling the jabs for flu and fake covid, it makes me sick to my stomach.
Same in the UK... went in to my local A&E in summer 2021 when everyone was hand clapping the NHS.. and sticking pictures if rainbows everywhere.. only to find the place empty... when I asked the nurse about reports of wards being full she told me lots of wards had closed due to lack of staff and patients... yet the BBC kept feeding us rubbish about staying home till you turned blue...
Well it seems like a chemical lobotomy.. via said safe and effective juice shot... turn off empathy and compassion.. critical thinking follows into the same trash can... thanks CDC ... but no thanks.
Yep. I have similar thoughts about the effects of these shots on the mental cognition of those who received the inoculations. Sadly, those people are literally brain damaged.
Agree-- denial and cognitive dissonance are at an all time high -- I see the aging of the jabbed and find it so difficult and tragic and they still “believe” in these shots -- absolutely unreal.
My daughter who's 54 looks so much older than she should, I have great DNA and have always been told I don't look my age, at 71 people think Im in my mid 50s but now my daughter has aged beyond her years, she's double jabbed. We have all been a healthy family but now her health has gone down hill, she just broke a rib from doing almost nothing, she stretched lying on her stomach doing work in her kitchen, she was scraping paint off the backsplash and stretched to reach when it broke. I find that very odd, her bones seem brittle or something. She knew how bad the jabs were but wanted to travel, I was beyond pissed.
My daughter's school friend is a hospital doctor somewhere down south. She told my daughter they never had one Covid patient in 2020. Dispite this info, my daughter and friends rolled up their sleeves "for the greater good" but more to get on with their lives.
Let us hope that the massive majority who took the jab and are kind, decent people go on to have good lives and that the material injected has been disposed of by the body. Hopefully the spike protein and nanoparticles and all the other ingredients have been broken down, metabolized, and out of their systems.
Thank you for coming forward and for Ringing the Alarm Bells While you were working and recognized what was happening, and for informing the public what you witnessed!!
It’s so Sickening to discover how many Doctors and Nurses etc , took the attitude of “Me First !”
And turned a Blind eye to the Deliberate Poisoning of their fellow man !!!
It’s so Disgusting to know that people went along with this Evil , just to keep their personal lives afloat!!!
This could have been Stopped sooner if everyone just stood together and ‘REFUSED’ to betray their fellow human beings...
The behavior of most medical workers as it relates to COVID and COVID injections is beyond shameful. This courageous nurse is describing self serving evil within the medical system and "profession", financed by DC and abetted by deceitful corporate media.
At the end, the article also mentions massive deaths from the jab in the Philippines - and a very convenient earthquake just before launch of an investigation!
I'm sure there are many such speculations like there always is. Obviously, I hope it is for real, but I also don't think people can be quiet down any longer. And that even if it is a fake investigation, it will get attention which will bring more people who are maybe right now at a tipping point to wake up and come out with claims of their own. 🤞
A few years ago Japanese researchers felt that oil removed from the earth may have contributed to earthquakes occurring in Iran (as Iran is prone to earthquakes).
Listening to this woman’s testimony on those early months of the pandemic... echo the thoughts and feelings of many.
The Federation of States Medical Boards are the people responsible for taking away the licences of medical practitioners and healthcare professionals who wanted to say what this lady has just said.. and when the reckoning is done... I hope all those who manipulated and falsified the truth in order to push an evil product on so many people... face real justice.... let’s face it... there was a deliberate action to use all the wrong things whilst instructing to withhold all the right things that would have saved lives... all these people did.. was kill and maim humanity large scale on the say so of a few billionaires.... let’s do the right thing and put these people in a courtroom real soon... reset the way medicine should work... the future of mankind depends on it.
The brainwashing needs to be examined too because I'm a nurse who works at the local hospital and warned everyone I knew-(hospitals are empty), neighbors would always walk AWAY from me shaking their heads...?
Now I see them and the jabs have aged them years, seriously looks like early onset dementia.
I’m seeing the rapid aging process on the jabbed too -- this is tragic beyond belief. Worse, many of the jabbed really “believe” in the shots -- like they are cult members, frightening.
Yes another thing not being talked about.. rapid aging is high turnover of mitochondria.. shortening of telemores(dna) because these evil sods knew that the spike protein load of a jab is a thousand times higher than a Covid virus loading..the misfolding proteins are causing huge damage to mitochondria months after the shot..dna repair and mitophagy may buy you time..
Yes our neighbors were jabbed and they mocked me and my warnings because their daughter is a Pediatrician and son works for Big Pharma. Afterwards as snow birds when they returned she screamed at me that F had no right using us as guinea pigs. Apparently either their daughter and or son up north found out the truth. They never apologized , and now that we moved away she calls , but my limited verbally engaged husband always takes the calls.
Funny thing , he tells me to keep quiet too to avoid making enemies.
I became a nurse for higher ideals than just a paycheck and more recently an employee at the motor vehicle building thanked me profusely adding that she ( in her forties) was just diagnosed with heart disease that she did not know was from the shot or the HRTs she took.
READ the "Women's Long Term Health Initiative Study" which was long term clinical trials on the these hormones to see if they were really beneficial against heart disease , strokes and cancers.
The trials had to be terminated early because the participants were actually experiencing MORE of these symptoms than less.
Thanks but no flashes and discomfort do not equate with the risks for me.
Please allow me to add that my neighbors seemed to look much older when we saw them when they came back from up north, so much so, that even my husband commented about it.
The Federation of State Medical boards in EUless Texas was established in 1912 and is a private corporation of unknown funding. Speculation is that the Rockefellers established it for complete control of medical education and drugs. There is an international version at the same address and it is likely that they are responsible for damning of ivermectin and Hydroxy globally. The terror campaign and the medical procedures were identical globally. Look at OPERATION LOCK STEP 2010 Rockefellers. BTW, the UN is a big part of this and the UN is built on Rockefeller land. Event 201 was bankrolled by Gates and Johns Hopkins which is basically run by the Rockefellers. I could go on but......................
Agree, and also of interest as far as starting wars , the CIA and CFR (Rockefellers) play a major role in getting the USA into wars. Most wars are engineered.
Karl Marx was funded by New York "progressives" in the 1800s to come up with a Manifesto. It is all dirty.
This nurse is very smart. She is correct. Unfortunately Covid gave 1) huge control to certain people and the medical profession(I am a retired physician) an opportunity to make a lot of money. The doctors in elevated administrative positions made fortunes as 'consultants', while even lowly practitioners were able to get some crumbs off the table.
A chap I know in my local pub aged 73 was in hospital recently for quite a few weeks. He was diagnosed with Heart failure and the need for blood thinners to prevent blood clotting. He's had 3 jabs. I spoke with him two days ago and said it was caused by the vaccine, clearly he's a normie and didn't know. Whilst I was speaking to him before walking off and sitting down an old lady about late 70's early 80's was listening to what I was saying, she was in such disbelief that she got up and spoke to a slightly younger chap on the next table and although I couldn't hear the words exchanged, she was pointing with her thumb in my direction and he started smirking and laughing. I'm hearing people saying that the masses are waking up? - I don't think so. Dr Makis I would hope would correct me if I'm wrong here but as far as I know heart failure has a life expectancy of around 5 years give or take?
I would like to add the electronic medical system she refers to EPIC did exactly what she said, red letters flashing the vaccinations status on the front of the patients chart during the past few years. However, a few months ago, everything suddenly disappeared. Any mention of the Covid vaccination status is gone (no where to be found anywhere on the record).
The only way to cross reference is to ask the patient, "did you take the injection?"...
It is not possible to type a decent, comprehensive note with EHRs. Doctors dreaded being told they had to type the history and physical and other stuff . What would lawyers do if they had to type their lengthy discussions with clients?
Yep, most of the MD notes appear standardized (minus details). The immunization section of the medical record is under a separate tab from the "notes" listed with the labs.
This is the same thing I experienced in skilled/long term care nursing. She mentions not attending public school… I did not attend public school. I was Catholic school educated which taught us to use our critical thinking skills, and my biology teacher actually went on to become a cardiologist. We had absolutely awesome classes with him. I was also an “outcast” at work for even suggesting that the increase in illness was jab related. The agency nurses from overseas, began calling me “crazy Amy” and telling other staff that I was obviously uneducated.....
My mum was a nurse who never traded in her critical thinking skills.. if she thought a doctor was off track about anything.. she would tell him/her.... she nursed for 30 years with this mindset.. she would have been proud of you... so am I.
Thats unique for the profession; in prior times nurses shut up & obeyed IF they wanted the job...!
Very sad as the BigMedPharma Allopathic parasitic money monsters marched thru Americans lives with impunity...!
UK nursing used to have nursing Matrons who over ruled Doctors.. then they changed things round and got rid of the matrons and put in No7’ talk of bringing back Matrons...she was headstrong and spoke her mind ... often!
COMMONSENSE injected into medical decisions should be required with a legal over-ride to make it a certainty or then arbitrarily called out on it ...!
My RN stepmother was a nurse for over 60yrs and to her~ "Drs. were obeyed knowing most everything"
When I was a teenager tried explaining to her needed specially supplemented nutrition as the more important true healing medium then "synthetic medicines" as in being "Let your food be your medicine" - Hippocrates
Such a touching response. Sounds like your Mum would have been amongst the very few Covid heros.
God bless you for trying to bring change.
I home schooled my now 44 yr old daughter with a full service Catholic curriculum.
Sad to say but many people took the shots BECAUSE POPE FRANCIS insisted they all should. Cardinal Burke, who already had immunity because he had had the virus, was NOT allowed into Vatican City because he did not get the jab.
The fake Pope who is part of the Globalist agenda!
That pope needs to be dragged out and disposed of in the most public way possible. All big religions are co-opted and took money to pass the evil message on their flock.
Sad but very true!
Add to all of this mess that the main jabby juice producing companies used aborted human fetal cells to make and/or test their products. HEK 293 is the aborted cell line; PF supports abortion, ergo he is not Catholic. Sad times.
Interesting, Natural immunity was not accepted, why well see the excess deaths and injuries which is their main goal. I am hoping PF before he leaves this earth realizes what he has done by encouraging the shot. It is my understanding he has respiratory condition brought on by his immune system being compromised due to vaccines he has taken
Unfortunately that won't happen, he is a fake Pope.
I thank God and my parents every day for the critical thinking skills bestowed upon me as a student from Catholic schooling. It was and still is a lifesaving gift.
I taught in two Parochial schools and went to a phenomenal one in Plymouth ,Mass .Sorry to tell you, there are very few if any solid ones left. FYI they take Fed monies and so they teach sex ed just as bad as the public schools . Big hint, if you ask to see the curricula they will show it to you BUT they do NOT show you the perverted reference material they are also asked to use.
When I took my eldest out in fifth grade (she is 53 now) the catechism "Christ Among Us" came home too and I was aghast at the heretical series. Enough people were upset by it's horrible watered down garbage that the Vatican eventually condemned it but it looks like Borgoglio brought it back.....all according to the communist global agenda.
Bergoglio is part of that long plan to destroy the true Catholic Church. I am in my mid 70s.
Dennis , you are correct about these Popes you mentioned.
The Poles discovered Lech Walesa was a communist agent code named "Bolek".
"saint" JP2 ,they now know he transferred and covered up for clerical pedophiles.
The "fall of communism" was staged and as my daughter's Russian Vaganova ballet master told us , it was all "Theatre for the West", so Russia could participate in global trade and technology and spread their ideology throughout the world.
Thank you for this information. I made a copy of it.
I could not understand all the excitement about JP the Great and could not understand the sainthood thing. What you tell about the ballet master is also intriguing. What does the average Pole know?
Putin has said many times that Russians must remember their past and get back to their Orthodox Christian religion. This is good for the people but I guess it is theater too- in a way. I cannot see Putin practicing Christianity.
I guess you know that Lenin and company were paid large sums by the "money lenders"
to spread communism and kill anyone in the way. The cruelty is hard to take even for me in my 70s. What was done to the Czars going back to the 1800s is never brought up in America.
I had read in a book by Alan B. Jones and a few other sources that in 1829 in New York City that Clinton Roosevelt and others started a fund and that years later this fund made payments to Marx and Engels to develop a Manifesto so that communism could be spread in Europe and America. Other sources from old books indicate that Marx had stolen most of his information from another philosopher who may have been an Italian.
I bookmarked the article. Thank you.
Miriam look it up this catechism used in many if not most Parochial Schools WAS condemned by the Vatican the present Francis Borgoglio the Vatican's covid shot enthusiast , brought it back.
"It would seem then that the Sacred Congregation exercised especially good judgment in singling out this particular book for condemnation, and not a little courage. The very feature of Christ Among Us which makes it so destructive, the craftiness with which the heresies are tricked out, makes its unorthodoxy somewhat more difficult to demonstrate. Hence we have already heard that indignant modernists are complaining that the book does not deny magisterial teaching. Cardinal Ratzinger and the Holy Father apparently have determined that a catechism must be affirmatively, positively orthodox; it is no longer sufficient to crawl along the edge of the abyss of infidelity. Likewise it is reassuring that the book is not to be reconsidered even with substantial revisions; no amount of cutting and pasting will salvage a book which assumes an adversarial posture toward the Church’s supreme teaching authority from the outset. The tone of Christ Among Us is as deficient as its content."............................not anymore because it has been reinstated.
Bergoglio is a fake. He is working for the elite globalist-socialist-communists. John XXIII and Paul VI worked with the Grand Orient Freemasons. Paul VI paid for Saul Alinsky to tour Italy for months to spread his Communist doctrine. Francis is the man that the NWO/One World Government is relying on. Francis believes Jesus was a great man. That is it.
Vatican 2 was part of a plan to change the Catholic Church for the worse.
Many cardinals had been actual members of Grand Orient lodges.
Dennis , Dr Makis and Nurse Amy and everyone else please watch
The subversion of the vatican was a well-kept secret for decades. The late Anne Roche-Muggeridge of Welland Ontario wrote extensively in the 70s, one entitled The Desolate City. Daughter in-law of the famed Malcolm Muggeridge, BBC Moscow correspondent.
It goes further back than that. I have in my possession a notarized copy of a public speech by Bella Dodd who was a member of the Communist Party and testified before Congress having converted to Roman Catholicism. She stated in 1939 that she placed over one thousand communist party members into seminaries in order to subvert the church on the orders of four or five COMMUNIST PARTY CARDINALS in the Vatican. I repeat that was in the early thirties.
On the document copy was a sticky note that read ,"Alice wants you to know that only homosexual party members would take the assignment." Toby Westerman received the same notarized document copy from the late Alice Von Hildebrand . Both Alice and her husband Deitrick met Bella Dodd after she left the communist party which she had joined at Hunter College in NY many decades earlier.
I read the article. I also read Kengor's book about Dodd. All we can do is stick together. Support the good priests and churches. I didn't realize that the teaching of religion to include the Catechism in Catholic schools was so bad.
OMG!!! I am so sorry you were mistreated. My own kids thought we were crazy since we weren’t vaxed. We are in medicine. My sons are not medical people & they still thought we were crazy.
When people are brainwashed they think their views are the only valid options. It’s astonishing how it works.
i am a retired registered nurse and friends with many others who are still employed.
You would be shocked as to how many adult children think their parents are just crazy who begged their children not to get their grandchildren to take the jabs or take it themselves.
Interesting history you have. I am in my 70s. In 1965 in my Catholic high school in Brooklyn, NY we read None Dare Call It Treason.
Have nurses and other staff stopped calling you "crazy Amy" or do they still go with the narrative?
I left that facility due to burn out. They gave me 2 units totaling 50 residents/patients on 3p-11p shift. I’m a good worker so I killed myself trying to get all the meds& treatments & charting done. I work one on one with patients now in their own homes. Much more rewarding.
I saw doctors early on saying hospitals were empty thru "covid" but then after the bioweapon injections rolled out hospitals were swamped. I get so angry when I listen to nurses say what this one said because what was done to humanity is pure unadulterated evil. Then when they knew we knew what they were up to, they just doubled down and caused more harms to innocent people, "Get your shots, they're safe and effective", I still see drugstores selling the jabs for flu and fake covid, it makes me sick to my stomach.
Same in the UK... went in to my local A&E in summer 2021 when everyone was hand clapping the NHS.. and sticking pictures if rainbows everywhere.. only to find the place empty... when I asked the nurse about reports of wards being full she told me lots of wards had closed due to lack of staff and patients... yet the BBC kept feeding us rubbish about staying home till you turned blue...
It seems the shots have taken critical thinking away from the ones who took them, its like a cult now.
Well it seems like a chemical lobotomy.. via said safe and effective juice shot... turn off empathy and compassion.. critical thinking follows into the same trash can... thanks CDC ... but no thanks.
Yep. I have similar thoughts about the effects of these shots on the mental cognition of those who received the inoculations. Sadly, those people are literally brain damaged.
My ex is a totally different person now.Thats why she’s my ex..
Agree-- denial and cognitive dissonance are at an all time high -- I see the aging of the jabbed and find it so difficult and tragic and they still “believe” in these shots -- absolutely unreal.
My daughter who's 54 looks so much older than she should, I have great DNA and have always been told I don't look my age, at 71 people think Im in my mid 50s but now my daughter has aged beyond her years, she's double jabbed. We have all been a healthy family but now her health has gone down hill, she just broke a rib from doing almost nothing, she stretched lying on her stomach doing work in her kitchen, she was scraping paint off the backsplash and stretched to reach when it broke. I find that very odd, her bones seem brittle or something. She knew how bad the jabs were but wanted to travel, I was beyond pissed.
Interesting... I have heard from several jabbed people about them having bone fractures and low serum calcium when bloods were tested.
My daughter's school friend is a hospital doctor somewhere down south. She told my daughter they never had one Covid patient in 2020. Dispite this info, my daughter and friends rolled up their sleeves "for the greater good" but more to get on with their lives.
Let us hope that the massive majority who took the jab and are kind, decent people go on to have good lives and that the material injected has been disposed of by the body. Hopefully the spike protein and nanoparticles and all the other ingredients have been broken down, metabolized, and out of their systems.
me too and I see signs on the Safeway, CVS and Walgreens, "the shots are free"!
They should Add “FREE DEATH SHOTS!”☠️
To their signage...
Michael Yeadon calls them the "kill shots".
He’s absolutely CORRECT!! 💀☠️💉💉💉💉💉
Thank you for coming forward and for Ringing the Alarm Bells While you were working and recognized what was happening, and for informing the public what you witnessed!!
It’s so Sickening to discover how many Doctors and Nurses etc , took the attitude of “Me First !”
And turned a Blind eye to the Deliberate Poisoning of their fellow man !!!
It’s so Disgusting to know that people went along with this Evil , just to keep their personal lives afloat!!!
This could have been Stopped sooner if everyone just stood together and ‘REFUSED’ to betray their fellow human beings...
Everyone involved must Pay !!! 😤
The behavior of most medical workers as it relates to COVID and COVID injections is beyond shameful. This courageous nurse is describing self serving evil within the medical system and "profession", financed by DC and abetted by deceitful corporate media.
'Italian Health Minister Under Investigation for Murder for Concealing COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths''
At the end, the article also mentions massive deaths from the jab in the Philippines - and a very convenient earthquake just before launch of an investigation!
let's hope they hang him
The Italians are taking a tough stance on what went on- the lies, lack of concern, the firings, school closures.
I heard it’s a “pretend” investigation to quiet the people.
I'm sure there are many such speculations like there always is. Obviously, I hope it is for real, but I also don't think people can be quiet down any longer. And that even if it is a fake investigation, it will get attention which will bring more people who are maybe right now at a tipping point to wake up and come out with claims of their own. 🤞
I know the Italians have been tough on certain crimes so maybe I am wrong here.
The article or an article below also mentions massive deaths from the jab in the Philippines.
Yes, and a very convenient earthquake! I had thought of adding it to my comment, and now I have 🙏
A few years ago Japanese researchers felt that oil removed from the earth may have contributed to earthquakes occurring in Iran (as Iran is prone to earthquakes).
Listening to this woman’s testimony on those early months of the pandemic... echo the thoughts and feelings of many.
The Federation of States Medical Boards are the people responsible for taking away the licences of medical practitioners and healthcare professionals who wanted to say what this lady has just said.. and when the reckoning is done... I hope all those who manipulated and falsified the truth in order to push an evil product on so many people... face real justice.... let’s face it... there was a deliberate action to use all the wrong things whilst instructing to withhold all the right things that would have saved lives... all these people did.. was kill and maim humanity large scale on the say so of a few billionaires.... let’s do the right thing and put these people in a courtroom real soon... reset the way medicine should work... the future of mankind depends on it.
The brainwashing needs to be examined too because I'm a nurse who works at the local hospital and warned everyone I knew-(hospitals are empty), neighbors would always walk AWAY from me shaking their heads...?
Now I see them and the jabs have aged them years, seriously looks like early onset dementia.
I’m seeing the rapid aging process on the jabbed too -- this is tragic beyond belief. Worse, many of the jabbed really “believe” in the shots -- like they are cult members, frightening.
Yes another thing not being talked about.. rapid aging is high turnover of mitochondria.. shortening of telemores(dna) because these evil sods knew that the spike protein load of a jab is a thousand times higher than a Covid virus loading..the misfolding proteins are causing huge damage to mitochondria months after the shot..dna repair and mitophagy may buy you time..
See latest studies:
There and Back Again: How the Spike Protein Induces an Endothelium <> Mitochondria Feedback Loop of Mutual Destruction
A Preprint online today offers insight into uniting two major Spike Protein pathologies.
DEC 13, 2023
Interesting. I must find out more about mitochondrial damage and misfolding of proteins (sort of like Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease).
Yes our neighbors were jabbed and they mocked me and my warnings because their daughter is a Pediatrician and son works for Big Pharma. Afterwards as snow birds when they returned she screamed at me that F had no right using us as guinea pigs. Apparently either their daughter and or son up north found out the truth. They never apologized , and now that we moved away she calls , but my limited verbally engaged husband always takes the calls.
Funny thing , he tells me to keep quiet too to avoid making enemies.
I became a nurse for higher ideals than just a paycheck and more recently an employee at the motor vehicle building thanked me profusely adding that she ( in her forties) was just diagnosed with heart disease that she did not know was from the shot or the HRTs she took.
READ the "Women's Long Term Health Initiative Study" which was long term clinical trials on the these hormones to see if they were really beneficial against heart disease , strokes and cancers.
The trials had to be terminated early because the participants were actually experiencing MORE of these symptoms than less.
Thanks but no flashes and discomfort do not equate with the risks for me.
Please allow me to add that my neighbors seemed to look much older when we saw them when they came back from up north, so much so, that even my husband commented about it.
The Federation of State Medical boards in EUless Texas was established in 1912 and is a private corporation of unknown funding. Speculation is that the Rockefellers established it for complete control of medical education and drugs. There is an international version at the same address and it is likely that they are responsible for damning of ivermectin and Hydroxy globally. The terror campaign and the medical procedures were identical globally. Look at OPERATION LOCK STEP 2010 Rockefellers. BTW, the UN is a big part of this and the UN is built on Rockefeller land. Event 201 was bankrolled by Gates and Johns Hopkins which is basically run by the Rockefellers. I could go on but......................
Agree, and also of interest as far as starting wars , the CIA and CFR (Rockefellers) play a major role in getting the USA into wars. Most wars are engineered.
Karl Marx was funded by New York "progressives" in the 1800s to come up with a Manifesto. It is all dirty.
Are they fighting to get their licenses back?
Most states are short doctors.
This nurse is very smart. She is correct. Unfortunately Covid gave 1) huge control to certain people and the medical profession(I am a retired physician) an opportunity to make a lot of money. The doctors in elevated administrative positions made fortunes as 'consultants', while even lowly practitioners were able to get some crumbs off the table.
Integrity is so refreshing.
A chap I know in my local pub aged 73 was in hospital recently for quite a few weeks. He was diagnosed with Heart failure and the need for blood thinners to prevent blood clotting. He's had 3 jabs. I spoke with him two days ago and said it was caused by the vaccine, clearly he's a normie and didn't know. Whilst I was speaking to him before walking off and sitting down an old lady about late 70's early 80's was listening to what I was saying, she was in such disbelief that she got up and spoke to a slightly younger chap on the next table and although I couldn't hear the words exchanged, she was pointing with her thumb in my direction and he started smirking and laughing. I'm hearing people saying that the masses are waking up? - I don't think so. Dr Makis I would hope would correct me if I'm wrong here but as far as I know heart failure has a life expectancy of around 5 years give or take?
Only a strong psychologically mature person could withstand such pressure AND you have to think outside the box.
I would like to add the electronic medical system she refers to EPIC did exactly what she said, red letters flashing the vaccinations status on the front of the patients chart during the past few years. However, a few months ago, everything suddenly disappeared. Any mention of the Covid vaccination status is gone (no where to be found anywhere on the record).
The only way to cross reference is to ask the patient, "did you take the injection?"...
Nothing to see here 🤔
It is not possible to type a decent, comprehensive note with EHRs. Doctors dreaded being told they had to type the history and physical and other stuff . What would lawyers do if they had to type their lengthy discussions with clients?
Yep, most of the MD notes appear standardized (minus details). The immunization section of the medical record is under a separate tab from the "notes" listed with the labs.
God bless you for doing the right ethical thing.
Fauci, Gates & NIH "The Case For Killing Granny" "Death Panels" was "Covid Protocol"? US Hospitals Made $1Trillion off Body Snatching & Body Parts w/ Covid Protocol Covid Protocol NG191 - Great Culling Has Begun w/ Remdesivir, Midazolam & Opiods KAISER & HOPKINS: 60% VAXXED DIE, 90% FULLY VAXXED, 40% UNVAXXED DIE BY COVID PROTOCOL Money & Murder in Hospitals ft Covid Protocols & Plague Hoax + Cult of Medics Convid was mass-murder by hospice-tal staff & big-pharma ft the Covid-Protocol
She mentioned being homeschooled. In my experience also, public school is great at teaching two things: group think and compliance.
Yes brain washing works better when neuroplasticity is at its highest...get them young
before self wisdom has a chance to question.
wow.... nurse basically says KP is deliberately murdering patients for money and hiding the evidence in their database.
Fantastic nurse.