You hit the nail on the head! That’s exactly what they’re doing. I can say that folks here in Canada along with Australia and the rest of the world are watching these “chess moves” and saying, “No. We will not comply!” Great analogy. Small steps are a powerful message to the parasite “elites” that think they can enslave us. Keep up the good fight.

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You ready to pay the price you may have to pay for resisting Agnese? -- for example, I've decided if I'm consigned to a "quarantine camp" I shall walk out the front gate, and the god-damned guards can shoot me in the back.

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Well, it is something I regularly consider. It’s best to prepare for the “what if” scenarios, in particular what is my red line? Before I was fired for refusing the jab, I said that they will have to hold a gun to my head and shoot, but I will not participate in this gene therapy experiment. If I don’t have bodily autonomy, then I am not free and some things are worst than death. Of course, I can speak with courage, but if put to the test, I don’t know for sure how I will react - for example, concentration camp scenario. I pray for strength every day.

I refuse to live in fear!

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That's so inspiring. Same here, I want nothing of theirs. But really we need to stop funding them hey.

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Yes.... they are ramping up in the Republic of Canada.... PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, repost this and share....this is beyond words....I actually teared up when watching this.... Canadians outraged after Rebel News reporter arrested while asking Deputy PM Freeland questions https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/canadians-outraged-after-rebel-news-reporter-arrested-while-asking-deputy-pm-freeland-questions

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I re-watched Rebel News Reporter Mr. David Menzies scrum Deputy MP Christia Freeland by slowing down the vid frames. I watched as David Menzies moved out (from the roadside curb) to ask Freeland ?s on a public sidewalk, without in any way touching, or blocking her advancing progress down the centre of the sidewalk. Both Freeland & her personal body guard continued to enjoy FULL freedom of movement. Freeland's thickened thighs might be the reasoning for her hips "provocatively" sashaying, while her personal bodyguard torso did not impinge upon her forward movement. When Freeland lowered her face grinning into her hand. I expect out of recognition that trap had been set & sprung for Mr. David Menzies. The personal bodyguard picked up her pace moving in front of both Freeland & Rebel News Reporter & to the left of the pillar, curb side. At this point the obstruction of the pillar/post, revealed a not fully hidden, large, both broad and tall man behind it with his right arm outstretched, hand spread out - as if to catch David Menzies. Quickly stepping forward in a single movement, the unknown assailant roughly achieved physical contact. Coarsely grabbing David De Menzoid Menzies, lifelong pacifist, and Rebel News longtime gentleman Reporter by the lapels, firmly controlling David within his fists, while loudly proclaiming that Mr. David Menzies had assaulted him by ramming into him & David was thereby "under arrest". Rebel News reporter was assaulted in a predetermined, well choreographed set-up by an unknown assailant! Apparently with Deputy MP Christia Freeland knowledge.

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"The Woke Democratic Socialist Non-White People's Republic of Canuckistan" surely? 🤔

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I appreciate this and you, Capt! 😘

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Thank you so much... I may wind up like Gonzalo Lira, in fact, probably WILL wind up like Gonzalo Lira.. but I suspect... so will all of us... 😱 🕳

💣 https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com/p/gonzalo-lira-murdered

💣 https://www.helsinkitimes.fi/world-int/24744-the-tragic-end-of-gonzalo-lira-a-voice-silenced-in-ukraine.html

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You will not!!! As more people wake up, their cover is exposed.....keep educating...we NEED you..... they want an uneducated public...that is their end game..... MURDERING YOURSELF - HOW THEY TRICK YOU TO DO IT


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I will not enter a quarantine camp, I will do or die right there if they ever come to arrest me at my home!

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I wouldn't make it to the camp because I'll get at least one of them first.

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Sounds good.. Sounds brave... 🤔

Trouble is, I was "out'n'about" this morning in lovely Victoria, British Columbia; were this province a state, it would be Navy Blue.. a good 10% - 15% of the people around me, wearing masks, like the good little obediant, zombified morons they are. Meanwhile last night I read Mike Yeadon's post on the WHO Pandemic Treaty “I Do Not Believe That Global Pandemics of Acute Respiratory Illnesses Are Immunologically Possible...” (https://captroyharkness.substack.com/cp/140505615); also James Roguski's “The WHO deadline is less than three weeks away” (https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/the-who-deadline-is-less-than-three),

and with some difficulty I was actually able to track down a text of the proposed treaty: (https://expose-news.com/2023/05/30/who-releases-draft-pandemic-treaty/).

I’ve gathered but I’ve not properly studied -- that’s going to change in a hurry -- the reality of this “treaty” is that for all countries that sign, complete authority and power over all aspects of medicine and health care will be turned over to the World Health Organization who will have the absolute power to declare a "pandemic" at any time, to censor all information and to forcibly inject anyone with whatever noxious potion they happen to have on hand...😱

It ain’t over folks, till the fat lady sings! 💩

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Hang in there. I took the subway to downtown Toronto last week, and barely anyone was wearing masks. With the exception of a few soy flakes with man buns😆.

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What the hell is a "man bun"? 🤯 Do I want to know?

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😂😂😂 It’s those long-haired dudes that wear their hair in a bun! They’re also typically characterized by their vegan, “sustainable” lifestyle & complete lack of muscle mass. 😆

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LOL..I concur with ur concise description. Sadly vegans do not realize they are depriving their brains of vital nutrients. They are the "prey" and not the "hunter".

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I am a nutritionist and I have seen this coming for decades. All government health organizations are promoting vegan (plant based) diets.

They know that these diets are unhealthy and create a sickly, weak population that have difficulty thinking. And that's exactly what they want because people like that are far easier to control.

And… You don't even have to go hard-core vegan to start seeing the damaging effects. All a person has to do is cut their animal proteins and replace them with poor quality plant proteins, and the effects become apparent in a short time, even if they are still consuming animal products a couple or a few times a week.

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I don’t agree...I’m very ’awake ’,went to at least ten demonstrations in Brussels/Belgium (so hours of walking),refused the jabs,I am still able to read and understand books in English and French although I live in Flanders and I am Dutch speaking ,so I think my brain is still ok ;) my less awake friends who do eat meat and took the jabs are doing less good.Two became diabetic,three suffer of severe cancer,two needed heartsurgery,three others got a kind of dementia,a young collegue got cancer too.And last but not least...still a vegetarian since almost 35 years.Staying strong is the mind and not the meat.Stay strong Australians,Canadians and everyone else but do not judge a person because of not eating meat.

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In the immortal words of yesteryear: "Get a haircut!"

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A 'man' with his hair wrapped in a bun at the back or on the top of his head. The new 'granola' look Capt. Roy.

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Dear Toronto.. How I miss it..😥 It was my adopted hometown for 18 years... had to leave it after the divorce though; I now live about as far away from my ex as I can get, without leaving the country.

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Thank you, Capt. Roy, for your creative use of language. I look at the masked zombies and basically "freeze them out of my space." But you come up with the proper words: "the people around me, wearing masks, like the good little obedient, zombified morons they are." 😅

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You're welcome to adopt it and use it! 😘

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Interesting that in Richmond, BC where it was almost universal masking before, I'm not seeing nearly as many this winter despite the constant doomsday pronunciations of our overlords. Gives me hope that more people are seeing what's happened.

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I donno, maybe Richmond has less inbreeding than Victoria? I've lived here over 18 years now since moving from Toronto when my marriage disintegrated, and I have to say, I'm profoundly unimpressed with the place.

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Richmond is almost completely Asian and they jumped into the masking immediately and carried on long after most areas stopped. That's why I'm surprised to see so many bare faces. I understand your unhappiness with Victoria. I moved here 5 years ago knowing I'd never fit in politically. Just wanted a milder climate and Canada has no other options for that. ;) The culture here is pretty much Northern Seattle so I'm definitely not making friends or influencing anyone. Haven't decided if I'll stay. It's definitely not welcoming!

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Have to say, the main lure was it's as far away from my ex-wife as I can get, without leaving the country! Mom and Dad invited me to come out here after the divorce to start fresh.. Arrived just in time for them to fall to pieces from old age.. 🙄😥

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Difficult watching that.

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You're telling me?

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good advice. Its time to take on climate change tyranny and the fraudulent demonization of carbon including by the Alberta government.

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The joke about climate change and Australia, is we area massive continent with many forests and trees, we were and are carbon neutral. Looking at Canadian landscapes I’m guessing you’re the same- it’s one big ponzy scheme.

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In Canada the evil cabal were burning down the forests to push the demonic agenda.

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Oh, so when that province lit 🔥 up like a birthday cake, but there were no clouds/lightening strikes in the area it was done on purpose by some evil mankind?! I wonder how many other Canadians spotted the problem? We used to be known for our critical thinking intelligence… so sad 😞

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Their climate alarmism serves only one purpose. To, in their minds, get the publics acceptance of more and more draconian controls.

There is no climate emergency, that's the reality.

But driving the fear of this lie, is crucial for them. Exactly as they did with Covid.

During the Second World War, here in England, despite the real danger to our lives and threat of invasion, the governments message to it's people, was "Keep Calm and Carry On".

From 2020 onwards, the government's messages have tried to make us fearful in the extreme.

I know which of these governments has our best interests at it's heart, and which one doesn't. Don't you ?

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It’s not only about control, it’s about stripping out the middle class and making it us and them . The people who wish to have one world under socialism and return us to feudal times. Next comes starvation and shortages of food. In Australia our Trotsky loving pm has a climate minister who needs a good psych assessment. Our govt won’t consider anything but wind and solar, they demonise oil and gas our biggest income source, refuse to consider nuclear and are blowing up coal fired power stations.power prices are the highest in the world and about to go higher. As for food shortages, they have cut water supplies to farmers, covering massive amounts of fertile farming country with solar farms and windmills. They are also putting extra taxes on transport and truckies. As a result supermarket prices are outrageous. And of course the pandemic helped all of this along. All the wars pandemics disruption to trade etc are all interlinked to the grand plan. As for the activists climate change is the new religion. After all they bestowed a doctorate of theology on Greta Thundberg.

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Well-written and correct summary.

And you could have been talking about Canada’s PM and his environment minister, a former convict and current environmental ‘terrorist’ with the way he tries to force crap on us.

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Not surprising when Klaus Scwabb brags he “owns half the Trudeau cabinet. I Lmao when his government gave a standing applause to a Ukrainian Nazi war hero. Obviously history was removed fro the curriculum there, as it has been here

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Yes, indeed.

A quick search on Chrystia Freeland, Deputy PM turns up her grandfather’s military involvement w the Nazi’s. The Trudeau government also favours the Muslim Brotherhood, now there’s a lovely bunch.

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You forgot to mention the overspending to intentionally collapse the fiat currencies in the Western nations, the ground work for a so-called saviour in the form of CBDC's and digital IDs. Their plan all along. This digital enslavement is what we must fight to stop.

I'm hearing the use of physical cash is on the increase. The booster take up is at a record low. The more and more we the people 'do not comply', the harder it is for 'the powers that shouldn't be' to have the total control over us they so crave.

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Good point Derek. What tipped me early on was the fear mongering. It was so obvious to me that Scaring is NOT Caring, under any situation.

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Anyone who speaks of "climate change" needs to also speak of geoengineering. But they don't. We need to remind them to.

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Even in the United States, the only "pollution" is in big cities, not the vast rural areas.

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The fact that he even has to say "this is not about racism" is evidence of the sliminess and absurdity of the media's and states' tyrannical psy-op tactics.

Pearl Harbor kicked off war in the Pacific, complete with all the face-to-face, hand-to-hand brutality that played out in island battles. Citizens lined up with their governments to defeat their enemies. In the generations since, we in the West have largely grown accustomed to relative wealth, comfort, and governments that demand a near-monopoly on policing and defense of our physical well-being. Now it is the states themselves that have initiated the attack on their own, and it is an attack that is cumulatively on a scale of billions, rather than hundreds or thousands in the case of Pearl Harbor. Do we have the stomachs to deal with this?

We need optimism, but also to be honest with ourselves about whether we're whistling past the graveyard. I hope I live long enough to see the stunned looks on the faces of the authors of this evil, who'll wonder where all our human compassion went when their betrayal and democide are exposed to the majorities heretofore cowed or asleep.

I don't think it's an overstatement to say we're living through the greatest set of crimes in human history, touching billions, and that this is perhaps the single greatest watershed moment in recorded human history. It is my hope and intention to die a free man.

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There are many who believe Pearl Harbor was also a psy-op. FDR was so eager to enter the war that he made sure all the diplomatic ducks were in a row to spawn the attack.

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Nice find, Dr Makis! - gave me goosebumps to visualize ALL of us everywhere, by NOT COMPLYING, creating the energy field that protects us from more of their evil.

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Here’s the problem. The Prime Minister said before The Voice referendum that should a NO vote transpire he would push the states to accept what would have been delivered via The Voice/Treaty/Truth. And this is what the premiers are now trying to implement. To understand The Voice and similar moves of the oligarchs to control natural resources for The Fourth Industrial Revolution read MONEYCIRCUS on Substack.

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Apparently the plan was to give “land rights” to the entire country, they already have 40% and when that was accomplished we would be the first country owned by the UN

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It was at least a fairly good show of hands to get a 60% NO vote but it does clearly prove how simple minded many of us are. A YES vote was a feel good move only because even a modicum of critical thinking would show that the aboriginal bodies set up to help them are many and if they’re not doing a good enough job then all that was needed was reform of those same bodies, not another layer of undemocratic bureaucracy. If the Yes vote got up then the aboriginal sovereign rites of Native Title could be superseded by constitutional rites thereby laying their voice mute. Just like ours. So now, instead of a treaty coming through the front door via a referendum it gets shoved through the back door via the states.

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I was watching Sky during the lead up to the vote, and although there are around 300 aboriginals in Ceduna, there are supposedly 70 government funded organ active in thee area, and they still rate highly in crime statistics. Then there was the aboriginal health organisation, that did research into why aboriginals suffered from diabetes and kidney failure- their conclusion was that truth treaty and compensation would fix it. They get $600 million a year in grants. Forty billion a year, I think we are already paying the rent.

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Well said!!!

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SEE THE SITE > https://twitter.com/BarefacedLIARS/status/1743874424095617032



SEND THIS VIRAL https://twitter.com/BarefacedLIARS/status/1743874424095617032

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The video from Mike Yeadon is informative, factual, intelligent… can you send it directly to Dr. Makis so that he can see it - more people need to see this. 🙌 🤔

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Learn Lawful Law , reject ADMIRAL MARITIME LAW , Lawful old way of saying it Common law , we have unleanable rights and freedoms from our creator YAHUAH [FACT] This THEY Know and is why they want Him out of the picture Eg. Taxes are Voluntary Learn how to 0-File STOP Feeding the Beast , look at your birth certificate notice it is in all CAPs , that's because they created a CORPORATE Fictional entity or caractor from our birth with out our consent [FACT] the only thing that can be in CAPITAL Letters is a CORPORATION this is DOG LATIN we are not CORPORATIONS we are live man/woman created with unlienable rights and freedoms this is why they did this Research cest ca via trust 1666 [ excuse spelling] then learn how to separate you as the live man/woman from there CORPORATE Caractor [STRAW MAN] You are not a PERSON learn the lingo refer to the Blacks Law Dictionary all words have different meanings [FACT] , The saying Truth will set you Free Here you go get off your lazy ass and start learning this and make a difference , this is how you fight them by not Consenting to there PHONY SYSTEM [FACT]. YAHUAH Bless , have a great day and pray . wake E wake E wake E...............................................................................

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Love the chess rant - thoughtful and positive!

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A fine commentary and reasonable analysis. We're knowingly or otherwise playing for time. The globalists are aiming with absolute intent at the 2030 finishing tape. That date was declared in 2015, and even ordained by the treacherous Pope as he opened the 70th UN General Assembly in September of that year. So, we all know where the finishing tape lies. Meanwhile, an increasing number of socially narcosed are slowly awakening. As the race toward the 2030 finishing tape gathers greater momentum, it will be a terrible and closely run dash to the finish, but I believe we will win.

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Hans-Herman Hoppe said it best in 2010 - “......the State is: an institution run by gangs of murderers, plunderers and thieves, surrounded by willing executioners, propagandists, sycophants, crooks, liars, clowns, charlatans, dupes and useful idiots–an institution that dirties and taints everything it touches.”

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Very appropriately articulated! Remember when we were briefly told that our pets might need to be culled because they could have CONvid-1984? Once the fear subsided, then I think many started to question some aspect of the narrative. Like how does the plexiglass protect you?

I am guessing that the next false flag (or false flags) will have to do with getting our guns away from us in the US. Once we are unarmed we are easy prey. Get your guns back in Australia and the UK. And the globalist puppets that are helping need to be deprogrammed. Money isn't everything and won't save your eternal soul. God help us all.

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Good...glad the Aussies are saying 🖕🏼You!

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Fucking A

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You know most of the world has no idea what The Voice is? Without way more context, we have no idea what you're talking about. I know it refers to the Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum just conducted in Australia, but after watching this still don't know the relevance to CoViD-19 gov't misinformation.

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