'They Lost Their Smiles': A Mother of Triplets' Heartbreaking Story All three of Brenda McDowell's triplets, she attests, 'shut down' within hours of each other after receiving their routine pneumococcal vaccines — later to be diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
I truly believe the harms that come from medical treatments we don't need outweigh the perceived benefits. Emergency intervention to save a life in that life or death moment is perhaps a blessing unless you see the system for its Munchausen by proxy based inner workings. Total FDIA...First they poison you so they can then come to your rescue either to return you to their twisted evil money making system or offer MAiD when you've had enough of their abuse! All the while gaslighting people and handing out psychiatric diagnosis to those who question this insanity?!?! And down the rabbit hole I go .....
Dr. Judy Mikovits has the cure for autism that is caused by these horrific childhood vaccines and it’s cold seranim. I might have spelling slightly wrong. I highly advise anyone with a vaccine damaged child to contact us Dr. Judy Mikovits. I believe she’s located in California but she can be reached on the phone and through email. She has helped many families undo the harm that has been caused by these poison shots because all the vaccines are poison it doesn’t matter which one it is! Don’t give your child another single vaccine! Don’t forget God put everything on this earth for us to keep our bodies healthy and none of it is a vaccine! You do not ever inject anything into your body God didn’t make it that way! Natural path is the only doctors that anyone should ever go to all the others that are trained by the American medical association need to be kicked to the curb and their practice is closed because they’re nothing more than a bunch of drug pushers getting the huge kickbacks off of the toxic drugs that they prescribe to their patients to just manage a disease and to make it worse and give them a new disease! This is the big Pharma business model keep your customer sick so you always have someone coming back and spending more money on your service ! Doctors today are only trained to put in symptoms into a computer and then the computer program spits out what the diagnosis is and what drugs this person needs to be taking! My heart Doctor Who did a Kath on me and found out that my veins were the cleanest things he’s ever seen in anyone my age which I was 62 at the time With no I repeat no plaque build up in them! But he still gave me a prescription for a cholesterol lowering drug! I said why on earth do I need to take this if my veins are completely clear and his stupid explanation and it was such a bad sales job I really wanted to call him out on that and I kind of did , Was he said that “well this drug will help whatever little bit of cholesterol is in your veins to stick together so that it doesn’t cause a clot!“ First of all anything sticking together in your veins is eventually going to let loose and create a clot! Second, I actually did research on these cholesterol drugs and found out that they eliminate the necessary cholesterol your body needs to function properly. Cholesterol is the covering over your brain and covers other things in your body it is a necessary part of your body. When you take these horrible drugs they stop the production of the cholesterol in your body and then people start to get dementia and other neurological disorders all because they were taking one of these drugs! The entire medical establishment is going to be torn down completely and replaced with modern technology which uses frequency and crystal vibrations to heal the body instantaneously. No more injections of any kind, no more pills of poison drugs. Everything‘s changing for the better and everything is being exposed now all the evil that’s been taking place in our world since we’ve been born it’s finally being exposed to the masses. These doctors who created this harm especially those who pushed this poison Covid shot, will not be able to walk down the street for they will be torn limb from limb by the people they have harmed and rightly so! I warned all my doctors three years ago and I was seeing three different ones at the time, that these Covid shots were poison and they were designed to Siccin and kill you and they all laughed at me course and they thought I was nuts of course because they did zero and I mean zero research on any of this they were so smug in their responses most of them . Well proximately nine months after I warned my GP I called the office I needed to go in to see her for a head injury from a fall, and I found out that she no longer worked there. And upon probing Y as this was a huge practice, max health which I believe is nationwide, I found out it was going to take six weeks before anyone could see me I said why on earth is it taking so long and I was told that 50% of the office no longer worked there and they were backlogged . I found out that my doctor was dead at 43 years old with young children all because of the Covid shot I had desperately warned her about! She was actually a really good caring doctor unlike so many of them who are in it just for the money . When I went to the office they were all still wearing masks so if you’re medical professional and you’re requiring your office personnel to wear masks that don’t work but just make them sick and make your patient wear masks you are an ignorant idiot jerk and deserve to have your medical license polled away from you so you can no longer harm anyone else . There’s many many studies out there showing that masks caused things like bacterial pneumonia strep infection all over your face and on and on! These masks are all about control and compliance to the government that has the boot on the back of your neck taking your freedoms away bit by bit and most of us sit around and except it what a bunch of idiots we have all become! It’s time for all of us to wipe the sleep out of our eyes and to finally see the truth behind this fake medical Association they’ve been pushing to us our whole lives and ruining so many lives including the small children who were just totally innocent . The deep state Cabal which is the Khazarian Mafia, Controls the world and all the worlds governments, and they have always been poisoning us one way or another to reduce the population. They purposely sterilize men and women without their knowledge through the injections and drugs that they give them. They also poison our food in many of the synthetic clothes that you wear or nanotechnology that are able to penetrate your skin and interface with the cells inside your body turning you into a human antenna that is controlled by the 5G tower frequencies. This is what the Covid shot was all about! We are slaves and they want us to be ZOMBIFIED slaves so we will not fight back and we will do whatever they want us to! It’s time to wake up it’s time to stop this carnage and never have any more children harmed .
The cure is not expensive at all. Contact Dr. Judy read her research she tells you how are you can get this because it’s apparently not easily found. The children who have autism it’s like the modern day lobotomy chemical lobotomy. Their brains are filled with heavy metals aluminum more than likely goes into the frontal lobe and they become like little vegetables. There’s other poisons that they inject as well but this is a great way to start nice but also start giving these children ivermectin every freaking day and I would give them a higher dose than recommended at least a double dose because this is going to help them as well . They’ve been poisoned with nano technology they probably have graphene oxide in them as well and ivermectin helps eradicate these from the body as well as all the parasites they’ve been jacked it into these children through their shot!
Indeed they are. Fortunately for us, the very best personalised medicine on the planet costs nothing, is always available and can never be banned. Unfortunately for us, the programming from birth allows few to have open enough minds to try it.
I refer, of course, to urine therapy. When combined with a long-term fast it has cured those that tried it from the most serious, and even deadly, conditions. From gangerene to leprosy to heart disease to cancer. Too many people have cured too many diseases to ignore it. Bit more info, and downloads of books/testimonials can be found here:
They mean to totally sterilize all people who are not part of the tribe and take the entire planet for themselves, this is a military attack. They are not so stupid as to have created a bioweapon that will sterilize their own. After just a couple of COVID jabs, the US military were tested, and a vast number of medical problems resulting from the jabs were noted, including that 2% of all personnel had already by then newly been made permanently sterile for life by just the few jabs they had already been given in the very first part of the COVID jab program.
In the UK, the entirely sinister and treacherous WEF member agent PM Rishi Sunak who has big personal financial ties to Israel involving him having hired an 'ex'-leading member of the Israeli 8200 military intelligence unit to run his own 18.55 billion US dollar IT Infosys company involving 'cloud-first AI-first', has insanely and malevolently stated that every person in the UK will need to take 4 COVID jabs a year for life. It is clear he means to sterilize just about everyone in the UK.
You can work it out even from that, that Gentile military families (people who are familiar with weapons) are all actually intended to die out by one means or another to facilitate the mass purge of Gentile humanity and actual theft of the entire planet by mass murder that is right now being committed by the tribe themselves under the utterly ridiculous false excuse of 'reducing the population to save the world'.
Even many of the otherwise seemingly brainiest and educated people can be heard to mindlessly repeat the purposely-inculcated mass suicidal mantra that has been slyly slipped into their minds over many years with considerable malice by Jewish-controlled mass media, reducing the victims to become as if in a state of constant walking hypnosis like in the James Bond film 'On Her Majesty's Secret Service': "But we are overpopulated, we do need to reduce the population".
The greater mass of the people have been made as daft as a brush in reality, they have now effectively been made willing to subscribe to being mass-suicided without the slightest second thought or any feeling that any second thought might even be necessary, some 'entity' or lower dimensional hive mind has already decided the issue for them very clearly after surreptitiously and unsuspectedly having taken control of part of the minds of the intended victims, and the false conclusion that has been provided to them by the enemy is felt by the victims to be totally inescapable perfect common sense based on the 'evidence' that those who really control the mass media with actual military intent have repeatedly put into their minds over the years, and that is the result of the lethally dark art of Jewish communist mind control.
Thousands of malevolent communist 'influencers' on the internet working for the you-know who's like the 110,000 internet army hired by Leninist WEF leader Klaus Schwab and the 2 million more that Chabad Lubavitcher devotee Bill Gates says he will be using to prevent the dissemination of 'disinformation' on the internet are tirelessly working with considerable military zeal to spread the obfuscating squid ink that those responsible for bad things happening today are at the very most merely 'rich technocrats', Jesuits, 'ChiComs', ridiculously purported 'ZioNazi' 'fake-Jew' Khazarian Mafia who are really supposed to be some very naughty criminal group of Gentiles who we are told just like to dress up as Jews and pretend to be Jews for some inconceivable reason while committing all the crimes that people might otherwise think are being committed by Jews, which would be very silly indeed for any Gentile criminals to do in reality. And what possible group of Gentile criminals would all really self-organize like this and all choose the same uniform and same MO? Surely, to pretend to be a Jew if one was actually a Gentile while wishing to engage in criminal activities unsuspectedly would be like suicidally painting a big target on their own backs to draw immediate attention from the police to themselves.
Over many hundreds of years, in a great many instances even centuries before the ridiculously alleged mass conversion of Gentiles to Judaism in Khazaria in the ninth or tenth century, Jews have been expelled from cities and nations no less than 1,031 times, sometimes several times from the same place over many years, for all kinds of crimes.
There are no fake Jews in reality, and the small numbers of those Gentiles alleged to have converted to Judaism back then could never in reality have led to the vast numbers of supposed progeny existing today that constitute the numbers of the alleged fake Jew Khazarian Mafia. It is all a clever ruse and deception that was invented to enable Jews to dodge being subjected to any blame for anything and for them to continue to be able to access the halls of power to exert their entirely corrosive influence in many nations without being able to be legally blamed, as the purposely-invented and always physically inaccessible notional 'fake Jews' could always conveniently be made to take the blame .
The Bible itself has been proven to be fraudulent and also contains massive evidence of plagiarism from more ancient religions with evidence presented by a significant number of researchers such as the Reverend Robert Taylor in his 1829 book 'The Diegesis'. Even Jesus himself is fully proven never to have actually existed, just as the Gnostics themselves justifiably said over 2,000 years ago that he never existed, before the Gnostics were then ruthlessly all hunted down and very cruelly put to death by entirely politically and even financially motivated proponents of the fictional alleged 'Prince of Peace' for disclosing the evident real truth and as far as possible to prevent it from ever being disclosed again.
This demonic process of extinguishing all remaining traces of all earlier cultures created the 400 year-long dark ages, involving enforced illiteracy, ignorance and Pol Pot-style ruthless genocidal mass physical purges to wipe out all living remnants of practitioners of older religions.
This proto-Bolshevik Jewish-intitiated process, very similarly to that of the Marxist-Leninist WEF today was never really about introducing a higher spirituality to raise people up, but only intended to crush out all traces of genuine spirituality and replace it with a living nightmare, just as the Zohar says all non-Jewish souls are eternally and irredeemably non-living spiritually, that all non-Jewish souls are eternally non-Jewish and that they only come from 3 Satanic and hellish lower spheres of creation, that they only exist here in this world to be used as slaves by the Jews and that ultimately they must all be physically exterminated (WEF/Marxist-Leninist Communism) and that then later at the end of the world their souls themselves are to be sent only to hell without exception for all eternity.
Karl Marx, born into a rabbinical family, the third cousin of the banker Rothschilds and employed by them to create political communism, which is really Judaism being politically imposed over Gentiles, published these words in his political journal in 1849: "The chief mission of all other races and peoples, large and small, is to perish in the revolutionary holocaust" (in other words, communism and its purported intended world revolution in truth are nothing other with the mask off than Judaism and its thorough intention to first totally enslave all non-Jews in the entire world, then ultimately totally exterminate all non-Jews physically from the entire world without a single exception to leave no Gentile survivors, with Jews alone then in full possession of the entire world.
The constant threat within state-imposed Christianity of being burned alive in this world and of being burned alive unceasingly for all eternity in the next world if the Stasi-like network of informants were ever to detect any deviation away from the required acceptance of certain draconian teachings thus effectively imposed the hell on Gentiles especially during those years that the Jews in this world desire still even today to be kept imposed on Gentiles at all times even in this world.
Christianity no longer utterly terrifies people in the West, so the bloody and fundamentalist Islam, which is yet another Abrahamic psy-op controlled opposition religion ultimately instigated by Judaism itself is now being introduced by rabbinically-controlled Jewish political arrangement only to impose the new state of terror in the medium term that is required by present day Jewish-run Western hostile foreign power military occupation satellite governments under Israel until instigated wars, created diseases and then total imposition of Noahide Laws by actual executions in the final instance will totally wipe out all the European and other remaining whites, before all other non-Jewish races are subsequently picked off.
Both Christianity in its original most terrifying form, now the later-developed similar, and similarly-intended Islam today that still really does terrify, are really crypto-Judaic impositions devised to be able to impose terrorism on the unsuspecting goyim with a different face that cannot easily be connected directly to Judaism and the Jews themselves. This may seem unlikely to the casual reader, yet centuries ago, when just one million open Jews existed in the world, Rabbi Sabbatai Zevi instructed his followers that they should pretend to convert and then actually infiltrate and subvert other religions like Islam and Christianity for instance even after previous Jewish agents had already instigated those religions, and other rabbis have instructed similarly to Rabbi Sabbatai Zevi at different times over the centuries, in order to maintain a significant political presence within their controlled opposition movements and actually carry out a constant debilitating military attack against all the Gentiles they can while appearing to be members of Gentile communities.
British Jews in the late 1700's sent a crypto-Jewish agent to what is now the Saudi Arabian region of today and he was responsible for the creation of the Wahhabi sect of Islam today, just as Al Qaeda and the Taliban are similarly ultimately the creation of American Jewish politicians, and in the early 1900's , British Jewish politicians imposed a crypto-Jewish fake Muslim royal family over Saudi Arabia whose descendants still rule there today. Interestingly, a little known fact is that some Bedouin tribes riding on camels in the desert areas are not actually Muslims as one might automatically expect, but are actually Jewish tribal members.
50% of all open Jews then existing just at the time of Rabbi Sabbatai Zevi obeyed his instructions and pretended to convert to Islam and Christianity for instance, not really converting to genuinely assimilate within those communities, but only to gain the confidence of the Gentiles to enable these crypto-Jews to infiltrate, subvert, and bring about chaos and instigate war, to become politicians, doctors, and pharmacists among the goyim to create and give out poisons deceptively posed as medicines (like the COVID jabs and remdesivir today, marketed by the Israeli Gilead pharmaceutival company), posing as supposedly Christian politicians like the erstwhile UK PM Boris Johnson does, when such provably actual Jewish politicians inflict mass chaos among the Gentiles and carry out Jewish plans to give out poison fake COVID vaccines to Gentiles that actually cause COVID themselves, and such criminal terrorist imposters instigate and prolong actually unneccessary wars.
Vast percentages of Jews were documented as doctors working in various cities in Germany for instance before WWII. The mind-blowing book 'Witness To History' by Mike Walsh gives many precise figures.
In Jewish law, a Jew cannot heal a Gentile, a Jew must not save the life of any Gentile whose life is in danger, except if by avoiding doing so, the actual hatred that Jews feel towards Gentiles might become suspected (we must ask why would any single Jew at all choose to work as a doctor in any Gentile nation when this is so).
Centuries ago, rabbis instructed Jewish doctors who were then openly Jews to go to Gentile lands and kill every tenth Christian patient. And when Jews got discovered doing this and banned from certain places, rabbis then instructed them to start to pose as Christians and then go back in and start doing the same thing again. As the Talmud states, "Even the best of Gentiles should be killed". The most recent edition of the Talmud has cleverly had this verse removed so that this verse will now only be passed on to Jews by rabbis orally, after Gentiles had been found to be able to get hold of copies of the original Talmud.
A Jew is instructed by Jewish law that they can deliberately harm a Gentile with what are to be deceptively-termed 'experimental' medicines, which is precisely why the Jewish inventors of the COVID bioweapon jabs have ritually termed them 'experimental' vaccines in conformity with this instruction.
The Gnostics could be justifiably certain of how the name of their Chrest had been stolen and hijacked and the nature of Chrest then heavily perverted by those who invented the demonic Christian religion. The name of their own spiritual principality Chrest differed only slightly from the manipulated name Christ, but Chrest was never understood by them to have ever been physically incarnated or intended ever to physically incarnate, and their Chrest bore no similarity to the barbaric and mindlessly sadistic teaching of Christ in the Bible.
Christ was a name which the Jewish Piso family creators of the Christian link religion had stolen from the Gnostics and changed slightly to Christ before proposing a new religion associated with their Christ to Emperor Constantine for all nations of the Roman Empire to replace their previous differing religions.
Emperor Constantine was actually craftily provided with a Trojan Horse weapon by the Jews in any case, perhaps unknowingly or perhaps knowingly. Perhaps, he himself rather than just the Jew themselves also so the potential and intended to harness the newly-created Christian religion to mercilessly subjugate his own empire subjects in any case who consisted largely of peoples of various nations foreign to his own original people, or perhaps he was merely being played, as the Jews who designed it for him would doubtlessly really wish to have vengeance on Rome for having earlier tried to suppress Judaism, and certainly the insane family-destroying Marxist-type teachings of the Bible served the Jews themselves well to weaken societies in nations that they themselves really intended to physically take over to use their inhabitants only as slaves.
All the vast libraries of books of the Gnostics were then destroyed by the vindictive 'Christians' whose political overseers in truth were no more than members then of a proto-Bolshevik dictatorship Stasi. These books of the Gnostics contained ancient religious and spiritual knowledge from around the world that very ancient Gnostic groups had been collecting for several thousand years beforehand as fully demonstrated in the brilliant post-PhD level research on ancient religion presented in the revised edition of the book by DM Murdoch, 'The Christ Conspiracy, The Greatest Story Ever Sold'.
The fictional character Rabbi Jesus (Yeshua) in the controlled opposition Jewish psy-op Bible talks of 'fake Jews' also, of "those who say they are Jews but are not", this first use of the very same ploy was a proto-Bolshevik political tool of disinformation to enable Jews even then to be very slippery and to be able to dodge any accusation as a group.
The WEF is actually a Jewish-based criminal terrorist Israeli government front organization that is deliberately presented to be not 'Jewish' but comprised of people of all different races, religions, nationalities, backgrounds and diverse interests.
Rishi Sunak, WEF member and UK PM for instance, who is a great supporter of the lethally-intended COVID bioweapon program that is provably of Israeli Jewish origin cannot possibly truly be a genuine Hindu and is seriously most likely a treacherous crypto-Jew himself when you consider what the fate of all the over one billion Hindus in the entire world will certainly be as 'idolaters' under the Jewish-intended worldwide NWO Noahide Laws, as all Hindus will surely then be executed by one means or another.
Such mass killings of 'idolatrous' Gentiles, some 6 billion in all just for the ridiculously alleged crime of 'idolatry' will not necessarily just be by armies of NATO nations controlled by Israel as Rabbi Yisreal Ariel says they will be. Likely to continue to be used are measures that in reality already are being used such as arranged wars, sly means of sterilization such as deliberately-placed toxins in the environment, fluoride and chlorine (and aluminium sulphate to cause dementia) in water, poison GM mRNA-containing fake foods, artificially produced disease-causing agents, and poison mRNA 'vaccinations' for all kinds of diseases.
The Jewish Bolsheviks used to give poison 'medicines' to the Christian inmates of the Gulags as an additional nasty torture. Joseph Stalin, actually a Bukharian Jew as evidenced by several photographs on my Substack site, despite all the heavily deceptive propaganda endlessly repeated about him in false history books about him being an 'antisemite' Georgian Gentile, continued to have Christians killed throughout the Soviet Union right through WWII even right up till 1953 when he died after having them executed as 'antisemites', that being a mandatory death penalty offence throughout the Soviet Union after Stalin created the law himself, saying that the reason for the law was because Judaism is both fundamental and essential to the communist (intended worldwide) 'revolution'. That is what the 'Allied' (enemy) leaders of the US and UK considered as their fellow ally in WWII, but of course all three of them were really Jews, including Churchill whose mother named Jerome was a New York Jewess.
The entirely similar WHO now says that in the course of their lifetimes, every individual on this planet (except the tribe of course) will be expected to receive no less than 500 mRNA jabs ostensibly provided to 'prevent' all kinds of diseases, some of them surely artificial diseases, and no doubt, such a vast amount of mRNA jabs will intendedly be aimed at the very least at permanently sterilizing every single last Gentile once and for all on this entire planet.
Nor can King Charles who is also a major WEF member really be a genuine Christian, he was circumcised by the chief rabbinical mohul of all of England as a child, his family are heavily intermarried with Jews and heavily associated with Jews, Prince Harry's wife Meghan Markle as the name suggests is a black Jewess, Kate Middleton, the wife of the sallow-skinned Jewish-nosed very semitic-looking Prince Edward is also a Jew, all the children of Kate Middleton are thus actually full Jews, they have all received rabbinical Torah scrolls from rabbis, and Prince Andrew has been heavily involved on extremely intimate levels with Jewish sex criminal Jeffrey Epstein.
And King Charles has been involved on extremely intimate levels with the crypto-Jewish, and Jewish-named sex criminal Jimmy Savile, who once stated that as a 'Catholic' he was more Jewish than most Jews. King Charles is now officially the Governor General Of The Church of England, but is most likely actually a crypto-Jew himself.
The Jewish Noahide Laws state that all idolaters and other Gentiles designated to be executed under other Noahide Laws to suffer mandatory death penalties are to be killed when the Noahide Laws, which are really the WEF program to kill 7.5 billion, are fully effected. The Jews now feel powerful enough even for rabbis in videos not only to state on videos that all Gentiles in the entire world are to be killed with no survivors, but also to publicly demand that Gentiles should literally worship every Jew rather than just worshipping one Jew Jesus Christ, and that is very cheeky of the Jews indeed when other rabbis say all these Gentiles are then to be executed under Noahide Law.
Increasingly Stalinist laws against 'anti-semitism' prevent the criticism of the Jews in more and more nations.
Even 'the saviour of the people' Trump was voted by Israel whilst he was POTUS as the most pro-Noahide Law POTUS ever, and in a televised speech, Trump addressed a mindlessly cheering huge crowd of obviously brain-damaged and mind-wiped zombies saying to them that 'anti-semites' "must pay the ultimate price" even in the US itself, obviously threatening death to any such individuals in the US and death to the entire peoples of certain other 'anti-semitic nations' adding "We know who you are. We will be coming for you". In other words Jews will be sending mind-wiped robotically-programmed American goy slave soldiers to murder and die on the behalf of the Jews as usual, and as usual drag the dumb slave goy peoples of other Jewish-controlled nations along with them to do just the same in coalition armed forces comprised of violently murderous thugs and robbers with no genuine conscience.
Orange man Trump is really quite the psychotic Stalin.
But no major power in the entire world seems to be stopping the Jews who now feel quite able to say and do exactly what they please, they know that unless Gentile peoples in many nations mass in their millions and physically oust and replace the usurping hostile foreign power military occupation governments that are actually already NWO satellite governments of Israel with loyal Gentile members of their own people in their own nations, that nothing at all will stop them in reality.
Lenin stated around a hundred years ago that it is quite acceptable to kill 9 out of every 10 people in the entire world in the communist 'revolution'. WEF leader Klaus Schwab had a Jewish mother and he keeps a bust of Lenin in his office, a photograph of which can be seen online with him sitting near it.
The very well-documented and fairly stable world population of Jews has actually remained almost the same since before WWII till after the end of WWII and from then even right up till today. Two different census organizations, including a Jewish one, each collected world Jewish population figures both from just before WWII and just after WWII, providing the figure of around 15 million or so in all four instances. Seeing the relative big rise in Gentile world population since WWII despite the initial great losses of Gentiles on both sides seen during that conflict of scores of millions and the massive losses caused in China and Russia by Communism, the proportion of 9 in every 10 people in the world being suitable to be killed back then according to Lenin has now risen to 15 out of every 16 according to his WEF present day apparent devotee Klaus Schwab.
In the US, every child receives over 60 jabs by the age of 12, and all jabs are now to be converted to mRNA jabs, so you can clearly see that all these kids are just going to be made permanently sterile by the time they are adults. Even before the Jewish Israeli government- instigated COVID bioweapon was released, which is actually the jab itself activated and directed by 5G technology to manipulate the self-replicating nanotech in the jabs, some decades ago, a rabbi was recorded as having stated "This will be the last generation of white men the Jews will ever see".
Israel is officially estimated to possess the largest or perhaps the second largest biological warfare research facilities in comparison with any such facilities possessed by any other nation in the entire world, and it is open knowledge that the Israeli government has been working tirelessly on developing ethnobomb biological weapons specifically intended to take out non-Jewish ethnic groups as desired by various means.
An Israeli military intelligence whistleblower, whose report is mentioned in an article on my Substack site dislosed how Israel of course did not really test Pfizer's jab out on Israeli Jews themselves like the Jewish-dominated mainstream mass media and almost the entire internet relentlessly persist in telling us in an often very forceful manner that indicates that these sorts of reports and comments are actually coming from Israeli intelligence operatives and their controlled assets. The Israeli military intelligence whistleblower said the COVID jabs were really tested on Palestinian prisoners and black African people, even using Israeli-controlled labs in Africa, thougn one wonders if African black people in Israel itself were also used in these evil experiments, as they themselves would truly be representative of the intended target ethnogroup peoples against which such weapons are really intended to be deployed, and obviously not any of the Jews themelves, so testing such weapons on Israeli Jews would be quite pointless and actually totally unlikely.
It is interesting that recently Israel has chosen to entirely deport all African black people out of Israel, though that was stated to be due to a relatively isolated incidence of disorder by one small group of Somalians or some other nationality of African blacks, another example of collective responsibilty being imposed no doubt, they are lucky they were not shelled or shot or incinerated by white phosphorus along with many of the more unforunate Palestinians in Gaza.
There has been medical research done that demonstrates that the COVID bioweapon does not sterilize those with specific haplotype genomic markers, which for them alone act like the Passover sign when the angel of death comes in the night for all others.
The Khazarian Mafia are not what most people are led to believe either. Dr Karl Skorecki did an excellent genetic study to prove conclusively that no conversion of Gentiles in Khazaria ever took place to convert anyone there at all to Judaism, that whole story about a mass conversion supposed to have taken place was specifically invented purely so as for the tribe to be able to blame corruption and crime that was associated with themselves onto this notional 'fake' new group of supposed goy converts to Judaism who of course could never be recognized as real Jews by the Judaic religion and its actual members who reincarnate life after life only as Jews.
The Torah is very specific and states that a Jewish soul is a Jewish soul for all eternity and can never ever actually convert or even change by any other means to become a Gentile soul in any way under any circumstances, but that a Jew may pretend to become a Gentile where they feel circumstances necessitate them doing so, or where obliged to do so by state decree for instance.
The Jewish religion states that a Gentile soul is a Gentile soul for all eternity and can never ever actually convert to become a Jewish soul even if by some means they have gone through some ritual that they may have been led to believe has made them a Jewish soul after such a ritual initiation may have been given to them in a deceptive manner for instance only so that the Jews involved can then gain some favour in return from the goy that they desire, for instance perhaps some political favour of some kind.
Jews themselves can go deep cover for a long time at times and even live for some time even through multiple successive incarnations as a crypto-Jewish Marrano Christian or as a crypto-Jewish Donmeh Muslim for several consecutive lifetimes, eventually openly becoming an open Jew once again (which can involve a nominal 'conversion' process, though in this instance they are not actually converting at all), when either political circumstances are safer for them to openly express they are a Jew again, or after a particular purpose has been successfully achieved by them having maintained a deceptive appearance for any reason such as in order to deeply infiltrate a non-Jewish group so as to attain influential power and knowledge to change policy or events in a way that is suitable to help fulfil the Jewish tribal agenda. Other Jews with psychic skills easily recognize a genuine fellow Jewish soul without the slightest difficulty anyway and without any potential error, as on the inner planes, even past lives of others can easily be seen very clearly and accurately just as the present moment can be seen.
Gentiles in Khazaria were never actually remotely likely to really want to dress up as Jews purely in order to deliberately commit lots of crimes and thereby falsely implicate 'real' Jews in general by purposely mimicking the appearance of Jews. But not surprisingly, a great many Jews no doubt reading from their Hasbara books on how to wage psychological warfare by means of deception still quite ridiculously allege that what they call 'fake Jew Khazarian Mafia' (who they also call 'Zionazis' and Ashkenazis' depending on the situation at times) are to blame for lots of crimes and Dr Evil stuff like wanting to take over the world like SPECTRE in James Bond novels.
Jerusalem University professors have issued their conclusive findings based on their exhaustive research on this issue and they have openly stated that the story of Gentiles having mass-converted to Judaism some centuries ago in Khazaria is literally no more than a fairy tale as they themselves put it.
Did the Khazars convert to Judaism? New research says 'no'
But disagree on what might be a central tenet you hold? You say and perhaps mean only, that vaccines are not part of God's plan (I paraphrase)
OK that may be. Does this extend to thinking that everything we need to live long fruitful lives is always around us?
I would say no. I argue that for certain populations, and certain areas of the planet, the neccessities are NOT always there, waiting to be picked up.
Just a small but perhaps significant example. Vit D production in sunlight is less in those with black or dark skin. Folk moving from equatorial regions to the north, suffer vit D deficiencies unless they supplement. People with pale skins moving south burn like lobsters and suffer with the direct equatorial rays. These are mirror reflections of what I see as long term adaptations to the conditions the populations evolve in. I suspect pale skin is an otherwise problematic adaptation which provides benefit via Vit D to outweigh the risk due to excess UV and so on.
My point is that 'technical' and direct intervention to work around the imperfections in our habitats (and the possibility to grow a practically useful diet in various climes ie no oranges in iceland eg) is necessary if we wish to optimize human health.
I know you are talking vaccines specifically, and am intrigued by the frequency side you bring up, but wonder if what I bring up gives you any pause in how you see the world? We dont all believe in a creator who created perfection we subsequently tanked......
I understand what you’re saying depending on what type of skin you have as to your vitamin D absorption. But what you must understand is God put everything on this earth to keep the human body completely healthy at all times. The human body only gets sick when it is acidic And or poisoned which turns the body acidic. Ivermectin is a wonder drug has been used for many years for many things and it cures everything it seems. Through my experience you cannot overdose on this at all. All vaccines are poison every single one of them nothing should ever be injected into the body ever! If you do some research on the ingredients in these shots any of the shots you will find they contain all different types of DNA from other creatures and humans as well as graphene oxide, heavy metals like aluminum which causes autism, nano technology of all types turning you into a human antenna where you are controlled by the 5G towers and your energy can be extracted from your body and harnessed to be used by the deep state. I know this sounds a Wi-Fi and sci-fi but it is very true and these documents can be found on government website. You have to completely walk away from what we know as medicine anyone trained under the American medical association, need to be 100% ignored! They are nothing more than drug pushers inputting the patients information and symptoms into a computer for the computer to spit out what element your patient has and what drugs they need to take! Doctors get huge kickbacks on every single drug and procedure they prescribe to you. So they are not motivated at all to keep you well they just manage your symptoms and give you poison drugs that will give you new symptoms for a new disease that they can also manage and so on. Look at all of the diseases and how sick children are today it wasn’t like that when I was a child in the 60s and 70s! So people need to supplement if they’re not getting enough vitamins from the sun but they need to get outside every day get out from behind a television or computer screen or a cell phone screen and interact with the world and other human beings. They need to eat healthy organic only food and absolutely nothing processed and no sugar at all. If you want something sweet eat raw honey it’s an excellent sweetener and it has many many medicinal values like melatonin production. And remember nearly every disease we have our body is at DIS EASE , is caused by some type of parasite microscopic so only can be seen under high powered magnification. I have been doing a parasite cleanse since middle of September 2023 using two tubes/syringes of horse wormer in the form of ivermectin and fenbendezol and have realized that what doctors have been telling us our whole lives is fat and cellulite are actually layers of twisted nests of worm parasites of various types! These parasites and there are thousands of varieties, have many life stages and so you must stay on top of your parasite cleanse for months and months to get all of them and all of the stages. So I have to do used that is what fat is because I’ve lost gobs of weight, no longer craving sugar or chocolate or carbs because the cravings are caused by the parasites in your body so you are feeding them not you ! This is why people can never lose weight! If you go back in history back to the 14 1500s research knights in shining armor. Apparently Knights wore their armor 24 seven and never reveal themselves. There are a couple of famous statue Jews in Europe showing beheaded knights and instead of seeing vertebrae and neck muscles from a chopped off head you see the head of a worm/parasite. They would always get a hankerchiefs soaked in the queens tears which had her human DNA so they would mix it with their parasite DNA and they created a species that are parasitical in nature. Fast forward to today this is Who the elites and the Royals are. So they give us these fake injections and fake food and everything has parasites in them and nano technology which basically are synthetic parasites. It’s all about control of the masses killing off the ones using a frequency from the 5G tower that they don’t want around anymore. Especially those that do not comply! Apparently they can target individuals and and kill them using frequencies. So the parasitic elites created a killer drug that’s filled with parasites and now they want to feed us bugs. Personally I think they want to feed us bugs because it will make our flesh taste better because they do eat us we are their food they especially love our children! And think about this human trafficking and organ harvesting is a worldwide epidemic. Organs are harvested from live donors without any anesthesia so the pain will also create adrenalized blood. Where do all these organs go? If millions are being butchered annually for their organs millions of people around the world aren’t getting transplants so where are they going? Well if you know that these parasites are human flesh eaters and Adrina chrome drinkers, vampires, then you know where a majority of these organs are going. Being cooked and presented on their dinner plates! So going back to big Pharma medicine I wouldn’t take another one of their drugs unless it came from the earth like ivermectin has. Never take another injection never get another test . Just know if you take ivermectin every day not only will you kill the parasites that are in a habit in your body now, you will also protect yourself from getting infected with anything else they try to spring on us. Even if you’re not injected we are all contaminated with some kind of Nanotechnology since they sprayed it on us put it in our food put it in our clothing put it in the soaps we use to wash our clothing in our bodies etc. so taking ivermectin will help you detox all of this garbage from your body. The only way I would ever see a doctor again is if I actually broke a bone or sliced myself open and needed some major stitches otherwise I won’t step foot in any of their offices ! So I know this is quite an earful to comprehend and read but go down that rabbit hole a bit dig deeper just be prepared you’re going to uncover things that you never thought could be possible the evil that you will see and the dots you will connect it all makes sense…
You might be surprised just how far down the rabbit hole I am. Open to your perspective. Vampiric blood drinking parasites (I call them the vampire squid inbred cabal ie illuminati) do seem to exist.
IVM is in fact a drug. Do be alert to the idea that there might be a safe upper limit on use.
Topical skin based use is something I have pondered, will try a small n=1 experiment.
Remember your skin is your biggest organ and these parasites have a bio film usually the bio film is on the inside of our body and they don’t usually have it over them between them in the top layer of skin. All use a half of tube on my body before I go to bed at night, showing great results in the morning. You will pee a lot and you’ll probably get low back pain as you’re killing them because they pile up and your kidneys have two break them down to get them out of your body. When you do get this low back pain just back off and don’t take any medication for a day or two to give your kidneys a break and let them clear this up which they will and soaking in the hot baths with the Epson salts and the borax really makes a difference. I’ve been doing this since September I rub it on my eyes because those red bulging veins in your eyeballs are actually parasites . I have found one interesting thing since I’ve been doing this I’ve noticed these creatures become very active at night and I did a little research on that. Apparently they can tell the amount of light coming through your eyes and it does something in your body and they can tell when it’s nighttime out which is when they become active especially during a full moon. Are used to each now and then but I never really felt like a worm crawling through my flesh until after I started this process. Now as soon as the sun goes down they start to move around and you can feel them. So I take a dose internally and then will squeeze some onto my fingers and start rubbing them on the parts of my body where I’m feeling these things move around and they immediately stop . I have not had any adverse effects other than the aches and pains your body will have as these things are dying inside of you and your body has to break them down to get them out of your body. So I’ve had tremendous leg swelling horrible shoulder pain and back pain got pain etc. Don’t get discouraged and don’t get scared you do not have blood clots in your legs you have dead parasites and dying parasites in your legs! Your age spots will go away there was a Parasites any blemishes you have on your body are all caused by some kind of parasite including cellulite and spider veins! Good luck but start using the stuff on your face and watch yourself get younger before your eyes. And depending on how transparent your skin is mine is very thin and transparent, these worms will start to come to the surface and be visible right underneath your skin as they’re trying to get away from the Drugs that you take internally and also the ones you’re putting on your skin. You’ll start to see what I mean and you’ll start to see them all over you. Once you start killing them the wrinkles on your face will go away because it’s caused by them and the wrinkles on your body and that creepy skin that’ll all go away because believe it or not there’s a different parasites that cause every single one of these things . Since I’ve been doing this I do not use any moisturizers at all anymore nor any make up because the make up is all poison as well and has nano technology in it you can feel it crawling around on your face! My skin is very soft and supple and I am 66 years old! I have always had to use lots of creams to keep my skin soft and no longer do I have to use any of those things. It’s really fantastic and wonderful and I like to share this information with everyone I can good luck in your experimentation and let me know your progress but rub some on your face tonight and watch your wrinkles disappear when you wake up in the morning your skin will be like fresh and new I don’t even have any crows feet anymore! The double chin is leaving to! It’s all wonderful… Stay positive great things are happening a new world is about to be introduced to all of us…
This brought me to tears, it is so sad to see, and must be heartbreaking for these parents. May God be with you as you navigate daily life with your precious babies, wish I could help out.❤️❤️❤️
Please don’t call them “an autistic”. That is dehumanizing. They are people just like you. You could say “a person with autism”. People first then the affliction honors their humanity. Thanks for listening!
Those poor, poor parents. Absolutely tragic. There’s so much evidence against vaccinations & yet they’re still pushed by Drs. They’d be better trained if they learnt about nutrition instead of toxic interventions.
The children are the only way to show to all that the adults must listen. The animals are abused this way too. Allow the covid-19 shots to be delivered to adults to finally make the decision to STOP all vaccinations! All medical research that harms the animals must end too. The type of abuse that passes for "research" cannot continue. This is a message from the Other Side!!! God wants all vaccinations to end. All vaccines are harmful. Not one vaccine prevents disease. STOP vaccinating everyone, human and animal.
Why are babies receiving the pneumococcal vaccine? Old people maybe, but infants? That is insane! Having said that I am truly sorry for this mother. She doesn’t yet know the hell she will endure as a result of having children with autism. I do know however what vaccines can do to children. All unnecessary by the way. Her babies will still be a blessing of course but please Wake up world!
All risk; zero benefit, yet given at birth to virtually all. Several stories of it being given over the parents’ objections. Suspect that, like the pediatricians, the hospitals must get a sizable bonus for higher percentage of newborns given the shot.
And yet most scumbag doctors and other HELLthcare 'professionals ' out there would watch this tragedy and then automatically repeat their brainwashed despicable iatrogenic mantra that "Correlation does not equal causation"!!
In the case of new drugs, and the mRNA abominations are not just that, they are a whole new 'platform' then "Correlation does equal causation" until DISPROVEN. That is why previous vaccinations were taken off the market after a handful of contemporary deaths, yet no proof that it was the vaccine.
This is war against humanity
My heart aches for this family & others
Yes! And yes! Read Romans! ✝️
I truly believe the harms that come from medical treatments we don't need outweigh the perceived benefits. Emergency intervention to save a life in that life or death moment is perhaps a blessing unless you see the system for its Munchausen by proxy based inner workings. Total FDIA...First they poison you so they can then come to your rescue either to return you to their twisted evil money making system or offer MAiD when you've had enough of their abuse! All the while gaslighting people and handing out psychiatric diagnosis to those who question this insanity?!?! And down the rabbit hole I go .....
these psychopaths need to be hung
I am waiting waiting waiting
I now have 4 family members dead and a friend
Sorry for all you have lost :(
Dr. Judy Mikovits has the cure for autism that is caused by these horrific childhood vaccines and it’s cold seranim. I might have spelling slightly wrong. I highly advise anyone with a vaccine damaged child to contact us Dr. Judy Mikovits. I believe she’s located in California but she can be reached on the phone and through email. She has helped many families undo the harm that has been caused by these poison shots because all the vaccines are poison it doesn’t matter which one it is! Don’t give your child another single vaccine! Don’t forget God put everything on this earth for us to keep our bodies healthy and none of it is a vaccine! You do not ever inject anything into your body God didn’t make it that way! Natural path is the only doctors that anyone should ever go to all the others that are trained by the American medical association need to be kicked to the curb and their practice is closed because they’re nothing more than a bunch of drug pushers getting the huge kickbacks off of the toxic drugs that they prescribe to their patients to just manage a disease and to make it worse and give them a new disease! This is the big Pharma business model keep your customer sick so you always have someone coming back and spending more money on your service ! Doctors today are only trained to put in symptoms into a computer and then the computer program spits out what the diagnosis is and what drugs this person needs to be taking! My heart Doctor Who did a Kath on me and found out that my veins were the cleanest things he’s ever seen in anyone my age which I was 62 at the time With no I repeat no plaque build up in them! But he still gave me a prescription for a cholesterol lowering drug! I said why on earth do I need to take this if my veins are completely clear and his stupid explanation and it was such a bad sales job I really wanted to call him out on that and I kind of did , Was he said that “well this drug will help whatever little bit of cholesterol is in your veins to stick together so that it doesn’t cause a clot!“ First of all anything sticking together in your veins is eventually going to let loose and create a clot! Second, I actually did research on these cholesterol drugs and found out that they eliminate the necessary cholesterol your body needs to function properly. Cholesterol is the covering over your brain and covers other things in your body it is a necessary part of your body. When you take these horrible drugs they stop the production of the cholesterol in your body and then people start to get dementia and other neurological disorders all because they were taking one of these drugs! The entire medical establishment is going to be torn down completely and replaced with modern technology which uses frequency and crystal vibrations to heal the body instantaneously. No more injections of any kind, no more pills of poison drugs. Everything‘s changing for the better and everything is being exposed now all the evil that’s been taking place in our world since we’ve been born it’s finally being exposed to the masses. These doctors who created this harm especially those who pushed this poison Covid shot, will not be able to walk down the street for they will be torn limb from limb by the people they have harmed and rightly so! I warned all my doctors three years ago and I was seeing three different ones at the time, that these Covid shots were poison and they were designed to Siccin and kill you and they all laughed at me course and they thought I was nuts of course because they did zero and I mean zero research on any of this they were so smug in their responses most of them . Well proximately nine months after I warned my GP I called the office I needed to go in to see her for a head injury from a fall, and I found out that she no longer worked there. And upon probing Y as this was a huge practice, max health which I believe is nationwide, I found out it was going to take six weeks before anyone could see me I said why on earth is it taking so long and I was told that 50% of the office no longer worked there and they were backlogged . I found out that my doctor was dead at 43 years old with young children all because of the Covid shot I had desperately warned her about! She was actually a really good caring doctor unlike so many of them who are in it just for the money . When I went to the office they were all still wearing masks so if you’re medical professional and you’re requiring your office personnel to wear masks that don’t work but just make them sick and make your patient wear masks you are an ignorant idiot jerk and deserve to have your medical license polled away from you so you can no longer harm anyone else . There’s many many studies out there showing that masks caused things like bacterial pneumonia strep infection all over your face and on and on! These masks are all about control and compliance to the government that has the boot on the back of your neck taking your freedoms away bit by bit and most of us sit around and except it what a bunch of idiots we have all become! It’s time for all of us to wipe the sleep out of our eyes and to finally see the truth behind this fake medical Association they’ve been pushing to us our whole lives and ruining so many lives including the small children who were just totally innocent . The deep state Cabal which is the Khazarian Mafia, Controls the world and all the worlds governments, and they have always been poisoning us one way or another to reduce the population. They purposely sterilize men and women without their knowledge through the injections and drugs that they give them. They also poison our food in many of the synthetic clothes that you wear or nanotechnology that are able to penetrate your skin and interface with the cells inside your body turning you into a human antenna that is controlled by the 5G tower frequencies. This is what the Covid shot was all about! We are slaves and they want us to be ZOMBIFIED slaves so we will not fight back and we will do whatever they want us to! It’s time to wake up it’s time to stop this carnage and never have any more children harmed .
These things are so expensive for these families, but I know they'd sell their home and everything to get this treatment. Thank you for sharing!
The cure is not expensive at all. Contact Dr. Judy read her research she tells you how are you can get this because it’s apparently not easily found. The children who have autism it’s like the modern day lobotomy chemical lobotomy. Their brains are filled with heavy metals aluminum more than likely goes into the frontal lobe and they become like little vegetables. There’s other poisons that they inject as well but this is a great way to start nice but also start giving these children ivermectin every freaking day and I would give them a higher dose than recommended at least a double dose because this is going to help them as well . They’ve been poisoned with nano technology they probably have graphene oxide in them as well and ivermectin helps eradicate these from the body as well as all the parasites they’ve been jacked it into these children through their shot!
Indeed they are. Fortunately for us, the very best personalised medicine on the planet costs nothing, is always available and can never be banned. Unfortunately for us, the programming from birth allows few to have open enough minds to try it.
I refer, of course, to urine therapy. When combined with a long-term fast it has cured those that tried it from the most serious, and even deadly, conditions. From gangerene to leprosy to heart disease to cancer. Too many people have cured too many diseases to ignore it. Bit more info, and downloads of books/testimonials can be found here:
The drug you mentioned has been used to treat autism.
They mean to totally sterilize all people who are not part of the tribe and take the entire planet for themselves, this is a military attack. They are not so stupid as to have created a bioweapon that will sterilize their own. After just a couple of COVID jabs, the US military were tested, and a vast number of medical problems resulting from the jabs were noted, including that 2% of all personnel had already by then newly been made permanently sterile for life by just the few jabs they had already been given in the very first part of the COVID jab program.
In the UK, the entirely sinister and treacherous WEF member agent PM Rishi Sunak who has big personal financial ties to Israel involving him having hired an 'ex'-leading member of the Israeli 8200 military intelligence unit to run his own 18.55 billion US dollar IT Infosys company involving 'cloud-first AI-first', has insanely and malevolently stated that every person in the UK will need to take 4 COVID jabs a year for life. It is clear he means to sterilize just about everyone in the UK.
You can work it out even from that, that Gentile military families (people who are familiar with weapons) are all actually intended to die out by one means or another to facilitate the mass purge of Gentile humanity and actual theft of the entire planet by mass murder that is right now being committed by the tribe themselves under the utterly ridiculous false excuse of 'reducing the population to save the world'.
Even many of the otherwise seemingly brainiest and educated people can be heard to mindlessly repeat the purposely-inculcated mass suicidal mantra that has been slyly slipped into their minds over many years with considerable malice by Jewish-controlled mass media, reducing the victims to become as if in a state of constant walking hypnosis like in the James Bond film 'On Her Majesty's Secret Service': "But we are overpopulated, we do need to reduce the population".
The greater mass of the people have been made as daft as a brush in reality, they have now effectively been made willing to subscribe to being mass-suicided without the slightest second thought or any feeling that any second thought might even be necessary, some 'entity' or lower dimensional hive mind has already decided the issue for them very clearly after surreptitiously and unsuspectedly having taken control of part of the minds of the intended victims, and the false conclusion that has been provided to them by the enemy is felt by the victims to be totally inescapable perfect common sense based on the 'evidence' that those who really control the mass media with actual military intent have repeatedly put into their minds over the years, and that is the result of the lethally dark art of Jewish communist mind control.
Thousands of malevolent communist 'influencers' on the internet working for the you-know who's like the 110,000 internet army hired by Leninist WEF leader Klaus Schwab and the 2 million more that Chabad Lubavitcher devotee Bill Gates says he will be using to prevent the dissemination of 'disinformation' on the internet are tirelessly working with considerable military zeal to spread the obfuscating squid ink that those responsible for bad things happening today are at the very most merely 'rich technocrats', Jesuits, 'ChiComs', ridiculously purported 'ZioNazi' 'fake-Jew' Khazarian Mafia who are really supposed to be some very naughty criminal group of Gentiles who we are told just like to dress up as Jews and pretend to be Jews for some inconceivable reason while committing all the crimes that people might otherwise think are being committed by Jews, which would be very silly indeed for any Gentile criminals to do in reality. And what possible group of Gentile criminals would all really self-organize like this and all choose the same uniform and same MO? Surely, to pretend to be a Jew if one was actually a Gentile while wishing to engage in criminal activities unsuspectedly would be like suicidally painting a big target on their own backs to draw immediate attention from the police to themselves.
Over many hundreds of years, in a great many instances even centuries before the ridiculously alleged mass conversion of Gentiles to Judaism in Khazaria in the ninth or tenth century, Jews have been expelled from cities and nations no less than 1,031 times, sometimes several times from the same place over many years, for all kinds of crimes.
There are no fake Jews in reality, and the small numbers of those Gentiles alleged to have converted to Judaism back then could never in reality have led to the vast numbers of supposed progeny existing today that constitute the numbers of the alleged fake Jew Khazarian Mafia. It is all a clever ruse and deception that was invented to enable Jews to dodge being subjected to any blame for anything and for them to continue to be able to access the halls of power to exert their entirely corrosive influence in many nations without being able to be legally blamed, as the purposely-invented and always physically inaccessible notional 'fake Jews' could always conveniently be made to take the blame .
The Bible itself has been proven to be fraudulent and also contains massive evidence of plagiarism from more ancient religions with evidence presented by a significant number of researchers such as the Reverend Robert Taylor in his 1829 book 'The Diegesis'. Even Jesus himself is fully proven never to have actually existed, just as the Gnostics themselves justifiably said over 2,000 years ago that he never existed, before the Gnostics were then ruthlessly all hunted down and very cruelly put to death by entirely politically and even financially motivated proponents of the fictional alleged 'Prince of Peace' for disclosing the evident real truth and as far as possible to prevent it from ever being disclosed again.
This demonic process of extinguishing all remaining traces of all earlier cultures created the 400 year-long dark ages, involving enforced illiteracy, ignorance and Pol Pot-style ruthless genocidal mass physical purges to wipe out all living remnants of practitioners of older religions.
This proto-Bolshevik Jewish-intitiated process, very similarly to that of the Marxist-Leninist WEF today was never really about introducing a higher spirituality to raise people up, but only intended to crush out all traces of genuine spirituality and replace it with a living nightmare, just as the Zohar says all non-Jewish souls are eternally and irredeemably non-living spiritually, that all non-Jewish souls are eternally non-Jewish and that they only come from 3 Satanic and hellish lower spheres of creation, that they only exist here in this world to be used as slaves by the Jews and that ultimately they must all be physically exterminated (WEF/Marxist-Leninist Communism) and that then later at the end of the world their souls themselves are to be sent only to hell without exception for all eternity.
Karl Marx, born into a rabbinical family, the third cousin of the banker Rothschilds and employed by them to create political communism, which is really Judaism being politically imposed over Gentiles, published these words in his political journal in 1849: "The chief mission of all other races and peoples, large and small, is to perish in the revolutionary holocaust" (in other words, communism and its purported intended world revolution in truth are nothing other with the mask off than Judaism and its thorough intention to first totally enslave all non-Jews in the entire world, then ultimately totally exterminate all non-Jews physically from the entire world without a single exception to leave no Gentile survivors, with Jews alone then in full possession of the entire world.
The constant threat within state-imposed Christianity of being burned alive in this world and of being burned alive unceasingly for all eternity in the next world if the Stasi-like network of informants were ever to detect any deviation away from the required acceptance of certain draconian teachings thus effectively imposed the hell on Gentiles especially during those years that the Jews in this world desire still even today to be kept imposed on Gentiles at all times even in this world.
Christianity no longer utterly terrifies people in the West, so the bloody and fundamentalist Islam, which is yet another Abrahamic psy-op controlled opposition religion ultimately instigated by Judaism itself is now being introduced by rabbinically-controlled Jewish political arrangement only to impose the new state of terror in the medium term that is required by present day Jewish-run Western hostile foreign power military occupation satellite governments under Israel until instigated wars, created diseases and then total imposition of Noahide Laws by actual executions in the final instance will totally wipe out all the European and other remaining whites, before all other non-Jewish races are subsequently picked off.
Both Christianity in its original most terrifying form, now the later-developed similar, and similarly-intended Islam today that still really does terrify, are really crypto-Judaic impositions devised to be able to impose terrorism on the unsuspecting goyim with a different face that cannot easily be connected directly to Judaism and the Jews themselves. This may seem unlikely to the casual reader, yet centuries ago, when just one million open Jews existed in the world, Rabbi Sabbatai Zevi instructed his followers that they should pretend to convert and then actually infiltrate and subvert other religions like Islam and Christianity for instance even after previous Jewish agents had already instigated those religions, and other rabbis have instructed similarly to Rabbi Sabbatai Zevi at different times over the centuries, in order to maintain a significant political presence within their controlled opposition movements and actually carry out a constant debilitating military attack against all the Gentiles they can while appearing to be members of Gentile communities.
British Jews in the late 1700's sent a crypto-Jewish agent to what is now the Saudi Arabian region of today and he was responsible for the creation of the Wahhabi sect of Islam today, just as Al Qaeda and the Taliban are similarly ultimately the creation of American Jewish politicians, and in the early 1900's , British Jewish politicians imposed a crypto-Jewish fake Muslim royal family over Saudi Arabia whose descendants still rule there today. Interestingly, a little known fact is that some Bedouin tribes riding on camels in the desert areas are not actually Muslims as one might automatically expect, but are actually Jewish tribal members.
50% of all open Jews then existing just at the time of Rabbi Sabbatai Zevi obeyed his instructions and pretended to convert to Islam and Christianity for instance, not really converting to genuinely assimilate within those communities, but only to gain the confidence of the Gentiles to enable these crypto-Jews to infiltrate, subvert, and bring about chaos and instigate war, to become politicians, doctors, and pharmacists among the goyim to create and give out poisons deceptively posed as medicines (like the COVID jabs and remdesivir today, marketed by the Israeli Gilead pharmaceutival company), posing as supposedly Christian politicians like the erstwhile UK PM Boris Johnson does, when such provably actual Jewish politicians inflict mass chaos among the Gentiles and carry out Jewish plans to give out poison fake COVID vaccines to Gentiles that actually cause COVID themselves, and such criminal terrorist imposters instigate and prolong actually unneccessary wars.
Vast percentages of Jews were documented as doctors working in various cities in Germany for instance before WWII. The mind-blowing book 'Witness To History' by Mike Walsh gives many precise figures.
In Jewish law, a Jew cannot heal a Gentile, a Jew must not save the life of any Gentile whose life is in danger, except if by avoiding doing so, the actual hatred that Jews feel towards Gentiles might become suspected (we must ask why would any single Jew at all choose to work as a doctor in any Gentile nation when this is so).
Centuries ago, rabbis instructed Jewish doctors who were then openly Jews to go to Gentile lands and kill every tenth Christian patient. And when Jews got discovered doing this and banned from certain places, rabbis then instructed them to start to pose as Christians and then go back in and start doing the same thing again. As the Talmud states, "Even the best of Gentiles should be killed". The most recent edition of the Talmud has cleverly had this verse removed so that this verse will now only be passed on to Jews by rabbis orally, after Gentiles had been found to be able to get hold of copies of the original Talmud.
A Jew is instructed by Jewish law that they can deliberately harm a Gentile with what are to be deceptively-termed 'experimental' medicines, which is precisely why the Jewish inventors of the COVID bioweapon jabs have ritually termed them 'experimental' vaccines in conformity with this instruction.
The Gnostics could be justifiably certain of how the name of their Chrest had been stolen and hijacked and the nature of Chrest then heavily perverted by those who invented the demonic Christian religion. The name of their own spiritual principality Chrest differed only slightly from the manipulated name Christ, but Chrest was never understood by them to have ever been physically incarnated or intended ever to physically incarnate, and their Chrest bore no similarity to the barbaric and mindlessly sadistic teaching of Christ in the Bible.
Christ was a name which the Jewish Piso family creators of the Christian link religion had stolen from the Gnostics and changed slightly to Christ before proposing a new religion associated with their Christ to Emperor Constantine for all nations of the Roman Empire to replace their previous differing religions.
Emperor Constantine was actually craftily provided with a Trojan Horse weapon by the Jews in any case, perhaps unknowingly or perhaps knowingly. Perhaps, he himself rather than just the Jew themselves also so the potential and intended to harness the newly-created Christian religion to mercilessly subjugate his own empire subjects in any case who consisted largely of peoples of various nations foreign to his own original people, or perhaps he was merely being played, as the Jews who designed it for him would doubtlessly really wish to have vengeance on Rome for having earlier tried to suppress Judaism, and certainly the insane family-destroying Marxist-type teachings of the Bible served the Jews themselves well to weaken societies in nations that they themselves really intended to physically take over to use their inhabitants only as slaves.
All the vast libraries of books of the Gnostics were then destroyed by the vindictive 'Christians' whose political overseers in truth were no more than members then of a proto-Bolshevik dictatorship Stasi. These books of the Gnostics contained ancient religious and spiritual knowledge from around the world that very ancient Gnostic groups had been collecting for several thousand years beforehand as fully demonstrated in the brilliant post-PhD level research on ancient religion presented in the revised edition of the book by DM Murdoch, 'The Christ Conspiracy, The Greatest Story Ever Sold'.
The fictional character Rabbi Jesus (Yeshua) in the controlled opposition Jewish psy-op Bible talks of 'fake Jews' also, of "those who say they are Jews but are not", this first use of the very same ploy was a proto-Bolshevik political tool of disinformation to enable Jews even then to be very slippery and to be able to dodge any accusation as a group.
The WEF is actually a Jewish-based criminal terrorist Israeli government front organization that is deliberately presented to be not 'Jewish' but comprised of people of all different races, religions, nationalities, backgrounds and diverse interests.
Rishi Sunak, WEF member and UK PM for instance, who is a great supporter of the lethally-intended COVID bioweapon program that is provably of Israeli Jewish origin cannot possibly truly be a genuine Hindu and is seriously most likely a treacherous crypto-Jew himself when you consider what the fate of all the over one billion Hindus in the entire world will certainly be as 'idolaters' under the Jewish-intended worldwide NWO Noahide Laws, as all Hindus will surely then be executed by one means or another.
Such mass killings of 'idolatrous' Gentiles, some 6 billion in all just for the ridiculously alleged crime of 'idolatry' will not necessarily just be by armies of NATO nations controlled by Israel as Rabbi Yisreal Ariel says they will be. Likely to continue to be used are measures that in reality already are being used such as arranged wars, sly means of sterilization such as deliberately-placed toxins in the environment, fluoride and chlorine (and aluminium sulphate to cause dementia) in water, poison GM mRNA-containing fake foods, artificially produced disease-causing agents, and poison mRNA 'vaccinations' for all kinds of diseases.
The Jewish Bolsheviks used to give poison 'medicines' to the Christian inmates of the Gulags as an additional nasty torture. Joseph Stalin, actually a Bukharian Jew as evidenced by several photographs on my Substack site, despite all the heavily deceptive propaganda endlessly repeated about him in false history books about him being an 'antisemite' Georgian Gentile, continued to have Christians killed throughout the Soviet Union right through WWII even right up till 1953 when he died after having them executed as 'antisemites', that being a mandatory death penalty offence throughout the Soviet Union after Stalin created the law himself, saying that the reason for the law was because Judaism is both fundamental and essential to the communist (intended worldwide) 'revolution'. That is what the 'Allied' (enemy) leaders of the US and UK considered as their fellow ally in WWII, but of course all three of them were really Jews, including Churchill whose mother named Jerome was a New York Jewess.
The entirely similar WHO now says that in the course of their lifetimes, every individual on this planet (except the tribe of course) will be expected to receive no less than 500 mRNA jabs ostensibly provided to 'prevent' all kinds of diseases, some of them surely artificial diseases, and no doubt, such a vast amount of mRNA jabs will intendedly be aimed at the very least at permanently sterilizing every single last Gentile once and for all on this entire planet.
Nor can King Charles who is also a major WEF member really be a genuine Christian, he was circumcised by the chief rabbinical mohul of all of England as a child, his family are heavily intermarried with Jews and heavily associated with Jews, Prince Harry's wife Meghan Markle as the name suggests is a black Jewess, Kate Middleton, the wife of the sallow-skinned Jewish-nosed very semitic-looking Prince Edward is also a Jew, all the children of Kate Middleton are thus actually full Jews, they have all received rabbinical Torah scrolls from rabbis, and Prince Andrew has been heavily involved on extremely intimate levels with Jewish sex criminal Jeffrey Epstein.
And King Charles has been involved on extremely intimate levels with the crypto-Jewish, and Jewish-named sex criminal Jimmy Savile, who once stated that as a 'Catholic' he was more Jewish than most Jews. King Charles is now officially the Governor General Of The Church of England, but is most likely actually a crypto-Jew himself.
The Jewish Noahide Laws state that all idolaters and other Gentiles designated to be executed under other Noahide Laws to suffer mandatory death penalties are to be killed when the Noahide Laws, which are really the WEF program to kill 7.5 billion, are fully effected. The Jews now feel powerful enough even for rabbis in videos not only to state on videos that all Gentiles in the entire world are to be killed with no survivors, but also to publicly demand that Gentiles should literally worship every Jew rather than just worshipping one Jew Jesus Christ, and that is very cheeky of the Jews indeed when other rabbis say all these Gentiles are then to be executed under Noahide Law.
Increasingly Stalinist laws against 'anti-semitism' prevent the criticism of the Jews in more and more nations.
Even 'the saviour of the people' Trump was voted by Israel whilst he was POTUS as the most pro-Noahide Law POTUS ever, and in a televised speech, Trump addressed a mindlessly cheering huge crowd of obviously brain-damaged and mind-wiped zombies saying to them that 'anti-semites' "must pay the ultimate price" even in the US itself, obviously threatening death to any such individuals in the US and death to the entire peoples of certain other 'anti-semitic nations' adding "We know who you are. We will be coming for you". In other words Jews will be sending mind-wiped robotically-programmed American goy slave soldiers to murder and die on the behalf of the Jews as usual, and as usual drag the dumb slave goy peoples of other Jewish-controlled nations along with them to do just the same in coalition armed forces comprised of violently murderous thugs and robbers with no genuine conscience.
Orange man Trump is really quite the psychotic Stalin.
But no major power in the entire world seems to be stopping the Jews who now feel quite able to say and do exactly what they please, they know that unless Gentile peoples in many nations mass in their millions and physically oust and replace the usurping hostile foreign power military occupation governments that are actually already NWO satellite governments of Israel with loyal Gentile members of their own people in their own nations, that nothing at all will stop them in reality.
Lenin stated around a hundred years ago that it is quite acceptable to kill 9 out of every 10 people in the entire world in the communist 'revolution'. WEF leader Klaus Schwab had a Jewish mother and he keeps a bust of Lenin in his office, a photograph of which can be seen online with him sitting near it.
The very well-documented and fairly stable world population of Jews has actually remained almost the same since before WWII till after the end of WWII and from then even right up till today. Two different census organizations, including a Jewish one, each collected world Jewish population figures both from just before WWII and just after WWII, providing the figure of around 15 million or so in all four instances. Seeing the relative big rise in Gentile world population since WWII despite the initial great losses of Gentiles on both sides seen during that conflict of scores of millions and the massive losses caused in China and Russia by Communism, the proportion of 9 in every 10 people in the world being suitable to be killed back then according to Lenin has now risen to 15 out of every 16 according to his WEF present day apparent devotee Klaus Schwab.
In the US, every child receives over 60 jabs by the age of 12, and all jabs are now to be converted to mRNA jabs, so you can clearly see that all these kids are just going to be made permanently sterile by the time they are adults. Even before the Jewish Israeli government- instigated COVID bioweapon was released, which is actually the jab itself activated and directed by 5G technology to manipulate the self-replicating nanotech in the jabs, some decades ago, a rabbi was recorded as having stated "This will be the last generation of white men the Jews will ever see".
Israel is officially estimated to possess the largest or perhaps the second largest biological warfare research facilities in comparison with any such facilities possessed by any other nation in the entire world, and it is open knowledge that the Israeli government has been working tirelessly on developing ethnobomb biological weapons specifically intended to take out non-Jewish ethnic groups as desired by various means.
An Israeli military intelligence whistleblower, whose report is mentioned in an article on my Substack site dislosed how Israel of course did not really test Pfizer's jab out on Israeli Jews themselves like the Jewish-dominated mainstream mass media and almost the entire internet relentlessly persist in telling us in an often very forceful manner that indicates that these sorts of reports and comments are actually coming from Israeli intelligence operatives and their controlled assets. The Israeli military intelligence whistleblower said the COVID jabs were really tested on Palestinian prisoners and black African people, even using Israeli-controlled labs in Africa, thougn one wonders if African black people in Israel itself were also used in these evil experiments, as they themselves would truly be representative of the intended target ethnogroup peoples against which such weapons are really intended to be deployed, and obviously not any of the Jews themelves, so testing such weapons on Israeli Jews would be quite pointless and actually totally unlikely.
It is interesting that recently Israel has chosen to entirely deport all African black people out of Israel, though that was stated to be due to a relatively isolated incidence of disorder by one small group of Somalians or some other nationality of African blacks, another example of collective responsibilty being imposed no doubt, they are lucky they were not shelled or shot or incinerated by white phosphorus along with many of the more unforunate Palestinians in Gaza.
There has been medical research done that demonstrates that the COVID bioweapon does not sterilize those with specific haplotype genomic markers, which for them alone act like the Passover sign when the angel of death comes in the night for all others.
The Khazarian Mafia are not what most people are led to believe either. Dr Karl Skorecki did an excellent genetic study to prove conclusively that no conversion of Gentiles in Khazaria ever took place to convert anyone there at all to Judaism, that whole story about a mass conversion supposed to have taken place was specifically invented purely so as for the tribe to be able to blame corruption and crime that was associated with themselves onto this notional 'fake' new group of supposed goy converts to Judaism who of course could never be recognized as real Jews by the Judaic religion and its actual members who reincarnate life after life only as Jews.
The Torah is very specific and states that a Jewish soul is a Jewish soul for all eternity and can never ever actually convert or even change by any other means to become a Gentile soul in any way under any circumstances, but that a Jew may pretend to become a Gentile where they feel circumstances necessitate them doing so, or where obliged to do so by state decree for instance.
The Jewish religion states that a Gentile soul is a Gentile soul for all eternity and can never ever actually convert to become a Jewish soul even if by some means they have gone through some ritual that they may have been led to believe has made them a Jewish soul after such a ritual initiation may have been given to them in a deceptive manner for instance only so that the Jews involved can then gain some favour in return from the goy that they desire, for instance perhaps some political favour of some kind.
Jews themselves can go deep cover for a long time at times and even live for some time even through multiple successive incarnations as a crypto-Jewish Marrano Christian or as a crypto-Jewish Donmeh Muslim for several consecutive lifetimes, eventually openly becoming an open Jew once again (which can involve a nominal 'conversion' process, though in this instance they are not actually converting at all), when either political circumstances are safer for them to openly express they are a Jew again, or after a particular purpose has been successfully achieved by them having maintained a deceptive appearance for any reason such as in order to deeply infiltrate a non-Jewish group so as to attain influential power and knowledge to change policy or events in a way that is suitable to help fulfil the Jewish tribal agenda. Other Jews with psychic skills easily recognize a genuine fellow Jewish soul without the slightest difficulty anyway and without any potential error, as on the inner planes, even past lives of others can easily be seen very clearly and accurately just as the present moment can be seen.
Gentiles in Khazaria were never actually remotely likely to really want to dress up as Jews purely in order to deliberately commit lots of crimes and thereby falsely implicate 'real' Jews in general by purposely mimicking the appearance of Jews. But not surprisingly, a great many Jews no doubt reading from their Hasbara books on how to wage psychological warfare by means of deception still quite ridiculously allege that what they call 'fake Jew Khazarian Mafia' (who they also call 'Zionazis' and Ashkenazis' depending on the situation at times) are to blame for lots of crimes and Dr Evil stuff like wanting to take over the world like SPECTRE in James Bond novels.
Jerusalem University professors have issued their conclusive findings based on their exhaustive research on this issue and they have openly stated that the story of Gentiles having mass-converted to Judaism some centuries ago in Khazaria is literally no more than a fairy tale as they themselves put it.
Did the Khazars convert to Judaism? New research says 'no'
The Cohanim - DNA Connection
I am interested and open minded to what you say.
But disagree on what might be a central tenet you hold? You say and perhaps mean only, that vaccines are not part of God's plan (I paraphrase)
OK that may be. Does this extend to thinking that everything we need to live long fruitful lives is always around us?
I would say no. I argue that for certain populations, and certain areas of the planet, the neccessities are NOT always there, waiting to be picked up.
Just a small but perhaps significant example. Vit D production in sunlight is less in those with black or dark skin. Folk moving from equatorial regions to the north, suffer vit D deficiencies unless they supplement. People with pale skins moving south burn like lobsters and suffer with the direct equatorial rays. These are mirror reflections of what I see as long term adaptations to the conditions the populations evolve in. I suspect pale skin is an otherwise problematic adaptation which provides benefit via Vit D to outweigh the risk due to excess UV and so on.
My point is that 'technical' and direct intervention to work around the imperfections in our habitats (and the possibility to grow a practically useful diet in various climes ie no oranges in iceland eg) is necessary if we wish to optimize human health.
I know you are talking vaccines specifically, and am intrigued by the frequency side you bring up, but wonder if what I bring up gives you any pause in how you see the world? We dont all believe in a creator who created perfection we subsequently tanked......
I understand what you’re saying depending on what type of skin you have as to your vitamin D absorption. But what you must understand is God put everything on this earth to keep the human body completely healthy at all times. The human body only gets sick when it is acidic And or poisoned which turns the body acidic. Ivermectin is a wonder drug has been used for many years for many things and it cures everything it seems. Through my experience you cannot overdose on this at all. All vaccines are poison every single one of them nothing should ever be injected into the body ever! If you do some research on the ingredients in these shots any of the shots you will find they contain all different types of DNA from other creatures and humans as well as graphene oxide, heavy metals like aluminum which causes autism, nano technology of all types turning you into a human antenna where you are controlled by the 5G towers and your energy can be extracted from your body and harnessed to be used by the deep state. I know this sounds a Wi-Fi and sci-fi but it is very true and these documents can be found on government website. You have to completely walk away from what we know as medicine anyone trained under the American medical association, need to be 100% ignored! They are nothing more than drug pushers inputting the patients information and symptoms into a computer for the computer to spit out what element your patient has and what drugs they need to take! Doctors get huge kickbacks on every single drug and procedure they prescribe to you. So they are not motivated at all to keep you well they just manage your symptoms and give you poison drugs that will give you new symptoms for a new disease that they can also manage and so on. Look at all of the diseases and how sick children are today it wasn’t like that when I was a child in the 60s and 70s! So people need to supplement if they’re not getting enough vitamins from the sun but they need to get outside every day get out from behind a television or computer screen or a cell phone screen and interact with the world and other human beings. They need to eat healthy organic only food and absolutely nothing processed and no sugar at all. If you want something sweet eat raw honey it’s an excellent sweetener and it has many many medicinal values like melatonin production. And remember nearly every disease we have our body is at DIS EASE , is caused by some type of parasite microscopic so only can be seen under high powered magnification. I have been doing a parasite cleanse since middle of September 2023 using two tubes/syringes of horse wormer in the form of ivermectin and fenbendezol and have realized that what doctors have been telling us our whole lives is fat and cellulite are actually layers of twisted nests of worm parasites of various types! These parasites and there are thousands of varieties, have many life stages and so you must stay on top of your parasite cleanse for months and months to get all of them and all of the stages. So I have to do used that is what fat is because I’ve lost gobs of weight, no longer craving sugar or chocolate or carbs because the cravings are caused by the parasites in your body so you are feeding them not you ! This is why people can never lose weight! If you go back in history back to the 14 1500s research knights in shining armor. Apparently Knights wore their armor 24 seven and never reveal themselves. There are a couple of famous statue Jews in Europe showing beheaded knights and instead of seeing vertebrae and neck muscles from a chopped off head you see the head of a worm/parasite. They would always get a hankerchiefs soaked in the queens tears which had her human DNA so they would mix it with their parasite DNA and they created a species that are parasitical in nature. Fast forward to today this is Who the elites and the Royals are. So they give us these fake injections and fake food and everything has parasites in them and nano technology which basically are synthetic parasites. It’s all about control of the masses killing off the ones using a frequency from the 5G tower that they don’t want around anymore. Especially those that do not comply! Apparently they can target individuals and and kill them using frequencies. So the parasitic elites created a killer drug that’s filled with parasites and now they want to feed us bugs. Personally I think they want to feed us bugs because it will make our flesh taste better because they do eat us we are their food they especially love our children! And think about this human trafficking and organ harvesting is a worldwide epidemic. Organs are harvested from live donors without any anesthesia so the pain will also create adrenalized blood. Where do all these organs go? If millions are being butchered annually for their organs millions of people around the world aren’t getting transplants so where are they going? Well if you know that these parasites are human flesh eaters and Adrina chrome drinkers, vampires, then you know where a majority of these organs are going. Being cooked and presented on their dinner plates! So going back to big Pharma medicine I wouldn’t take another one of their drugs unless it came from the earth like ivermectin has. Never take another injection never get another test . Just know if you take ivermectin every day not only will you kill the parasites that are in a habit in your body now, you will also protect yourself from getting infected with anything else they try to spring on us. Even if you’re not injected we are all contaminated with some kind of Nanotechnology since they sprayed it on us put it in our food put it in our clothing put it in the soaps we use to wash our clothing in our bodies etc. so taking ivermectin will help you detox all of this garbage from your body. The only way I would ever see a doctor again is if I actually broke a bone or sliced myself open and needed some major stitches otherwise I won’t step foot in any of their offices ! So I know this is quite an earful to comprehend and read but go down that rabbit hole a bit dig deeper just be prepared you’re going to uncover things that you never thought could be possible the evil that you will see and the dots you will connect it all makes sense…
You might be surprised just how far down the rabbit hole I am. Open to your perspective. Vampiric blood drinking parasites (I call them the vampire squid inbred cabal ie illuminati) do seem to exist.
IVM is in fact a drug. Do be alert to the idea that there might be a safe upper limit on use.
Topical skin based use is something I have pondered, will try a small n=1 experiment.
Remember your skin is your biggest organ and these parasites have a bio film usually the bio film is on the inside of our body and they don’t usually have it over them between them in the top layer of skin. All use a half of tube on my body before I go to bed at night, showing great results in the morning. You will pee a lot and you’ll probably get low back pain as you’re killing them because they pile up and your kidneys have two break them down to get them out of your body. When you do get this low back pain just back off and don’t take any medication for a day or two to give your kidneys a break and let them clear this up which they will and soaking in the hot baths with the Epson salts and the borax really makes a difference. I’ve been doing this since September I rub it on my eyes because those red bulging veins in your eyeballs are actually parasites . I have found one interesting thing since I’ve been doing this I’ve noticed these creatures become very active at night and I did a little research on that. Apparently they can tell the amount of light coming through your eyes and it does something in your body and they can tell when it’s nighttime out which is when they become active especially during a full moon. Are used to each now and then but I never really felt like a worm crawling through my flesh until after I started this process. Now as soon as the sun goes down they start to move around and you can feel them. So I take a dose internally and then will squeeze some onto my fingers and start rubbing them on the parts of my body where I’m feeling these things move around and they immediately stop . I have not had any adverse effects other than the aches and pains your body will have as these things are dying inside of you and your body has to break them down to get them out of your body. So I’ve had tremendous leg swelling horrible shoulder pain and back pain got pain etc. Don’t get discouraged and don’t get scared you do not have blood clots in your legs you have dead parasites and dying parasites in your legs! Your age spots will go away there was a Parasites any blemishes you have on your body are all caused by some kind of parasite including cellulite and spider veins! Good luck but start using the stuff on your face and watch yourself get younger before your eyes. And depending on how transparent your skin is mine is very thin and transparent, these worms will start to come to the surface and be visible right underneath your skin as they’re trying to get away from the Drugs that you take internally and also the ones you’re putting on your skin. You’ll start to see what I mean and you’ll start to see them all over you. Once you start killing them the wrinkles on your face will go away because it’s caused by them and the wrinkles on your body and that creepy skin that’ll all go away because believe it or not there’s a different parasites that cause every single one of these things . Since I’ve been doing this I do not use any moisturizers at all anymore nor any make up because the make up is all poison as well and has nano technology in it you can feel it crawling around on your face! My skin is very soft and supple and I am 66 years old! I have always had to use lots of creams to keep my skin soft and no longer do I have to use any of those things. It’s really fantastic and wonderful and I like to share this information with everyone I can good luck in your experimentation and let me know your progress but rub some on your face tonight and watch your wrinkles disappear when you wake up in the morning your skin will be like fresh and new I don’t even have any crows feet anymore! The double chin is leaving to! It’s all wonderful… Stay positive great things are happening a new world is about to be introduced to all of us…
Good Lord. What a nightmare.
This brought me to tears, it is so sad to see, and must be heartbreaking for these parents. May God be with you as you navigate daily life with your precious babies, wish I could help out.❤️❤️❤️
I am just so so sorry for that family. What a tragedy. I have no more words, just tears.
Every time I see an autistic, I think, "We NEVER had any autistic kids in the 1960s in our school." Why are people so blind? What a terrible thing!!
Please don’t call them “an autistic”. That is dehumanizing. They are people just like you. You could say “a person with autism”. People first then the affliction honors their humanity. Thanks for listening!
Those poor, poor parents. Absolutely tragic. There’s so much evidence against vaccinations & yet they’re still pushed by Drs. They’d be better trained if they learnt about nutrition instead of toxic interventions.
So very very sad & criminal 😞😡💔
The children are the only way to show to all that the adults must listen. The animals are abused this way too. Allow the covid-19 shots to be delivered to adults to finally make the decision to STOP all vaccinations! All medical research that harms the animals must end too. The type of abuse that passes for "research" cannot continue. This is a message from the Other Side!!! God wants all vaccinations to end. All vaccines are harmful. Not one vaccine prevents disease. STOP vaccinating everyone, human and animal.
Yet, he strikes down not the vaccinators.
God loves.
Choices are made. Children face the results.
Animals are real.
Animals are loved by God. Humans must learn to love again.
God isn't a cruel human that strikes with weapons, humans are.
God is the Divine Mother's world on Earth.
Humans must make choices to be kinder or they are to lose all.
God loves. God wants the humans to love but humans won't stop hurting one another to buy things.
Animals are to be taken better care of when the majority of the compliant humans stop replicating.
Why are babies receiving the pneumococcal vaccine? Old people maybe, but infants? That is insane! Having said that I am truly sorry for this mother. She doesn’t yet know the hell she will endure as a result of having children with autism. I do know however what vaccines can do to children. All unnecessary by the way. Her babies will still be a blessing of course but please Wake up world!
Same with hep-b. It is unlikely a baby is gonna have sex, else start mainlining. Yet it is given to ALL babies.
All risk; zero benefit, yet given at birth to virtually all. Several stories of it being given over the parents’ objections. Suspect that, like the pediatricians, the hospitals must get a sizable bonus for higher percentage of newborns given the shot.
Given to cause allergies to milk, formula, and anything else around, and consequently, SIDS.
Welcome to the insane asylum!
My heart hurts for all these beautiful families. This is tragic and preventable
And yet most scumbag doctors and other HELLthcare 'professionals ' out there would watch this tragedy and then automatically repeat their brainwashed despicable iatrogenic mantra that "Correlation does not equal causation"!!
In the case of new drugs, and the mRNA abominations are not just that, they are a whole new 'platform' then "Correlation does equal causation" until DISPROVEN. That is why previous vaccinations were taken off the market after a handful of contemporary deaths, yet no proof that it was the vaccine.
Correlation is a sign a study needs to be done to determine causation.
why did this mother do this?