We remember our happy healthy babies , we remember the doctor telling us that the screaming distraught demon she had become was just a stage . We remember him showing us the book , with the chart , that it was normal for our formally smiling and sleeping child to be in such pain.

We know what Fauci did by shutting down Dr Judy Mikovits with her warnings of what would follow.

Beware the mothers they are awakening.

May love be with us all.

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12 minutes, 30 seconds into Brandy's presentation. You have any idea how many variations on this theme I've heard in the past 4 years? Me neither. But try and tell the average Blue-Pilled Pinhead, their eyes and ears glued to CNN even now? After the last 4 years of Hell on Earth, patent fraud, obvious lies, the whole 9 yards?

Suffice to say it won't go so well for you. I know, because it didn't go so well for me.

PS I have 2 co-workers who have taken 7 doses of The Lethal Injections. I have another, who hasn't kept count she's got so many. I've learned this evening of one worker in the shipyard I work in, recently diagnosed with ALS, looks to be in his 30s; another, sustained a massive stroke July 4th: Make those vaccine injuries #'s 34 and 35 on the list I'm keeping, because the first question popped into mind? How many doses have they taken?

PPS Seems Clint Eastwood's 61-year-old girlfriend Christina Sandera dropped dead yesterday. "The cause of death has not been disclosed."

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When a former coworker recently died of brain cancer in the education field, I started composing a list as well. It’s getting longer on a regular basis. Mostly cancers on my list. My neighbour's adult son “died suddenly” almost 2 years ago. A few months later her other son had a stroke. Another neighbour had a stroke soon after that. My cousins (husband and wife) both have the same cancer (he has since passed). There are no coincidences only genocide. I have more friends than not who have had 2 or more shots. Two have had 6 that I know of - maybe their punch card is full by now.

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From the Lethal Injections? 7 deaths, 33 permanent, debilitating injuries.

In 4 years of fraudemic not ONE credible case of "Covid-19" did I encounter. No-one at my work so much as called in sick...🤔

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True. They died of “Covid” in the hospital. More like of neglect, dehydration, starvation, “run death is near” and vents

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Local university- over 60 deaths from 2020-2022. And counting.

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Finally saw your note, 5 months later. WOW... 😱

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Better late than never😁🤣

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My score now is 10 dead -- 11, counting my ex-landlady's (4 doses and counting) cat, "Mischief": The poor animal had to be put down, inoperable blood clot in the artery to his legs..

And 40 permanent, debilitating injuries.

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I know a lot of people with turbo cancers, shingles, adult moliscum, friends, acquaintances, dropping dead suddenly, 18 year olds with pace makers. It’s everywhere and you must be blind NOT to see it. My uncle and aunt died of pneumonia I know he had 5 shots, she had maybe 3 or 4 and I believe it was vaccine induced Covid pneumonia. I’m proud to have rejected any Covid shot and stopped jabbing my children. It’s all a propaganda fear machine.

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Agreed. I don’t know how people don’t see it but then again the indoctrination has permeated them. I know those with shingles, gut issues, vax injuries - autoimmune and liver issues. It’s just like the truth docs said would happen.

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Starts to make u think it's intentional, eh?

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Gee... d'ya think?!? 😳🙄

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Democide. Oh how blind, deceived, spellbound so many ppl are. Revelation 18:23. Someone needs to write a book with each short chapter a known family member /friends/ acquaintance. I can get you a fair priced book promoter. Sold in 15 nations wrote a couple years ago to honor the fallen.


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Clint's GF-heart attack. We need vax schedule for all deaths. Jamie Foxx-was his stroke related?

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Shipyard… in Virginia, neighbor?

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British Columbia.

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Brandy my heart aches knowing that your son has lost his beautiful loving mom💔I continue to share you with the people in my world 😃❤️

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How did they get her? Evil

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Found dead in her apartment December 2020. Cause of death unknown.

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She said she was not suicidal. She knew they would come after her. Like Isaac Kappy and dr rashid buttar and dr Arne Bernhardt. All whistleblowers.

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And Kary Mullis

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I found some news articles saying pulmonary embolism from Feb 2021- died of "natural causes". Kind of doubt that was really the case.

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What was the cause of Brandy’s death? So sad and horrible she passed away. My heart breaks for her family.

I ask because I am going to show this video to my wife because I have been trying to convince her we need to stop vaccinating our children but when she sees Brandy died she will blame it on her not being vaccinated.

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Hi Derek, this article may help with the conversation: https://www.independent.com/2021/02/18/santa-barbara-coroner-concludes-anti-vaxxer-brandy-vaughan-died-of-natural-causes/.

Remember as well, she was an extremely vocal critic of Big Pharma and exactly 4 days after her death, Pfizer received EUA from the US FDA for their COVID19 mRNA biological product: BNT162b2.

Imagine who she would have reached, influenced, and positively impacted with her professional experience, knowledge, and story had she not died suddenly.

Another coincidence in a world rife with deadly coincidences.

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Conjecture but sure seems a chance to me they might have murdered her somehow, perhaps with some kind of poison?? Same thing with the fabulous Kary Mullis ...

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🎶 🇨🇦 ☮️ 🇺🇸 💯👍

Thank you for your message

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Thanks for sharing this Renee!

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Derek, I attached a few videos

For you and your wife I hope the links come through https://rumble.com/vr7rm4-dr-lawrence-palevsky-on-vaccines.html

20 mins. Very good.


The Aaron Siri deposition is 9 hours every parent should listen to to. I did in 1.5 speed.

https://aaronsiri.substack.com/p/and-like-that-the-claim-vaccines?r=u6z0r&utm_medium=ios&triedRedirect=true I’ll find you a Steve kirsch Substack too. I’ll send in a post. Here is something I post too.

If vaccines were safe there would be no laws protecting vaccine manufacturers from injury claims, never take a drug or medication that demands immunity from liability.

“Vaccination is an organized criminal enterprise dressed up as disease prevention by means of junk science”

“Never was humanity cursed by a darker superstition than this: that disease can be cured and health maintained by the absorption of virulent poisons" Henry Lindlahr, MD. Grandfather of Naturopathic Medicine

The amount of unknown substances in these vaccines, now coming to view, is atrocious. No child should be forced to put such poison in their body. (Not just children) How can you measure damage when your subject can neither talk or tell what they are feeling? It should probably be illegal to vaccinate until the child can respond appropriately or give informed consent. What a farce the medical industrial complex has become!

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Thank you so much Susie! I greatly appreciate this and I will watch all these. I completely agree with your statement. I am so concerned for my kids that my wife and I have fully vaccinated or partially vaccinated to date. We have 4 kids 2 boys (7 & 5) and 2 girls (3 & 4 months). All of them are up to date on vaccinations. I am now wondering how do I get these toxins out of them and help their body recover if that is even possible. This just makes me sick to my stomach and worried for my kids. I wonder how we are going to fight the schools on this and my wife’s parents. I don’t have any more energy to fight people for what I truly believe. I have been doing this for years in other areas of our lives and I’m just exhausted now. I just wish people could just let people make their decisions and leave it at that.

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I understand I have 2 children one is 7 and one is 5 I stopped jabbing 3 years ago when I awoke from my hypotonic stupor. I know it. It’s no one else’s business what you do, I understand. Find a good functional doctor or pediatrician or chiropractor, they will help you find a way to detox. We can’t look back, my kids had some vaccines too. I just look forward and hope that other people will wake up to the insanity as well. Thank goodness no injuries, now they are really thriving and have such good immune systems. You can do this!

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Aiy. Sometimes when one speaks against big powers & big $, poof.

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They have their ways of creating a death that looks like illness or heart attack etc.

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She was killed.

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Use critical thinking skills. She died just prior to the release of the deadly covid jabs. She was having an impact. Big pharma has snuffed the life out of millions of Americans, why wouldn’t they shut the lights off this courageous truth teller! It enrages me! We must fight this evil!!!!

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Big Pharma kills many millions of people all around the world, NOT just you Americans... It, the pharmaceutical industry, operates worldwide!!

I'm in the UK, and recall that in one of the many books I've read (over the years) re. the corruption of the Medical Establishment ("The Great White Hoax: the suppressed truth about the Pharmaceutical Industry", by Robert E Catalano), the author unbelievably wrote "Oh, how strange, the Pharmaceutical Industry stretches as far as Europe...". Haha!! The American author actually thought that Big Pharma ONLY exists in the USA!?!

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There was a young cdc guy (in Atlanta) privy to infectious disease who at first disappeared. Left his dog alone-something he would never do. In the U.S. it was broadcast just for a few days & then dropped. He later turned up in a lake dead. From his family, he was mot suicidal. He was smart & young & accomplished & knew how to swim. News never followed up. A cynical person would find the reports that were given incomplete & odd & would investigate further. But maybe they'd end up in a lake, as well.

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Christine, YOU are being manipulated into drawing false conclusions, and fighting against those who should be on the same team! interestingly, you point the finger at a couple of Americans trying to spread truth rather than focusing on the Civil War that’s occurring in your own country! How about dropping your keyboard and doing something really meaningful rather than stabbing fellow patriots in the back, r . By pointing out the fact that millions of Americans have been killed by these evil b******s in no way implies that I think this only occurred in the US! perhaps you may want to consider lessons in logic during your spare time, because you certainly don’t draw logical conclusions. ✌🏼

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🎶 🇨🇦 ☮️ 🇺🇸

The vaccines are the product of an Extremely Evil agenda. Hopefully your wife will see the truth of #BigPharma.

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She made a video right before she was killed showing how someone had been moving objects around in her home despite her state of the art security system. She was telling us so we would know what was going to happen.

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It took me a while to convince my husband and after a few years, he agreed and I just keep talking to home about the dangers, risks and ingredients. It was a long process and now he’s on board. He trusted me and knew I did alot of reading and research. Our kids are healthier now we don’t jab them. It’s Amazing. If you follow Steve Kirsch Substack he has alot of good information and also children’s health defense if you subscribe to their newsletter. Have faith, she will come around. Good luck.

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Depends on where you read of her death. I read gallbladder but other sources said differently. More fuel to say they lie as ‘news’ reported differently. Research to see what you find. Also net scrubbing.

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https://open.substack.com/pub/stevekirsch/p/new-survey-confirms-that-vaccines?r=u6z0r&utm_medium=ios He surveyed over 10,000 of his readers and 2300 were not vaccinated and most of us are. The results are stunning! Godspeed my friend! It’s a long hard discussion but the results are worth it. My kids have zero cognitive and neurological issues. I know too many kids with allergies, ADD, neurological issues, speech delays, autism etc.

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Shame on all of us, especially medicals/nurses who knew back then, and didn’t try to shout from rooftops even if mocked and censored, as too late, as now.

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Some of us did & it fell on deaf & angry ears.

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I was watching her back then and was concerned for her. Then she was obviously killed, and it was so devastating to hear. She was a champion for humanity. 😭

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Babylon's hour to shine and burn brightly for a limited time.

Your time is limited... you who cut men and women down

who plunder their destinies for your profit

and lays waste the children of men because of filthy lucre

the smoke of your devastation shall rise up to the heavens in the day your destruction comes

all who see her shall mourn for her...

Babylon is fallen, fallen, fallen

to rise no more for ever...

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Indeed. Revelation 18:23. And the many warnings of evil, rich, deceitful oppressors.

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When the post mortem was done, coroner did an autopsy including blood panel and cardiovascular workup? Embalmers wrote up a report informing the medical examiner of any clotting or bleeding issues? If not, coroner was probably ordered not to! Corruption. Healthy active thin 44 yr olds don't suddenly die for no reason!

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She must be in heaven, after they MURDERED her. And that same pharma mafia is in league with Trymp and JD Vance. Vance very involved in mRNA investments. Watch, this team will help finish off America, the cult of Trump.

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“On December 7, 2020, Brandy Vaughan was discovered unresponsive by her ten year old son at their home in Santa Barbara, California” ... Imagine my shock... 🙄

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This looks like it’s going to get a heart break

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"looks like" ? 😱

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Great post. I saw a video of how she was being intimidated, when I was researching my film against the Covid-19 vaccine, Shots: Eugenics to Pandemics. Here's that video on Vaughan having her home invaded and intimidated. https://odysee.com/@UncensoredChannel:4/BrandyVaughanVideo:b

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The human body LACKS the enzymes and metabolic pathways to break down synthetic man-made molecules into harmless substances therefore NO pharmaceutic is safe. They only mask the symptoms and do nothing to fix the cause. Years ago as chemicals were made into medicine, one of the reasons the FDA was started was to make sure the chemicals didn't kill too many people. The FDA wasn't started to make sure that Vitamin C, or hawthorn berries, or ginger, or other herbs, or homeopathic, or other natural products didn't kill people because they already had thousands of years of use. Pharma can only patent synthetic substances, not natural ones. That is why they disqualify and demonize all treatments that don't include their toxic drugs. Over 700,000 people die from taking pharmaceuticals correctly. How many die from taking natural medicine products correctly? Check out Table 22B, p. 1613 -1615, 39th Annual Report, Clinical Toxicology. There were none.

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This brought me to tears! How can some humans be so ugly and other so beautiful?

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I am truly believing that they can’t be human ! I’m not kidding

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Litigate the practitioners

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💔 hopefully she didn’t die for nothing .

God bless her son 😔

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