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My focus is transcripts of censored videos from 2021-2023, but I make some exceptions. I thought this clip was very important. For those who don't do video:


VIDEO - Australian Pilot Captain Graham Hood urges Australian government to stop the shots (Mar.13, 2024)

[CLIP] https://makismd.substack.com/p/video-australian-pilot-captain-graham?r=1r0udw

Full video: https://rumble.com/v4j0r8f-graham-and-john-provide-testimony-to-the-federal-senate-13th-march-2024....html

Graham Hood https://clubgrubbery.com.au/


GRAHAM HOOD: Fifteen months my wife Michelle and I hooked up the caravan, had five different tours, we toured this country 70,000 kilometers, we visited and spoke at 300 venues around the country, to over 30,000 people. And we listened to them. And that's what this government needs to do.

There are so many, there is a disadvantaged subclass in Australia now labeled as anti-vaxxers and I envisage one day that there will be an apology, in 30 or 50 years time, there will be an apology in this House to people who were, who were mandated into oblivion.

And so I've continued to be their voices best as I can. I do the best I can to do that, but I can tell you, and I'll try not to get too emotional as I wind up that part of the question, my wife and I have been touring through a country with a broken heart. This country has been decimated by political expediency and a lack of proper human factor application to a problem that could have easily been solved a whole lot better.

I developed an ego warning light in my mind years ago when I became a pilot. I've carried 6 million people over 12 million miles. I've no doubt carried every one of you and everyone listening. I'm sure, it's easily possible. I used to come into Canberra all the time. There would have been times when we landed in almost zero, zero visibility fog or in thunderstorms with lightening hitting the ground and you may have been sitting behind me, trusting me. And I applied that problem solving model to what I've, the decisions I've made with this and I am more convinced now that I made the correct decision.

And in the course of our programming, John Larter [1] and myself have run this program called Club Grubber. We've done hundreds of interviews [2]. We've interviewed Peter McCullough— these are the medical experts, Peter McCullough, Aseem Malhotra, Professor Harvey Risch from Harvard University [Hood misspoke, it's Yale University —TB]. Our own professor Robert Clancy, who's now being considered for a Nobel Prize. Dr. Philip Altman. Dr. Pierre Kory. Professor Angus Dalgliesh. Professor Ted [inaudible]. We'll soon be interviewing Dr. Sabine Steinberg [Dr. Sabine Hazan]. And every single one of them has passionately called on governments to stop using mRNA until we sort this out.

So my position is basically this. We have a problem. Australia, we have a problem. And when we're in a situation of, of, of high anxiety in an airplane when there's an issue going on, there's an urgency language that we use if somebody's fixated on a solution that isn't going to work.

If for example, I've got an engine on fire and I'm about to come in and land at Brisbane and I've forgotten something and it's obvious I'm not, I'm not falling into the normal flow of operational procedures, the minute I hear the term, Captain, you must listen, I stop. Straightaway. It's trained in me. Stop! What is it? The co-pilot tells me, we haven't put the landing gear down. Thanks. I'm so solution-orientated I forgot some of the basics.

Urgency language.

And I urge this Senate, and I urge this government, with these words, Government, you must listen.

This country is in dire straights. The spirit of this country has been systemically destroyed. And I've witnessed it first hand. I've done what many of you don't have the time to do. I've been face to face with people who've lost loved ones that they know were from vaccine injury. And I don't know whether these excess deaths are being caused by vaccines or long covid or whatever else it might be, it could be an additive in food, I don't know, but nobody else seems to know either, and that's why we must stop, we must investigate, we must do a proper debriefing, we must apply proper human factors, and we must bring the people that I mentioned that have been locked away with, with censorship, back out of the dark, with their data, so that we can start healing the people of this country.

And if we don't do that, we have neglected an opportunity that will go down in history as one of the greatest human factor failures in the world.



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"Graham is a veteran aviator and former Qantas Captain with 36,000 flying hours. Graham and wife Michelle herself, an accomplished RN with degrees in law and psychology have always had a passion to serve their community. “Hoody” as he is affectionately known, coming to public prominence through a heartfelt and passionate video about our country, his employer, the mandates and lockdowns which left Australia in a state of fibrillation. He is a passionate Aussie larikin who has a great respect for our war veterans, history, freedoms and those willing to serve in any capacity during times of need."

— Source: https://clubgrubbery.com.au/

[1] "John found himself sacked by NSW Ambulance for failing to comply with a mandatory vaccination order and subsequent policy. As a result he took the Health Minister Brad Hazzard to the NSW Supreme Court to fight what can only be described as medical apartheid. He is passionate about politics and has previously been elected Mayor. He shares a passion for aviation like Graham and holds licences for helicopters and fixed wing aircraft. John teamed up with Drifta in 2022 and opened a store in Tumut. He is married to wife Caitlin(RN) and has six children. John is passionate about serving and answered the call from “Hoody” to assist with the Corakai floods. He has worked in many disasters including assisting with the Bali bombings and our most recent bushfires."

— Source: https://clubgrubbery.com.au/

[2] The interviews can be viewed at https://clubgrubbery.com.au/category/voices/

Categories of interviews include doctors, nurses, athletes, media, reports and panels, and general voices.

The videos can also be viewed directly on rumble at https://rumble.com/user/RoyalAustralian

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