VIDEO - AUSTRALIA - Professor Ian Brighthope's Speech at 'The Great Debate: Port Hedland vs The Premier' - Turbo Cancer after COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines (I've been warning for 2 years)
I had the pleasure of being present during this speech. It was a privilege to be present and to hear the words about the potentially damaging effects of the COVID vaccine being spoken about by Professor Brighthope, I am so grateful for the courage and bravery showed by him to help bring this information to light and with such passion and integrity.
Thank you for bringing awareness to this great speech through your platform and god bless you for continuing to bring light to this dark episode in our history and for staying true despite the potential risks for speaking out. 🙏
Now, if only providers could be trained in schools that were Not funded & curriculum utterly limited & controlled by bigpharm, & also, be able to work Not controlled by insurers!
late Middle English (denoting the venom of a snake): from Latin, literally ‘slimy liquid, poison’. The earlier medical sense, superseded by the current use as a result of improved [read as unsubstantiated] scientific understanding, was ‘a substance produced in the body as the result of disease, especially one capable of infecting others’.
EXCEPT: Today the term is misused. Disease has been proven to be non-transmissible from one human to another. Germ/Virus Theory is absolutely incorrect, and disease is not transmissible from one human to another. Dr Joel Wallach claims that all disease is caused by a lack of nutrition of at least one of 90 essential nutrients. Toxins and poisons cause a depletion of nutrients resulting in disease. Glyphosate is a toxin molecularly very similar to venom.
Pathogenic germs are a result not a cause of disease. Viruses per se do not exist.
Exactly DAVY. Viruses do not exist, except for manmade, evil concoctions turned into weapons, such as Covid and these “Bioweapon Injections.”
Our so called leaders literally changed the definition of what a vaccine was defined as for decades, knowing full well these shots were not vaccines.
They had to convince people there was something deadly out there we can’t see, smell or taste. But unless you do as we say, you will lose your job, your home, everything! Sadly millions of people lost their lives! IMO, they were “Murdered!”
When so called leaders have to force some people, dupe other people, all while “fear-mongering” everyone saying grandma and grandpa will die if “you don’t do as we say” it’s perplexing why anyone “COMPLIED!”
How anyone would allow into their bodies, their children’s bodies, an unknown,untested, unproven “Shot to the Heart” shot is beyond my comprehension.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and insights DAVY.
So, if viruses don't exist, what makes us so sick with coughing, sour throat, high fever, and difficulty breathing? Tell us. But let's just assume that you are right about your theory. At the end of the day, whether your virus theory is true or false it doesn't matter to people. Why is that? For a very simple fact: those symptoms I described they are real: they make people very sick and some end up dying. Unless you come up with a viable cure, I don't care about any theory. The only thing that matters to me is this: how can I get healthy again so I don't end up in the hospital? That's all that matters to me, and I bet many feel the same way. But since you are not an expert in virology I believe the wisest thing anyone can do would be to trust Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche when it comes about viruses. He is an expert in this field. You on the other hand, are not. But it's still kind of a free world out there: everyone can express the most outrageous theories and get away with it:-). You know... just like they did it with the " safe and effective vaccines". And many people fell for it. Now that, is very scary. What is the lesson here? Don't ever believe anyone without using your own judgement and doing your homework.
Also something so important I forgot to mention Gabriella was if anyone you know or yourself took the Covid Bioweapon Injection, everything I have learned about this is that the spike protein can’t be removed by our God given immunity.
Another words, your body becomes a “Spike Protein” factory which is poison to our bodies. Another reason why the evils made this so deadly and without recourse.
Some people I know have been taken Dr McCulloughs protocol with success other people have been using a combination of different over the counter treatments.
I hope this helps and please understand I am in no way a doctor. Not as I mentioned before do I claim such things. If I learn something hopefully sharing it helps someone else. Which is all I believe we should do for each other.
Doesn’t matter if you get the spikes from being infected, or from a poke…both events can cause long Covid, per recent articles. But the poke has more ingredients.
And, yes, “The Terrain is everything”—the more malnourished someone is, the more they get sick.
The better nutrient-replete, the better the system can “negotiate” with passing germs, & either synergistically integrate them into functional body, or, reject them.
Glyphosate was 1st registered as an antibiotic agent, because it kills lots of germs (like, in the soil, which blocks dirt nutrients from getting into plant roots & the produce, so we can eat them.
Our immune system is primarily our gut populations of many kinds of bacteria…& I suspect other organisms. These digest food for us, & create other things we need to run our bodies & protect us from our environment. Our bodies are mostly made of bacterial & viral colonies that learned, over millions of years, to be mutually beneficial for each other, & contribute to the whole organism—very like a functional commune.
Our lives depend on more, not less organisms working synergistically, optimally, together.
But, Modern human gut flora, & elsewhere in our bodies, have been massively diminished in variety & numbers, largely due to industrial causes—from foods, & many thousands of manmade chemical compounds, & so much “war on germs”.
Healthy soil is soil alive & nearly vibrating with Life—organisms all working synergistically together, & with all kinds of plants.
There hasn’t been that kind of living soil, in a VERY long time.
Very old stories described a certain way of healing, involving “burying” a sick person in this kind of soil, leaving them able to breath, for a day or few, then, the person came out of that, healed.
Sure cannot do that now & get that kind of results, because that kind of dirt is vanishingly-rare to find.
So why does the immune system that has evolved over millions of years and perfected, make such a basic “mistake”? Because AAI “immunologists” injected pollen contaminated vaccines and taught the immune system that pollen is a harmful invader.
Also, because industries have been intensively using Social & Consumer Engineering, to Groom public into accepting more of what they’re selling—largely, nutrient-diminished foods related to commercial growing conditions in dead soil & in hydroponics, CAFO animal industries, & mostly manufactured foods loaded with stuff NO organism can mutate fast enough to live with, & yet worse nutrient-stripped to sell to other income streams.
“The terrain is everything”, was known very long ago:
….when the body is nutrient replete, the body is able to “negotiate with” or to “block or destroy” germs it gets exposed to.
The body either works synergistically with, or, prevents the germs trying to get into the system, WHEN it has all the micronutrients & macronutrients required.
Just about everyone is walking-wounded, so-to-speak; malnourished, or they wouldn’t be getting sick from every germ they encounter. Malnourished, or they would not crave certain things. Malnourished, or they wouldn’t be obese, diabetic, have cardio-ills, etc.
You’re exactly right Chi. We are all walking around wounded. Even though the “Bioweapon Injections” didn’t kill half the world’s population, other nefarious programs and products are. Thank you Chi for sharing this important information.
When your body’s immune systems become compromised by a cold or some other germ. Then your immune system’s defenses determine if the germ or contagion is foreign and begins fighting against it.
Quite amazing when you think about all the different so called viruses have been manmade so the pharmaceutical industry can whip up something to supposedly protect you.
Think about chicken pox. All kids needed was to be in proximity of someone who was fully exposed. A little exposure from someone sets off our immune systems defenses against the infection building antibodies to destroy the foreign germs while memorizing chicken pox against any other invasion.
I’m not a doctor Gabriella nor do I claim to be. What I can say is, throughout history various diseases / germs have been found in nature and never crossed from animal to human. Now because of Gain Of Function, scientists / virologists can mandate such germs into an aerosol / contact form / etc. all these so called viruses were created by “human to infect human.”
Dr Yeadon does a great job of explaining how these germs as I call them, have been made.
I hope this answers your question and helps you understand a little more about how manipulating mankind has been.
This part of an article was what I was trying to say earlier about viruses Gabriella. The entire article is on Substack. I’ll post it to my homepage if you want to read more about this topic.
since the late 1800's the British Monarchy along with the then German Monarchy has been trying to get full control of the world. They are deranged evil psychopaths who believe in their elite genes
noun: an advocate or supporter of eugenics: "in the late 19th century, eugenicists were eager to insist that biological factors are the primary driver of humans' mental abilities"
1. relating to eugenicists or eugenics: "the revelation of the Nazi death camps exposed the catastrophic impact of eugenicist ideology"
USA "Operation Paperclip", during the liberation of Europe, Special troops were looking for Hitler's top scientists and brought them back to the USA, to carry on with their sick agenda, now all the technology is available to them to succeed with their sick plan. ONLY GOD will be able to deliver us from the clutch of Satan, and he will soon do it or we are all doomed
(Matthew 24:22) In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short.
(Job 34:21, 22) For God’s eyes are upon the ways of a man, And He sees all his steps. 22 There is no darkness or deep shadow Where wrongdoers can conceal themselves.
(Revelation 21:8) But as for the cowards and those without faith and those who are disgusting in their filth and murderers and the sexually immoral and those practicing spiritism and idolaters and all the liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. This means the second death.”
(Psalm 37:10) Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more; You will look at where they were, And they will not be there.
(Psalm 37:29) The righteous will possess the earth, And they will live forever on it.
“ONLY GOD will be able to deliver us from the clutch of Satan, and he will soon do it or we are all doomed!”
I agree as you said Cecile above. I cut and pasted and I added an exclamation point.
“Planned Parenthood” was founded by an “Eugenics Nut”
This woman and please don’t take this regarding all woman.
Margaret Sanger founded the American Birth Control League in 1921. It changed its name to Planned Parenthood in 1942.
Then this happened recently:
President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden with Cecile Richards, former president of Planned Parenthood, and her husband Kirk Adams after awarding Richards the Presidential Medal of Freedom on November 20, 2024 in the White House
AYKM? The medal of Freedom? This is exactly how evil these people are! You can’t make this stuff up! Freedom? Killing an unborn baby is freedom? In what universe may I ask?
Sadly, “Planned parenthood” had a plan all along. Tell potential mothers that there’s nothing but a “clump of cells” when they’re first pregnant and even up until birth, where in some states, the mother who gave birth can decide at that time if she “changed” her mind or not! This is
Yes, infanticide does exist for anyone who thought differently. In fact during a two month period, 23 babies were “left to die” in Minnesota after a “failed-abortion!”
This is how evil, the DNC Vice President candidate Waltz believes! After all he signed the bill into law!
Without going through your entire reply Cecile, I choose this topic primarily because it encompasses how
“EVIL-EVIL-IS!” And Americans wonder why God is upset with the world? With humanity? With Satan? This is why! This is in fact a battle between “God vs Satan.”
For all people of the world, wake up, please wake up and ask yourself this, “is it ok to allow a baby to be murdered?” Between child sex trafficking and forced child prostitution, the entire world must awaken! Think about how Jesus would react? Think about how, supposed “Good & Decent” people have lived a life of deceitful behaviors!
If mankind is going to survive, “We the People’s” of the World must “Repent” and ask God for His mercy and forgiveness! Otherwise, “Mankind Destroys Mankind!”
Thank you Cecile for all your truthfulnesses. I pray to God more and more people realize the “Wickedness” of their lives and look towards Jesus for their own redemption.
It’s interesting how the molecular theme revolves around venom!!
I’ve often wondered how glyphosate fits into this picture ...
The forked tongue venom scheme theme persists then if glyphosate is has a structural similarity!
The work of Dr Bryan Ardis talks about venom
Peptides being used to block the nicotine receptors in cells causing malfunction of the recipient cells..
That’s how snakes and sea snails etc disable their victims etc etc .
So dr Ardis goes on to show that the big tobacco companies has the objective to make cigarettes addictive .
They knew decades ago that nicotine was not addictive.
That means there has been collusion and cooperation between science and corporations and government etc to tell us that nicotine is the problem !
The work Dr Ardis did shows that if one has a nicotine patch or gum in a small dose the symptoms disappear and very quickly even though they may have been persisting for years !
And .. one of the biggest illuminations is that these peptides very quickly Crete cancers and nicotine undoes the cancer damage and .
the cancer goes away!
Here also I’ve seen a crossover with the great works of Dr Makis on cancer
The chilling factors are that these corporate and regulatory and media and science must be oat if a coordinated venture with only one objective outcome possible !!
Now comes glyphosate slithering centre stage ...!!!
Dr. Ardis also tells people to drink their own urine, and in fact, said he does it. He also has a line of chemical, synthetic "supplements" to sell you 🤔🤨
Any time someone tries to sell a one-size-fits-all for anything, RUN for your life! Everyone is unique in their needs and deficiencies, and what might seem to help one, can seriously harm another.
But, some people will believe anything if you can make it sound ever so "scientific"!
The toxic effects of nicotinic acid (falsely called niacin) are carcinogenic. Yet it is used as a filler for most over the counter or mail order "vitamins".
Intelligent, thinking people research everything before they put them into their bodies...either orally or injected. Ignorant people believe anything they are told, if a "doctor" says it, and if it sounds "scientific".
And that, my friend, is why so many are dead and dying from the covid DNA damaging injection. Ignorance has a penalty....
And I’ve heard some people say that drinking their urine is beneficial. When you look at what I’m the water from the kitchen tap or those corporate “energy “ drinks and everything else we have to contend with ... ??
Well joking aside ..
Whatever your points are and I will look into them later!
It cannot be argued that the cigarette and tobacco companies did not purposefully fool the world by saying the nicotine is addictive when they appear to have known it was not addictive !
We’ve all been told it is addictive. And there have been campaigns for many many years telling us it is the problem! So that is a massively important truth!
And .. then the next part of the story is that the covid spike protein ( one component of the “vax”)
actually is identical to a snake venom peptide!!!
Dr Ardis found it was identical
to two particular snake venom peptides.
And to add to that mayhem the covid symptoms are identical to venom symptoms snake uses to disable thief prey.
And so by the use of small dose nicotine patches or gum the “covid” symptoms were reversed and people were healed very quickly !
So thats the main value of his work I would say.
And Dr Ardis also points out that many government suddenly set in motion legislation to prohibit the use of these nicotine remedies.
He later talks about research that showed that injections of any venoms very quickly caused aggressive cancers to form !
And he points out that the successful use of ivermectin and another couple of pharma products are very successful as fast remedies for “covid”!!
There a lot more to this story that he shows but these I think are the main value points he shows.
His processes have been extremely successful and has put many other professionals on very successful paths to solutions to these problems!
So I myself don’t have a problem with this!
I have head some people do drink their irons for health reasons ?
I won’t !!
And it seems you won’t either !
I summary I think it’s not good to throw the baby out with the bath water !
I have to say that I think has contributed something of extreme importance with tix work!
When the foundation is flawed, the whole building falls down.
You are merely repeating someone else's talking points and do not speak from actual researched knowledge. That's the majority of what is seen in the comments. "So and so said such and such"
Evidence speaks truth, not hearsay. Have a nice day yourself.
Many decades ago, in Canada, Dr. Gaston Naessons invented equipment that could allow seeing rounded-triangle organisms in the blood. He figured out, that conditions in the body caused those particles or organisms to morph into the “germs” of various kinds that have been thot to cause infections of various kinds. He also figured out that he could take blood from a sick person, run it thru a different machine he made, that caused those particles/organisms to return to that basic shape, & the diseases he did that with, stopped quickly. Of course, govt strictly limited him, & his machines & papers disappeared after he died.
Even Pasteur knew the Germ Theory he wrote, was flawed. But, industries ran with it, as it is great as a foundation for profiteering by industries.
What we got taught in school, for nurses & docs, in a nutshell:
Viruses mutate fastest; they inform & reprogram DNA. & mRNA is “messenger” that carries the messages to the DNA. Most infections are viral, & NOT helped at all by antibiotics.
Bacteria mutate slower. These contain DNA of their own. Infections by these Can be helped by antibiotics, but, MUST have the right one(s), or don’t work.
There are other germs with various behaviors.
BOTH the virus spikes on the so-called new virus (not new; there’s evidence it’s been being manipulated since about the 1970s), AND in the vacs, contain protein forms that screw with body function.
That means, the adverse effects are happening to both the vaxed & the unvaxed….turbo cancers, long Covid, etc.
The shutdowns were used to achieve many things, mostly for industries, NOT for the people. The shutdowns were fraudulently arranged & used, to force public back into tighter control by industries, FOR industries’ benefits, NOT for people’s benefits.
In all I could look up, flus & covids ALL had death rates of 1% or Less —whether it was this kind, or other kinds, including the “Spanish flu” of 1918.
It is awful to lose folks; but the hyperbolic disinformation spread by industries & CDC, etc., is more deadly & has more collateral damages, than the viruses!!
They actually started telling folks their own immune systems no longer work to protect them, therefore get vaxxed — folks, That is ONLY true, if people ONLY consume the chemicals & manufactured, nutrient deficient diets big industries have been coercing consumers to consume!!
Industries have been causing the lions’ share of the troubles in the world, yet point at the very exceedingly GROOMED consumers to blame.
This is going on worldwide, not only in Australia, of course.
“Flus” have been being used for many decades to sell pokes & related drugs —in the 1990s, population increased refusing flu shots, because they did not work, &/or, caused them to get sick with the flus those were s’posed to prevent (of course, denied by industry).
Vacs preventing infections: the “safety & efficacy” data has largely been fraudulent for at least 40+ years—mainly because docs refused to document adverse reactions, or labeled them as “oh, the kid is shedding excess virus from the shots”. But, People have been getting sick with the infections the vacs were s’posed to prevent, for many decades!
The same industries that caused all this, have also been rabidly blocking access to drugs & natural remedies, & dietary methods, which have track records of helping heal illnesses.
Some of the drugs that can help, should be/have been very low cost—but are now very costly to get, & can get confiscated by customs agents.
Retired Rn here. Speaking from personal experience of self & family, & observations of communities, & patients tended.
Dr. Naisson’s organisms that morphed into illness-causing things, seem very like the “prions” blamed for spongiform encephalitis (which US govt swore had never happened before it rode-in on imported beef from UK or Japan. But there’s proofs there has been; & many more types of it, depending on conditions & species affected.
I think, there’s way more to these things, regardless if labeled prions, protids, or whatever. That might be a reason commercial healthcare avoids dark field microscopy.
Dr. Makis: Thank you for this introduction to Dr. Ian Brighthope. His speech was inspiring. Let us not fail to recognize and understand the fundamental importance of the seminal lie, which he described as the source of all that has followed in adhering to it.
We know the collective author of this lie: Bill Gates, the WEF, the WHO, Mr Fauci, and all the principal government health officials.
And Christians should know that the single authority this collective spiritual cancer is Satan, who is "a murderer from the beginning and the father of all lies"
Only pawns of these officials and this hater of God and humanity can in some cases be viewed initially as deceived and naive: many of whom are doctors.
But as time has now revealed the truth generally for all WILLING to see, there are no longer any pawns of ignorance, for all are now culpable who refuse to be enlightened (obscurantism) in order to save their jobs and pensions. "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" Mark 8:36
We NEED to keep this before us as we continue to fight for the truth and our health and freedom: the source of this catastrophe is the Devil himself, and THE ONLY one who can strengthen us in our battle against this evil is Jesus Christ who, upon the Cross defeated Satan's empire, and thus justified our new eternal life in his Resurrection and whose coming again in glory to claim his own forever we celebrate in this waning Advent season: Christ has come, Christ is coming again!
Let us cease from our own naivety in referring to what has been done as mistaken or irresponsible behaviour: remember the lie, and from whom it came:
As we must be soldiers in this war, so must we be soldiers of Christ whose "strength is perfected in" our "weakness." 2 Corinthians 12:9
Lewis How+ Anglican priest (retired) extra mural in extremis in Nova Scotia
Jesus Christ defeated the devil at the beginning of his ministry, when he fasted for forty days and nights, and then was tempted by the devil in the wilderness....
Not at the crucifixion. He defeated death and sin at the crucifixion. You teach falsely.
And the drone thing really accelerated people speak up about the lack of answers and I'm noticing opening the door to more questioning of what is going on. Looks like many of their ugly plans are backfiring with low uptake on scare tactics while more questioning than ever.
Would be real justice to deny excellent blood transfusions without (spike protein-ADN-sv40) to the criminal LIERS ( NATOgobs, mRNA factories, mainstream media, WHO, EcohealthAlliance/Pentagon, NIH-Faucy-Dasak, FDA, CDC and regulatory ones).
I am encouraged listening to the speech by Professor Ian Brighthope, a brave, courageous man speaking the truth. Thanks are winning. Merry Christmas.
Let's be more direct and call the vaccine what it really is without sugarcoating. The vaccine is a genocidal population reduction bioweapon where the citizenship pay for their own destruction.
Thank you Dr. Makis for your courage and wisdom. Thank you for putting my speech up on your wonderful Substack. It was the most difficult speech I have ever given. I hope that we physicians can make the biggest difference to human health that has ever occurred in the history of humankind. I believe you are doing this. Best wishes, Ian Brighthope.
Dr. Makis: Thank you for this introduction to Dr. Ian Brighthope. His speech was inspiring. Let us not fail to recognize and understand the fundamental importance of the seminal lie, which he described as the source of all that has followed in adhering to it.
We know the collective author of this lie: Bill Gates, the WEF, the WHO, Mr Fauci, and all the principal government health officials.
And Christians should know that the single authority this collective spiritual cancer is Satan, who is "a murderer from the beginning and the father of all lies"
Only pawns of these officials and this hater of God and humanity can in some cases be viewed initially as deceived and naive: many of whom are doctors.
But as time has now revealed the truth generally for all WILLING to see, there are no longer any pawns of ignorance, for all are now culpable who refuse to be enlightened (obscurantism) in order to save their jobs and pensions. "What profiteth a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?"
We NEED to keep this before us as we continue to fight for the truth and our health and freedom: the source of this catastrophe is the Devil himself, and is only one who can strengthen us in our battle against this evil, even Jesus Christ who defeated Satan empire on the Cross, justified our new eternal life in his Resurrection and whose coming again in glory to claim his own forever we celebrate in this waning Advent season: Christ has come, Christ is coming again!
Let us cease from our own naivety in referring to what has been done as mistaken or irresponsible behaviour: remember the lie and from whom that lie came and continues to thrive in this broken and fallen world. As we must be soldiers in this war, so must we be soldiers of Christ "whose strength is perfected in our weakness."
Lewis How+ Anglican priest (retired) extra mural in extremis in Nova Scotia
Not sure why my direct reply to your recent post on 'Yale study that showed spike protein presence 700 days after injection' was rejected, so I'll try getting the message to you here - - . My brother's wife searched for a diagnosis for her sudden-onset migraine headache for more than a year before being diagnosed with spike protein poisoning in her brain, liver, and heart. Pam is still with us, but it looks like this will be her last Christmas.
Many thanks for your tireless work & sacrifice to bring 'truth' to this horrific crime and coverup. Please let me know if Pam's ordeal might be helpful to your data collection activities
I had the pleasure of being present during this speech. It was a privilege to be present and to hear the words about the potentially damaging effects of the COVID vaccine being spoken about by Professor Brighthope, I am so grateful for the courage and bravery showed by him to help bring this information to light and with such passion and integrity.
Thank you for bringing awareness to this great speech through your platform and god bless you for continuing to bring light to this dark episode in our history and for staying true despite the potential risks for speaking out. 🙏
Thank god ..!!
The message is getting thru!!
Gain of function research ..
Isn’t a friendly let’s make molecules mow the lawn and bring me a coffee!!
How can anyone come to the conclusion:
Let’s build some mRNA factories all over the planet and we will call it medicine!
Let’s assassinate a Russian general who was taking down th;e “ gain of function laboratories of the west in Ukraine”!
And then what happens to the guy doing what is absolutely essential !!
Look up the amazing work of Karen Kingston to find out!
The good news is people in the medical world are beginning to see what’s happening in their nam!
Now, if only providers could be trained in schools that were Not funded & curriculum utterly limited & controlled by bigpharm, & also, be able to work Not controlled by insurers!
Totally agree . Ban the technology . Ban the factories . Exit WEF,WHO,UN
Absolutely 👍🏽! We have to get out of these groups ~ NOW!!!
YES, you have been warning for 2 years. Oh, how I thank you, Dr. Makis.
Merrium-Webster Dictionary. . .
VIRUS: Word Origin
late Middle English (denoting the venom of a snake): from Latin, literally ‘slimy liquid, poison’. The earlier medical sense, superseded by the current use as a result of improved [read as unsubstantiated] scientific understanding, was ‘a substance produced in the body as the result of disease, especially one capable of infecting others’.
EXCEPT: Today the term is misused. Disease has been proven to be non-transmissible from one human to another. Germ/Virus Theory is absolutely incorrect, and disease is not transmissible from one human to another. Dr Joel Wallach claims that all disease is caused by a lack of nutrition of at least one of 90 essential nutrients. Toxins and poisons cause a depletion of nutrients resulting in disease. Glyphosate is a toxin molecularly very similar to venom.
Pathogenic germs are a result not a cause of disease. Viruses per se do not exist.
Exactly DAVY. Viruses do not exist, except for manmade, evil concoctions turned into weapons, such as Covid and these “Bioweapon Injections.”
Our so called leaders literally changed the definition of what a vaccine was defined as for decades, knowing full well these shots were not vaccines.
They had to convince people there was something deadly out there we can’t see, smell or taste. But unless you do as we say, you will lose your job, your home, everything! Sadly millions of people lost their lives! IMO, they were “Murdered!”
When so called leaders have to force some people, dupe other people, all while “fear-mongering” everyone saying grandma and grandpa will die if “you don’t do as we say” it’s perplexing why anyone “COMPLIED!”
How anyone would allow into their bodies, their children’s bodies, an unknown,untested, unproven “Shot to the Heart” shot is beyond my comprehension.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and insights DAVY.
So, if viruses don't exist, what makes us so sick with coughing, sour throat, high fever, and difficulty breathing? Tell us. But let's just assume that you are right about your theory. At the end of the day, whether your virus theory is true or false it doesn't matter to people. Why is that? For a very simple fact: those symptoms I described they are real: they make people very sick and some end up dying. Unless you come up with a viable cure, I don't care about any theory. The only thing that matters to me is this: how can I get healthy again so I don't end up in the hospital? That's all that matters to me, and I bet many feel the same way. But since you are not an expert in virology I believe the wisest thing anyone can do would be to trust Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche when it comes about viruses. He is an expert in this field. You on the other hand, are not. But it's still kind of a free world out there: everyone can express the most outrageous theories and get away with it:-). You know... just like they did it with the " safe and effective vaccines". And many people fell for it. Now that, is very scary. What is the lesson here? Don't ever believe anyone without using your own judgement and doing your homework.
Also something so important I forgot to mention Gabriella was if anyone you know or yourself took the Covid Bioweapon Injection, everything I have learned about this is that the spike protein can’t be removed by our God given immunity.
Another words, your body becomes a “Spike Protein” factory which is poison to our bodies. Another reason why the evils made this so deadly and without recourse.
Some people I know have been taken Dr McCulloughs protocol with success other people have been using a combination of different over the counter treatments.
I hope this helps and please understand I am in no way a doctor. Not as I mentioned before do I claim such things. If I learn something hopefully sharing it helps someone else. Which is all I believe we should do for each other.
Doesn’t matter if you get the spikes from being infected, or from a poke…both events can cause long Covid, per recent articles. But the poke has more ingredients.
And, yes, “The Terrain is everything”—the more malnourished someone is, the more they get sick.
The better nutrient-replete, the better the system can “negotiate” with passing germs, & either synergistically integrate them into functional body, or, reject them.
Glyphosate was 1st registered as an antibiotic agent, because it kills lots of germs (like, in the soil, which blocks dirt nutrients from getting into plant roots & the produce, so we can eat them.
Our immune system is primarily our gut populations of many kinds of bacteria…& I suspect other organisms. These digest food for us, & create other things we need to run our bodies & protect us from our environment. Our bodies are mostly made of bacterial & viral colonies that learned, over millions of years, to be mutually beneficial for each other, & contribute to the whole organism—very like a functional commune.
Our lives depend on more, not less organisms working synergistically, optimally, together.
But, Modern human gut flora, & elsewhere in our bodies, have been massively diminished in variety & numbers, largely due to industrial causes—from foods, & many thousands of manmade chemical compounds, & so much “war on germs”.
Healthy soil is soil alive & nearly vibrating with Life—organisms all working synergistically together, & with all kinds of plants.
There hasn’t been that kind of living soil, in a VERY long time.
Very old stories described a certain way of healing, involving “burying” a sick person in this kind of soil, leaving them able to breath, for a day or few, then, the person came out of that, healed.
Sure cannot do that now & get that kind of results, because that kind of dirt is vanishingly-rare to find.
So why does the immune system that has evolved over millions of years and perfected, make such a basic “mistake”? Because AAI “immunologists” injected pollen contaminated vaccines and taught the immune system that pollen is a harmful invader.
Also, because industries have been intensively using Social & Consumer Engineering, to Groom public into accepting more of what they’re selling—largely, nutrient-diminished foods related to commercial growing conditions in dead soil & in hydroponics, CAFO animal industries, & mostly manufactured foods loaded with stuff NO organism can mutate fast enough to live with, & yet worse nutrient-stripped to sell to other income streams.
“The terrain is everything”, was known very long ago:
….when the body is nutrient replete, the body is able to “negotiate with” or to “block or destroy” germs it gets exposed to.
The body either works synergistically with, or, prevents the germs trying to get into the system, WHEN it has all the micronutrients & macronutrients required.
Just about everyone is walking-wounded, so-to-speak; malnourished, or they wouldn’t be getting sick from every germ they encounter. Malnourished, or they would not crave certain things. Malnourished, or they wouldn’t be obese, diabetic, have cardio-ills, etc.
You’re exactly right Chi. We are all walking around wounded. Even though the “Bioweapon Injections” didn’t kill half the world’s population, other nefarious programs and products are. Thank you Chi for sharing this important information.
When your body’s immune systems become compromised by a cold or some other germ. Then your immune system’s defenses determine if the germ or contagion is foreign and begins fighting against it.
Quite amazing when you think about all the different so called viruses have been manmade so the pharmaceutical industry can whip up something to supposedly protect you.
Think about chicken pox. All kids needed was to be in proximity of someone who was fully exposed. A little exposure from someone sets off our immune systems defenses against the infection building antibodies to destroy the foreign germs while memorizing chicken pox against any other invasion.
I’m not a doctor Gabriella nor do I claim to be. What I can say is, throughout history various diseases / germs have been found in nature and never crossed from animal to human. Now because of Gain Of Function, scientists / virologists can mandate such germs into an aerosol / contact form / etc. all these so called viruses were created by “human to infect human.”
Dr Yeadon does a great job of explaining how these germs as I call them, have been made.
I hope this answers your question and helps you understand a little more about how manipulating mankind has been.
This part of an article was what I was trying to say earlier about viruses Gabriella. The entire article is on Substack. I’ll post it to my homepage if you want to read more about this topic.
Thank you.
You are absolutely correct J C it is a death-cult, narcissistic narcissist’s who seek total control and power over everyone!
since the late 1800's the British Monarchy along with the then German Monarchy has been trying to get full control of the world. They are deranged evil psychopaths who believe in their elite genes
noun: an advocate or supporter of eugenics: "in the late 19th century, eugenicists were eager to insist that biological factors are the primary driver of humans' mental abilities"
1. relating to eugenicists or eugenics: "the revelation of the Nazi death camps exposed the catastrophic impact of eugenicist ideology"
USA "Operation Paperclip", during the liberation of Europe, Special troops were looking for Hitler's top scientists and brought them back to the USA, to carry on with their sick agenda, now all the technology is available to them to succeed with their sick plan. ONLY GOD will be able to deliver us from the clutch of Satan, and he will soon do it or we are all doomed
(Matthew 24:22) In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short.
(Job 34:21, 22) For God’s eyes are upon the ways of a man, And He sees all his steps. 22 There is no darkness or deep shadow Where wrongdoers can conceal themselves.
(Revelation 21:8) But as for the cowards and those without faith and those who are disgusting in their filth and murderers and the sexually immoral and those practicing spiritism and idolaters and all the liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. This means the second death.”
(Psalm 37:10) Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more; You will look at where they were, And they will not be there.
(Psalm 37:29) The righteous will possess the earth, And they will live forever on it.
“ONLY GOD will be able to deliver us from the clutch of Satan, and he will soon do it or we are all doomed!”
I agree as you said Cecile above. I cut and pasted and I added an exclamation point.
“Planned Parenthood” was founded by an “Eugenics Nut”
This woman and please don’t take this regarding all woman.
Margaret Sanger founded the American Birth Control League in 1921. It changed its name to Planned Parenthood in 1942.
Then this happened recently:
President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden with Cecile Richards, former president of Planned Parenthood, and her husband Kirk Adams after awarding Richards the Presidential Medal of Freedom on November 20, 2024 in the White House
AYKM? The medal of Freedom? This is exactly how evil these people are! You can’t make this stuff up! Freedom? Killing an unborn baby is freedom? In what universe may I ask?
Sadly, “Planned parenthood” had a plan all along. Tell potential mothers that there’s nothing but a “clump of cells” when they’re first pregnant and even up until birth, where in some states, the mother who gave birth can decide at that time if she “changed” her mind or not! This is
Yes, infanticide does exist for anyone who thought differently. In fact during a two month period, 23 babies were “left to die” in Minnesota after a “failed-abortion!”
This is how evil, the DNC Vice President candidate Waltz believes! After all he signed the bill into law!
Without going through your entire reply Cecile, I choose this topic primarily because it encompasses how
“EVIL-EVIL-IS!” And Americans wonder why God is upset with the world? With humanity? With Satan? This is why! This is in fact a battle between “God vs Satan.”
For all people of the world, wake up, please wake up and ask yourself this, “is it ok to allow a baby to be murdered?” Between child sex trafficking and forced child prostitution, the entire world must awaken! Think about how Jesus would react? Think about how, supposed “Good & Decent” people have lived a life of deceitful behaviors!
If mankind is going to survive, “We the People’s” of the World must “Repent” and ask God for His mercy and forgiveness! Otherwise, “Mankind Destroys Mankind!”
Thank you Cecile for all your truthfulnesses. I pray to God more and more people realize the “Wickedness” of their lives and look towards Jesus for their own redemption.
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
Merry Christmas Cecile.
Thank you again.
Hi davy udal ....
It’s interesting how the molecular theme revolves around venom!!
I’ve often wondered how glyphosate fits into this picture ...
The forked tongue venom scheme theme persists then if glyphosate is has a structural similarity!
The work of Dr Bryan Ardis talks about venom
Peptides being used to block the nicotine receptors in cells causing malfunction of the recipient cells..
That’s how snakes and sea snails etc disable their victims etc etc .
So dr Ardis goes on to show that the big tobacco companies has the objective to make cigarettes addictive .
They knew decades ago that nicotine was not addictive.
That means there has been collusion and cooperation between science and corporations and government etc to tell us that nicotine is the problem !
The work Dr Ardis did shows that if one has a nicotine patch or gum in a small dose the symptoms disappear and very quickly even though they may have been persisting for years !
And .. one of the biggest illuminations is that these peptides very quickly Crete cancers and nicotine undoes the cancer damage and .
the cancer goes away!
Here also I’ve seen a crossover with the great works of Dr Makis on cancer
The chilling factors are that these corporate and regulatory and media and science must be oat if a coordinated venture with only one objective outcome possible !!
Now comes glyphosate slithering centre stage ...!!!
Dr. Ardis also tells people to drink their own urine, and in fact, said he does it. He also has a line of chemical, synthetic "supplements" to sell you 🤔🤨
Any time someone tries to sell a one-size-fits-all for anything, RUN for your life! Everyone is unique in their needs and deficiencies, and what might seem to help one, can seriously harm another.
But, some people will believe anything if you can make it sound ever so "scientific"!
The toxic effects of nicotinic acid (falsely called niacin) are carcinogenic. Yet it is used as a filler for most over the counter or mail order "vitamins".
Intelligent, thinking people research everything before they put them into their bodies...either orally or injected. Ignorant people believe anything they are told, if a "doctor" says it, and if it sounds "scientific".
And that, my friend, is why so many are dead and dying from the covid DNA damaging injection. Ignorance has a penalty....
Hi truthseeker ...
I take your point..
And I’ve heard some people say that drinking their urine is beneficial. When you look at what I’m the water from the kitchen tap or those corporate “energy “ drinks and everything else we have to contend with ... ??
Well joking aside ..
Whatever your points are and I will look into them later!
It cannot be argued that the cigarette and tobacco companies did not purposefully fool the world by saying the nicotine is addictive when they appear to have known it was not addictive !
We’ve all been told it is addictive. And there have been campaigns for many many years telling us it is the problem! So that is a massively important truth!
And .. then the next part of the story is that the covid spike protein ( one component of the “vax”)
actually is identical to a snake venom peptide!!!
Dr Ardis found it was identical
to two particular snake venom peptides.
And to add to that mayhem the covid symptoms are identical to venom symptoms snake uses to disable thief prey.
And so by the use of small dose nicotine patches or gum the “covid” symptoms were reversed and people were healed very quickly !
So thats the main value of his work I would say.
And Dr Ardis also points out that many government suddenly set in motion legislation to prohibit the use of these nicotine remedies.
He later talks about research that showed that injections of any venoms very quickly caused aggressive cancers to form !
And he points out that the successful use of ivermectin and another couple of pharma products are very successful as fast remedies for “covid”!!
There a lot more to this story that he shows but these I think are the main value points he shows.
His processes have been extremely successful and has put many other professionals on very successful paths to solutions to these problems!
So I myself don’t have a problem with this!
I have head some people do drink their irons for health reasons ?
I won’t !!
And it seems you won’t either !
I summary I think it’s not good to throw the baby out with the bath water !
I have to say that I think has contributed something of extreme importance with tix work!
If you don’t .. well .. that’s free will !!
Have a good day !
When the foundation is flawed, the whole building falls down.
You are merely repeating someone else's talking points and do not speak from actual researched knowledge. That's the majority of what is seen in the comments. "So and so said such and such"
Evidence speaks truth, not hearsay. Have a nice day yourself.
Many decades ago, in Canada, Dr. Gaston Naessons invented equipment that could allow seeing rounded-triangle organisms in the blood. He figured out, that conditions in the body caused those particles or organisms to morph into the “germs” of various kinds that have been thot to cause infections of various kinds. He also figured out that he could take blood from a sick person, run it thru a different machine he made, that caused those particles/organisms to return to that basic shape, & the diseases he did that with, stopped quickly. Of course, govt strictly limited him, & his machines & papers disappeared after he died.
Even Pasteur knew the Germ Theory he wrote, was flawed. But, industries ran with it, as it is great as a foundation for profiteering by industries.
What we got taught in school, for nurses & docs, in a nutshell:
Viruses mutate fastest; they inform & reprogram DNA. & mRNA is “messenger” that carries the messages to the DNA. Most infections are viral, & NOT helped at all by antibiotics.
Bacteria mutate slower. These contain DNA of their own. Infections by these Can be helped by antibiotics, but, MUST have the right one(s), or don’t work.
There are other germs with various behaviors.
BOTH the virus spikes on the so-called new virus (not new; there’s evidence it’s been being manipulated since about the 1970s), AND in the vacs, contain protein forms that screw with body function.
That means, the adverse effects are happening to both the vaxed & the unvaxed….turbo cancers, long Covid, etc.
The shutdowns were used to achieve many things, mostly for industries, NOT for the people. The shutdowns were fraudulently arranged & used, to force public back into tighter control by industries, FOR industries’ benefits, NOT for people’s benefits.
In all I could look up, flus & covids ALL had death rates of 1% or Less —whether it was this kind, or other kinds, including the “Spanish flu” of 1918.
It is awful to lose folks; but the hyperbolic disinformation spread by industries & CDC, etc., is more deadly & has more collateral damages, than the viruses!!
They actually started telling folks their own immune systems no longer work to protect them, therefore get vaxxed — folks, That is ONLY true, if people ONLY consume the chemicals & manufactured, nutrient deficient diets big industries have been coercing consumers to consume!!
Industries have been causing the lions’ share of the troubles in the world, yet point at the very exceedingly GROOMED consumers to blame.
This is going on worldwide, not only in Australia, of course.
“Flus” have been being used for many decades to sell pokes & related drugs —in the 1990s, population increased refusing flu shots, because they did not work, &/or, caused them to get sick with the flus those were s’posed to prevent (of course, denied by industry).
Vacs preventing infections: the “safety & efficacy” data has largely been fraudulent for at least 40+ years—mainly because docs refused to document adverse reactions, or labeled them as “oh, the kid is shedding excess virus from the shots”. But, People have been getting sick with the infections the vacs were s’posed to prevent, for many decades!
The same industries that caused all this, have also been rabidly blocking access to drugs & natural remedies, & dietary methods, which have track records of helping heal illnesses.
Some of the drugs that can help, should be/have been very low cost—but are now very costly to get, & can get confiscated by customs agents.
Retired Rn here. Speaking from personal experience of self & family, & observations of communities, & patients tended.
Dr. Naisson’s organisms that morphed into illness-causing things, seem very like the “prions” blamed for spongiform encephalitis (which US govt swore had never happened before it rode-in on imported beef from UK or Japan. But there’s proofs there has been; & many more types of it, depending on conditions & species affected.
I think, there’s way more to these things, regardless if labeled prions, protids, or whatever. That might be a reason commercial healthcare avoids dark field microscopy.
Keep up the good protection by caring and sharing facts of any risks by getting injected with mRNA or DNA Spike Protein stuff. Just say, no.
Dr. Makis: Thank you for this introduction to Dr. Ian Brighthope. His speech was inspiring. Let us not fail to recognize and understand the fundamental importance of the seminal lie, which he described as the source of all that has followed in adhering to it.
We know the collective author of this lie: Bill Gates, the WEF, the WHO, Mr Fauci, and all the principal government health officials.
And Christians should know that the single authority this collective spiritual cancer is Satan, who is "a murderer from the beginning and the father of all lies"
Only pawns of these officials and this hater of God and humanity can in some cases be viewed initially as deceived and naive: many of whom are doctors.
But as time has now revealed the truth generally for all WILLING to see, there are no longer any pawns of ignorance, for all are now culpable who refuse to be enlightened (obscurantism) in order to save their jobs and pensions. "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" Mark 8:36
We NEED to keep this before us as we continue to fight for the truth and our health and freedom: the source of this catastrophe is the Devil himself, and THE ONLY one who can strengthen us in our battle against this evil is Jesus Christ who, upon the Cross defeated Satan's empire, and thus justified our new eternal life in his Resurrection and whose coming again in glory to claim his own forever we celebrate in this waning Advent season: Christ has come, Christ is coming again!
Let us cease from our own naivety in referring to what has been done as mistaken or irresponsible behaviour: remember the lie, and from whom it came:
As we must be soldiers in this war, so must we be soldiers of Christ whose "strength is perfected in" our "weakness." 2 Corinthians 12:9
Lewis How+ Anglican priest (retired) extra mural in extremis in Nova Scotia
Jesus Christ defeated the devil at the beginning of his ministry, when he fasted for forty days and nights, and then was tempted by the devil in the wilderness....
Not at the crucifixion. He defeated death and sin at the crucifixion. You teach falsely.
And the drone thing really accelerated people speak up about the lack of answers and I'm noticing opening the door to more questioning of what is going on. Looks like many of their ugly plans are backfiring with low uptake on scare tactics while more questioning than ever.
Our boots are getting bigger !!
Ha ha...!!
How I needed that! That last part was an infusion of Life and Truth! Thank you! 🕯️
Happy Christmas 🎄
Would be real justice to deny excellent blood transfusions without (spike protein-ADN-sv40) to the criminal LIERS ( NATOgobs, mRNA factories, mainstream media, WHO, EcohealthAlliance/Pentagon, NIH-Faucy-Dasak, FDA, CDC and regulatory ones).
I am encouraged listening to the speech by Professor Ian Brighthope, a brave, courageous man speaking the truth. Thanks are winning. Merry Christmas.
Let's be more direct and call the vaccine what it really is without sugarcoating. The vaccine is a genocidal population reduction bioweapon where the citizenship pay for their own destruction.
Thank you, Dr. Makis, for sharing this important video. I have shared it where I could.
Merry Christmas and a healthy, and prosperous, New Year to you all.
Will change the momentum or will the evils cover this with more proxy war by NATO?
Thank you Dr. Makis for your courage and wisdom. Thank you for putting my speech up on your wonderful Substack. It was the most difficult speech I have ever given. I hope that we physicians can make the biggest difference to human health that has ever occurred in the history of humankind. I believe you are doing this. Best wishes, Ian Brighthope.
And thank you Sir. You are a true Digger.
Dr. Makis: Thank you for this introduction to Dr. Ian Brighthope. His speech was inspiring. Let us not fail to recognize and understand the fundamental importance of the seminal lie, which he described as the source of all that has followed in adhering to it.
We know the collective author of this lie: Bill Gates, the WEF, the WHO, Mr Fauci, and all the principal government health officials.
And Christians should know that the single authority this collective spiritual cancer is Satan, who is "a murderer from the beginning and the father of all lies"
Only pawns of these officials and this hater of God and humanity can in some cases be viewed initially as deceived and naive: many of whom are doctors.
But as time has now revealed the truth generally for all WILLING to see, there are no longer any pawns of ignorance, for all are now culpable who refuse to be enlightened (obscurantism) in order to save their jobs and pensions. "What profiteth a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?"
We NEED to keep this before us as we continue to fight for the truth and our health and freedom: the source of this catastrophe is the Devil himself, and is only one who can strengthen us in our battle against this evil, even Jesus Christ who defeated Satan empire on the Cross, justified our new eternal life in his Resurrection and whose coming again in glory to claim his own forever we celebrate in this waning Advent season: Christ has come, Christ is coming again!
Let us cease from our own naivety in referring to what has been done as mistaken or irresponsible behaviour: remember the lie and from whom that lie came and continues to thrive in this broken and fallen world. As we must be soldiers in this war, so must we be soldiers of Christ "whose strength is perfected in our weakness."
Lewis How+ Anglican priest (retired) extra mural in extremis in Nova Scotia
@Dr.William Makis MD
Not sure why my direct reply to your recent post on 'Yale study that showed spike protein presence 700 days after injection' was rejected, so I'll try getting the message to you here - - . My brother's wife searched for a diagnosis for her sudden-onset migraine headache for more than a year before being diagnosed with spike protein poisoning in her brain, liver, and heart. Pam is still with us, but it looks like this will be her last Christmas.
Many thanks for your tireless work & sacrifice to bring 'truth' to this horrific crime and coverup. Please let me know if Pam's ordeal might be helpful to your data collection activities