Jun 11·edited Jun 11

Something in me says that the PERPETRATORS of the covid hoax and depopulation crime planned for this to be continually sticky and hard to sort out during and after. Their invented criminal JARGON works as their shield.

The crimes are ongoing, with the Fraudulent PCR Diagnostic Tests still in use, with babies and pregnant women still encouraged to take this toxic shot, and with the covid protocol in hospitals continuing to administer Remdesivir and euthanasia cocktails. And even with the crimes ONGOING and a new one brewing called "Disease X" or "avian flu" or whatever -- it is necessary to slog through the made-up criminal JARGON of the Perpetrators who will tell you a damaging and lethal experimental mRNA drug is a 'vaccine'. It appears the Perpetrators are also claiming that if you accepted their definition for whatever reason or period of time, it is not their fault if bad things happen.

What is even sicker about the situation is that Mad "Scientist" Dr. Anthony "Gain-Of-Function" Fauci's life work -- making 'vaccines' the primo "public health" response to ANYTHING -- will come out of this unscathed.

In reality, every flu vaccine of the last 25 years should be investigated regarding how these are engineered to harm recipients. And the same goes for the out-of-control syringe-stabbing of babies and children.

It appears to me this will not knock any of the Perpetrators plans off track. They will STILL use 'vaccination" as their means to depopulate through "public health" while they continue to work to SILENCE THE PUBLIC through censorship and their additional criminal JARGON about how ALL public discourse must be ended via the excuse of controlling dis-, mis-, and mal- information!

Polluting language with the deliberate ILLUSIONISM of their criminal JARGON is proof of crimes that have been planned and prepared for a VERY LONG TIME. Screwing with language is the biggest proof of their long-range planning of a WORLDWIDE crime. Unfortunately, screwing with language also messes with the heads of the victims, many of whom are still oblivious to the Perpetrators' objectives!

The Japanese scientists recently in the news have it right about this syn/biotechnology being a weapon. When are American courts et al going to cut through the Perpetrators' JARGON and come to the same understanding?

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Many legal scholars are noting how being allowed to proceed to trial is FAR from a victory. But Sweet Jesus! It’s a beginning!

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RemovedJun 13·edited Jun 13
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I’m far from believing this crap, 40 years ago I figured that out!

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11

Like Dr Makis, Dr David Martin has been onto the plandemic right from the start. He puts continuous pressure on these criminals and is continually a freedom fighter. What Dr Martin didn't do was to not mention the criminals behind this whole operation. So here are these criminals https://theserapeum.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/COVIDupdated.jpg

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Klaus Schwab is NOT Jewish. Per his wiki page: His father was Lutheran; he was raised Catholic.

What about the others? How many on this list are observant to the Jewish faith? Few to none. They're mostly secular Jews and don't represent the teachings of Judaism. They're JINOs, Jewish in name only. But convenient targets for Jew haters who are always looking for ways to build their case.

Surprised that in their antisemitic zeal the individuals who put this list together didn't try to sneak Fauci's name in as well. Or list him as a Shabbos lover.

This list is nothing more nor less than a modern-day blood libel with the age-old goal of Jewish extermination. Disgusting.

To the other Jew haters on this site (they're always lurking for a chance to spew their hate), I will block or delete your comments. So, save your energy.

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I didn't know about the jew either. As we dug deeper into this plandemic , it always came back to this race of what ever they are. Sure bury your head in the sand, but they call for the goyim to be killed or become their slaves. The jew has been kicked out of 109 countries... Why ??

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You ask: Why? Good question. I suggest you look harder for the answer and do some REAL research with an open mind into the roots of antisemitism. I recommend "Why the Jews? The Real Reason for Antisemitism" by Dennis Prager. You owe it to yourself to get out from under that blanket of ignorance, lies, fear and hate.

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When a group of people want you dead, you try to defend you and your family. You question the motive of this group. You brought up the word hate and the typical antisem BS to shut me down. It will take you time, but if you do a little research, they want you dead or enslaved. It you can't do a little research, you are a troll and wish for humans dead. So who is doing the hating ?

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I have a horrible feeling we may be reading about you in the news someday.

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11

If the judge on the day this goes back to court happens to be a ‘democrat’, this case will likely remain dead in the water.

Not sure how it works in the states court system, here in Canada the lawyers do their very best to arrange/procure proceedings by being “unavailable” until the ‘right’ judge is on the bench that day - in this case, the ‘left’!

Also, here in Ca, 78% of the judges who are appointed by the PMO (prime ministers office) are LIBERAL DONOR$ before during and after their time on the bench, and that also includes a lot of lawyers donating as well!

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Yes, it is known as the 9th Circus court

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Indeed, once more and more successes are achieved, hopefully more and more people in the world of [real] justice will dare to take on the fight of the century. But let us never forget the Lamestream media in this. The communication scum that every so often pulls out the still perfectly working trick : “There have been new cases of ‘infections’ found” and then the pathogen is released again which this media has to use in order to sow as much fear and unrest among the population as possible.

But it can just as easily be accomplished without release of the pathogens. In the past four years we have seen that the power of fear, collective or otherwise, can accomplish a great deal. People who got the flu but were so frightened by the media that their clinical picture became more and more like Covid's! - whatever that might be - Besides everything that is juggled with, there is still such a thing as suggestion and hypochondria. With these last two things alone, the propagandists can accomplish a great deal. And without releasing even 1 pathogen! Anyone who got a so-called positive result after doing the incorrectly used PCR test method was already getting sick of it, so to speak! And one could not think clearly after that either. I suspect the same thing happened with the so-called AIDS tests in the 1980s/90s. Then we had the so-called “Dr. Anthony Mengele Fauci should have been locked up already!

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Don’t agree with Siri. MRNA stimulates the immune system to attack and destroy the body. The job of the immune system is to recognize self from non self. When your cells are instructed to make a foreign protein your immune system no longer recognizes the cells producing the foreign protein. This is basic immunology and gene therapy has a completely different mechanism of action from the traditional vaccine. Traditional vaccines stimulate the body to mount an immune response against a specified disease. It is this easy. MRNA mounts an immune response against our own bodies ( cells and organs ) and traditional mounts an immune response against the disease. People are really wobbly about this stuff which is why we’re still trying to figure things out four years into this disaster. I am staring to wonder about this Siri attorney??!!

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11

They renamed it so no idea but he does study the law. Katherine Watts has a substack she covers the law, countermeasures etc..

Dr Christina Parks

https://t.me/ChristinaParks/3850 ➡️🧠➡️

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The vaccine as a "therapeutic* is a clever way out. They can say it was for emergency use, did not have enough time to undergo proper clinical trials, and at this stage authorities have to accept that as true. If, and when, they attempt to force people to take more vaccines, people must just say, "no"!

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Tell that to all the deceased and seriously ill.

And people who are now unwell and very unhealthy because of a lie.

Something that was planned.

What justice do these folk get ?

Where is their justice the ones who are not here any more.

Anything that’s coming out now does not cut it.

People need to be prosecuted.

And pay for their lies and crimes.

It’s the same old song being played over and over again

Until all complicit evil parties are dealt with it shall be Deja vu.

And it’s 4 years too late!!!

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LOVE Dr. David Martin's bowtie > Dark to LIGHT! 😉😎

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They are Emergency Use Authorized non investigational military countermeasures. EUA non investigational meaning - no trials were conducted , so should have never been mandated.

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Do you believe that the University of North Carolina will be sued?

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I’d like to see some responsibilities in the Doctors. That’s who the public listens too.

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What good is the second amendment - if one just "protest" ??

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Very important commentary. It is not a fait accompli that the perpetrators will be either forced to face the music or convicted. Still, it is great news to know that there is now a legal basis for prosecution. I can imagine they are already planning their defense.

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So The Question Remains When Will The Tribunals For Treason, Murder & Crimes Against Humanity Begin And The Appropriate Sentences For Treason Be Implemented?

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