This woman’s disease is caused by microscopic parasites that can only be seen under high magnification. They eat the coating the covering over the nerves in the body and on the spine causing MS. All medical doctors are given only four hours of training in college on parasites! Parasites are the cause of nearly every single disease that we get! This woman should start taking high doses of both ivermectin and Fenbendezol twice a day every day for the next 6 to 8 to 10 months until all her symptoms are gone and she starts to get better because she will get better. Another lie is that the body can’t regenerate and heal itself well that’s another lie because it can very much regenerate and heal itself. You have to get past the big Pharma lies that these doctors have been taught their entire career. Now they just put symptoms into a computer program and the computer tells you what the problem is and what drugs to give to the patient . Doesn’t tell you how to make the patient well but basically just how to manage their disease. Remember there’s no money to be made in well patients! Keep your customers sick and they will always keep coming back and will be a constant stream of income to the medical professional this is the big Pharma business model has always been this way. Nearly every drug that big Pharma gives you will make your situation worse and they are designed to do that. You have to use alternative medicine and ivermectin in Fenbendezol will kill the parasites that are attacking this poor woman and will heal her back to you 100%. So let’s see if this advice is taken I mean do the research people it’s all out there in the public domain even on the NIH website You know the national Institute of health Dr. Fauci’s organization, it states that ivermectin is the cure for cancer!!! So help this poor woman and do more research…

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I believe your right. Most of our illnesses are parasite related. I believe all cancer is from parasites too. We must do regular parasite protocols to help ourselves stay dis-ease free. themedicalrebel.com Dr. Lee Merritt has great info about cancer started from parasites.

Bless you for speaking up! We must expose EVIL! The health care system is Satan’s house.

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It's truly sad that she's still depending on the criminal HELLthcare system that did this!!

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Yes it truly is but unfortunately the injured from the VAX aren’t getting any help until they’re so debilitated like this poor woman that this is the only place that will give her any kind of help. So now she has some financial backing and I hope she sees my posts and starts doing this protocol to get herself better otherwise the big Pharma medical system is going to kill her!

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I have been following Dr. Robert Morse, a holistic doctor for years. https://morses.tv/. I absolutely agree a lot of illnesses including cancer could easily be cured with getting rid of parasites. Dr. Morse has been basically screaming this for years. You can get rid of parasites too by eating a very basic non-processed diet but may take longer. I am not in the medical field but I think every cancer patient ought to try to get rid of parasites first, and even if you don't have cancer wouldn't hurt for others to do an anti-parasitic every now and then to keep up their good health.

With that being said they are saying that embalmers are seeing strange looking clots after people have been vaccinated, (maybe even in the non-vaccinated). I am not sure if an anti-parasitic would help to get rid of that kind of clot. I wonder.

My son's girl friend pretty much went through what this young lady is going through. She too was vaccinated and woke up one day at the age of 21 to not being able to use her legs. Now she has good days and bad days. Her immune system is shot. She got POTs and has to watch how she spends her "energy" as doing too much she just faints. I'm very upset about all this. I try telling them it probably is the shots but they don't seem to want to listen to that. Though she may have had a mild connective tissue disorder before the shot, the shot made her health way worse. I tried telling her I remember AstraZeneca saying not to get the shots if you have a connective tissue disorder. That goes in one ear and out the other. I'm horrified by all of this.

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Lyme is a Bioweapon that has 6 to 8 forms of a Spirochete or bacteria that eats connective tissue. The test case was a group of children in Lyme Ct. who were afflicted by hard arthritis (infection and inflammation of joints)…and other symptoms. They most likely were infected by school vaccines, as test cases. No criminal investigation was ever done that I’m aware of. The medical field wasn’t trained to heal it, those infected by vaccines, the blood supply or bites soon grew despondent, realizing certain groups controlled its definition, diagnosis and treatment.

The blatant push to inject the “immune -compromised, vulnerable and elderly with the DOD/HHServices-pushed ‘gene therapy’ was nothing more than a psychopathic cattle call.

Leaders act like they are ignorant of the depop push, people trust politicians for medical advice, they are threatened with job loss and thus homelessness while hoping they’ll survive the death lottery.

And the morally bankrupt ‘leaders’ just hope they can hide out till the culling is over, avoiding accountability.

Coming soon to a theater near you: Digital fast food ordering to create “dynamic” marketing strategies: Changing prices, phone app needed to find menus and order. McDonald’s and Wendy’s are two fast food companies with news -announced changes or area locations already starting this practice. Digital control, increased pricing on food leading to food scarcity for certain groups like the homeless, those without bank cards, and the continued price gouging post -burning multiple food processing plants and passing punitive business and farm laws.

News today: NYC Medical school(s) announcing free tuition. Is this to make the puppet Biden a hero by bankrupting us into Socialist control, and diverting our attention to their manufactured illegal invasion, which does the same?

It has become war. Us or them.

Globalists and Socialist control…or Freedom.

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I believe the FDA said that the covid shots can create "inflammatory syndrome" in kids. They admit it. Not that those that needed to know this knew or even would spend a minute reading about it.

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It seems with the spike protein to tear up the vascular system and organs, snake venom, etc., they threw in the kitchen sink to increase the likelihood of disease and death... spread out, to encourage momentary lulls in a possible cattle stampede.

With self assembling nanotechnology, why leave out Lyme and parasites?

If we don’t do a full flush on the agencies, America is doomed.

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We are shutting down these agencies permanently. Fauci, Berks, Wollensky, as well as many others have already been executed for their crimes against humanity. We have been in a war for more than seven years it’s a digital war mainly but it’s a war. Main players are being taken off the stage and tried by in military tribunals for their crimes against humanity and treason against our country. They are getting the death penalty and their trials are very short they can be 15 minutes long or two weeks but typically no longer than that. Because you still may see some of these people in front of you on the TV screen it’s someone in a mask or it’s a CGI or a clone. Listen to what Dr. leave Elite has to say as well as Attorney Todd Calendar who have done lots of research on the poisons and the parasites. Also Dr. Artist has amazing information on this. All shots are poisonous. If you look at the ingredients they range from all types of heavy metals to graphene oxide to all different types of animal and human DNA! Why on earth would they put that shit in a shot oh and don’t forget the formaldehyde which gives all the children leukemia! Modern medicine is nothing more than poison and money. We have all been conditioned to idolize those who wear white hospital coats thinking that they are the no walls of all disease and they can help us! Nothing could be further from the truth! There are still a handful of doctors who really care about their patients and realize that these Covid shots were killing people and they stopped giving them and some doctors even would not allow anyone coming into their office he was vaccinated because he had pregnant medical workers and pregnancies were being aborted if they were near people who were vaccinated. So some doctors still have the critical thinking skills and use them but the majority are nothing more than drug pushers. I just don’t have any respect for them anymore certainly don’t trust them with their lack of knowledge! Just because they got a medical degree just shows you that they are good at memorizing answers and charts etc. to get that degree .

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Saw Steve kirch say that when you get the covid shot it's more likely you die months later rather than right away so now the doctors don't connect the death to the covid shot.

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Yes every single batch of Covid shots no matter who the manufacturer was we’re all different. There’s a website how bad is my batch.com which will tell you the side effects people are getting on whichever batch you took so you have things to look forward to happening to you! There is no spike proteins they keep talking about it’s actual snake venom that attaches to the nicotine receptors on your cells this is why smokers aren’t getting this disease because nicotine seems to be some type of antidote. Remember when in the main stream media several months before Covid started there was all the hype about the Vape pens the young kids and teenagers and college students were using that had nicotine in them and were flavored. The hype was that these created a new lung disease called popcorn lung and they had several stories run in the press that showed kids getting with lung transplants supposedly because of this disease. The goal was to pull these nicotine vapes off the market so that these kids could in fact be infected by the Covid shots and or the shedding that is created by being around those who have been injected. As nicotine prevented the venom from attaching itself to your cells if they had allowed these vapes to continue to be used than none of the youth who are using them would’ve gotten sick or injured. This whole thing has been planned for years all of these poison Covid shots were actually manufactured and ready to go in 2015. This is always been a deep population plan by the Deep State Cabal. They do this every 100 years they kill us off because their financial system of debt always implodes and when the people find out they want to kill The elites who control the money in the government! The last time this happened was the Spanish flu and those who died from the Spanish flu were injected with the cow pox vaccine which killed everyone who got it. Plus facemasks were forced to be worn and those who wore them religiously would get bacterial pneumonia and die from that! Fauci admitted this fact but mandated them on all of us anyway! When you use a mask you reduce your oxygen intake by a minimum of 20%. When you reduce your oxygen intake by 20% your body starts to turn acidic this is when disease happens in your body and cancer thrives ! Like I said this is all carefully thought out and planned but Trump is still our president and commander in chief of the special forces the navy and the marines which are carrying out nationwide and international plans capturing arresting and executing those involved with treason and human trafficking crimes against humanity . They are taking out the scourge which is deeper and brighter than anyone could imagine. Our troops have been fighting underground subterraneous Lee in miles of tunnels some are thousands of years old and many or newer which our secret military DARPA black ops has been creating for years. These tunnels connect the world together and they facilitate all of the human and drug trafficking throughout the world. There’s been a lot of operations in Southwest Florida where I live for the past several weeks. Positive things are happening but the creatures that are down in these tunnels are not human. Many eat us and these poor trafficked people are bred underground to create children with no birth certificates so they can be trafficked for sex or work, parted out for all their organs and blood and butchered into body parts and sold openly on the Internet for the elites to consume. This is all being stopped this is what this war has been about this is about saving humanity. Bill Gates and Yuval Harare I have told you they are interfacing man with machine they’re turning us all into cyborgs they even managed to pass a law in Congress during Obamas reign that states that anyone that gets injected by one of their drugs and it changes their DNA then they now become the proprietary property of the company that made the drug that changed their DNA! So they can come in anytime and whisk you away or take your children that you have after you’ve been injected because your children will have this stuff in them too. All diabolical it’s amazing what happens in our government with officials who were supposedly elected by us to work for us who instead turn into dictators and multi millionaires through insider trading and human trafficking and drug trafficking! Trump always tells you these people are sick they are so sick you wouldn’t believe it! Well now you’re getting an idea of what he’s talking about. All of this is going to be revealed soon to the masses and it will be horrific. Do not eat any fast food burgers because they all contain human meat mostly children. They have all been closed in Europe many I’ve been closed here in the Americas and soon they will all be closed from what I understand. That goes for all fast food burgers. Eat only organic and buy from the farmer as well as your meat no injections into your meat of any kind because the animal vaccines are all contaminated with this garbage as well.

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The Covid shots are poison they are a biological weapon created by DARPA which is the secret black ops arms of our federal government and military. They were created to kill. They maim many people first with all kinds of new horrible diseases that debilitate them so badly they cannot work anymore and they end up losing everything And eventually their life! This was purposely done they’ve told us for years through the Georgia guide stones and Bill Gates every freaking speech she ever gave talks about vaccinating the kids and reducing population 10 to 15% and he gets applause for that statement! Are people deaf and dumb? He’s telling you he’s going to kill and sterilize people to achieve his goal which is what he did ! But what most people don’t know is Bill Gates and his wife went to India to check on how their polio vaccines were working. Apparently these vaccines were not only giving children polio and completely paralyzing them but they also killed Manny as well as sterilized the women! Well the people of India had had enough so when this arrogant piece of garbage showed up with his wife in a village to check on the progress with the paid off official of the village, the towns people took over arrested both gates and his wife tried and hung them in the public Square right then and there and the government of India did not try to stop them in any way! So Mr. Gates is being played by a clone an actor in a mask who the heck knows but both of those are possible. Remember the Deep State Cabal Hass to continue to carry out their plan so their main players can’t disappear from the scene because people will get suspicious and their plan won’t be able to follow through properly . Do some research go down that rabbit hole use alternative sites do not use Google use a search engine that does not track you there are several free ones like DuckDuckGo although that is controlled by the CIA to. Just dig and search and you will find the truth… Stop believing modern medicine it’s nothing but poison and money!

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I read that the shots are making people infertile and pregnant women who got the covid shot are having sick babies with stroke and heart attacks in the womb. Saw a nurse video said normally have one dead baby a month. Since the vax came out now 30 stillborn babies a month!! It's all hushed up and the hospitals are offering to cremate the babies so they can't do an autopsy to find out the mom's vax killed the babies!!

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Yes the hospitals are quietly cremating these babies to illuminate the evidence! Apparently pregnancies have resulted in 82% of stillborns or miscarriages even a few days before they’re being born! Remember their goal has always been to reduce humanity to only 500 million people in the world that they can control as their slaves and food. Women who got these shots or are with a partner or work with people who have had these shots, are having terrible menstrual irregularities and this is 100% caused by these shots and the shedding through the skin and the breath. Ivermectin and Fenbendazole, work really well in unclamp thing your blood molecules and turning them back to normal. Detoxing baths of one cup each of Epson salts borax and baking soda also help bleach this garbage out of your body. Don’t be surprised to see black stuff floating in your water. You must sit in a super hot bath for at least an hour refilling the tub as needed to keep it hot. The world is slowly waking up but our population is going to be greatly reduced. We will get we will be going back in time it seems raising all of our own food because then will know it’s safe, helping one another and loving one another . Positive things are happening behind the scenes don’t stay in despair stay positive God has us under control.

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I did read about 80% of stillbirths and yes it's genocide. I've been taking ivermectin the horse paste according to weight since Dec of 2020 as a preventative. Never got covid never got vaxxed. I still take it now in case I get shed on. Mixed with applesauce can't taste it. I use those little pudding cups. I also take natto and curcumin and bromelain to dissolve any spike proteins in case I get shed on. I'm gonna try that bath thing!

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I'm 75 and go out in public almost every day.

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Excellent that you were taking ivermectin but you have to up your dosage to 250 pounds on the syringe if you want to really get rid of the garbage they are putting into us. Since you’re using commercially made pudding cups or fruit cups those are all tainted with graphene oxide and other Bio engineered particles. I would stop eating anything that is not organic. No processed food of any kind! You’re just re-infecting yourself like for instance the bananas they’re selling us these days in the store even the ones that they label organic by Chiquita, it’s just a sticker they put on and they’re not organic because they don’t ripen like normal bananas there’s never any juice coming out of them and there’s no fruit flies . I started researching the bananas and have found multiple videos where they actually inject the bunches of bananas with a huge hypodermic needle filled with Hydro gel which which pumps up whatever it’s injected into immediately. They are putting this in our meat as well specially chicken. So don’t think you’re out of the woods because you’ve been doing this as a preventative you do have parasites in you if you want to kill them you have to break through their bio film which means you have to do heavy doses of these wormers to really eliminate everything that’s in there. Anyway keep up the dosage but I would increase the dosage. Also rub it on your skin if you have age spots wrinkles all those are caused by parasites and the age spots are parasites so where the spider veins and the cellulite. When you up your dosage you’ll start to see these things disappear you’ll probably encourager a lot of body pain as these creatures are dying. I’ve always had a farm I’ve always had animals in my house and on the farm. And my body was apparently infested with multiple different types of parasites. Did they all come from my animal contact I’m sure some of them did like toxoplasmosis but I do know that they’re poisoning us with this stuff in our food and drugs so be prepared when you start of the dosage to feel uncomfortable. It takes a while for your body to break down the dead parasite and get it out of there so you can have lower back pain from your kidneys if that happens just back off and don’t take any ivermectin for a couple days and then start up again to give your kidneys a break. But for my experience you cannot OD on this stuff I’ve been taking it since September generally two notches on the syringe which I think is about 500 pounds daily I am only 175lbs pounds.

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Do you know isn’t it amazing he must be banging your head against the wall you can clearly see that the shots caused all the problems that this poor girls having but yet she can’t see that or connect the dots because she still believes in modern medicine! All you can do is warn people give them information and what they choose to do with it is their own free will. I have a close family member who has cancer and every bone in their body including their skull and they are trained nurse. No matter what information I sent this person they didn’t even bother to open anything up and read it or look. I sent this person all the information regarding cancer is parasites and this is how you kill them and here’s the proof Instead she’s chosen to stick with big Pharma goes to one of those specialist cancer hospitals now and I told her they’re gonna give you a new drug you’re gonna go in remission for a while then you’re going to get a new cancer and it’s going to be full-blown within weeks and then you’ll be dead . Well guess what this is exactly what’s happening to this person now! You know all we wanna do is save them from their poor decisions but all we can do is give them the information and step back and watch them harm their selves! do you have to step away from big Pharma all of these disorders are caused by parasites the eat to the covering over the nerves which causes the MS and all the neurological problems. There is nothing else that causes these! Remember many of the Parasites or Nanotechnology which are synthetic period little robots inside your body that self assemble into an antenna that goes through your blood brain barrier that can be controlled by the 5G towers that’s why they put them up it has absolutely nothing to do with your cell phone speed! 5G towers are a military grade kill weapons! So don’t be fooled I know it’s hard to set your mind on a different path but people should only be seeing natural paths and holistic doctors and never use any more pharmaceuticals except for those that come from mother nature and arts and thetic Lee made and concocted in the lab! My friends ex-husband who she was still very close to and whom I knew, died recently he had a heart transplant about four months ago I warned them to make sure he used his own blood and to not take any of their injections because they are all contaminated with graphene oxide and other junk because the main goal by the creeps that run the world is to kill all of us anyway they can so everything is contaminated in one way or another. Anyway the research I’ve been doing for the last several years has shown that anyone who was getting a organ transplant was not living for the most part because they were giving contaminated blood and other poisons through the drugs they were giving doing surgery . I would send my friend information to share with him and her current husband has gotten the shots, but her response has always been an excuse I’m too busy with working two jobs to spend any time looking at any of this stuff or worrying about what’s happening in the world! Well now because of her chosen ignorance she’s being hit personally by this. She recently had her grandson in heart surgery and I warned her then as well they completely trust these doctors! I won’t be surprised if this little boy has complications as well and dies and her husband does as well because it seems everyone who got these poison shots are dying from them. And those that live and have sex with people who got the shots and or work closely with people who got the shots are being shed on and contaminated and they also are dying now. The clots that are being found by the embalmers have been analyzed to be made of silicone, aluminum, tin, and barium. Again go down the parasite rabbit hole they’re turning us into parasites. This clot like structure looks like calamari and stretches like rubber bands and can only be broken by a sharp knife! They continue to grow also once they are out of the body! These are the hydros to chop off some pieces and put them into a centrifuge which spins at a higher rate of speed and turns them into little teeny tiny particles when you stop the centrifuge immediately these teeny tiny particles begin to sprout new limbs they look like little octopus . You cannot seem to kill them. So what’s happening to the dead bodies in the ground with this garbage in them? And the questions go on and on and on. Resurge does that to ya you constantly crave more information and knowledge and truth.

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My dear friend in Kelowna chose MAiD after 27 months of suffering post 2 Pfizer jabs. Initially unable to speak or swallow, progressed to full paralysis. She was on ivermectin for months and it helped with her pain. Nothing allowed her to speak/swallow/move again :(

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You also see an immediate change in your skin after your first application of this wormer into it your skin. Your face is going to look more useful and your wrinkles will start to completely go away. Only rub one of these tubes on your body each day and take it twice every day orally as well. I want to correct my previous statement on that. This is what I have done All my age spots and blemishes they were all going away. These are all parasites and many live in your muscles which are very painful when they die your friend must’ve been in excruciating pain. She’s in a much better place now with God up in heaven with no pain at all

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She wasn't in physical pain at the end. Just tormented by her situation. She lived with a feeding tube and 24hr care, thankfully at home the entire time (other than when she finally did get Covid and the hospital refused to feed her or let her husband feed her). She lived over a year after her short stay in Kelowna General. Looking back, the hospital sure wasn't supporting her wellness :(

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The AI changed my words on the comment below by personally have not had a single shot! My children to adult children whom I warned of the dangers of this poison and why it was created for deep population, took multiples of these shots and have not spoken to me for three years now. It’s sad that I’m not alone in this now any of us are very lonely because we’ve been abandoned by friends and family whom we tried to do was save them from being killed!

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The hospitals are paid to murder the patient and label them Covid patient to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars depending on which hospital and region of the country you’re in whether it’s in America or Canada or Italy it’s all the same. Cove it doesn’t exist the CDC does not have one piece of the Covid genome and they will admit to that you can call them and ask them yourself. Cove it is a lie they use frequencies from the 5G towers and they can target individual people to make them sick and even kill them. Once they get into the hands of those in the hospital they will be injected with substances to invokes symptoms so that he will be given in Remdesivir which will shut your kidneys down and fill your body up with fluid so then you can’t breathe then they put you on a ventilator and typically you’re dead within days . She’s lucky she got out of the hospital alive. The people responsible for this evil up on the earth and the people of the world, are the evil elites who are nothing more than a giant parasite that cloaks to look like humans! Yeah you might want to do some research but that’s in fact the truth. They are systematically being taken out and have been taken out and we been watching a movie to wake up the world. Jacob Rothschild death announced. More will come. People use their free will if they choose not to do any research and get this poison in them even though they know people are dropping dead, then this is their choice and you can’t change their mind. My own adult children who should know better I have gotten multiple shots and have not spoken to me for three years because I tried to warn them. Your friend is peaceful now and very very happy. Never lose your faith in God

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Luckily she was secretly on ivermectin and her husband turned down Paxlovid. Yes, she is at peace now, but was too young to have experienced this at all.

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You are not alone. I got family that don't speak to me over this covid nonsense. And Yep. Hospitals are murdering people for money and to keep the covid scam going. Sending you vitual hugs and love. I'm so sorry. Though we may not have been physically injured by this mess, we still are affected terribly.

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Thank you for this comment I really appreciate it. It’s been very lonely these last three years being disowned by your family and friends as we watch them get sick and die. When this is all said and done I’m probably going to be the only surviving person of my family. I have two very small grandchildren whose parents one of them was my child, chose to get multiple vaccines and I expect them to die within the next two years. What will happen to these children and will they even survive since they have been contaminated living with these parents ? The youngest was born after they were vaccinated I was surprised that she was born normal with normal looking eyes. I tried to warn them about that my son got very angry and he hasn’t talk to me cents. I have seen many images of horribly deformed babies and many babies that are part animal because their mothers were vaccinated with these poison shots which has lots of DNA from animals and insects in them Which combines with the human DNA and is creating what they call a chimera or a Cryptid. These are creatures that are half human and half animal and or insect or reptile or fish. Believe me they’re creating all of these things. Can you imagine having a baby that is covered in fur has pointy ears like a dog or a cat and stripes like a tiger and paws instead of hands I’ve seen this I’ve seen babies born with no eyes and giant ears and no mouth I’ve seen babies born with huge ears and huge eyes and no mouth . This fooling around with her DNA has been going on for hundreds of years it’s just not now. If you go back into the 1500s there is a book of pictures of all the different mankind creatures on the earth and you’ll be shocked to see what they are. Apparently many of these things still exist and live underground in these tunnels and many of them eat human flesh. Eisenhower who was president at the time became aware of these creatures and many are very advanced and have advanced technology so he traded the technology for feeding them humans underground. They were not supposed to come up to the surface anymore and stay underground and they could breed the humans and we would feed them a continuous stream to keep them underground. So now all of this illegal immigration makes a lot of sense in all of this trafficking of millions of people every year all Connected! These atrocities will be divulge to the masses soon. I don’t know how much they’re really going to tell us because most people would probably have a nervous break down with the entire truth. But humanity must have the truth so that this never happens ever again. History absolutely repeats itself until humanity learns from his mistakes and change his history. This is a fact! So wake up sheeple ;wipe the sleep from your eyes… See the truth seek the truth…

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The doses necessary to kill this garbage in us because a lot of it is nano technology which are synthetic parasites, have to be huge so at least one entire tube/syringe of the horse wormer of both ivermectin and Fenbendezol every day with someone who was so debilitated. I would suggest a dose for the body weight of 500 pounds which is two markers on the syringe as each marker is 250 pounds, and then to rub the rest on the skin starting with the head the face and anywhere there’s excruciating pain weird blotches rashes etc. just rub it in your skin is your biggest organ. These parasites create a bio film which is like a thick slime that covers them and protects them from being killed so you have to attack them from both directions meaning you have to take this internally and rub it on your skin externally every single day and take it internally twice a day every single day. You cannot overdose on this believe me I’ve taken enough horse wormer since mid September for 20 horses and I have no side effects but I can tell you I feel way better and the parasites are dying in my body and nano technology is exiting my skin as well. I’m so sorry she decided to take her around life . I hope that others suffering will read my information and start vigorously treating themselves and don’t tell your stupid doctor because they just wanna kill you with big Pharma poison drugs. Medical doctors have only had approximately four hours of training on parasites and only on about five different parasites. Doctors are motivated by money who put in symptoms into a computer and the computer tells them what drug to prescribe to the patient and what disease the patient has! They don’t think for themselves they don’t have any curiosity to do any research anymore. They know they’re murdering people by giving them the shots It’s like none of them have any soul at all.

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Feb 27Edited

Yeah most doctors think like that, however there are a few superior ones that figure it out and stand. Those doctors, like Dr. Makis, belong in our history books.

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Interesting thoughts. Thank you.

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I've taken ivermectin the horse paste since Dec 2020. Two x a month according to weight Never got covid. Never got vaxxed. I still take it for shedding. I'm 75.

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Don’t stop taking it and if you want to get rid of those so-called age spots, cellulite, white spots, spider veins, varicose veins, rosacea, Lyme disease, and the list goes on and on, increase your dosage to 250 pounds which I think is one or two notches I do two notches on the syringe at each oral dose. All these things I listed are all different types of parasites every single one of them. Your fat is nothing more but rolls and gobs of intertwined worms. Once you increase your dosage you’re going to see all of your age spots and all these things go completely away over time. If you rub this on your skin on your face you will become much younger because it kills all of them on your face and this is what causes you to age . So take it internally and rub it on your skin are used two syringes every week and a half, and I’ve had enormous results. I’ve lost more than 35 pounds, all my clothes are getting very big especially my pants are very baggy, my symptoms especially my arthritis is all gone. As you kill these things in your body they have to break down for your body to illuminate them so expect to get Herxing symptoms. These will make you feel like you have the flu you can hurt all over with achy muscles and joints severe headache etc. this is because you’re killing these things in you and as they die they start peeing like crazy in your body and which is ammonia so that will make your muscles burn and be painful but also their bodies have to degrade so that they can be passed either from your colon if they crawl into there or through your kidneys. Soaking in hot detox bath as of one cup each of Epson salts borax and baking soda for at least an hour and as hot of water as you can stand helps tremendously with the pain and the detox are use this along with the warmer because this gives me great relief. I can tell you my legs swelled up like you said would think you had blood clots but they weren’t blood clots they were dying parasites I have so many in me but as they die and has all those age spots which are actually a parasite go away they will fall down and to your legs and you’ll see them sort of gather together in groups and then slowly it gets smaller and smaller and so they totally disappear. Your skin will look like that when you were a child with no blemishes of any kind. This takes a long time to achieve as it took a long time for this to build up in your body. All I’m finding out is that are fat or worms, and the more I detox the younger I feel I have a spring back in my step my mind and eyes are clear and I have a positive outlook on life. I attribute all of this to killing these creatures that have been hijacking my life for so long. And the parasites do hijack your brain they get into your brain and they control your thoughts and your desires this is why you have all these cravings for certain foods and sweets once you start the detox you’ll notice that you don’t crave any of those things anymore . Now when I eat sugar it literally makes me sick I only use raw honey. Eat organic and keep using your ivermectin you can also switch out Fenbendezol which is a full spectrum drug and kills a more ride range of these creatures. These creatures create a biofilm which protects them from being killed so when you take it internally also rub it on your skin so you’re attacking them from both directions. I find this kills them quicker and in large quantities. My body was absolutely infested apparently we get a lot of these things to toxoplasmosis from cats and dogs give us strong goals and other worms. We can get tapeworms from our pets and also from our food. They are different types of these worms depending on what type of meat you ate . They especially love to embed themselves in your muscle tissue so when you get those awful cramps in your calves and the pain in your calves this is what it’s from. For years I had a very physical career and I saw a massage therapist on a regular basis because I was always so sore especially my calves which I never seem to get any relief from. Fast forward to today and after using this protocol the pain in my calves was caused from tape worms in my muscles which are now dead and are being eliminated from my body and the pain has gone away as well as the varicose vein that was bulging on the back of my calf is no longer there because it wasn’t a vein but instead a huge worm UGG! I guarantee you you do this protocol you’re gonna live to be 115 if not older! We apparently are getting new medical devices called med beds which are operated from frequency and crystals and plasma technology. These machines and I think there are four different types to various different things from resetting and renewing every single cell in your body in a matter of minutes to regenerating missing body parts like arms and legs or organs that have been removed from your body. They can also reverse aging up to 35 years so if you want to become young again maybe you might want to have children again then you can lay in one of these beds and regress your age. I think I would like to do this. In the new world that we’re about to enter of safe clean food water air and medicine , our life spans will be greatly increased anyway. When you read the Bible people live to be hundreds of years old and now we barely make it to 85. This is going to change. Stay positive keep using your miracle drug in May happy days be showered upon you for the rest of your life.

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If I'd been injured by the mRNA shots I would spend the rest of my life aggressively seeking justice through multiple channels. The case of Kayla is both heartbreaking and angering. I wish her well in her lawsuit against Moderna. The Canadian government should be sued to the ground too and JT jailed for life.

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Would rather throw JT into a rat infested dungeon or sewer and after a decade, mandate and impose on him a well deserved 'MAID' service!!

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Given ALL the shots he mandates from the batches that others had so many problem from.

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Please have Kayla consider reading a short work by Alasdair MacIntyre, 'Dependent, Rational Animals. It may give her much needed encouragement and ideas. Kayla has the opportunity to become a true hero in our time. She perhaps can become THE INFLUENCER who significantly helps turn this evil world system that we are suffering under in this era into a new, more just, more humane direction. She is a leader in suffering.

I recently (last Friday) lost a dear friend. A friend who is professionally active in these matters of protecting the vulnerable concurred with my observation that the new crop of physicians, nurses, social and psychological counsellors and the whole adult protective bureaucracy is all vectored toward "promoting" death. Kill people to help them. I dealt with this in a case of forced hospice when there was potential treatment for a friend.

I wonder if the craze of putting images of skulls on the rear window of pickup trucks is not part of the cultural propaganda in the insidious way in which these things work their influence. Thirty years ago , when living in Walnut Creek, California, and sitting in a local McDonald's restaurant, I noticed that the motif of that particular franchise's décor was performance celebrities. Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe, Jimmy Dean, etc. Besides their celebrity status, all the characters suffered horrible deaths. Was this McDonald's gallery of the "live fast-die young" a celebration of the culture of death, or was it a warning to those willing to recognize and investigate the pattern? To those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, let them see and let then listen.

May God have mercy on this wicked generation.

Don't forget my book recommendation for this courageous woman.

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Thanks for sharing Kayla's story -- she's been / is being failed by multiple govt institutions -- public health, medical, social services, media -- people can support Kayla through donations to her GiveSendGo page set up by Veterans 4 Freedom -- link above, also copied here: https://t.co/JikRS6cj91

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Wow, heartbreaking! Offering her MAiD! Where did we as humans go so wrong!!!

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Tolerating Leftists instead of ending their lives is where humans went wrong.

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Oh, please. The monsters behind this are not 'leftists', quite the opposite.

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Republicans need to be ended also, because they fully support the Leftist filth with their intentional unwillingness to do anything and their inaction.

America just needs to die, and fortunately it is doing just that, thanks to the collective support of it’s degenerate populace composed of evil, mentally ill, dumbed-down trash who have accepted their government trafficking children, mutilating children with transgender surgery and normalizing pedophilia. Low IQ mental midgets like KarlM Alias deserve to be thanked for their contributions towards ensuring that America’s death is coming soon. Thankfully, such dregs are in abundance and as they destroy their own country they are simultaneously destroying themselves, like a self-wiping anus.

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Written by the elites at the first industrial revolution, 350 years ago about.


An Illusion it will be, so large, so vast it will escape their perception. Those who will see it will be thought of as insane. We will create separate fronts to prevent them from seeing the connection between us. We will behave as if we are not connected to keep the illusion alive. Our goal will be accomplished one drop at the time so as to never bring suspicion upon ourselves. This will also prevent them from seeing the changes as they occur. We will always stand above the relative field of their experience for we know the secrets of the absolute. We will work together always and will remain bound by blood and secrecy. Death will come to he who speaks. We will keep their lifespan short and their mind weak while pretending to do the opposite. We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they will never see what is happening. We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air. They will be blanketed by poison everywhere they turn. The soft metal will cause them to lose their minds. We will promise to find a cure from our many fronts, yet we will feed them more poison. The poisons will be absorbed through their skin and mouth, they will destroy their minds and reproductive systems. From all this, their children will be born dead, and we will conceal this information. The poison will be hidden in everything that surrounds them, in what they drink, eat, breath and wear. We must be ingenious in dispensing the poisons for they can see far. We will teach them that the poisons are good, with fun images and musical tones. Those they look up to will help. We will enlist them to push our poisons. They will see our product being use in film and will grow accustomed to them and will never know their true effect. When they give birth we will inject poisons into the blood of their children and convince them it’s for their help. We will start early on, when their minds are young, we will target their children with what children love most, sweet things. When their teeth decay we will fill them with metals that will kill their mind and steal their future. When their ability to learn has been affected, we will create medicine that will make them sicker and cause other diseases for which we will create yet more medicine/poisons. We will render them docile and weak before us by our power. They will grow depressed, slow and obese, and when they come to us for help, we will give them more poisons. We will focus their attention toward money and material goods so they never connect with their inner self. We will distract them with fornication, external pleasures and games so they may never be one with the oneness of it all. Their mind will belong to us and they will do as we say. If they refuse we shall find ways to implement mind-altering technology into their lives. We will use FEAR AS OUR WEAPON. We will establish their governments and establish opposites within. We will own both sides. We will always hide our objective but carry out our plan. They will perform the labor for us and we shall prosper from their toil. Our family will never mix with theirs. Our blood must be pure always, for it is the way. We will make them kill each other when it suits us. We will keep them separated from the oneness by dogma and religion. We will control all aspects of their lives and tell them what to think and how. We will guide them kindly and gently letting them think they are guiding themselves. We will foment animosity between them through our factions. When a light shall shine among them, we shall extinguish it by ridicule, or death, whichever suits us best. We will make them rip each other’s heart apart and kill their own children. We will accomplish this by using hate as our ally, and anger as our friend. The hate will blind them totally, and never shall they see that from their conflicts we emerge as their rulers. They will be busy killing each other. They will bathe in their own blood and kill their neighbors for as long as we see fit. We will benefit greatly from this, for they will not see us, for they cannot see us. We will continue to prosper from their wars and their deaths. We shall repeat this over and over until our ultimate goal is accomplished. We will continue to make them live in fear and anger through images and sounds. We will use all the tools we have to accomplish this. The tools will be provided by their labor. We will make them hate themselves and their neighbors. We will always hide the divine truth from them, that WE ARE ALL ONE. This they must never know!! They must never know that color is an illusion; they must always think they are not equal. Drop by drop, drop by drop we will advance our goal. We will take over their land, resources and wealth to exercise total control over them. We will deceive them into accepting laws that will steal the little freedom they will have. We will establish a money system that will imprison them forever, keeping them and their children in debt. When they shall ban together, we shall accuse them of crimes and present a different story to the world for we shall own all the media. We will use our media to control the flow of information and their sentiment in our favor. When they shall rise up against us, we will crush them like insects, for they are less than that. They will be helpless to do anything for they will have no weapons. We will recruit some of their own to carry out our plan, we will promise them eternal life, but eternal life they will never have for they are not of us. The recruits will be called “initiates” and will be indoctrinated to believe false rites of passage to higher realms. Member of these groups will think they are one with us never knowing the truth. They must never learn this truth as they will turn against us. For their work they will be rewarded with earthly things and great titles, but never will they become immortal and join us, never will they receive the light and travel the stars. They will never reach the higher realms, for the killing of their own kind will prevent passage to the realm of enlightenment. This they will never know. The truth will be hidden in their face, so close they will not be able to focus on it until it’s too late. Oh yes! So grand the illusion of freedom will be that they will never know they are OUR SLAVES. When all is in place, the reality we will have created for them will own them. This reality will be their own prison. They will live in self-delusion. When our goal is accomplished a new era of domination will begin. Their minds will be bound by their beliefs, the beliefs we have established from time immemorial. But! If they ever find out that they are our equal, we shall perish then. THIS THEY MUST NEVER KNOW. If they ever find out that together they can vanquish us, they will take action. They must never, ever find out what we have done, for if they do, we shall have no place to run, for it will be easy to see who we are once the veil has fallen. Our actions will have revealed who we are and they will hunt us down and no person shall give us shelter. This is the secret covenant by which we shall live the rest of our present and future lives, for this reality will transcend many generations and life spans. This covenant is sealed by blood, our blood. We, the ones who from heaven to earth came. This covenant must NEVER, EVER be known to exist.

It must never, ever be written or spoken of for it is, the consciousness it will spawn will release the fury of the PRIME Creator upon us and we shall be cast to the depths from whence we came and remain there until the end of time of infinity itself.

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Well NONE of us live forever and if there is a hell, these @ssholes will pay for what they did in their lives.

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This is true. I've read it before.

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On the bright side, her consolation is that she did the right thing when Trudeau called for it.

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EDIT the below is perhaps a bit 'paranoid' or 'negative' about substack comment sections. Still there is something in it if you can get past the TLDR

"Its interesting. This substack, that is the comment section, is moving steadily in a direction I wonder is helpful?

What is the basic problem, OUR (the more or less redpilled) problem? I would say the essence of what faces us is that well over half of folk have no idea that the MSM is unreliable and bought, that our governments at some levels and agencies are bent on hurting us and our society, that it appears a slow genocide is underway.

What to do? I say figure how to change minds. So thats a normie mind. Where to start?

NOT bringing up hard to prove genocide, its a step too far, you'll scare the normie off.

NOT by talking centuries old demon worshipers, its a step too far, you'll scare the normie off

NOT by suggesting all medical problems come from parasites, its a step too far, etc

NOT by saying there are no viruses, at all, its a step too far, etc

NOT by .... well you get the idea

Our strategy MUST focus on waking normies to a practical state of at least partially redpilled. You have to start small, believable, EASILY and quickly provable.

Notice I am not pronouncing on parasites, or the illuminati, or viruses. I am saying that while its fine to talk that here, in these free comment sections, that such 'wild' talk is absolutely counter productive in the all important work of waking normies up to their peril.

I personally have taken a fence sitter normie, willing to listen, and turned them permanently against 'the truth movement' by suggesting intentional genocide. Now I happen to believe that is the plan, but I cant prove it except circumstantially, AND most importantly it is a step too far, for your typical normie struggling to comprehend what is going on.

It is plenty far enough to get a normie to actually really ponder whether the jabs are all that safe and effective. Talk of illuminati means they chuckle indulgently, and turn away forever.

WE the truthers, absolutely disagree on much, perhaps even MOST details. How many here think Chemtrails are real? How many think the illuminati as described are real? How many are NOT christians and reject God as the answer? Lots, most, many.....

We need to carefully and strategically coalesce under some simple things we DO agree on. MSM is unreliable, probably bought. The jabs are dangerous, untested, dont work. It seems many trends promoted by governments are counterproductive to energy, farming, political systems. We ARE allies, we DO agree that much.

And ALWAYS think what a normie might buy, on first pass. I repeat, its NOT 'there are no viruses at all', or 'The illuminati". It might be "it seems that through greed incompetence and fear, a dangerous vaccine has been deployed. It seems the MSM was caught up in their view of the public good and may not have reported fairly on this...." you get a normie to that stage well thats doing good. I know, from direct experience.

Wake up normies or lose. Winning or debating an internal argument about 'illuminati' or 'viruses no viruses' is useless at this point, and if we try such stuff on normies, WORSE than useless. Wake up normies, or lose. It really is that simple.


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More info about Sophia's death in British Columbia.

- https://vancouver.citynews.ca/2024/02/27/nanaimo-woman-death-legislature-clash/?

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Dr. Makis and company, Have you viewed this in the Epoch Times? https://list.mailexpress.com/links/G1H6uXVcp~331/eMB9Abeo3~331/0tqmUqiqO2w~331/9Afv-XQ4-u

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Nazis used the medical field to get rid of the crippled, mentally ill, elderly and anyone seen as less than an optimal human being, by some mentally ill, medicated despot’s definition. Those who don’t know history are going to repeat it, in their decisions.

Giving ACCESS to your body through any medical intervention takes trusting the medical field. It is mostly irrational trust, based on history.

Most Autistic kids are full of parasites. How were they inoculated …with them? The Do-Gooders now brag and terrorize the public via their controlled media about putting insects in their food.

Gates used tetanus and other injections to sterilize and paralyze thousands of people in other countries. Why would anyone expect that the test subjects would not preface our own demise through the same pathological process?

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From what I have read, I think that's what Maddie de Garay (the young girl who was injured during the trial) suffers from. The doctors' were "baffled," but eventually some doctor recognized it and she is having some treatment now, but probably won't reverse it at this point as it has gone on so long. They did the usual "it's all in your head" diagnosis and referred her to a psychiatrist.

On a side note, and before the vaccine, a relative of mine was "diagnosed" with a psychiatric condition when the doctors' couldn't figure out what was causing her vomiting. They asked her if she was putting her fingers down her throat to initiate it. It turned out that the vomiting was related to her liver and common bile duct and some other issues in that system. It took over a year, but she was eventually properly diagnosed and treated. From my experience, doctors' in general are not good diagnosticians and resort to pinning things on psychiatric causes, which adds even more suffering to the patient. It's cruel in the extreme that they do this. I use Isabel symptom checker if I need to figure https://www.isabelhealthcare.com/ Do read the link in the introduction which explains how this service came about. Here's a link to the Isabel Symptom Checker


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Of course doctors know what is causing vax injuries but on the whole they are like ostriches and are burying their heads in the sand.If they only had the guts to stand up together in one voice and tell the Ontario medical board enough is enough,we could start moving forward.Not only are excess deaths increasing every year but people are dying by the thousands waiting for elective surgeries that never come and the problem just gets worse.Doing nothing when you know what the problem is is next to murder."Do no harm" it seems has gone by the way of the dodo bird.It's a lovely alternate universe we are living in,is it not?

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As Dr. Makis can attest to, there are better treatments for some cancer patients rather than poison, cut and burn. However those treatments have been suppressed for many, many years for the peasants.

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Let's just bury our mistakes. Sweep them under the carpet. Ignore them. Offer them euthanasia rather than find a way to help this young woman navigate the rest of her life that has been ruined by medical malpractice. Yes, malpractice, let's call it what it is. Malpractice - "The failure of a professional person, as a physician or lawyer, to render proper services through reprehensible ignorance, or negligence or through criminal intent, especially when injury or loss follows." This entire vaccine program is malpractice at this point. Whether the medical profession wants to recognize the veracity of all of the injuries of not, doesn't change the reality of what has occurred and continues to occur. That willful blindness is malpractice yet, the makers, the distributers and promoters are indemnified. How sick is that??

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Thankyou for telling me this!! I didn't know. I will save your words. I did see a video though of putting a large needle in squash. So I believe it. Hard to get organic in the country and expensive. The goal is to poison all of us to eliminate the human species. Now, WHO would want to eliminate humans? THINK about it! I believe the COVID shot is Alien Technology! I believe they are working side by side helping us make this. Do they LOOK like us? Hmmm.... There is a book called The Last Harvest by Lucien Mars which says THEY want this planet for themselves and by the year 2050 no humans left alive on earth. Certain aliens have conquered other planets too. It's a deep book.

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She also had a sad but powerful interview with Viva Frei.

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