If all the doctors who are witnessing that unusual increase of turbo cancers in their patients would speak out, wouldn’t the mainstream media be forced to talk about it and the health institutions obliged to do a public investigation?

I do not understand how the CDC can still to this day recommend 3 Covid jabs for baby before they are 9 months old!!! That is nothing less than criminal!

We ought to do something about the carnage that was done but cannot let it continue!!! It ought to stop!

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Jean, I apologize for my first, lengthy reply to your post.

When you say “do something about the carnage”? Jean, they won’t even admit anyone was killed directly by the Covid injection.

Unfortunately, the way things are going today, will only escalate further. Even a Trump win cannot change the outcome.

So much damage has been done to America and the world Jean. This is why I say, at best, Trump may help slow down the Globalist, he won’t STOP THEM.

More than anything the world needs more people on their knees begging for forgiveness! I’m not a preacher whatsoever and I have very limited religious knowledge.

I do have common sense and right now all I can do is pray and ask others to pray as well. I do believe there’s power in prayer.

So many people have gone the way of “evilness”. Not all individuals and not all intentional. Nevertheless, people must think about the world as they remember it and how they might have taken a wrong turn. It doesn’t mean they’re “evil” it simply means they should assess themselves.

What’s happening to America and the world has been a long time coming. Evil doesn’t stop!

I sure hope I helped you understand more about

1. The CDC

2. The Carnage “Globalist” people have caused.

We’re in for a rough and deadly ride IMO. Everything has been,

“Done To Us, Not For Us!

Remember that Jean. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Each of us who share help others learn.

Thank you again.


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Prayer is so important, as I feel pretty helpless otherwise with this evil cadre of powerful globalists ruling the roost.

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Yes Foxy I agree, prayers are needed more than ever!


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And the jab is still REQUIRED for KIDS in School... hum. Won't be any KIDZ left...not citizen kids anyway, and if they keep it up, not illegal's kids either.

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Yes Unagnu you’re exactly right. Their plan is to destroy humanity! Slowly eliminating and sterilizing, then a “dumb-downed” group of “peasant-people” will be left.

The “Globalist Elites” of course will have no problems while they enjoy their reproductive freedom which will eventually produce “superior-intellect” offsprings.

This is modern day eugenics on steroids! Additionally, Japan will be starting the new, sa-mRNA rollout next month. From what I’ve learned preliminary so far, “Replicon” as it’s called can transfer to others and pets / animals! If this is true, transferring / or shedding I believe, would / could eliminate civilization as we know it!

Thank you Unagnu for sharing your thoughts. This is so important to help everyone understand what’s going on.


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The reasons Jean, the CDC is recommending and in some states, mandating all newborns are injected with a known toxic

“Bioweapon Injections” is 100% evilness’s!

More importantly, newborns in some states must have 3 doses before 9 months old! AYKM? This is part of, the “Globalist Plan” to 1. Population control.

2. Sterilization of all newborns

3. Eliminate three generations.

This is what’s required to complete a transition of and from various groups of ethnicity’s and eventually transition remaining select groups into a “dumbed down” new generation of “Sheeple-People”! Though the final version will take approximately three generations to complete.

This is one of the reason for such a high influx of Haitians people being deliberately imported by this corrupt Biden / Harris / Obama Administration! Other immediate reasons as well. I’ll focus more on the end result in my response to you Jean. It’s very dauntingly clear, IMO.

Eventually, the “Globalists” will eliminate, intelligent, genetically superior populations. Once they eradicate intelligent populations the “Globalists Elites” will control and manipulate the new generation of less intelligent

“non-critical thinking” people!

Ultimately, if the “Globalists” succeed, the world will become one group of “Highly Superior” intellectuals which will be the “Globalists” set of leaders.

The second group, the lower intellect populace and newly born “genetically modified” significantly reduced intellect,

I call “sheeple-people”. Stupid people are much easier to manipulate and control. It’s that simple. It’s incredibly EVIL!

Ultimately, they will create this dumbed down society. I believe the timeframe needed is 3 generations to completely eliminate the old and replace with the new generation of people who will be “Stupid People”!

Think about all the nonsensical “Bull-Crap” we’ve been forced to endure and in some Western Nations, Ireland for example, teachers are being punished / prosecuted, even jailed because of their religious beliefs and noncompliance of DEI / CRT, “Johnny says call me Sally” nonsense!

What’s happening Jean is a takeover of the Western World Nations first, which will usher in a “New World Order”!


“Eugenics is a set of beliefs and practices that aim to improve the genetic quality of a human population. Historically, eugenicists have altered various human gene frequencies by inhibiting the fertility of people and groups purported to be inferior or promoting that of those purported to be superior”!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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We see it is the globalists and the CDC.. Who are these creatures ? Check this out


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Honestly J C you nailed it! You’re exactly right! The Jews own the world! From the porn industry to social media outlets!

“We the People” have been undermined and made to believe so much BS it’s absurd! Not only has the “IDF” and the Jewish lobbyists been playing “two ends” to the middle, they’ve also been creating both sides of all the news! It’s actually brilliant when you think about it?

Obviously nobody from congress says a word about this. They can’t, they won’t or they’ll puff, “Disappear”! We’ll be told he or she committed suicide or something!

It’s amazing how many

“false-flag attacks” have been reported to be so and so. When all along it’s been? Exactly! “Money and Power”!

The “Rulers of the World” slowly but surely are becoming more “unbidden”.

Thank you J C for your absolute pinpointed, splitting the center

“head of the nail” perfectly!


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Your post is ugly & repulsive to me. If you want to argue that the wealthy classes are aligned against the average people of the world, fine. But they are not all Jewish! Just ask the Bush dynasty, the Kennedy dynasty, the Clinton dynasty, and the many many shadowy white anglo-saxon Protestants who pull the strings of government and finance. Also there are plenty of poor beleaguered Jewish people in the world, struggling like you and me to live a normal life under the oppression of the ruling class. Don't make it about religion or ethnicity ok? That's just ugly.

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“Also there are plenty of poor beleaguered Jewish people in the world, struggling like you and me to live a normal life under the oppression of the ruling class. Don't make it about religion”

I cut and pasted your last sentence Helen. Unfortunately, everything we’re without today is about, “religion & Ethnicity”. More specifically, “Christianity and African American”.

I didn’t start this attack on Christianity or White Christians. We know or I should say, most people understand who specifically started this. Unfortunately one religion is under attack more than any other religion, which is “Christianity”!

Additionally, I’m offended and quite frankly disgusted with being labeled a racist simply because I don’t agree with no a specific issue. The world is under attack. Christianity and devise DEI and CRT are appalling! Especially when my 4 year old grandson tells me,

“a boy can be a girl”! 4 years old Helen is absolutely despicable!

Those who are causing this, have an agenda. By destroying Christianity, they’re trying to separate the nuclear families. Then by attacking me or anyone who disagrees with such nonsense, I’m considered a “transphobic” or whatever the issue of the day is.

One thing is certain. There’s an attack on the nuclear families and an attack on children! Leave the children alone and when they become adults, they can be whatever they decide to be! The same with racism or LGBTQ or any other divisive tactics they’re using.

The reasons all of this has happened is simple,

“divide and conquer”! I happen to love America! America has never been perfect. There’s plenty of room for improvement.

My point is this. If Americans don’t stand up against this “Tyrannical Government”, we’re all doomed! That I can guarantee you.

If I missed anything or if I offended you in anyway, I am

Sorry Helen. My intentions are clear and for more than four years, I’ve learned a tremendous amount of things from all different people.

Thank you again.


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I absolutely agree with you Helen. My apologies for not clarifying exactly what I meant.

I am truly sorry if I offended you or anyone else. My intention was to make clear, who owns the world. The Black Rock, Larry Fink, Klaus Schwab, who actually is both German and Jewish, and many others.

There is no way the Jewish people and or would be, IMO determined to control the world. It would be like saying, all Italians are mafias.

Again Helen I truly apologize for not clarifying my statement. I absolutely agree with you and I’m very thankful you’ve made me aware.


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Also Helen, I’ve attempted to attach a link which reflects who I was referring to. I’m not sure if it linked to your reply. I hope it linked properly.

Thank you again Helen.


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Thanks for this. One needs to see this to understand that Muslims are not the only enemy of Christianity. These are perhaps even more evil in their quiet contempt and readiness to destroy humanity (in the West, particularly). Christians need more awareness and better prayer lives.

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A person can be ethical and moral without belonging to an organised religion or following a religious leader, historical or current.

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I’ve been looking for that link included J C for I don’t know how long.

There’s a fine line between

“there and here” and the only to thread the needle is to gradually make people aware.

Thank you again J C.


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Call it the gift of the covid... It was a Russian that pointed out to me who is ruling the world. It was shocking at first, but as one digs, it becomes totally apparent. It is all coming to a head. We are learning the truth will be attacked for truth.. You take on flak when you are over the target. A Rense video points out more


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Thank you J C… My son pointed out to me who was running the world…..A good thing for both of us, regardless who pointed it out.

Since the George Floyd riots which Officer Derek Chauvin was “railroaded” to prison and Floyd was placed on a pedestal, I’ve been trying to make the connection.

My son two days ago, clearly exhausted himself trying to explain “WHO”. I used the word “exhausted” simply because I’m older school and was taught, rather I was misled, as several generations were.

Today, I understand clearly why, nobody is stopping / closing our borders along with everything else we’re witnessing today.

Shaking our heads and asking ourselves or asking those who we feel safe to speak with, can now be connected to those who don’t say anything and or are “towing the line” for, the “Globalist Elites”.

Thanks again for your input and for sharing this information with me. It’s far more important to share and explain the “Truth” why everything is

“upside down and backwards” today!

This topic in and of itself requires an awfully “thin thread” to be needless. Everything makes sense now. What and how we do is of the utmost concern and urgency.


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Your right J C it happens all the time. Over the target is synonymous with Flak.

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You are on the right path Jean. Read 2nd Chronicles 7:14

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That’s it, in a nutshell.

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PUBLIC DISFAVOR- many doctors are cowards, dependent upon funding or embarassed ( they took the jabs)! Even when some of us do speak out we are in a very narrow lane since the GLOBALISTS have implemented the KILLING FIELDS in Western countries where the leaders are groomed by the WEF - Gates who owns the WHO - and our DOD who are the initiators of GoF CV 19 Sars 2 with Moderna and Pfizer! The Globalists have been working on this plan since the 70's at least whild Bill Gates' father started Planned Parenthood and Henry Kissinger presented a major report on over population funded by US Gov't. Only WE THE PEOPLE can stop this health care debacle by STOPPING THE POISON JABS NOW and STOPPING THE ASSAULT ON OUR CHILDREN WITH UNPROVEN CHILDHOOD VACCINE REQUIREMENTS! Bruce L Boros MD FACC @borosbruce

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Absolutely correct!

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33 mins ago·edited 29 mins ago



They initially tried to exterminate our elders -the living memory of our specie. And now they are aiming at the working age group and the future generations in every possible ways: turbo cancers, myocarditis, sudden and inexplicable deaths due to SARS-CoV2 injections, weather control and poisoning through chemtrails, food scarcity, and even planned disasters for dissident countries.*

Here is a link to the last Dr. David Martin’s conference at the EU. He covers the Covid-19 ‘’pandemic’’ planned since 1965, as well as the governments taxes money laundering scheme through the World Health Organisation (one may apply this to many others as international aid, ‘’climate change’’, the UN, the WEF, Ukraine, etc.). This is worth watching from 4:00 min. until the end. An eye opener!


Best regards.

* Turkey’s 2023 earthquakes are a blatant example of what they can do to coerce the dissidents and whole countries. Earlier on, the President of Turkey had expressed divergent opinions during a meeting of the EU Parliament. Three days later, his country was hit by several earthquakes that killed more than 37,000 people and affected millions.

The catch is that most of the tremors were arranged in an equidistant and rectilinear way, which is impossible from a geological point of view in this mountainous country, located near Syria and Cyprus.

Many are questioning the supposedly « natural » cause of these events, the USA and Russia having alaready developed many weapons to control, among other things, disasters, weather… and people with Direct Energy Weapons (DEWs):




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Désolant, mais AUCUN gouvernement n’admettra s’être trompé après quatre années de mensonges éhontés.

Ils continuent de camoufler les statistiques et culpabilisent même les victimes en leur faisant croire que c’est dû à leur patrimoine génétique!

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I don't understand what you said, but you get a : )

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LOL! If you follow the thread, my reply was to Jean Labbé… the sixth reply.

Thanks for  the « :) » and ditto!

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May I for the benefit of English language readers : Deepl translate : I'm sorry to say it, but NO government will admit to being wrong after four years of blatant lies.

They continue to hide the statistics, and even guilt-trip the victims into believing that it's due to their genetic make-up!

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4 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

Thank you for the translation!

My reply to JL was a wink to one of the few French speaking Substack authors.

That said, I usually translate my replies in English. I also use Deepl, even though it’s not reliable; the nuances of Latin languages or science concepts are often very poorly translated. More complex texts have to be retranslated in the original language, to check accuracy. Try it!


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Everyone calls for something to be done, but not willing to stand up against it. Words are cheap. Too many obese, drugged up, cowardly sheep to do anything. They will still be screeching for someone to do something , as they are forcefully given the shots, and put in fema camps to starve. Grow some testicular fortitude or shut the heck up!

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CDC is a government agency that is funded by Democrats who, like most other agencies, are now under the spell of BHO, and the UN, working in tandem with WEF and WHO for the New World Order. All recommendations they make are intended to reduce population and fund their associate organizations like big pharma and media. This is why they do what they do! We have fight back with prayer and publicity.

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Why do we even think they will “look” into this shocking rise in cancer in the young. They don’t “look” into the shocking rise in autism either. Nope. Nothing there.

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I finally had some hope When Robert Kennedy joined Trump. It appears that Trump supports Kennedy's desire to make America healthy again, and might make him Secretary of Health and Human services. Other than that, as I see it, Big Pharma and Big Ag allied with Big tech and Mainstream media are unassailable.

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God forbid - on the latter.

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Let us get a little timeline going here. Regarding doctors and the different sorts of establishment figures who administer services for us, they had (over two hundred years) arrived at an entenched position: they were convinced that vaccines were a major technique that could end some given disease and they emphasized this form of treatment. It took years fo them to be fully entenched in this narrative of how helpful (not harmful) vaccines were. They were so dedicated to the narrative of the vaccine or the "wonder drug" that they became stupid. So, when it tuned out that the mRNA vaccines were doing harm instead of doing good this theatened their whole world. Their world was dependent on the narrative they had set up of themselves as the experts in chage, doling out medicine. They, themselves, represented authority. They represented truth. This narrative about vaccines, that we should rely on them or that they can cure the problems we face, including COVID-19, became, combined with their own authority, the truth. They were unable to practice in any other way. They were essentially in dependence upon vaccines ---their major was of practicing medicine or their main existential theme ---and with their authority challenged as well, they were unable to handle the criticism they got. Now, what if what these persons were pushing, along with the hospitals and other huge, major institutions (the mRNA vaccines) were causing serious physical health problems, including for example turbo cancer, and sudden death, and a list of adverse responses that meant truth was under attack.

So, what was intolerable was that there were these challenges to both their tuth and their authority. Doctors, in fact, turn out to be psychologically deviant. This is a problem, because they had set themselves up as the ones to be trusted. They are to be compared to "witch-doctors." Some pimitive healers are actually extemely good medical practitioners in their own way but let's say this is a chalatan. How would the witch doctor, with his fake cures and wrongly diagnosed causes of health conditions, react to being told he is wrong? He has rattles, and mantras, and herbs and costumes and rituals and some accuser is saying it is all fake?

Well, the "healer" in that case too would be in an outrage. He would be very upset. Persons who arrive at entrenched positions do not like you telling them they are wrong.

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You mean to say that they are not only conditioned and formatted but living under a spell, making them deaf and blind to all the dramas happening in their patients’ families?

How could not they hear about the thousand scientific papers implicating the Covid jabs as a cause of increase in cancers, myocarditis, neuropathies, etc? How could they not hear about the increase in all cause mortality and the never seen before drop of the birth rate in all the highly vaccinated countries?

How could they disregard the Armed Forces’ whistleblower who revealed, from the own Army database, that after the beginning of the vaccination campaign in 2021, 22 million new medical conditions were reported in the following 10 months compared to 1,7 millions in the five years before Covid ?

(It was totally inappropriate to mandate vaccines for those public servants, knowing that they had only 12 deaths due to Covid!!! As if there was a clear intent of destroying the American military servants… and replacing them with all the young illegal immigrants, arriving from all the countries around the world…

I am afraid that this is another conspiracy theory that might very well end up being an accurate analysis of what was going on What will happen!)

It means that those doctors you’re talking about would have completely lost their moral compass, right?

I actually understand what you’re saying and it is actually a very good analysis of what’s happening and the reason why it’s happening, but it is scary to know that medical dogmas can dehumanize people to such an extent.

I think, though, that a lot of them lack courage and honesty because they have heard about a lot of their colleagues have chosen to end their careers to continue serve their Hippocratic oath. And I salute them for that and feel great admiration for their engagement. They are the beacons of Light and they give me hope that Truth and Justice will prevail in the end.

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My neighbor who is a doctor An OB/gyn just went for the latest and greatest covid booster and I’m sure flu shot too!! I ask the same! How could she have not read one thing about the questions and dangers of these shots?? Are these doctors just plain lazy and stupid or completely brainwashed to believe the other story??? I’m in shock!

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I used to work with a group of very intelligent scientists, molecular biologists, who called me an idiot for doubting the new vexxine technology. They all got the shots without any questions asked. Not sure if they’ve kept getting them. I thankfully was able to retire and get the heck away from the mandates, masking and shoving brooms up my nose. For shame!

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These are the people who are watching late day/night news where they get the positive spin on vaccines and the negativity on people who resist them. They believe in leftwing media and,since that’s the majority, they are getting reinforcement everyday. These are the usual common-man, media-mind-crippled who walk among us. They pride themselves on staying in their limited bubbles. I bet they don’t read substacks, and comments like this one and are proud that they are above going on to right wing social media networks.in other words, they are sublimely ignorant.

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This i dont understand. I understand the cynicism of pushing a treatment on others but when they take it themselves I am confused. One of our Vets (animal) was fully opposed to the jabs for humans and animals. He retired to be able to treat informally from home and then one day suddenly went and took the jabs himself .. ?? !! . Suicidal ?? Peer pressure ??? I dont get it .

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And do they not see this happening to friends, family and colleagues?

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Well, I believe they are happy to get rid of some family!!!

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Not so much - your term - "Medical dogma" as the nature of humans or the natural outcome of human biology! Their entire psychological response to being alive. OK? And what exists now----? ~ this is a human biology that no longer thinks, i.e. suspension of logical thought or persons who have given up on thought, as it was not providing them with benefit.

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I think what you are saying is that doctors aren't actually that smart. They are mechanics of the flesh. They can cut flesh, and they can sew flesh back up. That is the single thing that distinguishes them from the average man in the street. Many of them have good memories and the old ones have a lifetime of experience to draw from. But logically, they're not on a par with the average Ph.D. scientist. I.e., they cannot think. I've tested wits against many doctors over the years and most of them come up lacking.

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Rather I think that there are few persons of real quality --- although I completely agree with and admire your phrasing when you evaluate the the doctors. That's fine. I agree that they really are not doing that much, because there is no very profound understanding of the body and energy and things like that, auras and the energies of life. They know nothing of this! The life source, the heal-ability of the body. The natural wellness of the body. No we don't know as much as the schools are saying we do. In fact, the schools are a big problem. I would not turn to the PhD's though. I shudder to think what sorts of PhDs you have! What are the new PhD's like? Crazies! I see more hope in the "the average man on the street." That theory is as a good theory of who the actual good guys are in our world at present.

So I think this puts me in a different category. I do not trust all these "top quality" individuals anymore at all. I am not like the people one might call "elitists," so ... I think you need your doctors, you need some professors, etc. You need your scientists. But you do not produce them in mass. There is the problem that they are all coming up short now. We have a lot to learn about what this world is really like.

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I received 12 "likes" on this comment i posted. I have now clarified or improved a little, which as I recall is mostly at the end of it. If it made a good impression, it deserves being re-written a little bit. I think at the end... Some of the word stick our more when you are writing and some have to be brought out a bit...

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Thanks for ringing the bell loudly, Dr. Makis. Dire times and heart breaking ! Indeed, throat cancer is surging around here, among non-smokers and in backwoods communities. A rise in prostate cancer seems logic, given jab affinity for reproductive organs. How would you explain the rise in throat cancers though? Masks, and the contamination found therein?

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I think your spot on the throat cancer and mask wearing. Most of the masks are chemical based so it makes sense. I have relatives who had to wear them all day to keep their jobs and now suffer some odd immune issues. Two of them have immune issues of the eyes. All of them are not jabbed so it has to be the mask issue.

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Wow. I did not mask much at all but lived in CA so was forced to many times and I regret it! I even got kicked out of a show in Napa for not masking properly or enough!,,, I did not get any shots but I have immune problems with my eyes! How strange.

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I am wondering if it’s a fungus or bacterial. My one relative was told it was from serving in Afghanistan. The doc said it will be an issue for the rest of his life. Mind you he has been out of the military for years and it showed up after wearing masks over several years for work. Also, another relative same thing but was told it’s an autoimmune issue that is attacking the eyes.

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Could it be the spraying they are doing? Along with the masking and the shedding?

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Not sure about the spraying. I know so many complained about a fungus or acne on the face. I wonder if it wearing the mask allows for a fungal infection the sinus and or eye area. It’s all connected. Another relative of mine had a fungus issue on his chin and around the mouth. He used collidal silver gel to finally get rid of it.

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Shameful behavior from those who knew hid behind" just following orders" for a paycheck!

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Duke still has lies about the covid shots on their website! My husband and I were treated by doctors in that system for years, but refuse to see a doctor there now. I didn't see that this doctor acknowledged any tie to the shots. I just wrote about this. https://asclifton1971.substack.com/p/valued-patient-give-me-a-break

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Outstanding response to an outstanding example of gaslighting. Duke Health's plea is so egregious, especially after Florida's Dept of Health telling docs not to give covID shots to anyone.

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Thank you for your post! It was a brilliant reply on your part to the Duke University ceo.

I just wanted to say that I lived in the southern UK in the early sixties and had neighbors named “Clifton”. Very kind people. This would have been the town of “Earls Barton”.

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Good for you. I don't suppose you received a response to that!!!

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We don’t hear this on the news do we. My other post regarding the uptick in Cancer being Astronomical that is….the only thing we hear now is ‘get your fall covid - flu shot’s they are the best way forward. I can’t wait for all those still pushing these poison’s to face judgement….

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My daughter (31) is dying of metastatic breast cancer. Diagnosed one year ago, and had taken two jabs and a booster, sadly. The only family member to take it. She also relies on her oncologists and is scared to try any alternative medicine. My beautiful daughter is now ravaged by this cruel illness. I will never go to a hospital or see a traditional doctor again, unless I break a bone. It’s all useless. 😪

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So very, very sorry!! Start sneaking FenBen in her juice drinks?

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So very sorry for you and your daughter. A close friend’s wife is in the same situation, also 31, I know they would have trusted “the science “ it’s so incredibly sad.

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I also tried to suggest alternatives but they were warned against doing anything like that…doctors don’t want any interference with their protocol. They think those of us who don’t believe they’re little gods are crazy conspirators.

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I'm so sorry Suzanne. This must be so painful to watch and be unable to help.

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Ethical Skeptic has determined from the CDC data that the excess cancer deaths in the ages 0 to 54 are up 28% from the pre-covid norms. That's about 20,000 total excess cancer deaths since the covid vaccine rolled out. It looks like it is currently about 200 per week excess cancers deaths and the trend line is still rising. This is hard data for the whole country, not just an observation by a doctor. https://theethicalskeptic.com/

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More people over 45 took multiple gene therapy jabs than those under 45. Why is the new cancer only showing up in the under 45?

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It might not be that cancer is only showing up in the young. The young don't usually get cancer. It's always been much much more rare for young people to get cancer especially the kind that are now occuring. But, now there is a signal. The statistics are dramatically changing. There is a rise in cancer in the young. Older people may be seeing a rise too but the signal may not be as significant because older people have been getting cancer over the past 50 years at high rates already. As our world became more toxic,the cancer rates have increased. Now, due to processed food and other toxins, younger and younger people are getting cancer. Since 2021, that surged. No one here has to guess why.

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Your immune system is stronger when young than old. If vaccinated, you are making spike in every organs, and unfortunately, your immune system as been geared to kill those cells with spike …. If old, your immune system is kind of lazy way of speaking, thus, not reacting as agressively as s young person, it forgive, way of speaking again. It has been said in early time of vaccination… the young will suffer more than the old because of their immune system that is normally stronger. Sad but true, and this article shows exactly that. This is just the beginning, the mid age and old will follow the same path, watch and learn.

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I think part of the answer is that older people are being affected by the poison jabs just as much as the younger, maybe more because they typically are still taking them and are on their 6-7 repeat. The effects are not noticed or considered to be jab related because it is accepted now that many older people get these afflictions that come more frequently now with age. The shots increase the illness so they are not necessarily new ones, but they hasten death.

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You are right! That’s why even before the shots when a young woman gets breast cancer it is fatal because not only is her immune system more aggressive her cells replicate faster even cancerous ones. Lots of cancer drugs slow down cell replication so no hair grows finger nails you probably know more about this than I do but this is what I have learned

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It is also hitting those over 45. The total excess cancer deaths for all ages is 728 per week which about a 7.4% increase from normal. Only about 200 of those are age 54 or under. It's just that percentage increase in the younger group is much higher because cancer deaths are normally low for the younger group. https://theethicalskeptic.com/

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Given the mandates for the working-age population, colleges, & the military, I suspect that just as many younger people were injected with this poison.

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Most countries have injected over 60% of their population.. some have manage 80% or above.. the outcomes are still yet to come out… those regular reports on fatalities by Mark Crispin Millar show we are still in the middle of the catastrophe.. most of those listed are in 30-50 age groups… people of working age who were mandated … the biggest medical mistake in history is unfolding.

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It was not a mistake. It was and is intentional

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I just had a very good friend get the Covid and flu shots together. Given the side effects from each I cannot understand what would possess an intelligent person to do this?

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Best thing to do is to block the mRNA nanobots from attaching to the cells. That is done by the administration of nicotine laden foods, gum and patches.

Dr Ardis is adamant that the poisons attach to the ACE2 Receptors. Nicotine is preferred by the body and will 'kick out' anything that is not nicotine. That increases the numbers of nanobots in the blood as indicated by Dr Ana Mihalcea.

Dr Mihalcea has proven that all the nanobots and self assemblies are completely destroyed and ultimately removed from the body within 24 hours by the administration of EDTA Vitamin C.

Nicotine containing foods are: Red Tomato, Green Tomato, Potato, Cauliflower, Celery, Eggplant and most of the nightshade family of plants.

Dr Ardis has shown that cancer induced into animals is completely reversed within hours by the application of nicotine.

Dr Lee Merritt claims that Cancer is likely caused by parasites. They could easily be nanobots designed to serve the same purpose as parasites.

Ignore the expensive treatements and go straight to the 'CURE'.

Dr Mihalcea further claims that getting grounded, (i.e. barefoot on the earth) will stop the transmission of data being sent from the body completely. She recommends being in contact with the earth to stop the data transfer from the body to the 'cloud'.

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I have traded ot nicitine gum for regular gum. It has a nasty taste at first, but another way to get loads of nicotine

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BE CAREFUL WITH MOST NICOTINE GUMS. They contain Aspertame or Sucrose which are POISONS and CARCINOGENIC! Read the label on all gums. They all contain a sugar substitute that is carcinogenic. Many also contain Polysorbate 80 a known carcinogen. Xyletol is no better.

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LUCY brand nicotine gum is safe.

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They put polysorbate 80 in Klausen pickles! Why! I had no idea til I recently read an article and then I checked. Sure enough my klausen pickles that I bought in the refrigerator section which I thought were healthier have this chemical added. The ones on shelf have no additives!

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I tried the gum it’s horrible!!

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Most oncologists don't have a clue and thoroughly enjoy pretending to cure cancer with radiation and chemo while making bigger bucks and more of them.

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I just read an article that they get huge kickbacks on the chemo treatments!! I think it adds like 1/2 million to their paychecks every year!! So they gladly give chemo to everyone Money!!! Love of money is the root of ALL evil

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yesVACCINES EFFECTSBUT ALSO JUST THE GENERALTRAUMA THAT PEOPLE can see they have no future...no hope for the future.... that's going to rackthe immune system

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My sis, fully jabbed went to the hospital with her husband, he got clots and his blood is not flowing as normal, we know what caused it.

She accidentally went into the oncology ward, and her remark was she have never seen so many young patients there with cancers. Saying her husband is lucky..as he's much older than them. WTF! Can't get these sheeples to think critically.

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