I hold an FAA Airline Transport Pilots License. I spent 45yrs in the cockpit since first learning how to fly at a very impressionable 17yrs of age.

Forcibly “Retired” from my employer in Abu Dhabi mid-2020 along with all other crews over the age of 60yrs due Covid. (I was 62yrs at the time) I got lucky. All crews under 60yrs that remained, were “required” to get the “K-Shot” (It’s not a Vaccine)

When the “Shots” were initially being rolled-out, a lotta Red Flags and Red Lights started appearing in my cockpit (aka, “My Little World”) Why was the global media going into meltdown...? Why were Govt’s around the world mandating forced inoculations? Why were populations not questioning it…? Why were hospitals in North America turning away patients with respiratory illnesses? A lot of questions… and very few, if any answers.

Having previously contracted severe respiratory infections in the past, including Legionaries Disease in 2007 while in Nigeria and Mycoplasma Pneumonia while in Abu Dhabi back in 2000, I am very familiar with what it’s like to be laying in a hospital bed trying to breathe with the aid of a nebulizer. It’s not much fun.

Then in Feb 2020, I became violently ill with what I believe was the Covid Virus here on the island of Phuket in SW Thailand where I have my home.

I saw a Thai Chinese E.N.T. at the local Int’l hospital who prescribed a cocktail of pharmaceuticals to get me through whatever it was I had. This all happened just as C19 was starting to spread at the beginning of the 2020 Chinese New Year.

After 1 week of taking my prescribed meds, I was fine.

Throughout 2021, Govt’s, Employers and the MSM were all Hell bent on “Everyone” getting “Vax’d”. Why? Excuse me but it takes 7-10 years for Pharmaceutical Companies to conduct Phase 1, 2 and 3 Clinical Trials, and that’s providing they meet all their target end point numbers during the Trials..!!!

Sitting back watching what was being done to global populations by the American DoD, DARPA and “The Bilderberg Group” through their WEF and WHO proxies, it was blatantly obvious to me that something was seriously wrong. Instead of lining-up for the K-Shot like a lamb being led to slaughter, I chose instead to go “Missed Approach” on the Shot and enter a “Holding Pattern” until I had more data. During the “Hold” I chose to follow FLCCC weekly dosing protocols for Ivermectin, available OTC in the country where I live.

Due to my previous medical history with respiratory infections, I have also been supplementing my immune system daily with Vit-D3/K2, Vit-C, Zinc, Hashi Nasal Rinse with one (1) drop of iodine, Oil of Oregano and Chaga Tea. I’m now 66yrs of age, perfectly healthy, and remain un-Vax’d.

Regarding Ivermectin, the only reason Ivermectin was “Banned” in North America was that the FDA, CDC and NIH said that “off label” drugs were ineffective and could not be used against Covid.

With Ivermectin out of the way, the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) Act could be enacted, paving the way for Big Pharma to launch their so called “Vaccines”.

Sadly, we now all know that the Covid Virus was just the first step in depopulation. The second step was the “K-Shot” and all the Boosters that people voluntarily lined up for..... or, were coerced into taking.

I’ve lost track of the number of people I know, who have died from the shots, having been diagnosed with Cancer, Parkinson’s, Kidney failure, or young women who have lost their unborn babies.

To this day I remain persona-non-grata, kicked out of the tribe by most who know that I chose to go "Missed Approach" on the shots. That's fine.

I now have two wonderful Golden Retrievers, who get a shot of Ivermectin every month from their Vet.... though they get it to ward off any tics and flees..... Myself,

I still follow the FLCCC dosing protocols for Ivermectin and am happy to report that in addition to not contracting Covid, I am also free of any tics & flees...... Hahaha.

To this day the only theory I can come up with as to how global populations could have been mislead into believing what was being force fed to them is Mattias Desmet’s theory of Mass Formation Psychosis / Hypnosis and the 24/7 scare tactics employed by the American MSM.

Trust your own bodies natural immune system and if need be, supplement it. Nuff Said.

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Ditto!! Way to go! Great forward thinking. I would like to add that hospital protocols to handle "suspected covid infections" killed many more! I also noted when the vax came out that western governments historically never stand behind promises to take care of people when a problem arises from their policies. So why risk a shot on the promise the government will be there for me if the shot disables me. As it turned out, true to history, the western governments were not there for the vaccine injured.

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As Ian mentioned, the vaccines are to depopulate. They would not stand behind any promises as their intended results were opposite to cures.

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Ivermectin has always been available OTC at most large "Thai" pharmacies. One (x1) box of twelve 6mg tabs will cost you about $1.50USD/tab.

You will not be able to find Ivermectin at the British "Watsons" or "Boots" Pharmacy outlets.... as they are "controlled" by their head offices back in the UK.

In addition to Ivermectin, Mebendazole is also available OTC here in Thailand (Approx $1USD/500mg tab)

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these drugs are not available in France, nor, I think, in Europe..

what does this mean?? They sign with both hands their desire to subtract what is profitable for us all, otherwise what else? Il ne faut pas être complotistes, mais pas completement idiots non plus.

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That means this is a western agenda, to depopulate for globalization.

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A very small crowd of psychos, compared with the tsunami that the rest of us we’ll become soon…

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Unfortunately these psychos print money out of the clear blue sky-unlimited. This buys presidents and governments, unlimited amounts to train and arm mercenaries that will attack its own people, private armies, false flags etc etc.

I don’t see any rising up by the people in the U.S. dispite everyone has guns.

Our govt has been quashing resistance for decades. As I always say it will be the axis of resistance- Iran, Russia and China- who are against a one world govt and have the military might to fight it, that will save us.

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I’m not going to bank on an extremist country like Iran to save anybody. Even if they won the military conflict imagine living life under that.

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Would you know if it could be shipped to Canada. I do get some but always interesed in other sources. Thanks

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Applying "a holding pattern". You must be one hell of a good pilot !! Using you pilots logic definately gave you a safe landing. Thank you for sharing your story of your most interesting flight path. I believe the world is waking up to those that are behind the world depopulation


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never forget the politicians never had to be vaxed to continue working or travel . That was such a red flag, they knew what they were doing

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Thank you for this. I agree with your synopsis of the circumstances surrounding the virus that’s never been isolated, remedies that were outlawed because it’s illegal to have a vax when there’s already a cure and the mass psychosis. Vaxes are not tested properly and there are no legit control groups in their bought and paid for research. People don’t bother to look into that prior to injection as fear negates clear thinking.

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OMG, congratulations for finding such a smart veterinary doc for your doggies!

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Applying "a holding pattern". You must be one hell of a good pilot !! Using you pilots logic definately gave you a safe landing. Thank you for sharing your story of your most interesting flight path. I believe the world is waking up to those that are behind the world depopulation


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Is Ivermectin still available over the counter in Thailand ?

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Well put. Ditto. Does IVM really stop tics on your dog?

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Living in Thailand for over the past 27yrs and having had four (x4) Golden Retrievers (I'm now on #3 & 4...... a 4yr old and a 10 month old) the Vets here in Thailand have always administered a shot of Ivermectin once (x1) per month for Tic & Flea prevention. Cost: $5 USD per injection (.../month)

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Wow. I wonder if any vets in the US do that or if I can just feed my dog and IVM cap in his food

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For your dog, the Ivermectin needs to be "Injected" into their bodies for it to be 100% effective.

Myself, I simply get my Ivermectin capsules OTC at the local pharmacy and dose weekly as per the FLCCC protocols. See attached link:


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Thank you Dr Makis … for your tireless work for your patients & mankind. May God Bless you 🙏

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You are a gift from God William Makis.

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Good work Dr Makis! … God Bless you and your family! 💟. Heartfelt gratitude. 💟☮️

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This is an amazing summary of how IVM, fenben/maben are used, so clear and concise, I wish all medical doctors and the general population see this. I want to send this to my 'new' family doctor who has declined to prescribe me these meds because it's "out of protocol" and I'm paying hundreds of $ each month which is a huge affordability issue for me.

Such a sad and corrupt state that is our western medical system run by big pharma profits. I totally agree one of MAHA's 🇺🇸 directive should have these repurposed drugs made easily available for cancer and other treatments and MCHA's 🇨🇦, as too many are suffering and completely unaware of their options, simply due to the hands of big pharma.

Thank you very much Dr. Makis, I've been following your protocol for these 2 meds for 2 months with promising results to start (tumor growth stopped) then I was out of these meds due to CP strike for 1.5 months and it has set me back. I continued with my very clean diet and other supplements etc so now onwards and upwards!

May God bless you and your endeavor to help others!

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I’m sure your new dr is very aware of the miraculous results of Ivermectin. He just is not allowed to talk about it let alone prescribe it.

This depopulation- globalization agenda is so pervasive and so powerful.

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Unfortunately I think she is unaware as she asked me if I was tested for parasites 😂 I agree with you that there's 110% stronghold trying to control the masses.

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The mere fact that she asked you if you were tested for parasites shows she knows.

You never mentioned parasites in your OP so where in the world would this come from? Remember she’s scared to mention Ivermectin.

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I told her I'm under ND care and what I'm taking. Then she asked.

My OP was about Dr Makis and my results so far, and the experience with this family doc. Not a means to tell my whole story, just the gist of it to get my point across, with that being a testimony to encourage others if they have a health challenge ✌🏼

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I understand. Just curious, what was her reaction when you told her you were taking Ivermectin?

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That's when she asked if I was tested for parasites 😂

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Try aski g for Ivermectin to treat stomach parasites.

Do you have them? Most certainly if you ever ate meat not fully cooke. Or salads or vegetables or fruit. Also could ask for Ivermectin for your Rosacea . 😀

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If doctors continue to stay quiet while patients die or struggle to find ivermectin and Fenbendazole… They don’t have excuses to sit ducks, at this moment when the critical mass of dissenters is achieved.

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I know. Unfortunately drs are saddled with debt just like us, kids in college, huge mortgage and they go along with the restrictions.

The ones that drop out in disgust really have balls or can afford to do so.

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They have a vocational profession. They have chosen it themselves.

When you have an oath, regarding the life and integrity of people, not keeping it means something much worse than being hugely indebted.

Dr Makis and his Family had 10 years of nightmare, because he stood against corruption.

What they are expecting right now, to show some minimal morals, if they want to still have patients coming to see them in the future?

Why should a sane person continue to trust an infatuated drug rep with his life ?

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It is just a thought. That if you cant find Ivermectin or Fenben anywhere, even Equine or farm stores. Then try Black Wlanut Hull tincture, Clove and Wormwood. (They kill parasites. And was Dr. Hulda clarkes suggestion.)

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I am using animal Ivermectin and fasting 72 hours once a month, to keep me healthy and well, based on Dr. Makis formula. I am 80, unvaccinated and well.

Myrna Kerr

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Can you please tell me where you’re getting the ivermectin and where to find the protocol?

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I buy it from the out commercial outlets who carry animal products particularly for farm animals. My original Ivermectin came from India, sold for human's, but that was stoped by the Government a number of years ago, not allowed into my country now.

I understand it can still be purchased in Mexico if you are holidaying there but depending on where you live I have no idea if you can bring it back legally to your country.

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Hi Myrna,

Thank you for responding. I live in California. Ok, I will look into your suggestions.

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Hey Denise,

Lookup Joe Tippins protocols on Facebook.

I am in Mexico, getting Ivermectin over the counter, (6mg, 4 packs)

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Thank you, Colin. Will do.

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I get all mine here since March of 20 20 never had Covid. Please use the referral number I might get discounts. Leave blank RX # Dr John smith. Fill all info in that you want. Amazing stuff 1.00 a pill


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Hi Leslie,

Thank you for providing the information. I see a few options. What is the exact one you’ve been using including the mg. And when you say referral number, do you have a referral code? I do want you to get a discount for referring me.

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That’s wonderful!!

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Thank you so much! Dr. Makis you are a bright spot in a dark time.

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Thank you! You are a light in a dark world. 😇

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Thank you doctor Makis. Very interesting and explains why Ivermectin was so demonized at the height of Covid. Curing/improving so many serious conditions would certainly lose the big pharmaceutical companies a lot of income. I’m very interested to learn why this inexpensive and well tested drug works. I am wondering if that perhaps as they say all disease stems from the gut and ivermectin etc are anti parasitic, is there a possibility that these diseases initially stem from various parasites? Also could these drugs be used as a preventative by perhaps people taking a dose once a year or so?

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Dr. Sabrine Hazan has done very interesting research on the gut. She has also written a book. Her research indicated that those with low bifidobacteria were susceptible to Covid. She also found that the injections removed the bacteria and that Ivermectin replenished the bifidobacteria. https://progenabiome.com/videos-and-podcasts

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Thank you John. I will watch those videos. I would not be surprised if microbiome imbalance is also involved. I was converted to this way of thinking many years ago after being introduced to high volume probiotics/electrolytes which instantly cured my IBS symptoms and have since cured others I've recommended them to! Very interesting to look deeper into this subject.

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It’s not about the money, these nefarious players are the money printers. It’s about world power and control. They want you to think it’s all about the money but that is not true. However it is the less devious of the 2 so the false narrative has been propagated even by the MSM themselves.

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What a crisp concise chat. Thank you so much! I am an independent researcher (cancer-focused). Let's hope they don't Krebiozen these cheap horse store remedies into oblivion. Consider this: The FEVER Response is the ultimate survival trick of the human body (see Dr. Schulze Wet Sheet Treatment). Fever works by UNcoupling. Just like DNP in the 90s. Uncouplers are a major topic of research. Why? They "tweak" the Fever response, but slowly, controllably, gently. Ivermectin and many other similar anti-parasitics (BAM-15) do the very same thing. Also MB. These are not just horse dewormers- they are fine-tuned uncouplers with eormous PROVEN potential. Only Low-Information-Patients ("LIP") will be fooled by the media blackout and paid-off pundits spreading LIP-Fear. I am sharing your posts with everyone I know.

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When our Doc Makis talks, We listen

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Yeah it really was a great summary that was so informative by Dr. Makis.

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Thank you very much Dr Makis, I follow your publications, your work and your fights, we will always support you and we broadcast your messages.

God bless you and your familly.

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Dr. Makis, you need to set up clinical trials to gather as much data as you can in a detailed way.

While cancer patients don't have time to wait and will easily use your protocol, you need more than the individual stories you used for this video presentations for public exposure.

You are in a unique position to get that message across.

I have a friend on IVM, Fenben, D3 and Berberine for Stage 4 small cell lung cancer who was given 4 years to live. 1 Year in, the brain lesions have not returned (radiology cleared them) and the lungs have not progressed. Looking forward to every new scan.

Dr. Thomas Seyfried's protocol for cancer includes everything you recommend so everyone is on the right track.

So glad to find an actual doctor like you that's not operating their career as a pharmaceutical sales rep.

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I don’t think the contentious Canadian govt would allow Dr Makis to conduct clinical trials based on their behavior towards him.

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Wonderful podcast Dr Makis !

Full of critical information for everyone but especially for those who took Fauci's bioweapon jab !!!

We know of people who came down with turbo cancer after the shot and died.

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I know those drugs work but just listening to you speak on them blows my mind, it's like God gave us these things then He waited for us to find them and use them. I wonder if Michael J Fox knows about Ivermectin and Parkinsons, he may get relief. As always Dr Makis, thank you.

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I know! I have also wondered if the celebrities know. Justin Bieber and his wife, Kirstie Alley, Shinaid O’Connor IMO were all victims so the word hasn’t completely gotten out. Then again, it is very hard to convince sheep of something that has been battered in their brain is scary and harmful.

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Thankyou from the bottom of my heart. After reading the story yrs ago about Dr. Royal Rife I knew these drug companies were evil. I have 3 autoimmunes and I think I acquired the spike protein from Dave. I was sick with overall pain everywhere for 2 days after he got the shot. I didn’t get the shot because I knew in the gut that my problems were from vaccines. I haven’t had a good week since and now severe gastritis. I want to try Ivermectin but don’t know what dose to take and if it will be hard on my gut. I have lost 10 lbs s this month as my gut is so inflamed and having minor chest pain and severe nausea. I think it is all related to Covid which I did have for one week without the lose of taste. It was my first flu ever in 71 yrs at the time. I am 73 now. I am allergic to Sulpha drugs so I heard you say something about sulfur in fenendazole, so is that something I would be able to take? What dose does one start with and how many a day? Nancy nfreer2@gmail.com

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Email Dr.Makis for a consultation at makisw79@yahoo.com

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Thank you so much.

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Hi Nancy, I am a retired RN and also am allergic to sulfa drugs. I hope this answers your question below to Dr Makis.

But first I want to tell you that at 74 I finally was given a positive diagnosis for Lupus which I now realize I have had since childhood because that is when I was first discovered to be allergic to sulfa drugs which Lupus patients should not take.

After a bad bout with Epstein Barr in my teens I developed full blown episodes of Lupus autoimmune flares but despite informing my GPs about these flares, I was never tested while having a flare during which it would have shown positive in an ANA blood test.

The medicine I was put on by Dr Villa in Florida, who is on the board of the World Council for Health, mentioned above by Dr Makes, is hydroxychloroquine ( Plaquenil) for life. I works slowly but it does work. It helps to prevent organs being damaged by Lupus flares , Lupus is a sneaky disease difficult to diagnose , I always thought I was just catching a virus now and then, despite wondering why no one else in the family would catch it.

"No, sulfa drugs are not the same as sulfur; while sulfur is a chemical element, "sulfa" refers to a group of medications containing a sulfonamide functional group, which includes sulfur atoms but is a distinct chemical compound with different properties and uses compared to elemental sulfur."

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FLCCC dot net website protocols for your answer 🙏

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Please contact Dr Makis. He will put you on a protocol exactly for your conditions. It’s best you have him overseeing your treatment.

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His office wrote and said he is too busy with patients .

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Oh my. Maybe you can email or call him to see if he can recommend someone. Also there is a fee involved did his office know you will accept that fee? Or it never got that far..,

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Nancy, go to the FLCCC website for information.

Good luck!

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I mentioned that in the comment.

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Excellent video - thank you. This is the basic cancer treatment protocol I distilled from my research and is loosely based on the Joe Tippins protocol. I started researching alternative treatments for cancer 4 years ago as my biological mother died at 57 from brain cancer - I am now 59 and I finished this basic cancer treatment protocol as a prophylactic last month. In the last 2 years I have given this protocol to 2 friends - one with skin cancer that came back for the 3rd time (54 y/o male) and the other with breast cancer (84 y/o) and the dr's wanted to do a double mastectomy. Both are now cancer free. In the morning take 300-500mg of fenbendazole + 500mg quercetin & 1 spoonful of good olive oil. After your last evening meal take 36mg ivermectin. Do this 3 days on and 4 days off for 12 weeks. This is the basic protocol and I am not offering medical advice as I am not a Dr.

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This is the Mel Gibson interview mentioned: https://x.com/TheChiefNerd/status/1877525664040988721

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Your friends are lucky they know such a smarty pants!! Ivermectin is certainly a miracle drug. Funny Pfizer made it now they are against it.

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