God bless you for your courage, wisdom and humanity. Words can’t describe my admiration and respect for truth tellers. If not for all these good Doctors and scientists, society wouldn’t have a leg to stand on. Thank you to infinity for that.
Personally, I am afraid to even go to my family physician. I try to take care of ailments on my own, like a persistent rash or a sinus infection. I’ve been invited twice to the doctor’s office on a Saturday for a Pap test by mid-wives (??) I don’t trust the medical community, at all.
Thank you for sharing your story. Thank you for fighting back. Thank you for being a wonderful human.
More power to you for being your own physician. Heal thyself. The deep truth is that we are designed and born to heal.
I think the so-called medical profession is currently considered to be the number three cause of illness and death. I say number one, more likely.
I like my doctor. She helped me a lot a few years ago, even respecting my choice not to use pharmaceuticals. Then when the pLandemic was launched and the "vaccine" rollout began, I got calls every few days from her team urging me to make an appointment to get "vaccinated." The government paid her for every vile vial, of course.
So thank-you, doctor. May I never see you again in this lifetime - unless it is for you to confess, apologise and repent for abandoning your oath to do no harm.
Please stay safe Dr Makis. Citizens in all countries desperately need “truth tellers”. Last year the husband of one of my acquaintances came home from an Alaskan cruise and felt unwell so went to the ER here in Texas and was diagnosed with terminal cancer and was dead in 6 days. Unbelievable!!!! I’m 80 yrs old and have never in all my years as an RN heard such stories. But the medical community is still in denial. Frightening!!!
Dr Makis called this "incompetence" of Canadian doctors.
I Know of a Canadian doctor, who was a Professor at McGill University who moved to John Hopkins University in USA : Sir William Osler.
He expected doctors TO READ ABOUT THEIR CASES and to have a current understanding of pathophysiology. He said "It is astonishing with how little reading a doctor can practice medicine, but it is not astonishing how badly he may do it".
This is absolutely fascinating information. We are seeing the dirt beneath the surface. That so many medical professionals can be bought, is horrifying. Life is short, and we will all have to account for what we have done, here on earth. Many, many thanks, Dr. Makis, for your brilliant and courageous work.
Luckily, I still don't have an AB doctor since ours was caught prescribing himself happy, banging staff 😳....just a six month ban for that. In Australia - it took three visits to find one who wasn't a pill salesman. Name and shame... keep it coming
I want you and your Family to know just how much I for one, appreciate everything you sacrifice and for your heart commitment in all of this…..I will continue to pray for all your Safety and that God will continue to help you speak boldly and that God will Bless you all immensely, with peace as well as financial as needed…..God Bless you always..
As a dentist and natural healer with my wife, this sort of corruption and deception by the drug companies has been going on for about 100 years so I am not surprised by what Dr. Makis says, I have seen it all my professional life. We need to wake up and realize that drugs are not the answer, that we have been deceived for many years by the drug companies. They are powerful and fight very dirty and go after people like Dr. Makis who are trying to save lives. They will declare these good doctors as dangerous to the community, meanwhile their treatments are killing and harming lots of people.
The difference today is that it got 100 time worse in a matter of 4 years ad the top all bowed to the corrupt Fauci, Gates, WEF, WHO and the drug companies for money.
⚖️ It is indeed disgusting. Down here in Australia, excess deaths across all age groups have sometimes been blamed on delayed screenings for cancer. But how many young people have routine screenings for cancer? As for Canada, physicians like Dr Parks and Dr Meddings should perhaps have chosen a different vocation.
As I understand it, the patients are coming in with some health concern and then being found, to their shock, to have cancer. It's not that they are going to the ER to be treated for cancer. Dr. Makis has shared instances of people being diagnosed and dying within a few hours, although I think that is unusual. The cancers are often so advanced and so aggressive that treatment is ineffective.
They apparently are—- I lost a friend after her first injection — she was gone in two months. I saw her just before the injections and she was in relatively good health —- late 60s. If these cancers don’t kill you quickly i think it is truly a miracle.
God bless you for your courage, wisdom and humanity. Words can’t describe my admiration and respect for truth tellers. If not for all these good Doctors and scientists, society wouldn’t have a leg to stand on. Thank you to infinity for that.
Personally, I am afraid to even go to my family physician. I try to take care of ailments on my own, like a persistent rash or a sinus infection. I’ve been invited twice to the doctor’s office on a Saturday for a Pap test by mid-wives (??) I don’t trust the medical community, at all.
Thank you for sharing your story. Thank you for fighting back. Thank you for being a wonderful human.
More power to you for being your own physician. Heal thyself. The deep truth is that we are designed and born to heal.
I think the so-called medical profession is currently considered to be the number three cause of illness and death. I say number one, more likely.
I like my doctor. She helped me a lot a few years ago, even respecting my choice not to use pharmaceuticals. Then when the pLandemic was launched and the "vaccine" rollout began, I got calls every few days from her team urging me to make an appointment to get "vaccinated." The government paid her for every vile vial, of course.
So thank-you, doctor. May I never see you again in this lifetime - unless it is for you to confess, apologise and repent for abandoning your oath to do no harm.
Absolutely, superb.
I will never, if I can by any means avoid it, darken a doctor's doors, ever again.
Thank you Dr Makis .
Thank you Julie and....I second you.
All readers will be well served if they will understand and take to heart, every word uttered by Julie.
Doctors and health bureaucrats are, in some combination, 1. in a severe hypnotic state of mass formation psychosis.
2. in a state of overwhelming denial and/or fear
3. corrupt and evil murderers
4. willing to trash their soul but keep a job.
*****Or simply Heroes like Dr. Makis*****
Thank God for heroes like Dr. Makis.
Whacko to the max.
Please stay safe Dr Makis. Citizens in all countries desperately need “truth tellers”. Last year the husband of one of my acquaintances came home from an Alaskan cruise and felt unwell so went to the ER here in Texas and was diagnosed with terminal cancer and was dead in 6 days. Unbelievable!!!! I’m 80 yrs old and have never in all my years as an RN heard such stories. But the medical community is still in denial. Frightening!!!
The doctors you mention are circling the wagons in an attempt to deflect and avoid criminal liability for willful mass murder via medical malpractice.
Boom and bingo.
Dr.Makis is wonderful .............. wish him and his family the best.
If you watch certain CHD video interviews that Dr Makis has shared, it is clear that Medical Professionals have been turned into Genocidal Monsters.
How can someone go from the Hippocratic Oath to Remdesivir and Ventilators?
They are also witnessing their colleagues die by the hundreds.
It's clearly mind control; powerful, very powerful mind control.
Dr Makis called this "incompetence" of Canadian doctors.
I Know of a Canadian doctor, who was a Professor at McGill University who moved to John Hopkins University in USA : Sir William Osler.
He expected doctors TO READ ABOUT THEIR CASES and to have a current understanding of pathophysiology. He said "It is astonishing with how little reading a doctor can practice medicine, but it is not astonishing how badly he may do it".
I am convinced he spoke of worldwide doctors.
Wow! Hard-hitting is right!
This is absolutely fascinating information. We are seeing the dirt beneath the surface. That so many medical professionals can be bought, is horrifying. Life is short, and we will all have to account for what we have done, here on earth. Many, many thanks, Dr. Makis, for your brilliant and courageous work.
It wasn't incompetence it was done by Design. They were getting paid to push these covid shots. Depopulation!
Luckily, I still don't have an AB doctor since ours was caught prescribing himself happy, banging staff 😳....just a six month ban for that. In Australia - it took three visits to find one who wasn't a pill salesman. Name and shame... keep it coming
Name and shame pls: who was your AB doctor?
Thank you Dr, Makis…
I want you and your Family to know just how much I for one, appreciate everything you sacrifice and for your heart commitment in all of this…..I will continue to pray for all your Safety and that God will continue to help you speak boldly and that God will Bless you all immensely, with peace as well as financial as needed…..God Bless you always..
I'm praying for them too Gail.
As a dentist and natural healer with my wife, this sort of corruption and deception by the drug companies has been going on for about 100 years so I am not surprised by what Dr. Makis says, I have seen it all my professional life. We need to wake up and realize that drugs are not the answer, that we have been deceived for many years by the drug companies. They are powerful and fight very dirty and go after people like Dr. Makis who are trying to save lives. They will declare these good doctors as dangerous to the community, meanwhile their treatments are killing and harming lots of people.
The difference today is that it got 100 time worse in a matter of 4 years ad the top all bowed to the corrupt Fauci, Gates, WEF, WHO and the drug companies for money.
There is graphene and nano particles being found in the dental freezing.
These clots were from a patient who had a tooth extracted in High River, Alberta, Canada
⚖️ It is indeed disgusting. Down here in Australia, excess deaths across all age groups have sometimes been blamed on delayed screenings for cancer. But how many young people have routine screenings for cancer? As for Canada, physicians like Dr Parks and Dr Meddings should perhaps have chosen a different vocation.
Since when was cancer treated in an emergency room setting! Are turbo cancers that aggressive?
As I understand it, the patients are coming in with some health concern and then being found, to their shock, to have cancer. It's not that they are going to the ER to be treated for cancer. Dr. Makis has shared instances of people being diagnosed and dying within a few hours, although I think that is unusual. The cancers are often so advanced and so aggressive that treatment is ineffective.
They apparently are—- I lost a friend after her first injection — she was gone in two months. I saw her just before the injections and she was in relatively good health —- late 60s. If these cancers don’t kill you quickly i think it is truly a miracle.
Thank you once again Dr. Makis. Wishing you and your team the very best!
this is just a full-spectrum attack, isn't it?
and then you have the 'back-end' long-term consequences of infertility, which I fear could show up significantly when many of these jabbed kids reach childbearing age... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/baby-bloodbath-birth-rates-plummet?sd=pf
Right thank you; and match this the abortion industry and QED no future