I worked as a physician in Alberta but returned to South Africa before Covid but was often on the wrong side of the College. Here Pfizer of course tried to bribe (they call it being a 'consultant') the 'top' doctors to get them to promote the vaccine but it failed miserably. Only 25% of the population were vaccinated and today Covid vaccine is now unobtainable, let alone mandated. What you are seeing in Canada is the dark side of 'Universal Healthcare' which everyone loves so much. Here we have government and private health care(of course they want to bring in 'universal healthcare'). Occasionally living in the less developed world has its benefits.

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Thanks for the report! So glad South Africa did the right thing!

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Yes, Canadian Free Health means euthanasia for free! I’d rather pay for a doctors visit and have them convince me they have my best interest at heart!

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Truly excellent Dr. Makis. Thank you so much for your great moral courage in standing up for Canadians and people worldwide against the terrible corruption and fraud you have had inflicted upon you by such immoral people.

Thank you also for exposing the Judicial Fraud you have had to face for years from the corrupt judiciary and the pre-determined outcomes fraudulently done to you. Almost all lawyers (unlike lawyers in the United States) are too afraid to expose Judicial Fraud in this country and that is why it is so rampant and widespread in Canada. In Canada judges retaliate on those who speak out even though it is completely against judicial ethics and any sense of morality to retaliate on anyone – but these are not people of good ethics and moral conscience sitting on the bench (only a few are – unfortunately there are not a lot of good ones).

The role of the Chief Justice is a big key to the rigging and fixing of cases. The Chief Judge of each court decides which judge will hear a particular case – (unlike in the United States and the U.K.) there is absolutely zero transparency in this process. So the Chief Judge just appoints the judge they know will rule the way wanted by the establishment or elite interests for that case (that is the main and most important role of the Chief Judge the way the government sees it when they appoint them). Sometimes the Chief Judge will even whisper in a judges ear (or at least strongly hint in a cleverly lawyers way) what is desired and expected for the ruling.

The independence of the judiciary in Canada is a façade and a falsehood perpetuated on the public.

The courts even go so far as to try to protect pedophiles as best they can. Coincidentally and what is concerning is that historically there has been a higher percentage of pedophiles sitting as judges in Canada than the level seen in the general public. And it probably is still the case today as we see the slap on the wrist rulings by Canadian judges for cases of rape of children.

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HERO DR MAKIS!! We love you!!!

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Just had someone I know in his 20’s “die suddenly” from a ruptured esophagus. I can’t find anything that says this could be from the shot, but I know he was jabbed a few times anyways. He was not awake to any of this.

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I am awe struck with the amount of corruption you have and are uncovering. As a child growing up in Canada I was lead to believe that we were living in one of the most up right and honest countries in the world in which we could rely on the governments of the day to protect and provide honest and correct information when required. My parent’s generation fought and died for the rights we are supposed to have. You and your family emigrated here for I am sure for similar reasons and a belief that this was a safe haven, you must be so disappointed, as I am for what this country and it’s political ideologies have become.

People(doctors) like you and the few who refused to be compromised are true heroes in my eyes. The strength and intestinal fortitude you exhibit is inspiring and thank God for people like you, for this grass roots movement is a major part of what will ferret out the corruption and expose the criminals. Pressure from the masses will eventually make accountability the norm and we can get back to having some trust in our systems that are supposed to be here for the benefit of the people and not to make the criminals of our society rich.

I bow to your efforts as well as all of the other freedom fighters that you associate with. You are putting up such a Herculean effort. Fight on there are millions waking up and are standing behind you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22

Is there any Article in The Nuremberg Code, they have not broken?


There's not enough rope on the planet.

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You are the kind of doctor that this world needs! Thank you Dr. Makis! You deserve our utmost respect!

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Wow Dr Makis !

Like my dear friend Mrs Randy Engel who exposed the perverts in the RCC,


you too are doing the same thing about the so called healthcare industry in Alberta, Canada !

Both brave and Blessed individuals raised up by God to enlighten the blind in these times !

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It's the right time for hunting.. The hunting period just started! Get ready for black swan fake events (if the young global leaders still exist...)

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Dr. Makis, Redacted did a show on June 15 re. “Mexico just shocked the world and exposed the WHOs bird flu”. They have a clip of a fascinating video put out by the WHO - and the risks of an outbreak. Touches on the return of our “savior” of 2020 - another injection - yeah! Let’s put this dystopian nightmare on repeat - is that their goal? 🔁 🔥 ☠️ 😭.

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What is this event?

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It was called An Injection of Truth and the media tried to shut it down but it was sponsored by a UCP politician as a private event so it went ahead.


I am hoping all the presentations will be posted somewhere but i cant find them yet.

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Thank you! Good for them. We have to be shrewd and persistent in fighting back and fighting for truth!

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update: proceedings and vidoes available at https://aninjectionoftruth.ca/

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As a former Albertan, I wholeheartedly applaud you and all of the medical professionals fighting the corruption. My heart breaks when I hear of the personal attacks against you. Thank you for what you are doing. I would have been proud to have you as my physician!

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Your the best Dr Makis ⭐️⭐️

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I wish I could have been there! (Ontario.)


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