Seriously consider leaving Canada. It is a cesspool of corruption. It is so deeply imbedded at this point, that it will take a small miracle to turn anything around. Your medical knowledge, experience. and expertise will be very much appreciated elsewhere. Perhaps Florida, Texas, Tennessee, or South Dakota? I don't know what is required …
Seriously consider leaving Canada. It is a cesspool of corruption. It is so deeply imbedded at this point, that it will take a small miracle to turn anything around. Your medical knowledge, experience. and expertise will be very much appreciated elsewhere. Perhaps Florida, Texas, Tennessee, or South Dakota? I don't know what is required to obtain a medical license in any of these states, but it may be worth your consideration. Maybe start a practice for the "vaccine" injured, such as Dr. Pierre Kory has done. There are tens of thousands of patients in need of this kind of help.
Seriously consider leaving Canada. It is a cesspool of corruption. It is so deeply imbedded at this point, that it will take a small miracle to turn anything around. Your medical knowledge, experience. and expertise will be very much appreciated elsewhere. Perhaps Florida, Texas, Tennessee, or South Dakota? I don't know what is required to obtain a medical license in any of these states, but it may be worth your consideration. Maybe start a practice for the "vaccine" injured, such as Dr. Pierre Kory has done. There are tens of thousands of patients in need of this kind of help.