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Dr Makis, Thank you for your work and for being an honourable man, please speak with Christopher James, I believe he is in Canada and will be able to help you. His website is you need to hold the man or woman who is orchestrating this attack on you personally accountable in their private capacity, that is the solution, …
© 2025 Dr. William Makis MD
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Dr Makis, Thank you for your work and for being an honourable man, please speak with Christopher James, I believe he is in Canada and will be able to help you. His website is you need to hold the man or woman who is orchestrating this attack on you personally accountable in their private capacity, that is the solution, the same goes for every interface you have with these people as they trespass upon you. The dogs they have set on you are fundamentally cowards as withholding knowledge of a cure is evil most are not, so therefore they must be coerced cowards, you know how that goes, best wishes and Love. To the people that sensor information - YOU ARE NOT IN THEIR CLUB. they despise you for betraying your own and will dispose of you at the earliest opportunity if you think you're in the club why didn't they tell you what was in the ....
I am wondering if the FLCCC group could help.
Even write up an article Kennedy's Children's Health Defense. Children's Health Defense is always exposing corruption.
Maybe the World Council for Health
I couldn’t have said it better!
Thank you for I had started listening to these from a friend and then accidentally deleted the sight and have been thinking about it for some time not knowing how to find him again. Now, I can complete the sessions. Cal Washington with the does similar work. The queen of Denmark was taken out by 17 Notices of Liability after she said she would never leave. Here is Reinette’s talk with him: