I really appreciate Doctors like these two brilliant souls who are sincere in their desire to assist people in better health. The fact that it is such a rarity should speak volumes about the corrupt state of the Medical systems in most countries worldwide, where "Health Care" barely exists amongst corruption, greed and propaganda. (Before someone criticizes, John IS a Doctor, with a PHD in Nursing, I believe). Thank you to Dr Makis and Dr Campbell. Heroes!

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I knew COVID was a scam about 2 weeks in, because I went on the BBC website and it warned "Do not take, garlic, colloidal silver, chlorine dioxide" for COVID. There were a few other 'avoids'. To say I was shocked is an understatement.

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Yeah, don't take anything that's easy and works, it might get around and then we can't create mass hysteria in order to control everyone.

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Exactly! Their days are numbered.

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I have been told that if a cancer patient does not follow the protocol as prescribed or if they refuse chemo they will never be treated by the medical establishment again for their cancer. The information goes into their medical file and they are flagged. Everyone should be outraged! Action is required by all of us to bring down this Pharmaceutical/Medical cartel and promote natural health. All diseases have a cause so let's address this fact to eradicate most diseases of the modern world.

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I gained so much actionable information, I'm blown away.

Thank you, fellows!

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Thank you for caring about people lives instead of the almighty dollar and sharing all your wealth of information and knowledge you have researched, your are a Godsend, thanks again. God Bless you and your family!❤️

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This is the most thorough and comprehensive discussion on off label treatments for cancer. Learned a ton

Saving to share with others.

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I have to laugh when these two gentlemen act as if mainstream medicine gives a flying F about curing cancers. Allopathic medicine mitigates and medicates but does not cure. There’s no money in curing.

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Cancer Research UK it's business model is based on there never being a cure for cancer. A cure made public, would put them out of business overnight.

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You mentioned exploring the normal protocol of treatment with an oncologist. The issue I have witnessed is that they are not at all interested in any other protocol but their protocol: Chemo, Radiation, Immunotherapy, etc. And they talk down to anyone who presents using repurposed drugs.

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This is the best description of the fake COVID global government take over I have read. Please read and share:


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So much amazing information. Thank you Dr. Makis for being a pillar of truth and courage in these times of rampant and wide-spread misinformation and corruption. You have our gratitude, respect, and prayers.

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Very interesting to listen to. However here in Europa you cannot get the ivermectin WITHOUT the doctor. Is there a solution to that?

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Try tmeds.org

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There were ads for Astellas and Novartis on the Magovitz Foundation.


These two companies are the ones that the Magovitz Foundation complained about to Md. Makis. Pharmaceutical companies are extremely malicious.

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What about the role of near infrared through mediating of mitochrondrial melatonin production. Where it is produced by outdoor time.

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I am in the US and started 3 days on and 4 days off alternating Ivermectin and Fenbendazole along with Chlorine Dioxide drops. I have Hoshimoto Thyroiditis and taking Levothyroxine for 30+ years. Recently had blood work. My levels of TSH and T3 and T4 changed. We lowered Levo and retested 6 weeks later. I had to lower levels again! Will retest in another 6 weeks and hope to lower again. We shall see. It appears my thyroid is "waking up" after 30+ years! PS I also rub on my wrist and neck area Providone Iodine. Not sure it helps, but I know Iodine is necessary for thyroid health.

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There are several forms of artemesia. Mugwort, artemesia vulgaricus, grows all over NYC and beyond and it's free!

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I think the clinical response by patients to these drugs has much to do with their zinc levels. These medicines are zinc ionophores and as such work with zinc to cure ills.

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