Thanks for this conversation. Great respect to both of you. But this 'so-called' Corona virus was NEVER isolated. You all would know this by now. It was what???? Flu cases reduced drastically and COVID took its place. It was an orchestrated event to bring on the destructive /killer shots.

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Matters of Life & death! Thank you Dr Makis for not giving up pushing through all the barriers to get this discovery out to the public! You have been obedient to God, He will be with you & lead & guide you. May you always have His protection & may many doors open to save lives! I love Mr RFK also, his spirit to help & bring Truth is so inspiring & you are on that team. Our prayers are with you!!

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Great respect for Dr. Makis and Dr. John Campbell ( who has managed to not get kicked off of Youtube!)

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Great to see my two favorite doctors chit chatting.

God's speed

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Totally agree.

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Great respect to both Dr. Campbell and to Dr. Makis.

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My daughter is a head and neck surgical oncologist. She noted 3 years ago that she thought there was indeed an explosion of fast growing cancers that really shocked her.

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There was NO 'virus'; because there is NO SUCH THING as a 'virus'.

'CV19' was (is) a Bio-weapon that was RELEASED in limited areas, on this planet.

Therefore, there were NO 'variants' (since there is NO 'virus')!

There was also NEVER a 'pandemic'!

It is also a falsehood that people are 'genetically pre-disposed'/have 'genetic markers' and/or 'family history' of cancer.

Because....EACH AND EVERY HUMAN is 'genetically pre-disposed' to cancer!

How many of our pets (cats/dogs) die each year from cancer??

A shit-load!

One CANNOT go by 'genetics'/'family history'!!

We (including our pets) get cancer from......




Has NOTHING to do with ones 'pre-disposed genetics' or 'family history'!

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Great to hear when two good minds get together. We are watching progress happening

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Hi .. what a welcome connection this is..

And I regard dr makis as one of the leading lights in this .. what actually is a war .. against corrupt systems and practices!!

Dr csmbell has also been threading his way through thd maze of corruption and deception as many of us ..

all of us are attempting to do ..

I myself am not an insider from within the medical health or management system in any way ...!

I would like to offer an outsider perspective particularly to mr Campbell..


Mr cam bell I would request that you look at Dr Bryan Ardis and his revelations in recent times..!!!’

Also I would advise to look at Dr Judy Mikovits work ...

She worked at the front end in labs connected to chapel hill and fort Derrick (a bioweapons lab( I heard)...

She has so many answers it will make your head spin as does Dr Bryan Ardis.

I will make a brave prediction

to you on your journey of vomorehending what has happened to peoples health and well being since the arrival of. The Plague ...

And it’s nominally named remedy the covid 19 “ vaccine”..

I will tell you categorically that you will suffer cognitive dissonance if you pursue your journey to truth any further !!

Be prepared to allow your previously held narratives and concerns and worries or confusions to run riot through your previously held “educated derived “facts “and scientifically proven truths “ that provided you with thd foundation of your career...

Dr W Makis has provided revolutionary shifts in the treatment of cancers ..

and he continue to provide more and more ..

For example he talks about ivermectin and fenbendazole and their extreme healing powers that are evident..

Also look at the Highwire

and it’s confrontations with the main stream corporate system through FOIA requested from within the bowels of deception!

Arron Siri ..

I hope I’ve remembered the name accurately.

He is the lawyer that presented many requests for

Information that had been held in the vaults of power that has been hidden from sight !

Etc etc etc .,

I will end these words here .!!

And I would thank D r Makis for his revelationary work and I would also ask you Dr Campbell to voyage through these various threads I have presented to you here!

I m certain they will bring you

even more answers to the conundrums you are facing !

I just remembered one key factor to add ..

The infamous PCR test !!

Hi jacked and used as a totally bullshit metric (metrick) to mega fallaciously tell someone that they had the “ plague”....

And they must now submitted themselves to the horrendous injections and

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Great conversation. Too many physicians not willing to "rock the boat" just accepting. Easier to play dumb. Not enough "fighters" out there.

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Dr. Makis - have you looked into chlorine dioxide as a treatment for cancer?


Timestamp 30 mins in.

and again at around 44 mins

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Some of Dr. Laurent Swartz (France) patient's have used chlorine dioxide.

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13:20 new pathology

19:20 you'll be caught off guard

22:30 rapid progression, poor prognostication

23:50 temporal correlation

41:00 Ivermectin can kill cancer cells that chemotherapy can't

44:00 there is no money to be made in ivermectin research

44:40 Fenbendazole, Mebendazole, Joe Tippens

51:00 Research on ivermectin is not fringe medicine, not conspiracy but is hard science.

56:15 Synergy with chemo

57:00 Proapoptopic biochemical pathways of Ivermectin

59:00 Patient's right to try

1:00:20 Rigid guidelines of Western conventional oncology

1:00:55 Terminal patients from Cancer centers around the world are being given up as hopeless cases

1:02:00 Dosing of Ivermectin

1:05:00 Ivermectin as either adjunct therapy or monotherapy

1:07:00 Reduces side-effects of chemotherapy

1:09:10 Transient symptoms

1:12:00 Need for support for research even without corporate or financial interest

1:14:25 Unethical behavior

1:16:00 Curiosity Deficit Disorder in Oncology - absence of willingness to learn

1:18:20 Clinical trials on Mebendezol

1:21:00 Dosing of Fenbendazol, Mebendazol

1:24:10 Drug Interactions?

1:25:00 Fenben vs Meben

1:28:00 Culture towards repurposed drugs

1:31:00 Vitamin D is crucial - check your Vitamin D level

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New detailed Case Reports of people eradicating their cancers with safe, inexpensive, side-effect free, OTC fenbendazole https://fenbendazole.substack.com

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I can never have enough of listening to U, Dr. William Makis! Please come to Denmark and settle down here and teach our biased doctors in terms of what is good and what is bad. They have turned things on their head here and continue down the conventional path of applying powerful destructive medicine :-(

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thank you Dr Makis, also have the question re Chlorine Dioxide. Have you looked into the combination of use with Fenben and IVM?

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Go to Bitchute or Rumble and type" Universal Antidote" Its all on chlorine dioxide. I've used it a lot for different ailments.

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