Bravo Dr. Makis. Alberta needs your courageous voice. Please continue to expose this evil and to shine your light on this darkness.

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Every province needs a Dr. Makis!

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Thank you Dr Makis for all you do, you are very courages for speaking to this . We need more men & women to come forward . 🙏🏽I pray for your safety❤️

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Perverts protecting each other. What did people think would happen when porn became legal and mainstreamed? I said a decade ago that pedophilia would become normalized. People laughed at me. We must stop the spread of abuse being done to children. Will people finally wake up? I doubt it!!!

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May 6
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I said I mentioned a decade ago it would become normalized. It has been around forever but in my lifetime (I’m 66), it has increased exponentially. Porn has contributed immensely to the problem. Sexual deviancy if rife in our society now!

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And here I thought Covid corruption was as bad as it gets... same depraved sickos who promoted jabs for babies also promote gender mutilation, abortion for teens, euthanasia for 12 year olds, now this... the whole satanic enchilada, it's here.

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Those people need to be executed and we, the people have to do it. Find them where they work or live, take them out into their yard or out front of their office and hang the fuckers until they are dead, dead, dead. And, there is no mercy for them on high.

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My prayers are with you and the children. This is horrific! For such crimes God destroyed sodom.

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Courageous discourse.

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Thank you Dr Makis for standing up and making a difference. If we acknowledge that this evil has been around for a very long time then we can see the light coming through the cracks in the darkness. 🙏💞

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Sick, Twisted DEMONS!!

All of these Demons (Alberta Health Services, Cops, Prosecutors, Judges, ect) who protect these PEDOS, after they are arrested, are OUTING THEMSELVES as ALSO being PEDOS! Don't they UNDERSTAND THAT?!?!?!

This (PEDOS) has to be one of THEE most VILE things! And it enrages me to hear about these stories......BUT, this IS a GOOD thing; that these DEMONS are being brought INTO THE LIGHT.....for ALL TO SEE. Now?.......WE KNOW THEIR NAMES! Mark my words, there WILL come a day, very soon, when The People collectively SNAP, and go after these VILE PEDOS.....and they'll all be swinging from trees! When The People finally come to understand that 'the system' is just TOO CORRUPT and that there will NEVER be any Justice for these children.......DEMONS WILL HANG!

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I love what you're doing Dr Makis, we simply must take out the trash which is our healthcare scumbags.

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Thank you so much for your bravery- determination - honestly and care for humanity.

I have been saying AHS is designed as a control-system & dysfunctional. But it is so much worse (based on that evidence). Each power structure and control group within our society has been taken over and infiltrated (not all within are corrupted but most are in fear). We are at the precipice, but God wins. We must not hide in fear - we are the victors. Your voice, research and contributions are immense in ensuring that. THANK YOU!

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Danielle Smith needs to clean up AHS and her school boards immediately. Our poor kids! Any judge that throws out such cases as a way to coverup such horrendous crimes, need to also be held complicit

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Believe she’s WEF .. she got elected by jumping onto sentiment of being pro truckers freedom convoy in both Ottawa and Coutts and being anti Kenny government covid mandates and restrictions to our freedoms including the jab mandates. Now however she seems just fine with all the Coutts men getting lengthy jail sentences saying “No one can block infrastructure” apparently forgetting all about that many who were there were protesting a government gone mad!

AHS still pushing jabs 6 months and up.. she no longer appears opposed to that either! So maybe she’s WEF all along and just made use of jumping onto the anti Kenny government’s sentiments in order to further her political aspirations for becoming premier with the power that has brought her.

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an opportunist. never trusted her still don't too many people moving to albeit who will be sorry when they find out she is not any different

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AGM is upcoming

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My friend who both lived and worked in High River told me that Smith and her husband had owned a “train” restaurant in High River which they sold off after she became premier. Her husband reported to have been walking around town bragging that they were looking at leaving for Costa Rica or somewhere like that.. likely after her premiership ends..

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I have heard that there is a lot of discussion about Costa Rica from people in government positions. re: leaving at an appropriate time. I just spent a month there. It is un-woke which was a wonderful change of pace. But, it is very expensive, both lodging and food, so pensioners will have a difficult time unless they can purchase a home. Lastly but most importantly, electricity is extremely expensive there and it is so HOT; either steaming or boiling, (unless you are at the beach), one requires air-con !! One spends most time inside as it so hot. As well, the humidity is crazy. While I was there, it was between 80 and 100 with 80 to 100% humidity. There is talk about climatising which is utter garbage since a night without air-con is a complete sleepless night. Think about how hot it is for the few weeks each summer we normally experience ( especially here in BC) it's bareable because it last 2/3 weeks. Imagine 365 days a year ? That my two cents.....Where would you go Sonya?? Train restaurant ?

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Thank you for enlightening me! Zuckerberg has his massive underground complex being built in Hawaii while many others buy islands and or plan on escaping to Costa Rica or somewhere similar.

My daughter went on a school trip years ago to Costa Rica in junior high she had a blast with the zip lines and the varying lush tropical landscapes and seeing the turtles but she did tire of the daily rice and beans for all meals and she was only 14 then.

Does not sound bearable without AC noooo so not suitable for us plebs used to living in a cold northern country.

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Yup, just too hot. $120K US$ gets a brand new cute home in gated community. Small but… the air will cost $500 a month. We may loose OAP I hear, but not CPP if one moves away. Anyway too hot. Friends moved there permanently. After a year still battling paperwork and frustrations. I guess that is expected in foreign country/diff language but for everything ‘ the hand is out’.

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Thank you for exposing these people. They are the most evil people who are involved in this enterprise - people who should be trustworthy. God help us expose all demons who harm children....

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How disturbing this is. Our once thought of "sweet Canada" is not so sweet, is it. Thanks for your bravery, Dr. Makis.

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Hat's off to you Dr. Makis!!

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So many PedoPigs.

So few wood chippers.

Thank you for your work,

Dr Makis! You are a hero in these dark times.

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The trans agenda has ruined relationships between men & women, its no longer acceptable to get married, have kids, buy a home, to teach your kids morals, to respect the elderly, to not steal. Now we've got freaks & pedophiles dressing as women, drag artists reading filth to our kids. Pedophiles should be castrated though personally I'd like to see them hang, you touch a kid you die, an eye for an eye as the bible says. I'm not religious but the ten commandments has its merits.

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Matthew 18:6. Those who tempt or hurt one of my little ones, they should have millstone around their necks and thrown into the sea

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I think the parents should have access to these creeps, I watched a couple of videos on rumble where a pedophile walked free from court despite having grabbed her whilst walking home from school & then presided to abuse her, but the father was waiting outside the court room & was able to land a few good punches & another father was pretending to use a phone & when the perv came out of the court, he shot him dead, an eye for an eye, concrete boots is also fine 🙂

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Satan loves to destroy God’s creation. The fact that there is such evil indicates that there must be a solution or humanity would have ceased to exist centuries ago.

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The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent you, and believe the gospel. I'm not religious but I do believe in the soul & that it can be tainted whilst in these mortal bodies. I know right from wrong & when to own up to my sins & what I'm seeing right now is a deliberate attack on everything that is good in this world.

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