Dr. Makis, it seems to me that Chris cuomo, Rachel maddow and some others you mentioned are just true useful idiots for the government/military/pharma complex. Joe Scarborough, Hotez, et al are another matter. They are CLEARLY members of the regime who lied to us. Cuomo and his ilk are going to continue to be the useful idiots to conduct the limited hangout for the government. And, as you point out, the core of the limited hangout is “based on what we knew AT THE TIME”. Chris cuomo is the perfect messenger for that message because he’s a moron. He still cannot look back and logically make the connection that the government knew EVERYTHING about ivermectin and that they could not implement the PREP Act if there were any therapeutics to treat Covid. The morons will never be prosecuted and the perpetrators will be able to hide behind the morons. Although, as long as you and your colleagues continue to speak out and educate people, we still have a fighting chance.
Respectfully disagree. Maddow is a man. Just look at "him!" These people are compromised, and they are bribed. Sadly. Someone has video on these and they are now puppets from their past.
Never trust a Cuomo! He will do anything for a dollar. Being paid to push “long Covid” so they can explain away vaxx injuries. Respect you greatly, Dr. Makis! God bless you, Sir.
"Victim, hero, villain and finally survivor: three months in the life of Chris Grant
by John Purvis - November 8, 2019
Grant's attorney said he spent two days in a coma following the shooting, but just two hours after emerging from that coma, he was talking to the media from his hospital bed, including CNN anchor Chris Cuomo.
I have never before in my life (this is not an exaggeration) gone to my e-mail looking for someone's latest message every single day. Dr. Makis, let me briefly explain my world. I am still employed at 70 years old, unvaxxed, currently suffering from yet another longterm chronic sinus infection, knew from early 2020 that the globalist depopulators were kicking things into high gear (the REAL Operation Warp Speed), and began reporting to my friends what I believed was really happening. I have a small circle of contemplative friends (150 ish) who have their own friends. One by one, I send texts to them, almost daily, sometimes several times a day. These texts include my own perspectives, and very often, especially in recent months, they include links to your podcasts or articles. At the present time, you are the most important doctor in my short list of intelligent resource material providers. Thousands if not millions of people like myself will be very disappointed if you stop doing what you are doing. Praying for your health and safety daily.
Chris Cuomo and his brother "we need more ventilators" Mario should be locked up in prison together and should NOT have access to the horse dewormer. Save it for the millions who deserve help.
Chris Cuomo is nothing but an opportunist. His words led to many many many more people stepping up for a jab rather than hearing that the fella who was refusing the jab, had his reasons not to, just as valid. Many were saying that those who didn't get the jab shud be shot. Shouldn't be allowed to go to hospital....basically treated like vermin. Never forget and never forgive. This man Chris Cuomo is a skunk, he stinks. He stunk then and his words stink now. Just because you can twist words doesn't make you correct or worthy of listening to. He is NOT a Dr. Next he'll write a book about his long covid. It isn't long covid for effen sake , it' vaccine injury. Changing its name to long covid is assisting big Pharma and our Governments and the pushers in the medical industry with a COVER-UP of what was done to humanity. It is vaccine injury, stick to the truth not as Dr makes states, a'limited hangout'.
Yes i like it. Ticks can carry nasty diseases while sucking your blood. In this case lies and corruption are the disease infecting society and he is the parasite.
Every time I watch your podcast I feel better, thank you for brightening my day. I have followed you since the beginning of this charade. There have been many times that I felt so down, because it seemed the world had turned upside down. My family had turned on me when I said don’t get jabbed. My wife came home one day and said I am fully vaccinated. It shook me. The rest of my family berated me for my decision. I lost my job because I knew the jab was dangerous, with so many bad endings. Luckily I followed people like you, Canadian doctors who took their oath seriously. You and a few others were the lighthouses in a dark foggy night. It is finally becoming that light before the dawn. When the sun comes over the horizon and the world wakes up completely or at least as awake as they will become, it is time for accountability, no redemption, pay the price for the crimes committed. Nuremberg 2.0 the solution. Do the crime, do the time. I am profoundly grateful for everything you have done. Thank you.
That's another excellent video, thank you William: perfect length (15 minutes); perfectly explained. Your work is crucial. Please keep it up. Best regards from Roger in England
I know you don't know me but I am so grateful to know you Dr. Makis! I think what you are saying is Be wise as serpents but innocent as doves. We all desire to go back to normal and forgive and forget. Forgiveness is absolutely necessary but don't be naive to those who are preparing the next phase. Without full admittance and apology there is no trust. God Bless!
Dr. Makis, it seems to me that Chris cuomo, Rachel maddow and some others you mentioned are just true useful idiots for the government/military/pharma complex. Joe Scarborough, Hotez, et al are another matter. They are CLEARLY members of the regime who lied to us. Cuomo and his ilk are going to continue to be the useful idiots to conduct the limited hangout for the government. And, as you point out, the core of the limited hangout is “based on what we knew AT THE TIME”. Chris cuomo is the perfect messenger for that message because he’s a moron. He still cannot look back and logically make the connection that the government knew EVERYTHING about ivermectin and that they could not implement the PREP Act if there were any therapeutics to treat Covid. The morons will never be prosecuted and the perpetrators will be able to hide behind the morons. Although, as long as you and your colleagues continue to speak out and educate people, we still have a fighting chance.
'the perps will be able to hide behind the morons' perfect
Respectfully disagree. Maddow is a man. Just look at "him!" These people are compromised, and they are bribed. Sadly. Someone has video on these and they are now puppets from their past.
Excellent shakedown Dr. Makis.
Never trust a Cuomo! He will do anything for a dollar. Being paid to push “long Covid” so they can explain away vaxx injuries. Respect you greatly, Dr. Makis! God bless you, Sir.
CNN , Chris Como want us to believe that they are actually credible people who were just misinformed. Sorry, no.
And that includes Trump.
Pre-Covid Cuomo Theatre
"Victim, hero, villain and finally survivor: three months in the life of Chris Grant
by John Purvis - November 8, 2019
Grant's attorney said he spent two days in a coma following the shooting, but just two hours after emerging from that coma, he was talking to the media from his hospital bed, including CNN anchor Chris Cuomo.
"El Paso Police Accuse Mass Shooting Hero of Fraud: 'What He Said Is Not Truthful'
by Jay Connor - September 12, 2019
Grant suffered two gunshot wounds near his rib cage and was placed in a medically induced coma for two days, according to the El Paso Times.
Two hours after emerging from a coma he was able to talk to Chris Cuomo?
Grant suffered two gunshot wounds near his rib cage?
It that was true where were the chest tubes and Pleur-Evac.
Survivor recounts heroic way he drew shooter's fire
CNN - August 5, 2019
It’s theatre, a play, a movie, PROPAGANDA, but none of it is real. Thank you for the post.
I have never before in my life (this is not an exaggeration) gone to my e-mail looking for someone's latest message every single day. Dr. Makis, let me briefly explain my world. I am still employed at 70 years old, unvaxxed, currently suffering from yet another longterm chronic sinus infection, knew from early 2020 that the globalist depopulators were kicking things into high gear (the REAL Operation Warp Speed), and began reporting to my friends what I believed was really happening. I have a small circle of contemplative friends (150 ish) who have their own friends. One by one, I send texts to them, almost daily, sometimes several times a day. These texts include my own perspectives, and very often, especially in recent months, they include links to your podcasts or articles. At the present time, you are the most important doctor in my short list of intelligent resource material providers. Thousands if not millions of people like myself will be very disappointed if you stop doing what you are doing. Praying for your health and safety daily.
Thank you for your kind words!
I modestly support, monthly.
Thank you for your strength and courage for being there for all of us from the start. God bless you!!🙏🏻🙏🏻
Chris Cuomo and his brother "we need more ventilators" Mario should be locked up in prison together and should NOT have access to the horse dewormer. Save it for the millions who deserve help.
Dynamite! Important,focused commentary...Your link is going under my signature block. Thank you.
Chris Cuomo is nothing but an opportunist. His words led to many many many more people stepping up for a jab rather than hearing that the fella who was refusing the jab, had his reasons not to, just as valid. Many were saying that those who didn't get the jab shud be shot. Shouldn't be allowed to go to hospital....basically treated like vermin. Never forget and never forgive. This man Chris Cuomo is a skunk, he stinks. He stunk then and his words stink now. Just because you can twist words doesn't make you correct or worthy of listening to. He is NOT a Dr. Next he'll write a book about his long covid. It isn't long covid for effen sake , it' vaccine injury. Changing its name to long covid is assisting big Pharma and our Governments and the pushers in the medical industry with a COVER-UP of what was done to humanity. It is vaccine injury, stick to the truth not as Dr makes states, a'limited hangout'.
Thats insulting to skunks! They dont raise a stink unless threatened.
My apologies to all skunks. Might you have a better example? LunaTick ??
Yes i like it. Ticks can carry nasty diseases while sucking your blood. In this case lies and corruption are the disease infecting society and he is the parasite.
Every time I watch your podcast I feel better, thank you for brightening my day. I have followed you since the beginning of this charade. There have been many times that I felt so down, because it seemed the world had turned upside down. My family had turned on me when I said don’t get jabbed. My wife came home one day and said I am fully vaccinated. It shook me. The rest of my family berated me for my decision. I lost my job because I knew the jab was dangerous, with so many bad endings. Luckily I followed people like you, Canadian doctors who took their oath seriously. You and a few others were the lighthouses in a dark foggy night. It is finally becoming that light before the dawn. When the sun comes over the horizon and the world wakes up completely or at least as awake as they will become, it is time for accountability, no redemption, pay the price for the crimes committed. Nuremberg 2.0 the solution. Do the crime, do the time. I am profoundly grateful for everything you have done. Thank you.
You are a gift to humanity. Thank you!
Excellent work Dr William ..yes, we need credible investigations & prosecutions. THANKYOU. Will share!
Tell us what you really think, Dr. Makis.
Wow. LOL. Love your passion and style--a calm passion that seeks justice.
Quick reminder that your government did more to stop the flow of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine than it ever did for Fentanyl.
true. btw now there is a new even more profitable opiate that they are promoting. see this article by Matt Bivens
That's another excellent video, thank you William: perfect length (15 minutes); perfectly explained. Your work is crucial. Please keep it up. Best regards from Roger in England
I know you don't know me but I am so grateful to know you Dr. Makis! I think what you are saying is Be wise as serpents but innocent as doves. We all desire to go back to normal and forgive and forget. Forgiveness is absolutely necessary but don't be naive to those who are preparing the next phase. Without full admittance and apology there is no trust. God Bless!