THEY will rob society of every single thing that yields joy… then will try to take your soul…..

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The soul is one thing they can't have is why they are 'trying' to get to the God gene which by the way, only God can give out!

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you are so right….

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I am afraid that was what the mnra jabs were for.

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Never will they take my soul!

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They can’t it belongs to our Lord.

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Over my dead body. Those cars sounded like they were poisoned...I just don't believe it.

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Over my dead body too!

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I hate autocorrect!!

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Everyone hates it.

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It can be turned off in Settings

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Really? Great.

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Coincidentally on some social media cats is often spelled cars.

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PS - where are the autopsy reports on all these cats... Farmers who have barn yard cats would not be rushing them to veterinarians to get PCR tested 😂 (with a test that diagnoses nothing), nor would they be taking them to the vets for "treatment", let alone autopsies. (Were toxicology studies done to see if poisons were involved? Asking for a friend.) So let's start with ascertaining that these cats were sick in the first place.

And has anyone verified this alleged "cats with bird flu" with the farmers where this allegedly happened?

(This fantasy would be more slightly believable if the cat ate a bird instead of drinking cow's milk, but psyops don't have to make sense or be true if they're repeated enough.) On the other hand, without the "milk" narrative, how would the demons running this psyop convince farmers (and sheople) to accept mass mRNA, gene-therapy quack-cination of all cattle herds?🤔

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I would not be able to say it beter.

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How kind of you to say.

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No, the raw milk and colostrum was found to have very high titers of the virus, for some reason I'm not sure they understand yet. I think the "net zero" agenda may play into the response of authorities to the present situation, but I also think there is a danger of cats getting infected with the virus and passing it on to their owners. I'm someone who might have died for my cats when I had them (with one of my cats dying from feline leukemia virus which she came down with shortly after I left her at a vet's office for a tooth cleaning) and I certainly wouldn't support any government manadate to euthanize, but I do believe the current H5N1 situation is serious and people should be aware of the problem and be taking measures to minimize the exposure of their pets to bird droppings and wildlife in which the virus is circulating, in addition to being prepared with medications for themselves in case they get infected from their pet or the virus does go pandemic. Whether or not the current virus has been affected by human actions and regardless of the tendency of various people to exploit emergencies to expand their power and control, the virus does appear to be a significant threat to me. This study from a year ago shows it was transmitting ferret-to-ferret with high lethality (but not via the air, I wrote the lead researcher and he clarified that for me) - https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-2842567/v1 - and the virus devastated the elephant-seal pup population in Argentina recently, killing I believe more than 95% of the pups born in season. I distrust the "medical establishment" too, but many people are doing legitimate research, imo, and we don't want to throw out the baby with the bathwater...

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By the time H5N1 transmits to pets and people who dont live on farms it will be as relatively harmless as the other influenzas.

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🙏 I pray all of the wicked lies with this latest H5N1 virus scam get 100% exposed and dismantled very swiftly and suddenly by the hand of God! I think we know by now we cannot “trust the science” (lies) they keep throwing at us. It seems governments are heavily investing in the H5N1 “schtick” because they are called on constantly by animal rights and welfare groups to help resolve pet ‘overpopulation’, (which they SAY they support, but in fact they consider a huge nuisance). Caring for people and for God’s creation doesn’t fit in with the greedy worldview and narcissistic ideology that defines the self appointed “elites” who insist on calling their agendas “the new normal”. It is all one big fat fraudulent, hateful, criminal operation, any way you look at it. May Almighty God upset all of their plans, and send them and their plans into utter confusion and collapse. 🙏🙌🏼

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ENTERPRISE FRAUD. we need to start a class action UNDER RICO.

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They want people to eat bugs so they want farmers to kill out their animals and then cause a food shortage to occur and try to force and convince people that lab food and GMO food and bugs are best.

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I would add to your list that it is a scare not to drink raw milk. Raw milk has a lot of healing benefits.

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Well this is something I never thought of but Dr. Makis brings it to our attention. The evil doers are beyond outrageous, they must have gone to a prep school to dream up absolutely insane degrees of vicious attacks on innocent people to make life impossible to enjoy. They've already attacked the elderly, living adults, children and unborn babies in their mothers wombs, now they want to eliminate our pets? I wonder what it will take for the average person to say "ENOUGH" !!!!!!!! Come one step closer to Fido and be prepared to meet your god.

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Your last sentence. I am with you.

If they come for my cat that will be the last house call they will make.

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Well they are sociopathic satanic demons who only want to steal, kill, and destroy…the very definition of evil!

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Cats don't die from bird flu...THIS WAS SOME KIND OF TOXIN...

what did they put in the milk?..,,,

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Maybe this will get people stirred up (although it didn't when we learned of Fauci torturing puppies). I'm going to pass on this info to my son's girlfriend, who admittedly loves animals more than people. Maybe it will open up her eyes to some other things also.

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This "Avian flu" BS is a total psyop, from beginning to end. Let's start with the H5N1 Avian narrative, and ask how H5N1 was "identified" (🤔PCR test that diagnoses nothing?). So, for starters, we have no real proof of "H5N1" other than the narrative surrounding it has been around for many years. But has anyone bothered to verify an isolated H5N1 "virus"? No? Or will we just assume it exists because a PCR test, which diagnoses nothing, says it "exists".

The rest of this laughable H5N1 psyop continues with ALL the points used in the NWO climate agenda zealot's (who believe that CO2, necessary for all life of the planet, is a culprit and must be "reduced" or "eliminated") talking points. All life is "carbon based"; therefore, removing carbon MEANS removing ALL life, and controlling what life remains by a select handful of globalist self-professed "elites". The article presents farms and farming itself in a negative light and as another culprit in this phony H5N1 narrative, which, again, is the climate agenda and a "reason" for having only genetically-modified and lab-engineered "food" (and insects, which humans cannot digest or obtain nutrition from). ( Notice in the gross picture of the cats drinking milk there certainly weren't any insects predominant in that scenario, which should have been swarming with insects, because the message was to demonize four-legged ceeatures as gross, and farming as "bad".)

The other prominent attack was against raw milk, which is basically the ONLY healthy form of milk to consume from grass-fed cows, as nature intended, as another ploy to brainwash and indoctrinate low-IQ sheople and create fear for farming practices such as those used by the Amish. The reason animals are being projected (in this indoctrination session of the feeble minded) as the culprits is to bring the narrative back to the false "bat at a wet market" in Wuhan story. Sheople will connect zoonotic BS here, if even on a subconscious level.

One doesn't have to deeply scrutinize the other hilarious and pathetic narrative(s) for the litany of symptoms in the cats and "body systems" associated with the pretend Avian flu. The symptoms in the "cats" are identical to what happens to those same body systems among those who took bi0weap0n jabs -- respiratory (lung) issues (the jabbed have severe respiratory problems when getting sick post jab); brain (we know the jabbed have neuro and in many cases SEVERE cognitive issues, so much so that the CDC removed all info regarding zombies from their website); heart (I mean, come on, really?) issues, which are now well-known and documented post bi0weap0n jab, with everything from myocarditis to cardiac arrest; and so on. How coincidental that the symptoms the cats got from "bird flu" are identical to symptoms found in the jabbed population. Imagine that.

The c0vid bi0weap0n jab was not just a depopulation genocide tool, but also a slow-kill weap0n, the symptoms from which would be used as the framework for the "next plandemic" narrative. Astonishing how few will put the pieces of the puzzle together in context of the big picture and will ignore the mind-control psyop this really is to push the climate narrative/depopulation agenda. Humans would do well to ignore each and every aspect of this psyop, and DO NOT COMPLY with any aspect of it.

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Very educated coment, I could not say it better.

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No doubt about a sinister agenda.

I can foresee a nightmarish social credit system rewarding obedient, hyperjabbed, insect-eating individuals with hyperjabbed, insect-eating pets while punishing the non-compliant by euthanizing their beloved pets.

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Suddenly my sound isn't working. Catherine Austin Fitts has a fantastic new video on what they have in mind to shut down farms, etc. You can see it on CHD TV. They are coming for all of life. What kind of psychopathic greed is that? A very frightened, vulnerable and desperate kind.

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They are coming for all life and everything else..from ownership of land to the ownership of your genes...your genetic code......along with the genes of every plant and animal on the planet.

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And those that think they are safe because they are club members have no idea what is coming at them. These predators have the most disrespect for them in particular.

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This is what Celeste Solum said from the beginning. People thought she was way too far "out there." Now we are seeing that she was speaking truth without exaggeration.

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She goes to the very belly of the beast and exposes what they would love to succeed in doing. They are far off the mark even if they have made headway. Don't let them frighten you. They are cowards, very ill cowards and worse. Enough of the population see them now. They best read the tea leaves and back off but they won't.

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I am no longer afraid. I believe the collective frequencies here have changed enough to prevent them from going much further with their plan as laid bare by Celeste a few years ago.

Malkoota d'Shmaya.

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I knew this was their plan!

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I forgot about strychnine - not uncommon in an agricultural setting at all....

Poisons that cause circling and death agricultural

Some poisons that can cause circling and death in agricultural settings include:

Strychnine: A strong poison that can cause severe effects in people, including death, and is often used in agriculture to control rodents and other pests.

Paraquat: A herbicide that can cause poisoning through oral contact, inhalation, and dermal routes, and has been linked to delayed death in some cases.

Pesticide toxicity: Pesticides can be toxic to humans and animals, and exposure to high levels can cause circling behavior, seizures, and even death.

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I have heard recently from Reinette Senum's substack podcast that insects, fish and animals are circling in areas near 5G towers. You are so right about all the pesticides on farms that cause symptoms and death in all life forms.

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What is in the chem trails they’re poisoning the farms, water, our children! People they will cause the droughts they are spraying in every country!! Every day the skies are full of lines from the trails more and more every day they are blocking the sun as promised 😢

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Yes it is horrific and becoming more apparent. Jim Lee has good information on this as does Reinette Senum(her substack is Foghorn Express). Dan Fornier(an amazing independant journalist in Quebec) writes a substack and he has written an indepth 4-part series on geoengineering. It has been going on for decades.

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Thank you Dr. Makis for another fantastic podcast! I'm posting this comment to add to your article arsenal.

Backstory: In early December 2023, I received an email about a mysterious illness spreading among dogs over the past "several" months and the alarmism that was happening in communities across the U.S. The email was sent to let recipients know how proactive Boise and the neighboring cities were being about the potential life-threatening disease. Though from an Idaho news-source, it was actually derived from a CNN article:


Three key points made by the author:

As of late November 2023 when it was published, no veterinarian, vet pathologist, or diagnostic laboratory had been able to identify whatever the 'mystery respiratory illness was' that was affecting dogs in over a dozen states.

This unidentified illness had been circulating for much more than several months: "Vermont State Veterinarian Kristin Haas said New England has been seeing cases of this since *at least early summer 2022.* Some cases have been fatal, while others have not gone beyond the equivalent of a 'common cold' type illness."

The very first suggestion offered for dog owners to keep their pet healthy?... Be certain that their dog was up to date on ALL vaccines, even though they had no idea what the illness was (or still is) ~ just vaccinate against "it" anyway.

As soon as I read it I couldn't help but wonder if these dogs had been sticken by mRNA vaccine shedding from their pet owners. What do you think?

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Quite possibly. But we don't have to look that far. Consider all the "vaccines"given on a regular basis to dogs. I'd put my money on the rabies shot being the main culprit.

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Yes, a good vet will tell you that the rabies vaccine is the most toxic, causes the most adverse effects and death.

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Oh oh, I feel a rant coming on...

And then there are the vets (most of them) who are being incentivised to administer the "rabies vaccine." They demean themselves by repeating talking points given to them by the pharmaceutical companies: "A bat could come in your window and bite your indoor cat, so she better get the shot once a year." Beyond ridiculous. Not to mention that certain jurisdictions require it.

Here's my talking point: DO NOT COMPLY.

PS Know any "good vets"?

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I looked for a hollistic vet in Nova Scotia and found a clinic, but your pet has to be fully vaccinated! So much for that. The vet I go to now does not push any injections and is willing to discuss the vaccines openly. A former vet clinic I may return to, is not giving the rabies shot as they say we have a very low incidence of rabies in the wildlife population, so that is good news. Yes you are right regarding laws where pets need to be vaccinated when crossing borders, for pet groomers, boarding kennels, and dog parks. I learned that the chips they put in pets is where tumors often turn up. What they want is for us all to be livestock with our chips and passports. And yes to DO NOT COMPLY!!!

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Maybe the dogs were getting mRNA. in their shots from the vet?? …. OR Maybe this is another psyops… I would love to see the actual evidence 👍

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It will be easy to catch every cat in Sweden since they forced every catowner to register their cats.

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Are you making the connection yet? First microchip/register the pets, then the people. First, desensitize the people to "chipping" their pets and make it seem to be for a noble reason (for their "safety", of course); then the people will accept the same mark of the beast for themselves. The demons prepared the sheeple to accept "chipping" and tracking of their pets to get them conditioned for accepting their own digital IDs.

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Never met an animal that gets lost. Never understood microchipping.

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Interesting observation, Liberty Liz.

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May 11Edited

Re: registering cats, same in Ontario, Canada. But practically no one does.

We'll see what dark hearted devout globalist Olivia Chow comes up with for the rotting metropolis that is Toronto.

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A threat to beloved pets may wake up more people than the Vax sudden deaths and injuries. All types and ages of people love their animals. The climate hoax and scare tactics to kill our pets will not be tolerated.

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This World reminds me of that show called "The Twighlight Zone". I don't care what they say I'm keeping my Pet! We can limit Carbon from the atmosphere just by disallowing our PM to go flying around on Planes. And our fearing mongering leaders need to be fired. Too many Crazy people are in charge.

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Too many serious drug users in Canada's Parliament.

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