Thank you for all that you do bless bless

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Is Rick Bright the guy who stated at the Milken Institue meeting with Fauci that it's time to make an influenza vaccine sexy¿ ! What a wierdo.

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Thank you Dr Makis fantastic information.

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Thank you again, Dr. Makis! It is comforting to have this information. I just replenished our supply of ivermectin and I believe we have most of the other items you listed. I agree, we will not comply with another scamdemic! I will try to educate my friends, but I fear those who were blind before will continue in their blindness and will line up for the shots. Worst of all, my super paranoid niece will probably rush to have her boys injected.

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Agreeing with you, Anne.

Dr Makis is a blessing.

I have been alienated from family for years because I usually don't agree on their lifestyle and the COVID fiasco has made it worse.

My brother in his 70's is now in an Alberta hospital; I know it's because 'the family' followed the Alberta Health protocols. He is a leukemia survivor from many years ago so it's sad to see his body being attacked probably due to the shots.

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I understand. In 2020 my brother refused to let me visit our mother because, he said, "you Christians and conservatives are endangering everybody." I insisted on visiting when the weather warmed up and we could sit on the porch. It's sad to be estranged from family, but after 20+ years of my brother's harassment, I don't miss the "relationship." I would, however, welcome a relationship if he were to change and be kind.

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Then you definitely understand. Covet prayers. God bless you.

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I'm praying for you and for your family, especially your brother, to wake up and not take any more shots! Most importantly, they, as well as my brother, need Jesus.

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Agreeing and praying for your loved ones as well.

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This is great info; thank you.

This also underscores the recommendations that Catherine Austin Fitts has mentioned all along: "Use Cash and get to know your local suppliers (farmers) of food."

This is an OMNI attack folks; be aware and prepare.

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Rick Bright is the guy who underhandedly knee capped Trump's efforts to make hydroxychoroquine widely available for Covid. https://aapsonline.org/fda-bureaucrat-brags-he-blocked-physician-prescribing-of-hydroxychloroquine-in-early-covid-19/

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BARDA's Dr. Rick Bright on How He Blocked Early Treatment

Dr. Zelenko - Corona Investigative Committee


Dr. Rick Bright Interview covering his early years and his 3 mentors. (April 9, 2021)


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This has to be the best video from William.

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Oh Dr Makis you are turning into quite a dry comedian !

"...We have all come to know and love."

Thank you so very much for these informative videos.

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Ok - wait. I am quite positive that in one of my recent emails from The Wellness Company (which I realize you are no longer affiliated with) - they are promoting Tamiflu and are making it available in one of their emergency preparedness kits...

Are they "selling the scare" now too??

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They stopped consulting the doctors for advice...

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I suspected as much. Thank you for confirming. Very sad.

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So the rumors about the Wellness Company are true? What about Dr McCullough? I bought stuff from them previously but it didn't work for me

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I just had the same experience & was as baffled as you. So sad they've jumped on the money train like so many others...

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I'm really liking these 15 minutes with episodes. Thanks!

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Friend of mine went to the doctor yesterday in South Africa 🇿🇦 was diagnosed with bronchitis with a thread of H5N1 the doctor did tests told her to wait for the test results to come back,how do you diagnose someone before the test results come back or are they just following the next pandemic script already.

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And yes she is vaccinated .

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This is very valuable information ,thank-you very much

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May 4Edited

Scott Schara, that didn't stay quiet about his daughter's murder in an American hospital, the beautiful young lady with down syndrome, did a recent Rumble video where he said they changed the ivermetin formula. Makes sense. Who makes ivermetin? Big Pharma. We know darn well big pharma isn't about healing us. The recent video he made on Rumble https://rumble.com/v4ny9r5-sg-anon-update-april-7-medical-murder-a-shock-event.html was taken down where he talked about that. The video is restricted/ private now? What does that mean? Nevertheless I can't view it again.

Also there are herbs that are anti-parasitic in nature that may be explored since we have come to rely on Big Pharma's ivermetin. Try as they might. They can't take our herbs away so much.

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This is important. I sure hope we can get another site for this info. Maybe Scott has his own website? If anyone has a different link to this info please share it. Thanks. PS the Rumble banner thing is the first time I've seen it. Most likely true then right? lol. Dr. Aranda's substack may have more info. She's very supportive of Scott and his family.

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I won't take it either. Tim Truth has a lot to say about it on X. I suggest to first look at that before swallowing another pill. Parent of my friend literally got vaccinated in hospital with a pill which the doc admitted and sincerely thought he was doing a good job with it (early days plandemic) but my friend became very angry with the unsuspecting doc. The parent got leukemia and is not under the living anymore. So that's how easy it is to vaccinate you, by simply a pill? Very weird about the video....

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I dont bite that. Ivermectin is Off patent drug that any drug manufacturers can do. Just in India there are tones of different brand.. same here in America. So…. Who really doesnt want Ivermectin to be used you think ? Yeah, those mrna manuf… but not the others. So Ivermectin formula will never change.. if something it will be changed to conbat covid better if something is done by these NONE mrna producer.

Make total sense as well.

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I don't think think the real formula for ivermetin changes, but we do need to question who makes it. In the end I don't know. I wish we could watch the video and others hear what Scott Schara said.

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Tou need to be careful at who you are listening to these days. Thise pharmas are selling these pills like hot cake now… make sense they modify the receips so its not working anymore against covid ? And Scott Shara said this ? Hidden agenda ?

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I found Scott Schara site. https://ouramazinggrace.net/home

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Dr. Makis, I was wondering, being in B.C. where do we get the Ivermectin and can children and teens take the Elderberry Syrup or Gummies on a daily basis or should that only be taken when sick?

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Reposting from above to ensure that you get this information:

For Canadians wanting to buy Ivermectin, here are two sources I’ve used to obtain both liquid and tablet versions. The liquid is called an injectable, but you don’t inject it, just measure out your dose and mix it into yogurt or something similar.

Note: 1ml per 50kg of body weight. I got mine online from:


The other source I bought our tablet supply is from another substack and I note that there’s a 20% discount off already reasonable prices - tomorrow is the last day of the sale. Scroll down to the end of the (excellent) post where you’ll see the products that are available. Linked here:


Hope this helps and good luck to us all!

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More pure gold from brilliant, brave Dr Makis. Thank you so much, yet again.

I seem to recall that it was Rick Bright who in 2020 subverted then President Trump’s order to release to the public the US’ national stockpile of Hydroxychloroquine.

He is one of the most evil of them all, is still an employee of the American government, and is responsible for the worldwide ban against that life saving drug, thereby murdering over a million Americans and millions more in other countries.

If justice is ever served, Bright should be one of the first to be removed from society.

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Thank you Dr William Makis - history will remember you for being a valiant champion of humankind!

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