Maybe there is something in these shots that block people's perception of reality.

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I've been thinking if people's brains may have been damaged to a degree where they can't think properly anymore.

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Dec 3Edited

Neurological damage is one of the larger % of injury. I had one injection and can attest to the fact that mRNA and lipid nano 💩 crosses the blood brain barrier. Adverse neurological impacts - similar to a year long concussed brain, auditory issues/long term damage and about 1 year of heightened blood pressure. All events occurring within 3 weeks of injection date. Yes, I was smarter than this, I was already following Sucharit Bhakti (Germany)and Dr. John Campbell out of Britain at the time, but the occupational pressure was significant and in Canada the unvaccinated experienced disgusting discrimination and were treated like "lepers".

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Exactly. I had big bruises on both wrists and some on my legs, and sensory disturbances in the skin esp. on my lower right leg, from shedding in 2021. I.e. internal bleeding and nerve damage. I can still feel it on my leg, and now I'm starting to have an odd tingling in my little finger and other symptoms, so I'm starting on Ivermectin when I get some. My guess is it also went into the brain. I have taken Lithium Orotate acc. to Dr Michael Nehls for a few months and feel it helps my brain (which was already severely damaged from stress).

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I have to admit I’ve given thought to the same thing.

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I have been wondering the same for some time. It's as if all critical thought has been removed.

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I read about yesterday. Curiosity and critical have been extinguished.

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Mass formation psychosis…is very evident at this point.

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Read the Indoctrinated Brain, by Michael Nehls. He covers how propaganda shapes the hippocampus, the area of the brain that determines what we remember. Propaganda can not only distort our real memory, but can supplant it with memory that makes us compliant and accepting of just about anything.

I've noticed the "foodies", like Casey Means are usurping the increase in cancer to push their own agenda. It's not that her agenda is wrong, but she purposely ignores the elephant in the room; therefore, I just cannot give her much credibility.

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Normalcy bias. Too difficult for people to this they caused it. Think how vast # of Germans didn’t ‘see’ gas chambers.

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...yes I agree ...shots affect everything, why would it not affect the brain! Likely the biggest factor!

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It couldn't be the "vaccines." They are safe and effective. He has learned to trust the people that he has worked for since he became a nurse and he has learned to trust the medical system. A system that we all trusted before 2020. The people in the system will be many of the last ones to figure it out and to admit they have been part of a system that has been killing people.

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I too struggle with the mysterious lack of awareness. I'm not medical, but was wakened to the vax scam in May 2020 already, through the work of Sheri Tenpenny, Judy Mikovits & Dolores Cahill. Why don't people read, it was already out there 4 years ago.

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They are 100% personally invested in believing in the establishment status quo. Like Agent Mulder, they WANT to believe.

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Well said, but Agent Scully had her feet on the ground. I always feel for the children. The parents were medical & should be aware the death shots were never tested.

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It's painful for anyone who used to work within the system to admit, but allopathic medicine has always had characteristics of a cult. For a century now, don't be a heretic, don't question the leaders. If you do, you're banished forever so your heresy doesn't get transmitted to the brainwashed flock. People who question the words of the authorities don't get to receive their qualifications or keep them if they become heretics later.

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It was mandatory, was it not?

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I think mandatory, or ignore & lose your job. Knife at your throat. We are still waiting for the prosecution of all these death shot enforcers. Perhaps JFK will finally bring it to life.

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This propaganda scheme was alive and well in the past 50 years. “Responsible” and woefully uninformed parents got their kids vaccinated. Outbreaks of anything were blamed on the unvaccinated families. A little more subtle in the messaging, but goodness what a pharmaceutical bullshit plan. Profits before people, manipulated studies, hush money payouts, gaslighting —-all to the detriment of the children.

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They don't read because of Goverment schools...

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Rachel's husband, Todd Smith must be as thick as they come. Both are nurses and they have no clue, wow. You just can't make this stuff up. They must be living under a brick for the last 4 years.

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It's a big brick with loads of room.

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Tragic, and as Cheryl said, they will not entertain that the cause is the ‘vaccine’.

I’ve literally just received a text from a friend, and she has just been diagnosed with a brain tumour! Another victim completely oblivious to the cause, and I tried to warn her in 2020 yo not take the poison, but it went straight over her head! She’s had them all from what I believe.

What an absolutely insane world!

I work in healthcare, completely unjabbed, as I knew the agenda back in May 2020, and sadly no one listened to me, including my family, so just have to sit back and watch this utter shitshow play out.

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Me too, John. What's worse is they (the parents) jabbed my 4 grandchildren. I was told that I was 'overstepping my role' when I tried to warn them. Son-in-law is a surgeon who thinks I'm a nutter. They have literally no clue.

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Sorry to hear about your grandchildren, that must have been very difficult, but you tried, and that’s all you can do.

All the Dr’s I know in the health centre I work in fell for it, and took the first two jabs, so I personally believe Dr’s were just as susceptible to the propaganda as the general public, which is very concerning!

Needless to say, but I don’t trust doctors now, and I will avoid seeing one if I can help it.

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There are layers to the coercion beginning with the set-up, 24/7 propaganda, peer pressure, ostracism, and threats. So bizarre

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You weren’t overstepping. No parent has a right to harm their children.

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Same here. And my family continues to get all jabs.

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🤷🏻‍♀️ Same here. I actually had an injury from forced varicella. (3) back in early 2003. Went from physically active to bedridden for 6 months. I recognized the signs early in 2020

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Yup it’s sad when your family treat you like this. One of my sisters said I’d end up in a psychiatric hospital if I continued to believe what I was warning against.

Also didn’t speak to my father for over a year as he called me a nut job! And all I was trying to do was bring awareness to what was going on.

I rarely say anything now, there is no point, and it’s a really weird feeling living in this dystopian world, where the masses are so deeply brainwashed that they cannot see what’s playing out.

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Same here. At an early point I asked my younger brother to back me up in warning Dad. Instead he flashed up 2 if his Moderna shot certificates? Who does that? And said dad is an adult and can make up his own mind. My youngest brother and sister have continued to get all clotshotted and blast me for my lack of Christian love. Uh, what??

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I had a similar experience. After many conversations with my Dad, he surprised me, and extended family at a family gathering, by whipping out and waving his shots card to assure an aunt, already injured after her 1st 💉, to continue her treatments to avoid losing her Nursing job. This came after she'd already announced her Dad passed from anaphylaxis, after his 1st 💉 the previous weekend. We were all flabbergasted! It's all pure insanity!

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My sister in law called us 'immoral' because we wouldn't comply. Didn't speak to us for the last two years.

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Sounds peaceful, Willy. 😉

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I got "bad Christian" comments.

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Dr John you should say to them you dont side with the devil and dont take the mark of the beast. Then lets see who is the bad christian

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Apparently not an iota of consideration given to the deadly jab. On top of the grief this family is experiencing, it’s terribly sad that the obvious is ignored. Unreal. Hard to accept that so many remain blinded.

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Willfully ignorant

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At this point, there's Cognitive impairment likely, as detailed in the book The Indoctrinated Brain by Michael Nehls, MD, PhD.

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He could have given her IVM fenben protocol…

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"Notice how no one in the clip has any idea of what’s going on." When is someone going to lock all these "baffled" HCWs up together in the room with that oppressively large pachyderm and not let them out til they admit they see him? The world can't begin the healing process until this happens.

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It will NEVER happen. I'm retired, but attended a peer review meeting a few months ago to take the pulse of the working HCWs. They not only drank the kool aid in 2020-2022, they are still drinking it now in industrial quantities. They NEED to believe that their vax cult is right and the 'antivaxers' are wrong. The personal psychological consequences of even doubting their positions for a moment are too severe. Think about it, would you rather:

A) Have to live with the knowledge that you have been WRONG about pretty much everything your entire adult life, your entire career, and harmed many people, yourself and your own family too.

B) Die of a mysterious condition, and go to your grave feeling righteous and an innocent victim of something beyond understanding?

Believe me, NO ONE wants option A!

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You are spot on.

One of our son’s childhood friends died suddenly at 32 years old, at his house, in 2022. Healthy, athletic, waiting to marry his long-date girlfriend, prosperous entrepreneur.

When our son called his doctor mother, for condolences, and he respectfully questioned about THE CAUSE being the culprit, she brushed it off immediately, telling him ‘it maybe an overdose, we’ll wait for the autopsy to tell’.

This woman preferred to insult the memory of her awesome son instead of facing the cruel reality!

We live in disgusting times…

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Exactly right. They won't be able to live with themselves. Then we could add suicide to the long list of side effects of the jab.

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Yikes. In industrial quantities? Portends badly for all of us and future mandated scammery.

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Michael Nehls, MD, PhD speaks to this phenomenon and the cognitive impairment experienced by those who chose to join the cult in his book The Indoctrinated Brain.

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I find it hard to believe the husband is completely clueless about what’s going on. In 2024? Is he pretending or is he really clueless?

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He's really clueless, the cognitive dissonance is so powerful, it will never break. He's a jabbee, possibly even a jabber. He cannot even begin to entertain the thought that his wife was killed by what he allowed himself (and possibly his children) to be injected with. Equally as bad, if he was a jabber, he injected others with what killed his wife. He would rather die from 'radon' or 'climate change' than go there.

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I knew a jabber/jabbed that proceeded to die after her second jab of an intense stroke at 41.

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My spouse is a nurse. Refused the jab, but also refuses to give them. Luckily wasn't in a specialty where that arose often (psych), but when it did, was able to defer to a different nurse because the turn over in that field is so high no one wants to lose a RN w/ 10+ yrs experience. Also, after 2021, the nursing shortage became very, very bad here (med. sized Midwest city) and still is. Many disabled/dead among HCW and nursing school enrollment went way down (students not wanting to get the vax, so choosing a different profession) so there are very few new nurses coming into the workforce. You can pretty much pick your job, but it's long hours and not enough coverage in most places.

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First, my heartfelt condolences to all those who have lost a loved one, friend, mom or dad brother or sister, etc. These people


Not when chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine were proven to be “Potent Inhibitors of infection and spread!” On my Substack Homepage there an article titled “Well Well Well” it speaks for itself and this statement. The full 10 page report can still be found on the internet. The study was revealed in August 2020, yea 20 plus years ago by none other than Fauci’s NIH!

This is why I’m shocked the world isn’t in an UPROAR! Nobody had to die! NONODY!

I’m not sure why, nobody is saying anything about this. It’s quite apparent these “Bioweapon Injections” have been designed to cause cancer, myocarditis / pericarditis / neuroinflamation among a host of debilitating conditions / diseases.

Strike 1, 2 and 3 against humanity. Against mankind for the greater good of planet earth? Oh this makes perfect sense now doesn’t it? Kill off the population, as it’s been stated numerous times by various Gates / Schwab kind of “Evil-Entities”.

But what the hey, they have Kaa-Billions of dollars they don’t need, so why not, right?

The “Globalists-Elites” have literally devised / concocted and forced upon millions of unsuspecting people, the most deadly, most deadliest bioweapon of warfare, changed the definition of vaccines, to minimize questions while increasing uptake.

Yes a “Bioweapon-Injection” while simultaneously using hacks like Fauci, the state controlled MSM, etc. to scare the bejesus out of people. And get away with it!

And, within the first 90 days,

1,228 Human Beings Died! And another 40,000 plus injured! AYKM? This is “Crimes Against Humanity” on a massive scale! Yet nobody, no one in power has taken any action against these criminals! They are “murderers” in the premeditated sense!

When 55 undeclared chemicals, have been found in these “Shots to the Heart” shots, peer reviewed mind you, and not a peep! This is where “Humanity” has gone off the rails, into the abyss of death causing worldwide destruction / depopulation!

And let’s not forget about the two doctors who received the noble prize for their work “modifying” these, stays in the deltoid, Bioweapons to, yes target the heart!

Can evil be anymore evil? Maybe, yes most definitely, but in this case, NO! This is the “Evilest of Evil!”

Nobody can convince me this entire Covid-Fraud was remotely related to healthcare Not in the slightest sense.

I don’t think anyone will be held accountable, responsible, neglectful or any other adjective which describes how damn evil and murderous these people have been!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Thank you very much for that ........ My son is a doctor and sometimes calls me on the way to work. He works in Denver and I live in the UK. He has this "like cough and a cold" for months and says it's hay fever or some thing else. Maybe something else .......................

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One other interesting fact about this Covid Fraud was, when mandates began, insurance companies in America stopped paying for “D-Dimer”‘testing and Vitamin-D levels.

How much money could’ve made this happen I wonder? It’s so unbelievably obvious what was

“Done To Us Not For Us”

it’s unimaginably evil!

One last interesting piece was when the CEO of One America Life Insurance Company, stated how the payouts for life insurance policies within his company, were 40% year over year!

He said that a

“40% payout increase in one year was / is an 800 year cataclysmic event”

Life insurance companies rely on premiums for their survival. This type of payout speaks volumes to how many “Working Age Americans” had died after the mandates!

There were 1,228 Deaths and 40,000 Injured within the first 90 days of rollouts! Yet we have heard nonstop

“Safe & Effective” BS repeatedly! Why is this? Because the shots were designed to “KILL & MAME!”


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You’re quite welcome Robert.

I’m simply learning as much as possible since this “Fraud” began. I have learned so much from others on Substack. IMO, it’s more critical than ever now. To help people understand as we learn more from each other.

The “Well Well Well” article says it all! They knew what they were doing and they still banned hydroxychloroquine within minutes of President Trump saying, “Hydroxychloroquine looks promising.”

Literally, before Trump was done speaking that ominous morning, the “State Controlled MSM” went into full swing denouncing HCQ! Again, IMO, this was complicit premeditated murder!

I’m not a doctor Robert, though I am aware of a nonstop persistent cough after a covid infection. Which lingers for years in some cases.

Your son should be familiar with the “D-Dimer” test. Which checks for a certain protein responsible for “Micro-Clots.” Two friends of mine who unfortunately was sent home with a cough, simply because he had asthma his entire life, died.

I’m not in any way suggesting this is what your son is dealing with. What is known is micro-clots in the lungs can cause a cough without flea / mucus production. Unlike pneumonia, which eventually causes fluid buildup in the lungs, micro-clots do not, at least not right away.

It’s something to suspect if your son hasn’t at this point.

What’s been done to humanity is premeditated murder for all those who have died because of these Bioweapons!

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I've had that very type of cough and never had a clotshot. Could this be from the clotted shedding/transmitting? Solution??

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Below is a sample from “Humanity United” Dr Ana’s Substack name. Dr Ana has done such incredible work. She’s found now that, both vax and unvaccinated have the same type of contaminants in their blood. At first it was only her vaccinated patients. Now all of her patients are showing blood disorders. Possibly from Food, water, air, etc.

I can say two pilots testified before congress regarding Bill Gates spraying mRNA via airplanes.

There’s so much information / evidence it can be overwhelming to say the least.

Good luck Dr. John


“In this post, I share some further mesogen microchip Darkfield microscopy in COVID19 unvaccinated blood and video footage of nanorobot self assembly.”

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Also Dr John, FYI….from what I’ve read, “shedding” is very real. I downloaded the original 400+ page report Pfizer released in early November 2020.

They admit in the report, “Shedding” is a very real possibility, although I haven’t heard what the time frame is or how long someone can shed for.

Dr Ana Michaela on Substack has done a tremendous amount of research and reporting about shedding. If you haven’t read some of her work, you’d be amazed how much she has done. Also she’s been reporting about nanotechnology, nanotubes, self-Assembly technology which is small enough to be injected, then self assemble,

Sci-Fi? Absolutely. I find the technology amazingly fascinating. Although it can be used for nefarious purposes as anything else.


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Yes Dr. John. My son has the same issue. He’s not injected but his girlfriend’s mother and her boyfriend, each have had all the shots, including lately.

My son’s girlfriend’s mother had three brain clots wrapped with titanium threads via catheter through her groin. Was then sent home and fell again only to learn she had 4 more clots on the other side of her head.

They had to perform open brain surgery which has left her disabled. Memory loss and a slew of other mental issues.

But she swears the “Bioweapon Injections” have nothing to do with her brain having “micro-clots.”

It is so hard to explain to those who don’t believe anything like this could happen, especially when it’s our own government!

I’m not sure if health insurance con are now paying for the “D-Dimer” test necessary to detect the protein which is responsible for micro-clots. When mandates were introduced, health insurance companies stopped approving the test.

I wonder why? Insanity and also covering for those lining the pockets of those involved.


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And Gates was powered via fake Money. Yet another reason we need Bitcoin.

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I wouldn’t know a thing about bitcoin / and or Gates be powered by fake money, my understanding is, he’s filthy rich.

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The verdict will always be "ABV" = Anything But Vaccines. It must be Radon !

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Once again, an educated but brain dead professional totally immersed in a fog as to what's going on all around them. Sad but impossible to help them. I never took the jab simply because no one could tell me if there were any conflicts with my 5 prescription heart meds. I wasn't going to be a volunteer lab rat.

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① Jenner is praised in health and history textbooks in elementary and middle schools, and people are brainwashed into thinking that vaccines are good. The more seriously you study, the more brainwashed you are.

②General people don't notice the fraud by the FDA and CDC when they labeled genetic preparations "vaccines," and they still don't notice it even after four years.

③ The definition of efficacy rate itself is a scam by the FDA, CDC, and pharmaceutical companies, and they have been using relative for a long time. They need to use absolute efficacy rates that take the population into account. I sent an email to complain to the CDC, but have never received a response.

Absolute efficacy rates are surprisingly low even for conventional vaccines.

④ The general public still doesn't realize that the FDA, CDC, and pharmaceutical companies cover up anything that is inconvenient for them.

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It is so disheartening to see people not connection g the does with the vaccines but rather findinall other kinds of reasons 😢😢😢😢

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I truly give up on people. If enough of us can’t entertain the idea that the covid jab is causing these out of the blue turbo cancers then we have no hope. How could they select a few obscure reasons for ill health instead of the elephant in the room? Are we that stupid?

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No Karyne: They are that stupid.

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They have elephant blindness. If you put a forest in front of them they'll miss the forest and the trees if even one elephant is in the forest!

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Very much like that video clip of a bunch of people playing basketball, you watch intently, utterly oblivious to the gorilla stomping around in the middle of the game.

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As well you might be. But history does not relate if they gave their kids The Lethal Injection.

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Their feet are wet and they can see the pyramids. They are living in de Nile.

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RIP to Rachel...

The news just deflect, deflect and deflect some more. Get your home checked out but don't query the covid jab.

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Incredible that he can so easily and completely believe something as obscure as 'radon' can infest his home, yet something equally obscure like the C19 shots - that he injected directly into his bloodstream - can't infest his body.

That takes some real mental misalignment.

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Yes. That's what amazed me about the healthy organic gluten free yoga teachers. They were all lady gaga about the slightest food gmo but took direct poisons via cdc jabs. Some people were even antivaxx but took the clotshot. Elephant deniers.

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