Two of my favorite doctors! Brave and unafraid to speak the truth! The dynamic duo!

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Most doctors are evil because they are more interested in money than in their patients health.

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I have spent my life working with Doctors in every department. There were a few, usually locums. Now, I would find it hard to accept their credibility as a human being let alone a physician. I was in X-ray during CV. This was planned genocide from the masking. I was a mask fitter for years. They are disgusting and dangerous. I also witnessed Remdesivir on XRay during early summer of 2020 They we’re scary, within 8 hours the lungs were opaque with fluid.

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The valiant keep faithful company.

Thanks and respect go out to you both!


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France has just passed a law that states that anyone who criticizes the mRNA technology could go to jail for up to three years. That is how determined they are to protect technology that is killing & injuring people by the tens of thousands...https://bnnbreaking.com/politics/frances-article-pfizer-a-controversial-shift-in-health-policy-and-free-speech

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How can that possibly be happening 4 years later- after everything we now know?!

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I heard that but could hardly believe it. Then Dr. Peter Breggin covered it, so I knew it was true. It is so ominous, even in these times. Shows just how far they’ll go, even now that many people know.

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The Secret Files of the Corona Expert Council - a documentary by Aya Velázquez (English Version) Germany


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I don't believe it refers specifically to mRNA technology. Of course it's a bad law and could be applied to latter.

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The same tortures apply to scientists who try to expose anything GMO related, for years(!!), in particular now including the genetically modifying covid injections... And I think the sex issue gets even worse, all with the intentional gov involvement. Imagine scientists working for years on extremely dangerous topics, while in the same time being 'addicted' to pornography on the very same computers they do the science on, every single one of them owned by the gov and MONITORED every second by the IBF, read backwards the last word in capitals....

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As a retired doctor I tried to speak up in my local community, on social media (I had 2 lifetime bans on Twitter) and also privately to my classmates who were still practicing medicine... I was totally dismayed at how the majority of my profession ignored the Nuremberg Code and went along with a mass democide! I agree with Dr. Makis that the profession of medicine as we know it is essentially destroyed. When the general public becomes aware of the crimes against humanity, because it can no longer be hidden...well...I fear for the safety of these doctors who were compliant with the crimes.

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My sister is in hospital (since Oct). She is awake but has some memory issues and cannot more her right leg, listed as total immobility. She has some problems with respiratory, small pneumonia and a very serious bedsore. 2 days ago the doctor came in with the resident and basically asked her if she wanted to die, but boy do they beat around the bush. They intimated that the cost of her care was a problem. After they left I explained what they were saying and she told me, "I don't want to die." I have a PD but they say they won't recognize it. Apparently she has the cognition to decide to die but not to give me PD. I am now terrified that they will convince her to let them kill her without my even knowing.

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OMG - praying for you to keep up with advocacy for your sister. No one should be in a hospital without a body guard IMO. What is a PD?

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PD is a personal directive. It is a way to have your wishes met in the event you are no longer able to say what you want. I would recommend that everyone have one. We had to watch our mother slide farther and farther from life until she was on her back, barely breathing and with no cognition at all. She couldn't walk, talk, feed herself, read or even watch TV. It was truly a horrible experience.

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Here in Canada we call that a Medical Power of Attorney - I'm so sorry for what you had to go through with your mother and now having to face this outrageous battle for your sister. May God protect you both. xo ♥️

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Spot on. Thank you gentlemen.

Indoctrination ~ the exact reason I did not apply to medical school in 2018. Thank goodness. I completed nursing school in September 2023 instead. Endured all the pandemic bullshit we all did. Am patiently waiting to apply for 1st job until year 4 to 5 of "severe illness and deaths" subsides and over 70% wake up. Hope the sign on bonus is Grand : )

PS Pandemic highlight ~ got to speak to Dr Hodkinson on Zoom in 2021. One of the many "Hippocratic Oath Hero Doc's" I've gotten to communicate with while clocking over 10,000 hours of covid clown world carousal rabbit hole CME/CE's over the last 4 years! ✌

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Yuk double Yuk….when I think of 4 year olds, 9 year olds taken to their family doctor and with some signal or sign of affection they are being groomed for future vulnerability and need, their trust in sooner years to be open to all these connections, and hey, those children who know themselves, hate going to that doctor but the parents don’t have a clue……. Yep yep…..here we go, another generation heading for disaster, drugs, relationships ….all beginning from that doctor, when the child does not understand confusing cues, their real identity, their worth and their pure beginnings …. go ahead, imagine what is waiting for them and their surroundings, years ahead…. “Oh, I don’t know, shall I be born tomorrow? Is it going to be worth it?” Oh, dear baby……

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Wow, very eye opening interview

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Much respect.

Two things I think need to be addressed though

that are undeniable to myself and others.

1) This is a spiritual war

2) There are no viruses

When people understand the latter it will be the collapse of this House of Cards. Past, present and most importantly in the future.

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I'm old enough to remember Tommy Douglas campaigning for a national universal healthcare. Could he have possibly imagined that such a noble concept could devolve into regulatory capture by big pharma, consistently compromised research, medical/government corruption, harassment of caring physicians, and protection of pedophiles. Quite a postscript to an accurate biopic!

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Very wonderful interview - thank you to all. I was a registered massage therapist and was threatened by my regulatory college twice with investigation, fines and even jail time. Unethical bullies. So I had to quit as I was too scared to take them on as I was barely scraping by at the time. I've understood the corruption in the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario since my licensure 18 years ago. The same corruption in the Association of Massage Therapists who are disgustingly woke and vicious toward anyone who dares speak truth or colours outside the lines. But they're GREAT at protecting sexual abusers - really good at that. I've witnessed the corruption of the medical mafia for a long time as I watched them murder my mother, my father, drove my sister to suicide and recently murdered my only brother with the CONvid shots. Blessings to you all with the hope that we CAN institute a parallel society where truth, love and compassion reign. Just want to say that anyone "in the know" does not trust the FLCC and the Wellness Group. Also not interested in biotechnology, as are most healthy people who regard the medical mafia as simply drug pushers/murderers. Also interesting that you guys didn't touch on the fact that the controllers are focussed on Technology - robo-doctors and all that non-human approach in the well-established crisis management/creation system. They don't want humans at all actually. So sad to hear that Hodkinson is focussed on technology - which, IMO, is destroying our world more quickly than Big pHarma. Bio-tech is how we got here. Time to walk away from that approach. I am a paid supporter of Dr. Makis and am impressed with how hard he's working but I hope he's ok and not burning out. He's giving us a LOT of hope.

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I'm so sorry for loss 😔 and I hope and pray that you are in a better place🙏

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That's very sweet Tina - thank you - I'm doing ok. The last murder (of my dear brother) was in 2021. I've always been a person who "sees too much" so I'm getting well used to it in my old age now.

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Your welcome and It's good to hear that you are doing ok but I'm sorry to hear what happened to your dear brother and doesn't matter how long it's still a painful loss anyway you take care 🙏

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Yes, you're right Tina - thanks a bunch. xo ♥️

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You cannot have a 'democracy' and a 'republic'; democracy is rule by mob. A republic is rule of law protecting individual rights from the mob.

Communists know that if you control the mob, you rule the entire country.

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totally awesome information

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Thank you for helping pave the way to that "intoxicating" future of possibility!

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