INTERVIEW - Talk Truth - Excess Deaths, Pedophiles in Canada's Healthcare System (Alberta Health Services, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta) (Jan.8, 2023)
Call me crazy but I am wondering if some of the infant/toddler shots start to suppress hormones, much needed hormones, that help the kid know inside if they are a boy or girl and cause kids to question their sexuality and whether they are a boy or girl.
I hesitated on that one. However my daughter actually got more financial aid for college by taking it so she took it after she told me her friends had it and were okay. I hate myself for saying yes.
Don’t hate yourself. Just know to question everything now and show your daughter the same. ( I worry about my mom and her companion. they didn’t want any supplements I offered. )
They are STILL recommending these dreadful poisonous jabs for 6 month olds in New England. Please pray that WEF in Davos crumbles and the light keeps shining in the deep dark places.
Thank you Dr Makis for bringing this Corruption to Light. Liberals and NDP need to be held to Account Prosecuted. Let’s not forget that the Experimental Shot Mandates are still in place for ALL Health Care Professionals in BC. Leaving the health care system in crisis as these people are moving out of BC. In addition to Premier Eny holding These professionals hostage through Bill 36. It’s beyond EVY.
You are so accurate and general society is still ignorant in BC and the rest of Canada. I had to tell my Dr the other day that healthcare workers that refused to take an injection for a now extinct virus have NOT been hired back yet. The healthcare system here is not functioning well, anything would help. Hopefully the court case against Bonnie Henry coming up this spring ‘24 allows justice, logic and sanity to prevail. 🔥
Doctors saying the vaccines are safe and effective because of coercion from the mafia owners of the college of physicians is just lying to the public. There is no oath, when you lie about remedies that you know will kill patients,’s just outright murder.
Sorry to be a kill joy... this is happening and I don't think much of anything else matters anymore: COVID-19 News: Worrisome JN.1 Indian Sub-lineage: JN.1.11 That Thailand Medical News Warned About Is Now Increasing In Spread Across India! - Thailand Medical News
This is not fear porn. No vax will stop this. This is the JN.1 in its final stages of its evolution. This is a killer in the making. I got wind of this new variant 5 days ago - I finally found this in a duck duck go search yesterday.
Thank you Dr Makis! I and others have been fighting the college about an MS treatment, done routinely for people at risk for stroke, for 15 years. Even though we used their own benefit/risk formula to prove efficacy we were just shut out. We recognize they seem to be more interested in preserving income from pharma ‘therapies’ which have an efficacy rate lower than placebo, but makes an insane amount of money while harming patients. I had to leave Canada for a treatment which gave me back m life for 10 years, only to return to not having a doctor for 3 years. When i tell others they are lawyers, not doctors, of course they accuse me of being a conspiracy nut. This child trafficking is the absolutely a nightmare
Thank you Dr Makis , you are a wealth of information!
You work tirelessly to bring us the truth !!
These pedo’s are so evil and disgusting/depraved, all these systems seem to be run by these people and they’re ALL holding something on each other and Blackmailing!!!
It’s becoming obvious that This is why all these satanic mandates / protocols etc keep getting pushed through!!!
The deaths are NOT accidental. Like the destruction of economies and the natural environment, they are engineered for the destruction of Man and the rest of God's creation. The globalists serve the prince of the world, Lucifer/Satan, the "thief (who) comes only to steal and kill and destroy" (John 10:10).
Thank you for focusing on the ugly Truths due to THE PEOPLE in all countries that did not put pinch dog collars on their politicians, holding them heavily accountable from the first second of their office term.
Here in America…
We will be going back to our Charters of Freedom soon…HOW? By fixing our highest 2024 priority…election integrity…the beginning of fixing ALL America’s problems!
The biggest elephant in America after 4 shameful years, FULL OF TENSION AND THOROUGH DISGUST over 17 million deaths globally…
Is there any other HIGHEST priority in 2024 to fix without fixing free, fair, lawful and transparent elections in America?
P.S. Support Mike Lindell, My Pillow guy because FOX ‘News’ dumped him and… because he is using mountains of his money for the cause of ELECTION INTEGRITY! Where are the rest of Americans using their money to support serious strategic planners???
From my perspective, I think it is necessary to become more aware of what we are actually dealing and now in an ultimate battle with. I believe these ancient Atra-Hasis tablets describe the foundation of this:
In Antarctica there is a so called 'neutrino detector'. According to Eric Hecker, who worked there for Raytheon, it is not only a communications device for outer space, but a huge DEW that can be used for weather mod. and maybe mind control. When they started it up it caused an earthquake in New Zealand and they were like 'woops'.
This 'spiritual battle' has some very physical actors. I do not accept their enslavement anymore! These past 4 years, we've seen Darth Vader dressed police forces in brutal action; I wonder when we will see the good guys in both police and military in overt action? I know they are out there and likely already in covert action, and bless them for the challenges they have chosen to face and the price they pay in the effort to help save humanity! We all have to do our part.
Sorry Allan - But you remarked on the "incompetence" of Canada's leaders? This isn't incompetence. 🤔
Pure demonic possession
Sedition, Sabotage & Treason Are Capital Crimes!
Incompetence Has Not Been Ruled Out!
"Incompetence" is rather far down the list... "Evil" and "crazy" are the ones I'd start it with.
Never ascribe to malice that which can be explained by incompetence.
BUT ...
Always ascribe to malice that which has gone on far too long to be mere incompetence.
It's 4+ years. Malice it is.
This id horrible Dr Makis . Thank God for your bravery.
Now if we can only have men in the USA with the same honest stamina to stand up to Fauci and his group !!
Could the object of children's inoculation be sterility?
Without A Shadow Of A Doubt!
I think the teen-aged HPV shot is for sterility.
Call me crazy but I am wondering if some of the infant/toddler shots start to suppress hormones, much needed hormones, that help the kid know inside if they are a boy or girl and cause kids to question their sexuality and whether they are a boy or girl.
Years ago my cousin Kim Holland told me she forbade her daughters from getting HPV vaccine. Her company sold it. She wouldn’t say anything more.
I hesitated on that one. However my daughter actually got more financial aid for college by taking it so she took it after she told me her friends had it and were okay. I hate myself for saying yes.
Don’t hate yourself. Just know to question everything now and show your daughter the same. ( I worry about my mom and her companion. they didn’t want any supplements I offered. )
( mom is boosted for everything her dr suggested for over 65)
I've read that the excess estrogen from plastics is feminizing animals like frogs....and humans?
Thank God for Dr Makis! How long can the serious corruption and pedophilia in Canada's healthcare system continue?
Not Long One Would Think!
They are STILL recommending these dreadful poisonous jabs for 6 month olds in New England. Please pray that WEF in Davos crumbles and the light keeps shining in the deep dark places.
…in B.C., Canada as well, where science, medicine and logic are compromised. 6 months and older, why not?$$$
Thank you Dr Makis for bringing this Corruption to Light. Liberals and NDP need to be held to Account Prosecuted. Let’s not forget that the Experimental Shot Mandates are still in place for ALL Health Care Professionals in BC. Leaving the health care system in crisis as these people are moving out of BC. In addition to Premier Eny holding These professionals hostage through Bill 36. It’s beyond EVY.
You are so accurate and general society is still ignorant in BC and the rest of Canada. I had to tell my Dr the other day that healthcare workers that refused to take an injection for a now extinct virus have NOT been hired back yet. The healthcare system here is not functioning well, anything would help. Hopefully the court case against Bonnie Henry coming up this spring ‘24 allows justice, logic and sanity to prevail. 🔥
EVIL I meant.
Nova Scotia too.
Doctors saying the vaccines are safe and effective because of coercion from the mafia owners of the college of physicians is just lying to the public. There is no oath, when you lie about remedies that you know will kill patients,’s just outright murder.
Sorry to be a kill joy... this is happening and I don't think much of anything else matters anymore: COVID-19 News: Worrisome JN.1 Indian Sub-lineage: JN.1.11 That Thailand Medical News Warned About Is Now Increasing In Spread Across India! - Thailand Medical News
Have You Considered Changing Your Name To Typhoid Larry, Kill Joy? LOL
I appreciate humor and am I bit of a comedian, but this is no laughing matter. Do you realize what this means?
I'm Not Too Sure Anymore I'm Worn Out With Fear Porn! Is It Real Or Fear Porn For The Next Vax? What Are Your Thoughts?
This is not fear porn. No vax will stop this. This is the JN.1 in its final stages of its evolution. This is a killer in the making. I got wind of this new variant 5 days ago - I finally found this in a duck duck go search yesterday.
I Don't Want A Vaccine! I'm Ready To Meet Jesus Christ!
You don’t know anything about this I guess? The JN.1 is evolving to kill the vaccinated. Unvaccinated folks will not be effected.
If you give up, THEY WIN. Don't give up.
Here you go.. a just published 39 page presentation that tells you almost everything you need to know about the immune escape variant.
How do we stop the jabs to the children?
Parents got to say NO.
Thank you Dr Makis! I and others have been fighting the college about an MS treatment, done routinely for people at risk for stroke, for 15 years. Even though we used their own benefit/risk formula to prove efficacy we were just shut out. We recognize they seem to be more interested in preserving income from pharma ‘therapies’ which have an efficacy rate lower than placebo, but makes an insane amount of money while harming patients. I had to leave Canada for a treatment which gave me back m life for 10 years, only to return to not having a doctor for 3 years. When i tell others they are lawyers, not doctors, of course they accuse me of being a conspiracy nut. This child trafficking is the absolutely a nightmare
Thank you Dr Makis , you are a wealth of information!
You work tirelessly to bring us the truth !!
These pedo’s are so evil and disgusting/depraved, all these systems seem to be run by these people and they’re ALL holding something on each other and Blackmailing!!!
It’s becoming obvious that This is why all these satanic mandates / protocols etc keep getting pushed through!!!
God bless you Dr. Makis 🙏❤️
You are so correct - prayer is the most powerful weapon we have in this time of spiritual testing.
The deaths are NOT accidental. Like the destruction of economies and the natural environment, they are engineered for the destruction of Man and the rest of God's creation. The globalists serve the prince of the world, Lucifer/Satan, the "thief (who) comes only to steal and kill and destroy" (John 10:10).
Thank you for focusing on the ugly Truths due to THE PEOPLE in all countries that did not put pinch dog collars on their politicians, holding them heavily accountable from the first second of their office term.
Here in America…
We will be going back to our Charters of Freedom soon…HOW? By fixing our highest 2024 priority…election integrity…the beginning of fixing ALL America’s problems!
The biggest elephant in America after 4 shameful years, FULL OF TENSION AND THOROUGH DISGUST over 17 million deaths globally…
Is there any other HIGHEST priority in 2024 to fix without fixing free, fair, lawful and transparent elections in America?
Get to work Americans…
God bless those willing to use their talents and blessings UNITED, repeat UNITED with strategic planning Leaders!
P.S. You will all like America’s odds with Lex Greene’s piece out shortly! HOPE is coming!!!
P.S. Support Mike Lindell, My Pillow guy because FOX ‘News’ dumped him and… because he is using mountains of his money for the cause of ELECTION INTEGRITY! Where are the rest of Americans using their money to support serious strategic planners???
Love seed to table! Alphie!
From my perspective, I think it is necessary to become more aware of what we are actually dealing and now in an ultimate battle with. I believe these ancient Atra-Hasis tablets describe the foundation of this:
On Billy Carson's channel there is a documentary about a Black Knight Satellite that can be watched for free during a 7 day free trial:
In Antarctica there is a so called 'neutrino detector'. According to Eric Hecker, who worked there for Raytheon, it is not only a communications device for outer space, but a huge DEW that can be used for weather mod. and maybe mind control. When they started it up it caused an earthquake in New Zealand and they were like 'woops'.
According to Xi Earthstar the moon, that has been used in the control of humanity, has already been liberated:
This 'spiritual battle' has some very physical actors. I do not accept their enslavement anymore! These past 4 years, we've seen Darth Vader dressed police forces in brutal action; I wonder when we will see the good guys in both police and military in overt action? I know they are out there and likely already in covert action, and bless them for the challenges they have chosen to face and the price they pay in the effort to help save humanity! We all have to do our part.