There is no such thing as a vaccine. It is a figment of man' creation, as is science, a religion of mans' creation. Used to do evil while professing benefit.

And yes they do know exactly how much damage the components of these shots can do, however, they will NEVER tell you because they have been paid to keep quiet. They have been playing mad scientist since the early 1900's.

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They have been playing mad scientists since 1798 when Edward Jenner injected puss from a diseased cow into the arm of a ten-year-old boy. The boy developed a pustule that healed. He then tested the boy with an inoculation of puss from a smallpox victim and did not develop smallpox. Jenner declared success and named this for the Latin word for cow, Vacca, and named the process a Vaccine, meaning, "from the cow." What the history books hide is that the boy later in life suffered a smallpox infection and died.

Dr. Robert A. Gunn described all of this in a small book published in 1882, "Vaccination, Its Fallacies and Evils." Besides the madness of Jenner, he describes how "vaccines" were soon mandated and how governments immediately began to hide the horrible results.

So there actually is something called a vaccine. It involves injecting filth 'from the cow', and falsely claiming it is beneficial.

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Very interesting stuff. I had also read somewhere that back in history… I don't recall the dates, they also did this social isolation and a "vaccine passport" idea with the smallpox vaccine.

Children were not allowed to be in school and you were not allowed to go into certain places unless you could show your vaccination scar. That was your "passport".

People were attempting to do things to themselves via cutting and burning in order to produce said scar so that they could function in society at the time without actually receiving the injection. Sounds familiar, no?

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Wasn't the kid he tested on his own son? What an ass.

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It was the gardener's son. However, one should know that people were so fearful of smallpox that they were inoculating themselves with fluids taken from smallpox patients in hopes of developing immunity. This had some logic to it, as people who survived a smallpox infection seemed to be immune for the rest of their lives. Maybe this even worked if done in the summer with plentiful and varied foods and lots of vitamin D from sunshine.

Jenner was not doing something completely novel. He was testing gossip from milkmaids who claimed they developed immunity from smallpox after infections of cowpox. He was an ass when his vaccines failed and people died, and he made up ridiculous claims to excuse the failures.

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Covid shot injuries and awareness in the Villages Florida . Dr Villa has more than 2000

patients who have been harmed in this retirement community and their numbers are growing.


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Mar 17
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Agreed as was HIV and Lyme

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The injuries are horrific, and will get worse over time. It’s the depopulation agenda and the “vaccine” is a bioweapon .

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Mar 18
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Yep. Zionists are not Jews. They were forcibly converted in 300ad

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Yes, many of us have lost trust and we have no doctor

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There is a group that you are forgetting, Dr. Makis. Not only were doctors, nurses, pilots, teachers, etc. forcibly mandated to get the vaccine or be terminated… Approximately 357,247 Government of Canada employees in all sectors were also mandated (This number does not include the military). The majority complied. This also included people who were working from home.

So if you are wondering why you are unable to reach someone at a government office, why things are taking so long - remember this. Some employees refused to get vaccinated and took an early retirement instead. Some were injured to the point where they were permanently put on disability. Some didn't make it, and many are stricken with cancer. Of those who are still working, like the others… Their immune systems are impacted, so there is a lot of absenteeism because they are often ill. Others continue to come to work every day, but they are just not the same people. They seem to have lost their edge and their drive.

This is a very large group of people… Probably the largest group that was forcibly vaccinated.

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My father who worked as a Medic in the UK Army told me whilst I was growing up to watch out for, the"Snake Oil Salesman". In the early days it was a group of people that would go from town to town selling Snake Oil to people and claiming that it was going to fix all kinds of aliments. It seems that now today they are still around but unchecked by any authorities. Now reminds me of the Wild West Days where all types of evil can go on unchecked due to the idiots that are in charge.

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@anamihaleamdphd has found that 2,500 mg vitamin C /day & (DHEA?) chelation (how often?) has recovered her non vaxxed blood & nonvaxxed blood of her patients.

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Not all that sure where to get chelation. Needs to be offered more places. However I am sure our Over Lords won't want that!

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I am aware of the history of 'vaccines.' I am referring to institutions doing 'research' and coming up with all sorts of toxic concoctions that they sell to the public as beneficial for their health and disease resolution.

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Nurse Grace wonderful interview, love your honesty and openness

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RE: Vitamin C injections.

FYI. My dear friend (a vaccinated veterinarian) had breast cancer, two tumors. She did quite a bit of research and utilized a more integrative treatment approach (without telling her conventional oncologist) and had also paid for special vitamin C injections that cost her $2K per month. When she went for her cancer treatments she said she felt guilty because everyone in the waiting room looked so down and sickly. She said she felt no sickness at all from the chemo or any of the treatments she had received. She attributes having no symptoms to the vitamin C injections she received. Also, she took no pain meds after her surgery (both breasts removed) and said she felt no pain at all, just a weird dripping sensation.

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Mar 17Edited

In the end these shots are genocide. It probably always was genocide. No one is rescuing us. We all need to play a part like Dr. Makis here to speak out. No one, no matter how much more money they may have than us, has a right to take our lives. We have just as much as a right to live out a natural life here on Earth than the Bill Gates of the World.

Also Dr. Makis please go back and watch Dr. Judy Mikovits videos. She has been saying what you are saying for years now. Of course they did their best to silence her too. They even put her in jail.

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Fauci who is employed as a DOD agent did that to Judy.

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Keep speaking out Dr Makis. So many dead and suffering from this poison !

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Check @anamihaleamdphd - chk dark field microscope - with frequency receiving materials now in most leaders and so many people,

prayers are needed & miracles are still happening so look into that with the Pentacostal church movement

Important to find local groups & have independent control of info & communication and ways forward

I wonder if people who got the shots may need to get in caves or far from 5G towers to be free from outside control

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There were many ways the Over Lords got the heavy metals in us. It wasn't just in the covid shots. Heavy metals was in other shots too. I believe they may put it in our meds and maybe our foods. This was a comprehensive genocide plan orchestrated over many years unfortunately.

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Mar 17
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They have blankets immunity and cannot be sued.

Katherine Watts lays this out on her website which should be required reading.

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Mar 17
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That’s great news for Australia. Unfortunately here in America if the health director says there is an emergency then informed consent doesn’t have to be given.

But then our government has basically nullified our constitution when it passed the patriot act.

Obama also rescinded habeas corpus. The founders created the constitution so that government couldn’t take rights away from us. So far no court has held them in check.

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Mar 17
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Yep. People actually said that they had nothing to hide so why care if the government spies on them? No wonder so many here felt for the Rona scam.

Liberals even gave Obama a pass for taking away habeas corpus. Tribalism has ruined the country.

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Mar 17
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Sad but true.

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