While incredibly shocking, the fact that so many executives would try to keep this pedophile out of jail is totally disgusting.

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its been going on in our government since the beginning of time. elected/appointed, THE BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY 'officials', judges, lawyers, prosecutors, medical executives, CEOs, practically all of hollywood and the music industry, and most likely professional sports to an extent as well. i'm just waiting for Dr. Makis to discover/expose what's being done to the children after they've been abused. Trust me, it's NOT pretty, and not something anyone who's anywhere near normal would EVER want to hear -- but it NEEDS to be brought to light if there's EVER any hope of stopping it...

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Spot on, it’s rife worldwide from what I’ve learnt. The masses are in for a massive shock if or when it comes out.

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yessir. once you've been red pilled you can never he un-red pilled. i remember going to my parent's place for dinner about 7 years ago after just finding all this out... they must have sensed i was agitated because they asked me what was wrong. so i told them... "i've been doing some research. the world is being run by satanic pedophiles...."

they looked at me like i had escaped my padded cell and have had the same line of thinking ever since just about. one day hopefully not too long from now they will see i've been right all along. if anyone can make waves about this with folks who will listen to them when they speak the truth, i'm sure Dr. Makis is that person.

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Luke, it is heartbreaking yet very true. Unfortunately, some of the most influential and powerful in society are corrupted to the core. Their evil ways are not just tolerated, they are accepted. It is usually everyone else that are held responsible for crimes.

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This is why i 0-file on my income Tax not supporting this BULL SHIT

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That's awesome, I've been trying to grow a pair and do the same, but keep thinking all it will do is land ME in prison instead of Justdumb TURDeau!

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Income Tax is voluntary to start with , as well ACTs & STATUTs only apply to CORPORATIONS The PERSON not the live man/woman [FACT] , The CHARTER of 1982 was never Ratified & the Queen never gave her royal accent on it [FACT] There for it does not exist , that is what the Meach lake accord & the Charlot town accord was all about trying to get Quebec to sign on which never happened so only 9 out of the 10 Provence's singed it this is why it was never Ratified most all ACTs & STATUTs fall under the SO called CHARTER , Look at your BIRTH CERTIFICT Notice its in all CAPS as well your DRIVERS LICENSE that is DOG LATEN the only thing that can be in All CAPS is a CORPORATION we are not CORPORATIONS we are live man/woman with unlenable rights & Freedoms from our creator YAHUAH , See the big picture ? learn this information and apply it to the life your creator gave you , Have a great day . ps. they do not have authority to have jurisdiction over the live man/woman only CORPORATIONS [FACT].

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My, that is strikingly similar to our 16th amendment. Taxation was intended to be imposed upon only 3 things, none of the 3 being personal income. SCOTUS clarified that the 16thA granted no new powers to congress. Paying taxes is indeed voluntary and there is no law that states any must file a form 1040. The IRS is completely illegal and unconstitutional - its purpose to strong arm money from people to ensure the federal reserve sees its take. Therecis nothing federal or governmental about the federal reserve. Itvis a private, unauditable corporation entirely unaccountable to the US citizen. Only by an act of treason did the federal reserve take foothold in the US. This all is quite the shit show, for sure!

May as well throw in the FBI, CIA and most other agencies, also.

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Corruption Is Rampant Across Canada!

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It isn't just Canada. It is all over the world.

Narcissists in society tend to rise to power over time as the every day common person is usually happy just going to work, coming home home to their family, having a hobby, eating dinner etc.. going to bed and getting up and doing that all over again the next day. Narcissistic people are not happy with a common life. They only are happy controlling others. I hate to say this but is human nature. It is also human nature that the bottom level humans eventually rise up and topple over the corrupt leaders after awhile. Thus the cycle starts all over again.

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I Live In Canada But This Corruption Is Worldwide, It Is The Work Of Evil That Has Come To Roost By Living Unrighteous Lawless Live's Without God!

"We The People' Must Rise As An Undivided Collective Force & Take Our World & Freedoms Back Or They Will Be Lost Forever!

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Thank You For Exposing Evil I Would Love To Interview Dr. Makis Also!

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Maggie Oliver tells about her experiences reg. obvious, well documented cases being suddenly dropped, when she was in the UK police. A BBC series was made about one of her cases called Three Girls.

The interview shows how deeply rooted these things are - on different levels and in different circumstances - and how absolutely broken the system to deal with it is.

She has now started her own charity instead. Cheers to all the brave, unrelenting men and women standing up for children! Because it is the right thing to do...


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Forwarded this email to the Alberta Government today.

To the Government of Alberta,

I just finished viewing this video discussion with Dr. Makis and am totally nauseated and disgusted by what is taking place In our Alberta Health, Justice and Legislature systems. If you have not seen this, I strongly urge you to take an hour out of your day to view this.

As a subscriber to Dr. Makis’ Substack, I am very aware of the persecution this gentleman has endured under our corrupt system. Since his Substack is in the public domain, I am also certain his plight and these pedophile issues have been brought to the Alberta Government from this and other sources.

My questions to the Alberta Government are:

Since you are all most certainly aware of this issue, why are these child predators still allowed to walk free?

Why are they being protected by AHS and the College of Physicians and Surgeons? Not to mention the Justice System.

What is the Alberta Government doing to put a stop to this and bring these disgusting individuals to justice?


Dennis Richter

Red Deer, Alberta

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Curious if you ever got a response from them on this?

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As is normally the case with governments of all stripes, replies are rare and when I do get one it is a huge bowl of Word Salad that is clearly written by some back room flunky.

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Danielle Smith needs to take sledgehammers to both AHS (I see she already made some neutering of them) but more importantly to the CPSA (The College). There needs to be new regulation to the meaning of protecting the public. The Colleges have failed in their mandates, criminally with impunity and that must end immediately.

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No disagreement there, but I'm not sure a provincial premier had jurisdiction to make those decisions on the College(s)

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The provincial colleges are regulated by legislation under the Regiulated Health Provisions Act and the Medicine Act, at least in Ontario and likely under similar legislation in each province.


It is up to the provincial government who may do the overhaul. In other words the premier and her team can totally revamp the Colleges if they have the willpower (that is key).

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I stumbled on this video yesterday. At this point I expect our government, our hospitals, and with exceptions of a few doctors like you Dr. Makis ,I expect doctors to be corrupt. Whether they are directly involved or just look the other way, horrific things do happen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqJGBRyjt6Y

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Dr. Makis, the CRIMEminister has a LOT of pedophilia 'coincidences'. In fact, far too many to be 'coincidences'. How many normal people have DOZENS of close friends who are pedophiles? Although far from normal, everyone's favourite CRIMEminister has just that many!! And a non-disclosure agreement with one of his previous victims from when he was a 'school mascot' at West Point Grey Academy in Vancouver. Phew, good thing he got the internet in Canada all CENSORED so Canadians can't see what he's REALLY been up to!!








The last one is important. "Dr" Benjamin Levin, former head of the Ontario School Board, post conviction (far too light) after police posed as the mother of small children online, and was offering them up for sex. Dr Levin of all people -- took the bait. The CRIME minister seems awfully cozy with such an individual following all of his legal woes and lack of justice.

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Wow, that is alarming. How did it get buried?! We likely have someone running our country who had inappropriate relations with a minor and should have been punished. 😡

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I will tell you how it got buried. Rather I will let Justin tell you himself... caution: watching/hearing this is INFURIATING.

it will also likely require a VPN connection to watch as Justin has recently censored any and all things internet in Canada that make him look bad. You can download a free VPN app and select a country outside canada to watch, and I do suggest you watch. Note, the amount he speaks of was changed to $1.4 billion, and is an amount that has been given annually.


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9 months of wasted taxpayer money investigating this pedo. There should be an elimination team!

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...sorry only realized you were referring to Levin after I made my first comment... my bad!

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Pierre P openly made a snarky comment about the WPG Academy incident, directed at the pedo prime ministress (via Mr. Speaker) in the HOC fairly recently. Video available on youtube. They all seem to know about it, and I don't believe an infraction as serious as that would be affected by the statute of limitations, so the question remains... why the HELL isn't he at least in prison, if not swinging from a noose!?!?

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At this point the elections have to be corrupted. They can't allow an honest politician in office that would bring all of the corruption down.

Kind of like the Pope that was NOT appointed and wanted to look into the financial records etc and suddenly had a "heart attack" and died after only a few days as Pope. So unfortunate. " He came from a poor family in Italy’s mountainous backwoods. He had never wanted to be anything more than a country priest. ......, John Paul I..... had trained his eye on the financial corruption, putting the Curia on edge. Yallop named six people who stood to gain if the pope was suddenly removed. One was Archbishop Paul Marcinkus, a burly American who headed the Vatican Bank."

This Pope asked too many questions. He had to go. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/pope-john-paul-sainthood-death/2021/12/07/64f04338-47d1-11ec-beca-3cc7103bd814_story.html

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He actually looks like a kind and genuine man on the photos I found. As opposed to fx John Paul II. His eyes and looks send chills down my spine.

Just the other day, there was a documentary in Danish TV about nine Catholic priests in a monastery in Switzerland - Saint Maurice Monastery - who have now finally been exposed. With more witnesses coming forward.

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Vile POSs

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Pederasty/Pedophelia is common within the homosexual community. The difference is these crimes are starting to be prosecuted. Milo Yianapoulis told us about this seven years ago.

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the one aspect of it that has yet to be acknowledged in the mainstream is the worst, most hidden aspect. pedoVORE(ism). yes, like a pedophile crossed with a carnivore. not sure about homosexuals but the elites use this as their means of gaining wealth and power. because it pleases satan and his demons, and the elites are rewarded with material things. i have a theory that they are attempting to impose this transhumanist agenda and 'be as gods' (gods with a little g) themselves because they are scared SHITLESS of dying and meeting the real God Most High!

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As is normal for governments of all stripes, I rarely receive a reply to my questions and when I do, it is a bowl of word salad that is clearly written by a back room office flunky.

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In my opinion any human who would protect a pedophile is either compromised or they are part of the pedocracy. To do this to a child is the worst of sins. We all know PT was an evil troll who started the Trudeau cabal pedo ring, with MK ultra, you name it. Hell his son was running it through Star net in Vancouver. His long time roommate is in prison for child sex trafficking.Look into Cameron Ortis, he figured out the compromised nodes, he has also been locked in Prison for years, no Habeous Corpus. His lawyer was made a judge just before his trial, and the replacement lawyer provided no evidence. He was just sentenced in a closed kangaroo compromised court room. David Hawkins had been reporting on the link to The pig farm, for their body disposal. He died last year. This elite Pedocracy needs termination.

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Think UK 1989 Margaret Thatcher: they didn't want a tax and then they stopped paying and then they changed the tax ‼️

Now, if WE ALL stopped paying taxes (like they did in the UK in 1989) then THAT would make an impact. If they come after you you can tell them "as the gov't is involved in crimes against humanity, warfare and domestic terrorism I cannot lawful, morally or spiritually participate with the crimes. I invoke my right to self determination, as protected by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Nuremberg Code, UN declaration of human rights and the Bill of Rights. Please review the commissioner's final report of the national citizen's inquiry for proof and testimony given under oath (link provided).

Are you enticing me into indentured servitude? What is your authority to do so and where do you derive it from?"

Trucks and horns do not deal with the issue, but rather only serve to prop up the criminals

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Horrifyingly Evil!!!! What kind of parent allows their child to have a sleepover with a grown man? Parents must be made accountable as well!!!! Matthew 18:5-7

And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me. But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea!

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Why, of all the Doctors that could have had their picture taken with the Minister on Family Doctor Day, did he? Photo in May 2018, arrested in June. Interesting! https://www.sylvanlakenews.com/community/photo-family-doctor-day-declared-6570565

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