When can we get the death penalty on the table for those that pushed mandates across the board along with total asset seizure with it going to victims and families of victims? I have deaths in the family directly a consequence of Pfizer, so this isn't a game to me.

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William Makis is a treasure.

For the record:

I correctly called the Covid scam in Feb2020 and published on it starting on 21Mar2020.

I am a highly-accomplished, retired Professional Engineer with a basic education in university biology, and this was not even a difficult call. The only " hard part" was finding the rare bits of quality Covid data among the tsunami of falsehoods published by governments and academia. These murderers knew that they were lying from the start.


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My oldest sister aged 69 was diagnosed with a small brain tumour Dec of 23 while Snow Birding in Texas! She was losing her balance while walking and lost hearing in one ear! Went to Emergency at a hospital in Texas and they want to schedule surgery immediately! We live in Mb, Canada so she wasn’t sure her Insurance would cover it so she asked if it could wait till she got home! Dr said if they drove home directly with no stops then yes! They got home and surgery was done, however she was told they couldn’t get 100% of it! The tumour is back bigger already and it’s only April! I’m not even allowed to bring up Covid or vaccine subject matter with her! I have 7 siblings, only 2 of us were not vaccinated!

I had a list of co-morbidities, type 1 childhood diabetes being the main one for waiting on more data before taking the shot! April 2019 I had received a kidney/pancreas transplant and wasn’t willing to risk it! I am a man of faith and I’m grateful to God for questioning the scamdemic from the start! My clinic Drs were pushing the vax relentlessly on me!

God bless the Dr Makis’s out there for sacrificing their careers !

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Dr Makis, your frustration is heard, each one of us posters represents 10,000 others who thank you from the bottom of our heart.

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God bless you Dr Makis , my prayers are for you and your families safety , no harm come against you for speaking up for all Canadians , for safety & choice to choose for our selves , mandates should be illegal taking the rights for a person to choose for themselves , I have family members that I watch and see effects of taking vaccines , I lost my job because I wouldn’t comply . Wearing masks everyday & testing everyday they wouldn’t except , I took care of seniors I experienced so many suffer after taking vaccines , rashes, headaches , some that weren’t in adult briefs after vaccines had to wear depend briefs , it broke my heart ❤️ I’m grateful for your standing , God be with you and your family , No weapon formed against you will prosper 🙏🏻

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If people had only united worldwide when they mandated the shots and said No, you are not going to force us to do this (this was the first alarm bell). Instead many of those getting the jab turned on us who said no and said 'you are selfish, you are risking our lives. You are a anti-vaxxer.'

I hope only people dont do this again, when the next 'pandemic' comes along.

Guess what you don't need a shot a shot to play a game, go on vacation, keep your job or anything else, just say no, we must be all united. I really hope everyone wakes up and sees what the end game is before they wind up dead. They can't make you, if you dont comply, you have choice- yes you really do. Yes you can lose a job, you don't get to play a game, you don't get to go on vacation but you can live to fight another day, cant do that six foot under.

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My dad died last year from blood clots and heart attack leading to total organ failure. He was a very healthy man before taking the 2 Pfizer boosters which he was mandated to do by the Canadian government. It is exactly as you explained. This needs to be thoroughly looked at in the general population and needs serious evaluation. People need to be checked and there needs to be some solutions for people to fix this, at least in those who still live.

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I'm holding back tears watching this video. My healthy brother died suddenly after three Pfizer vaccines (he had myocarditis). One vaccine almost killed me but thank goodness I stopped at one and I am so much better. I will continue to pray for everyone who took the experiments. I know 4 healthy people who had turbo cancer immediately after getting their boosters, and we just buried one of my friends last week. Thank you Dr. Makis for being a truth teller and god bless you and your family. Best always.

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There are only 3 possibilities regarding mandating shots for children.

The authorities knew from early 2020 that children were not at risk. They knew from the Pfizer trial that the shots were dangerous & ineffective.

So the 3 possibilities are:

they injected children to get money for Pharma/themselves

- or -

they injected children to deliberately harm them

- or -

both of the above.

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We lost a close family friend in September 2023 to a cancer that returned after booster. It was clear and under control before shots. He was 53 and left behind 2 children ages 19 and 17. 😔 This past February a close friend of ours age 47 just had her thyroid removed due to cancer. She just got informed the cancer is in her lymphnodes. She has diabetes and is on insulin daily. I want to help her and don't know how! Both believe the narrative and had boosters. It's sad. She mighr be waking up now.🙏

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Low rate of cancers in young children (under 12) who were vaccinated. It occurs to me that the thymus is still active in young children. The thymus is responsible for learning "self" versus "other". There is an immune system component to cancer risk, as the immune system participates in finding and killing cancerous cells. And it's the immune system that gets totally f'd up by mRNA which confuses "self" and "other" in the production of spike protein. So maybe? (I'm speculating wildly) Maybe the thymus in young children is "learning" about mRNA effects on the body?

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Incredible podcast, scary and sobering. We need the treatment for people facing not only cancers but other ill effects of this. Can you maybe liaise with Bret Weinstein and try to get something going, maybe a task force independently funded to look at figuring out how to treat all these varied cases? The world certainly needs it.

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Thank you for your courage and honesty Dr. Makis! We need more like you to help stop this genocide!

I figured out this False Flag operation early on since I figured out that 9/11/2001 was an Inside Job done by our government with Israeli Moosad. There were aluminum NO PLANES that caused the TWCs to fall free-fall speed. They blew them up so that the Deep State Criminal Syndicate can go and make war in to the Middle East.

This is the SAME Criminal Syndicate now making war on Humanity. We know who they are now - they all need to be stopped and arrested before they end up taking out most of humanity - which is their intended goal and agenda.

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Thank you once again Dr Makis…and 🙏 for you and your Family daily……

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⚖️💉”They changed the name from a genetic therapeutic to a vaccine, and because it’s a vaccine, you don’t have to do the normal trials of genetic therapeutics…” ~ Dr David Bell, ex-WHO physician and scientist (1 hour interview, posted 22 April 2024 in Facebook): https://fb.watch/rBqsE-Erfg/?

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Dr. Makis I have been noticing not that just people get cancer after being vaxed and are dead very soon after, but people are being diagnosed with two or three cancers at the same time. WTH? Did people get diagnosed with two or three cancers at the same time before the covid shots came out? How do they get two or three cancers popping up at the same time, out of the blue? Sounds weird to me.

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