Jul 21·edited Jul 21

The greatest human psy-op in history is well on the way to a mass extinction of the human race. The deep sate globalists leap with glee at this prospect. This evil can be easily stopped if more doctors worldwide do something. Of course, many doctors are part of this great evil. Hell is their final destination. Cats now are dangerous? Still not awake yet?

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I watched this interview Doc, and learned. I have added this to my enormous pile of compelling FACTS I use to try to convert some family members in the hope of saving their lives. Some are intransigent in their fantasies of the benevolence of the government, the "health care system", and the efficacy of the death jabs. One brother is a year and a half younger than I, the other eight years older...they both look nearly identical in age...both are 20 years older in appearance when compared to me, the unvaccinated "conspiracy freak". Both "hate Donald Trump" and "love Joe Biden". Both do not vote for conservative candidates, and both take annual flu shots, statin drugs, and refrain from eating butter, eggs, and beef, and have been previously suckered into financial "investments" which have left them disappointed. Both do not love the truth, or the Lord Jesus. Both will lie to my face, and then deny it. I am seeing a pattern here Doc...Are the goats on the left being separated from the sheep on the right? This interview with DeAnna Lorraine was excellent Doc, thanks for sending it to us. P.s. I cannot help but wonder about the attempt on the life of Donald Trump, and the previous attempt on the life of the president of Slovakia...both of them want to establish the truth, and represent a threat to the One-Worlders pushing the death jabs. I was surprised to hear you mention about the African leaders killed...I had not known of it. I'm guessing they did not endorse the WHO either.

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People won’t change their minds because they want to defend their decision to take it.

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Jul 25·edited Jul 26

the Simpsons had a cat episode... Marge put their cat in a zip lock baggy.. too funny.. too true


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28th of May with introduction of 4 audio shots and 6 pictured holes?? Wonder if lorraine talked about the czech prime minister of trump...?

Whom Trump pardoned before leaving??? Remember?

Czech REAL victim was NOT ONLY against the WHO officially, he criticized the covid JABS, totally in contradiction to what trump is doing! So is that second posting here to indicate, maybe, that the week old 'shooting' was equally because the July 2020 announcement by trump admins to leave WHO one year later, which never happened anyway because the plan was to get Joe who would erase it all? That's why that one week old 'assassination' is a TOTAL SETUP, WITH Trump knowledge of course... Just my opinion.

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The Trump that got shot could have been a double.

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