👏👏👏 🙏 thank you Dr Makis for your knowledge & your fighting spirit … you truly are a God sent in these troubled & frightening times. 🙏

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Thank you for your courage and commitment to exposing the truth. Thank you for your contribution to the health, freedom, and future of humanity. May you be protected and blessed beyond measure.

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Your knowledge is so important, I pray Japan listened to you.

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Great presentation Dr. Makis. I hope this presentation reaches many people in Japan. I'm really happy to hear you are treating cancer patients! I sure wish Canada would wake up and allow Ivermectin to be sold again. If more countries stop MRNA Vaccines, maybe it will finally get through to the media and everyone who are still blinded by the narrative can realize they are hurting themselves. Thank you for your bravery.

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Our Dr Makis is a true freedom warrior.. God bless him

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The suppression and mockery of Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin by media mouthpieces for the Satanic new world order need to be held accountable not unlike the media in Germany right after the holocaust. Dr. Makis has the hand of God on him.

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Thank you Dr Makis. God Bless you.

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Thank you Dr. Makis!🙏🏾❤️🙏🏾


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Excellent, excellent presentation Dr. Makis! But posted at 4:08 AM! Please do take good care of your own health dear sir! I am advising the good doctor – eat well, sleep well, get fresh air, exercise!

Lord Jesus, continue to bless this man Dr. William Makis, Your good and faithful servant!🙏

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One has to at the very least wonder what exactly THEY are spraying in our skies and how that will contribute to the future death and destruction of humanity. Why did the entirety of mainstream media race to deny (and even cover up) that it is happening in Alberta when the evidence is right in front of our eyes and there are thousands of research documents as well as eye witnesses that have already admitted it is ongoing (and has been for years)? The entirety of humanity is under attack and yet so many are still so blind as to deny this evil is being perpetrated. Even in countries that were not as heavily impacted by the COVID mandates (e.g. Romania, Poland, etc.) image after image continues to emerge of this continuous spraying of the skies with toxic substances. Please stop referring to the mRNA shots as 'Vaccines'. They are not. They are simply another type of poison. Even Australia, which forced it on their population, had the decency to openly admit in their documentation that what they were authorizing falsely under Emergency Use was classified as a Schedule 4 Poison. "I, Dr Andrew Robertson, Chief Health Officer (WA), acting pursuant to sections 197 and 198 of the Public Health Act 2016 (WA) [the Act] that gives power, for the purposes of emergency management during a public health state of emergency, do authorise a person to supply or administer a poison" - Dated 18th day of February 2021. From the attached document entitled "Australia COVID-19 Vaccine Policy" was the following paragraph: "The OGTR (Office of Gene Technology Regulator) will be required to approve and license any COVID-19 vaccines being administered in Australia that use GMOs. These include all the adenovirus vaccines and some of the mRNA vaccines." EVIDENCE THAT DEMANDS A VERDICT.

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Dr. Makis describes Ivermectin in some detail and how effective it is at fighting cancers. Note that Dr. Makis published the slides for this talk -- they are excellent and contain even more info than he is able to cover during his talk. Find them here: https://makismd.substack.com/p/ics6-japan-presentation-in-tokyo-1dc

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When good people work together for the Love of Humanity and Life Itself, many problems can be solved, many cures can be found, thank you Dr Makis for holding true to your Hippocratic Oath. We are Awakening, God Bless You,

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Your contributions are priceless….a true God send.

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Our UCP MLA still can't find it in herself to admit that the Injection of Truth event was more relevant than she will ever be

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Excellent Presentation Dr. Makis…GOD BLESS YOU and all the other’s that were there with you…..

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