You are correct, truly it is The world’s most highly effective bio weapon, and how sad all the innocent people That has been injected and exposed to it through shedding from the people that were jabbed, and that is documented And more people are coming forward with Long-Haul symptoms after spending time with the jabbed people. You do not have to get the job to be infected as shedding is its main purpose to spread it around the world, And I have firsthand experience with that as the others that are also coming forward have shared and research is supporting it. Good news is that there are treatments to help in minimize the side effects by Frontline doctors and researchers From all around the world, that are safe, effective, and accessible. ❤️❤️❤️The decrease cognition is also one of the major effects that they were counting on Because people become so confused that they have to focus on just surviving and taking care of themselves, and trying to act normal because of the cognitive decline.
Another good news is at least the culprits that have done these types of things over the centuries have finally been exposed, and our world has HOPE for things to change ❤️ Thank you for sharing❤️ Be safe, happy healthy and Whole❤️
Thank you very much . I am shocked that such evil people can get away with killing and maiming for so long and it’s getting worse . I am so angry . Of course eugenics and huge profit are the motivation .
I don't think he is pushing anything. How busy are you saving many people's lives, being persecuted and trying to keep yourself and your loved ones out of serious harms way? It's amazing how self absorbed, self righteous, and myopic people can be! What if you eventually find out it is you who have been duped?
In answer to your first question, I'm doing what I can within my sphere of influence.
In answer to your second question, I haven't found out whether or not I've been duped. But I do know that the whole covid thing was and is a hoax that has been in the planning for decades. Pretty much everyone in the so-call truth movement accepts that as being so. All of the evidence shows that there was no pandemic at all - and certainly not one caused by a contagious pathogen. There may have been illness caused by something that was localised and centred around selected centres of population, causes unknown, but there was definitely not a pandemic caused by a contagious virus. Given that the information is out there about this, I'd expect Makis to be aware of it and to have evaluated it and to at least have mentioned it. But, like those phoney truther doctors led by the likes of Simone Gold and Stella Immanuel, they, tell us a load of cock and bull that advocates the use of big pharma products.
I'm also not convinced at all that these drugs do anything worthwhile for cancer treatment. Given that they are administered alongside other things (all of those herbs and spices and stuff), it could be anything - or even nothing - having an effect. There are no control studies that have satisfactorily proved his claims.
It's also interesting that many other doctors who spoke out were censured and censored - some even struck off -, but he's largely managed to escape that up until now, as far as I can tell.
How is it up to you, or anyone of us, to expect anything from another person, based on one's own beliefs or views? What do you know about what Makis has looked into or not, made up his mind about or not, made ANY comment on or not, and decided to focus on or not? Maybe he just doesn't want to open that can of worms, believing his precious time and intellect - which also includes being a husband and father - is much better spent on other issues. I find him very neutral, open minded and diplomatic reg. controversial issues compared to other MDs, standing absolutely at the frontline and having to deal with immense abuse and attacks. And a year's ban on Twitter. How could there be any comparison? Or any of us relate?
If you find him a fraud, why then waste your own precious time and support? Considering you find yourself insightful enough to lash out at other human beings with such allegations and doubts. How productive is that, and what good does that do in the world? I often wonder where the potential for the better world we all want is to come from, when I see many more preoccupied with lashing out (likely their own hurt) rather than doing the inner work we all so desperately need to become the best versions of ourselves, to CREATE that much better world. I don't agree with all Makis' views, but to me he has still been a huge inspiration in that regard.
I was sick 1 1/2 days in 2020, with on/off burning in my lungs, dry coughs and impaired breathing over the summer which was immediately resolved with Vogel's Echinaforce that I later learned may have helped by also getting zink into the cells. So obviously there was something. I'm confident I will one day learn what it was.
We are all works in progress. Live and let live. It helps make the world a better place.
You mean the virus produced and released from a lab in Wuhan that was known to be doing “Gain of Function” research? Both the virus and the “cure” were pathogenistic. Isn’t that common knowledge or did I get it wrong? Enlighten me.
Yes, they were out to create a master race of only them. The movie is unfinished, as there was no mention of how the birth rate has tanked because the vaxxed have been sterilized. The agenda marches on! I have two great nephews who didn't get vaxxed ~ but it will be a lonely world.
I have read the book, but it always yet again enormously confronting - say quietly horrifying - to see and hear all that Anthony Mengele Fauci did during his AIDS project. Because this is such an important docu I will be sharing it a lot, but I was wondering if I could also download this docu so I can burn it to a DVD and keep it ???
Now, at least some of us (and hopefully, MANY MORE citizens worldwide) will feel brave enough to IGNORE the threats of the globalists, and restore democracy and freedoms for ordinary people.
Watched the movie also read the book. it is amazing that all of these evil doers especially Fauci got away with this. I especially lked that they showed that this medical malpractice goes all the way back to 1910 and the Rockefellers. I have spent 60+ years of my life fighting their lies. Fauci is a psychopath and many who worked for him hadto be also.
The music is so loud, we the hearing impaired have trouble understanding the words. It seems the music is designed to add "emotion" to the message. Stop the music. Just state the facts.
Fauci started Covid research in 2012 and told by Obama to stop this research in the USA.
Sharri Markson, who wrote in her book, What really happened in Wuhan published in Austrailia.
Fauci was stupid enough to implicate himself, when he said:
"You don't want to go to Hoboken, New Jersey or Fairfax, Virginia to be studying the bat human interface that might lead to an outbreak, So, you go to China"
#1: It's NOT a vaccine. It's an injection; a poisonous injection. #2 Fauci is a monster. That pretty much sums it up.
You are correct, truly it is The world’s most highly effective bio weapon, and how sad all the innocent people That has been injected and exposed to it through shedding from the people that were jabbed, and that is documented And more people are coming forward with Long-Haul symptoms after spending time with the jabbed people. You do not have to get the job to be infected as shedding is its main purpose to spread it around the world, And I have firsthand experience with that as the others that are also coming forward have shared and research is supporting it. Good news is that there are treatments to help in minimize the side effects by Frontline doctors and researchers From all around the world, that are safe, effective, and accessible. ❤️❤️❤️The decrease cognition is also one of the major effects that they were counting on Because people become so confused that they have to focus on just surviving and taking care of themselves, and trying to act normal because of the cognitive decline.
Another good news is at least the culprits that have done these types of things over the centuries have finally been exposed, and our world has HOPE for things to change ❤️ Thank you for sharing❤️ Be safe, happy healthy and Whole❤️
Thank you for making this free for a time!
I also have the book and found it very informative 🙏
Thank you very much . I am shocked that such evil people can get away with killing and maiming for so long and it’s getting worse . I am so angry . Of course eugenics and huge profit are the motivation .
Still pushing the non-existent virus.
Just to be clear. I mean Makis pushes the idea of the (non-existent) virus.
I don't think he is pushing anything. How busy are you saving many people's lives, being persecuted and trying to keep yourself and your loved ones out of serious harms way? It's amazing how self absorbed, self righteous, and myopic people can be! What if you eventually find out it is you who have been duped?
Live and let live!
In answer to your first question, I'm doing what I can within my sphere of influence.
In answer to your second question, I haven't found out whether or not I've been duped. But I do know that the whole covid thing was and is a hoax that has been in the planning for decades. Pretty much everyone in the so-call truth movement accepts that as being so. All of the evidence shows that there was no pandemic at all - and certainly not one caused by a contagious pathogen. There may have been illness caused by something that was localised and centred around selected centres of population, causes unknown, but there was definitely not a pandemic caused by a contagious virus. Given that the information is out there about this, I'd expect Makis to be aware of it and to have evaluated it and to at least have mentioned it. But, like those phoney truther doctors led by the likes of Simone Gold and Stella Immanuel, they, tell us a load of cock and bull that advocates the use of big pharma products.
I'm also not convinced at all that these drugs do anything worthwhile for cancer treatment. Given that they are administered alongside other things (all of those herbs and spices and stuff), it could be anything - or even nothing - having an effect. There are no control studies that have satisfactorily proved his claims.
It's also interesting that many other doctors who spoke out were censured and censored - some even struck off -, but he's largely managed to escape that up until now, as far as I can tell.
How is it up to you, or anyone of us, to expect anything from another person, based on one's own beliefs or views? What do you know about what Makis has looked into or not, made up his mind about or not, made ANY comment on or not, and decided to focus on or not? Maybe he just doesn't want to open that can of worms, believing his precious time and intellect - which also includes being a husband and father - is much better spent on other issues. I find him very neutral, open minded and diplomatic reg. controversial issues compared to other MDs, standing absolutely at the frontline and having to deal with immense abuse and attacks. And a year's ban on Twitter. How could there be any comparison? Or any of us relate?
If you find him a fraud, why then waste your own precious time and support? Considering you find yourself insightful enough to lash out at other human beings with such allegations and doubts. How productive is that, and what good does that do in the world? I often wonder where the potential for the better world we all want is to come from, when I see many more preoccupied with lashing out (likely their own hurt) rather than doing the inner work we all so desperately need to become the best versions of ourselves, to CREATE that much better world. I don't agree with all Makis' views, but to me he has still been a huge inspiration in that regard.
I was sick 1 1/2 days in 2020, with on/off burning in my lungs, dry coughs and impaired breathing over the summer which was immediately resolved with Vogel's Echinaforce that I later learned may have helped by also getting zink into the cells. So obviously there was something. I'm confident I will one day learn what it was.
We are all works in progress. Live and let live. It helps make the world a better place.
Did you get the flu' vax before falling ill?
No. Nothing of the sort.
You mean the virus produced and released from a lab in Wuhan that was known to be doing “Gain of Function” research? Both the virus and the “cure” were pathogenistic. Isn’t that common knowledge or did I get it wrong? Enlighten me.
I have the book ... very eye-opening!! Every American should read.
I am thankful the truth is emerging. Those of us who are awake, know the real agenda is depopulation.
God Bless all those who are exposing the truth, Thank you. Jane Dean UK
Yes, they were out to create a master race of only them. The movie is unfinished, as there was no mention of how the birth rate has tanked because the vaxxed have been sterilized. The agenda marches on! I have two great nephews who didn't get vaxxed ~ but it will be a lonely world.
I have read the book, but it always yet again enormously confronting - say quietly horrifying - to see and hear all that Anthony Mengele Fauci did during his AIDS project. Because this is such an important docu I will be sharing it a lot, but I was wondering if I could also download this docu so I can burn it to a DVD and keep it ???
Thanks for the temporarily free Video.
Cruel how we were all frightened by empty threats about non existing contagiousness!
Now, at least some of us (and hopefully, MANY MORE citizens worldwide) will feel brave enough to IGNORE the threats of the globalists, and restore democracy and freedoms for ordinary people.
Watched the movie also read the book. it is amazing that all of these evil doers especially Fauci got away with this. I especially lked that they showed that this medical malpractice goes all the way back to 1910 and the Rockefellers. I have spent 60+ years of my life fighting their lies. Fauci is a psychopath and many who worked for him hadto be also.
Very evil person indeed...steeped in JESUIT teaching, therefore well-trained to be the cold-blooded murderer that he is!
Every one connected to event 201 lifetime jail.
and meal worms & crickets for food!
Although that would be costly to the taxpayers.. maybe another solution..
That AF is very, very evil!😡
"Is there a way to apply light and heat to cure?" Yes! It's called going outside and spending time in the Sun.
The music is so loud, we the hearing impaired have trouble understanding the words. It seems the music is designed to add "emotion" to the message. Stop the music. Just state the facts.
Fauci started Covid research in 2012 and told by Obama to stop this research in the USA.
Sharri Markson, who wrote in her book, What really happened in Wuhan published in Austrailia.
Fauci was stupid enough to implicate himself, when he said:
"You don't want to go to Hoboken, New Jersey or Fairfax, Virginia to be studying the bat human interface that might lead to an outbreak, So, you go to China"
Fauci sent $850M to set up lab in Wuhan?
Already been proven, this is not a vaccine but a bio weapon. Fauci has been at this for decades. Time for him to be held accountable!
This MUST go viral so send, send, send!