I am going to send this interview to everything that lives and breathes. I’m going to tell all the people all the animals and all the space aliens. Seriously, this is a very, very powerful interview.

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Yes indeed it is a very powerful interview.

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Two Heroes in 1 interview! Fantabulous! Here's something to investigate! Do you know exactly "HOW" and what drugs are used in the Murder And Intentional Death Program Canada has? Is is called waveboarding? They paralyze you first making you seem peaceful then you are slowly drowned. For some its fast for others it can last 24 hours! This is a horrible way to die! They won't give you fentanyl to make your last ride to the light a fun ride, their way is to imitate a mafia hit and chain you to a concrete brick and throw you in the ocean only you're in a hospital bed with morgue on speed dial! Look into the drugs they are using to murder us horrendously! Speaking of hiding the evidence by killing bioweapon injured man/woman/child - Just like hiding bodies of our beloved indigenous children❤👍💪👹👹👹👹👹

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Good to know your hero is a neo-nazi

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This was banned immediately on FB

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so, nothing's changed. Thanks for letting me know! I can steer clear of that space indefinitely!!!

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Dear Dr Makis

I enjoyed your interview with Stew Peters,,thank you .

Where do we get antiparasitics if you cannot get them into the country ?

Wishing you success with your fight with AHA and Danielle Smith .🙏😘

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Consider using veterinary products.

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None o f this was an accident, offering death instead of help says it all!

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its classic eugenics

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Great interview but, please be careful, Dr. Makis, in your choice of your online hosts. We know you can't control all the content but being associated with promoters of Christian nationalism who show a child debating religion and accusing the Jews of killing her (Christian) God is a needless distraction to your righteous cause.

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We’re in a spiritual battle above all

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Crying out in pain as they strike you

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What's happened re the jabs and is still happening is obviously terrible, but there's a missing part of the picture that's fundamental. I doubt most people are aware of the fact that over the past few decades we have been hooked up to the Cloud and our bodies are being used as antennas - nodes on a network, a global grid. It is this that activates the synthetic biological life-forms that are now in everyone's blood. It allows them to self-replicate and grow, turning us into cyborgs. If you don't believe this go to Rumble and look up the Psinergy channel. Sabrina Wallace is a super-intelligent ex network engineer who knows how to interpret the vast array of white papers on this subject. She is also whacky and entertaining.

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You can thank the ever-so-diabolocal "healthcare system" and geoengineering (smart dust) for that. It's all satanic, including pHARMa.

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A package from India.. I ordered one as well.. I wonder if it will ever arrive.

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My Favorite Parts Of Covid:


That No One Of Exceptional Intelligence Will Ever Take A Doctor Of Medicine Seriously Again.

Nor Will Their Children.


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Any time Dr Makis speaks, the world should listen.

(This observation is made with a keen sense of awareness and deep understanding that the worthless white-coat demons and their entire farce of a pHARMa death cartel system must be avoided at costs until such time as all those Rockefeller-indoctrinated psychos calling themselves "health professionals", who've participated in ANY and ALL "practices", up to and including the c0vid genocide, are brought up on charges for their crimes against humanity; and the entire medical complex of harm is completely brought down and dismantled until it can be rebuilt into something resembling "health care".) Makis and a few others (and no, it's not ANY of "Trump's picks for his administration") are the only sane, intelligent, brave, truly great minds of medicine, who deserve any recognition or consideration as far as being worthy of any respect or having any credibility. Kudos to this select group (of which Makis is a part), and many thanks to these truly honorable, courageous people who understand not just what a Hippocratic Oath is, but who understand health care and "medicine". We need this "parallel medical system" run by these brave, intelligent professionals until such time as the entire Rockefeller/pHARMa death and suffering for profit and depopulation joke of a system collapses on itself and is relegated to the dust bin of history.

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The Canadian Gov't is now offering a program to become an accredited MAIDs provider. This is in reality, a program to increase the rate of killing the mentally and physically disabled, regardless of their mRNA vaccine status. I am not surprised as this is what results from socialism and fascism, the best historical example being the 1930's Democratic Socialist Party of Germany.

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Stealing Your Vote = Stealing Your Fundamental Freedoms = Enslavement. Thou Shalt not Steal is One of God's Ten Commandments and Stealing is a Criminal Offence. Thou Shalt not Kill is One of God's Ten Commandments and Genocide is a Criminal Offence. How to Check Your Vote https://sleazeexpo.wordpress.com/crux-explanation-of-why-the-electoral-commissions-own-count-model-is-allegedly-fraudulent-at-uk-ge2015/ When good people work together for the Love of Humanity and Life Itself, many problems can be solved, many cures can be found, it only takes good people, then Justice can be Served.

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Dr Makis what would be a good amount of ivermectin for a parasite cleanse? And for how long? I’m a little confused because I thought the cancers were caused from the covid vax and not parasites but it seems like you are saying it could be the parasites in addition to the covid vax?

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I have heard on some podcasts that there are parasites in the jabs…

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I wish I could share and restack this, but the atrocious antisemitism “ad” included in this is abhorrent and unacceptable. In Genesis 12:3, God says “I will bless those who bless you (Israel), and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”

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All true it was the depopulation tool. I think it will spread to the unvaccinated there’s already evidence.

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Dr Anna Maria Mihalcea is now seeing the turbo cancers and some unvaccinated. How sad I was right.

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England has just adopted a similar "protocol". This is complete dystopian behaviour. Canadians / every body needs to WAKE UP!!!!!!!

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