I am using FB + vitamin E + curcumin + diet (no sugar and reduced carbohydrates) to "cure" cancer. I live in Canada and am 84 years old, a stage 4 cancer survivor without chemo and /or radiation. Initial emergency cancer was colon cancer, then liver and lung. 12 months later a colonoscopy shows my colon is perfectly clear. Will have CT San in 3 weeks to confirm I am free of all cancer.

I hv purchased FB (Merck - Panacur C) from 3 sources where after a few purchases over the counter, I have been advised, each time, that I now need a prescription. (government spyware?)

I now have another source which I will not reveal. If I am denied again, I will drive to USA, buy it and bring it back to Canada.

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Good for you! To cure it without chemo. !!

Try Equine or farm stores.Do you take it with or without food? Iverm. And Fenben? Empty stomach or full?

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with meat @ dinner, 1 gm,122 mcg FB + vitamin E 400 iu(3 x a day) + curcumin 450 mg (brkfst & lunch)

In addition I eat green leafy vegetables instead of rice or potatoes, also eat broccoli & red clover sprouts (sprouting at home over 5 days), drink 3 glasses of ozonated water and do 3 day fasts every 2 - 3 months.

Heard on 3rd night of 9 in hospital, "fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalm 139:14) I knew then that I was going to be a survivor. Blessings

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Thank you..for info. So much provided for us to care for this body The Creator made. And He gives us wisdom if we open our eyes.

Yes What a Savior God we have. And what an Eternity we have to look.forward to with Him.

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Dr Makis is a brave and honorable man that is deserving of a Nobel Prize. His wife needs to get 2 Nobel Prizes ...

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Very eye opening interview. Lots of information I did not know. I'll be watching you for now on SARAH WESTALL. ~ Dr. MAKIS Thank You! For staying true to your calling. I will be Praying for you and your family. I admire your courage. We need more doctors like you! Thank You! For, working so hard to

help people. ~

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No offense intended, but why so incredulous about all these circumstances? Each is representative of the democide that our countries are in the grip of. Once you understand this is a war against us, it all makes perfect sense. All of it.

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Great interview, Dr. Makis. I've said it before and I will say it again. You are a true hero. You are a man of principles, integrity, honesty and courage. One of a few doctors speaking the truth in Canada ~ you make us proud. I appreciate you. May God bless you and your family.

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These drug companies need to be in jail and be made to pay for their carnage!

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I strongly suspect that the so-called "contaminants" in the so-called "vaccines" are not contaminants at all. More than likely, they were put in there intentionally.

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Speaking of women dropping dead suddenly from cardiac arrest, Lisa Marie Presley went into cardiac arrest suddenly at home on 1/12/2023 & died. She was a proponent of the covid "vaccines" & one source claims that she had a booster shot on 1/2/2023, 10-days prior to her cardiac arrest. Naturally, that needs to be verified, but it would not surprise me if that turned out to be true.

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The Oath Do No Harm !!! Thank U Dr.👍

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Thanks for the share Dr. Makis.

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Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine has been my stay off execution for taking three bio weapon jabs, and they went after two courageous doctors for those! WTF!

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Because The Jab Creates Dis Ease!!!

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When good people around the world, work for the Love of Humanity and Life Itself, many problems can be solved, many cures can be found, it only takes good people, then Justice can be Served. Thank you for exposing the truth, God Bless you and your family. Stealing Your Vote = Stealing Your Fundamental Freedoms = Enslavement. Thou Shalt not Steal is One of God's Ten Commandments and Stealing is a Criminal Offence. Thou Shalt not Kill is One of God's Ten Commandments and Genocide is a Criminal Offence. How to Check Disclosure of Vote Rigging on an Industrial Scale. www.Sleazeexpo.wordpress.com

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What a joke at 47 minutes in. The boy with the vaccine. " His body his choice !! How about the people who don't want it??? They throw the "My body my choice" in the dumpster

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So the richest people will use it.

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The issue is this: if mRNA is not totally banned, they will ‘treat’ us with it, without our knowledge and acceptance… in our food, in our supplements, etc.

Biologists and geneticists should be aware that their kids will not have a future, if we continue with this lunacy.

I don’t think the richest will use it… it’s a lie, to justify the fabrication of something dangerous for humanity but very useful to eugenics. Ellison is a proven eugenist and a great friend of Elon…

We have cures for cancer. They have great results.

We should pause or totally ban and criminalize the use or inception of those technologies that we are not yet morally ready to harness…

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Do you know the cost of cancer treatments???

These medications are far less.

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Any Successful Treatment that is not created and put thru by Anyone except Big Pharma are Targeted and restricted from Social Media as they will never allow such as Treatment to Be Released for public use Because There are 10s of Thousands of Cancer Jobs that really the on ongoing Continuing The Current Cancer Establishment Is reLying on People Going for ChemonTherapy and Radiation Treatments that Generate Huge Amounts of Money for Hospitals....

As for Nurses pushing back against Hospitals that were encentivized to put as many people onto Ventilators as each patient meant an extra $30,000 in funding by Biden's Dept of Health & Human Services was paying more to have patients who are on Ventilators..

So Nurses began seeing Doctors taking People who just needed a 30mins on lose oxygen to get their Oxygen in their system back up to normal were soon having walk-ins convinced they had to be out on a ventilator convincing the person that they were at risk...

Nurses saw the People who did not need to be out on a ventilator Being put under and on Ventilators...

Knowing that 80% of people who go on Ventilator would likely Be Dead got so bad that Nurses were Recording Themselves at work and arguing with the Doctors to attempt to stop the Doctors from putting their patient on a ventilator because they did not need to be on a ventilator and just needed a bit of time on an oxygen mask to be able to return to normal and walkout to return home.- they would find out those people were dying on Ventilators ...

Nurses have left nursing because of Preventable Deaths which were Murder as they never should have been killed not needing a ventilator


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