What humanity has to do

Is not give up.

Expose the evil industry guiding under the name medical.

And expose all those who push poisons

All the governing bodies need to be held accountable promoting health medicines when I. Fact they do not help and should be held accountable.

A separate body in professional individuals should be created to fight against what comes out that sway people’s options to take their poisons.

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RFK Jr will be doing exactly what you have suggested, as soon as Trump appoints him.

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Don't hold your breath on that. Trump just appointed as the head of HHS, a rabid pro-vax woman who pushed the shots on people, and squelched the use of Ivermectin, hydroxy., etc.

When he announced that he chose her, he bragged that she was involved in his "warp speed" vaxxes that "saved millions of lives"!! They both are swimming in the blood of those who died, from him allowing the human experiment to ever take place. RFK and the Trumps both have huge investments in Big pharma and Biotech companies. Do you really believe that they will do something that will cost them millions of $$??

If you do, then I own a bridge in San Francisco that I will sell you.

Y'all are going to find out too late that they are playing "good cop, bad cop", but are both part of the cabal.

If people would put that much faith in God, this country could be saved, but they prefer to follow a godless man (or men). What's coming is going to be very subtle, and then will hit suddenly, while everyone wonders what the he11 happened! Buckle up, buttercup....

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Well see reality stated above .. but the good news is that US vaccine uptake is waay down due to problems with prior rollout - and since American establishment changes its policies after everyone else gets the message - just staying on the message will ultimately alter ‘federal recommendations ’

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Great rebuttal 🤦‍♀️

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I as a lot of folk need to pray for the safety of all these people who will be doing Gods work.

The evil is and will be still at large doing the evil they’ve done for many generations.

At some point karma has to obliterate these nasty evil tyrannise individuals and bodies the whole is corrupt on all levels from all governments.

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Don't hold your breath. ALL these companies are so rich and powerful. Do you think they will give that up easily?

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Hi Ursula,

It all starts with us.

If we’ve been educated into a corrupt system that only makes money from making more ill.

We can uneducate ourselves back to realising there are other ways.

I have looked into this deeply.

Long before these last 5 years and if people are willing or learn more about their bodies and how the immune system works.

If they don’t then,

They will find out the hard way relying on western poisons.

That over time will chip away at a system that has been installed inside us to help and warn us when things that are ingested make us unwell,

The immune system symptoms warn us with high fever,

Illness that’s called a cold or flu.

Yes called that can be questioned.

Naturally if one needs operating on then that’s reliant on medical advice and doctors and that’s where things may get dangerous.

As I’ve mentioned in one of my last posts as listed.

Eat and drink clean.

Keep your body in an alkaline state.

Live in a positive environment at all times.

Have a positive attitude at all times.

You cannot go far wrong in keeping and maintaining good health.

It’s what your willing to accept.

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Thanks for the links.

The education of health that as a collective need to learn if humans wish to live to an older age healthy and not ill with any dis ease.

First learn how the immune system works!

Then build it bullet proof!

We shall at some stage get what is termed a cold or a flu.

Look this up it’s our immune clearing out what is not needed.

What we put inside that’s not positive will affect us health wise over time.

Clean water.

Not bottled or tapped.

Clean food as natural as one can afford !



Himalayan and sea salt not refined at any point it’s found to be mixed with aluminium.

I’m not sure if is a global thing I’m not so sure but in certain countries this has found to be the case.

Organic fruits and veggies more alkaline based.

Limit carbs especially complex carbs.

Try to consume the full spectrum of minerals.




Fat soluble vits,

Vit A D and E are fat soluble meaning eat them with fats those is countries where sun light is limited due to time and season will need to supplement with a good quality vitamin d.

We can’t beat sunlight for natural vit d we need this it’s essential.

Peanut butter or cold pressed oils.

1-4-1/2 a teaspoon with your vits.

There is much that is simple one can educate one’s self to eat clean and fairly cheap.

From my research grains are mostly hybrid not total naturally any more.


Try to but from sources that pasture feed and do not vaccinate any of their animals it ain’t cheap but think healthy or not.

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They have been finding plastic in Himalayan sea salt for years now. The beloved synthetic Vitamin D is also called cholecalciferol which is also found in rat poison. Even the "good quality" vitamin D.

Why on earth would they put cholecalciferol in "clean cod liver oil"???

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As with everything where is it you live ?

What products you purchasing ?

and what research you doing to eliminate anything that’s not good for you.

If we give up on everything then what’s the point of being here !

I personably take more Celtic salt.

Which is a brutally more nutritional but it’s personal choice.

If you go all out natural and organic you cannot go far wrong.

There are things one can do also to test what products you buy and consume.

Again what lengths are you willing to go to to get quality products?

Rice found with plastic.

Pepper buy peppercorns.

Not blended as wood shavings

If you go really far cellulose,

Made from bark that cannot be assimilated by our bodies yet used for capsule coating with tablets.

Why would that be used ?

Table salt found aluminium ?

Chlorine and fluoride in water apart from all the other contaminants that are in water that cause illness over years.

It’s all classed as conspiracist but true at the same time if one wishes to use their common sense and wish to live long and healthy it’s always our choice.

Bake your own bread.

Distill your own water.

Eat pasture fed meat.

And eggs by local if you can, not from supermarkets.

Organic vegetables.

Grow if you can

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Thank you dr Makis and Mike Adams You are my true heros And I do hope you will have alot to say in this new building of the reset

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Ditto! Thank God for you two!!

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Take the wealth out of health care!

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Agree 191% with you

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To add Apricot Kernels to cancer protokols should be a priority too

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Canadian here.

Dr Makis is currently being persecuted right now for calling AHS (Alberta Health Services) on their corruption. The premiere and AHS are now trying to jail him for 83 days…simply because he is relentless in his pursuit of truth and freedom. Please support him as he is trying to defect to the US and hopes to join RFKjrs team. Dr Makis is from a communist country and can see what it happening in Chinada.

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Thank you for sharing

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GREAT Interview Dr Makis !!!

Thank you so much for making it available.

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Corporate systems don't care about cures, as this will empty their corrupt accounts corrupt mindsets and actions...

It's like WORLD WARS, lust out of others torturing and sufferings...

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Research “silicea and thuja” they are a great detox and cure for respiratory diseases. Ask your homeopath about them

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Thank you!!!

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Keep fighting the demons

We’re winning feels good

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This was an excellent presentation, full of truth.

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Don’t forget the convenient brutal double murders in 2020 of the Canadian billionaire couple who owned the bulk of hydroxychloroquine in the world…coincidence (?!) https://nypost.com/2020/11/26/person-of-interest-identified-in-murder-of-canadian-billionaire-wife/

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Dr. John Campbell has a excellent review of a published study on Fenbendazole and cancer. It has over 3,000 comments in two days. Many from successful users. He cannot understand the suppression of the evidence.


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Excellent interview and information. As always, thankyou Dr. Makis for your ethics, courage and humanity.

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Thank you both so much for speaking out, telling the truth, keeping us informed and your courage. God bless you both.

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