Old saying:

When one wants to destroy a corrupt system, frontal attack is a waste of resources. Insyead, build a new parallel one which will be so efficient that the corrupted one will look obsolete and thus be abandonned .

Remember that, according to historians, there never was more than 30% of the New-England population that participated actively in the War of Independance.

Even though they were facing the best equipped and trained professionnal army, they defeated it.

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Full frontal attack, Truth does not FEAR interrogations!

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TPTB is everything but TRUTH.

Thus they will do whatever is required to not be interrogated.

Silencing the majority of th epopulation begins with imposed fear.

What better way of imposing fear than judicial prosecution knowing that TPTB has all the money, power and time to drive you completely nuts and destroy averything that makes your life enjoyable ?

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How do you build a parallel healthcare system when private healthcare is illegal, and any practitioner who engages in this would be considered a criminal. Now “Health” Canada is after natural health products, to regulate them like the drug industry and put health stores & holistic practitioners out of business.

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I suggest the implementation of cooperative healthcare clinics.

Many are already in action for years and are successful.

Cooperative clinics imply that they legally belong to their members.

It could be the same for health stores.

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Same thing is going on in America with the law firm of Baker Donelson, etc al. Their man Senator Tom Dashle wrote Obamacare and runs the lobbying firm Dashle group see wiki. Making it a trillion dollar Payday for their clients like Blue Cross Blue shield. They sit on every advisory board and have an essential Monopoly on the planet their Masons set up for a crimes attacked organic farm killing over 22 of our livestock and have allegedly killed numerous people. They represent USA and Israel and have an alleged Monopoly on the planet with clients in every industry also sitting on the nominating board for district court judges. They have been caught bribing judges and putting tracking devices on people's cars. An international lawsuit has been filed. See uticainternationalembassy.website/

We now live in a nation where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the press destroys information, religion destroys morals, and our banks destroy our economy.Chris Hedges Their time is up

Think twice before circumcising your child or self. It has been found to cause excruciating pain, lack of empathy and permanent trauma! Pass this along please!

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“male infant genital mutilation”….WHO practices that abomination, and WHY?…..

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“Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.”

― Thomas Paine

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Some questions to be answered.

To whom are the police forces taking their oath ?

The elected officials or to the citizens ?

Who do they " protect and serve " ?

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About blood supply.

This is another way of injecting the gene therapy given that the blood is not identified as coming from someone who has been injected the gene therapy or not.

Whereas every functional brain knows that blood transfusion is a way of transmitting the " active elements " of the gene therapy

Whereas acting in such a way as not identifying the donor 's status about the gene therapy, is absolute incompetence and malfeasance.

It ensues that everyone in the blood transfusion system and services, from beginning to end, should be held liable for " attempt to commit a crime " charges.

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They also stole all of the land to rent it back for slavery, Alberta has over 100 million lease agricultural acres.. controlled farmer.. people need their land .. lease land is controlled land.. the owners.

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About Alberta independance to which i agree as i do for the independance of all other provinces.

Do not forget that Canadian Armed Forces take their oath to the British Crown.

So, if the British Crown does not agree with the idea of Alberta's independance, it could ensue some unpleasant situation.

Oath of Allegiance (Canada)


Quote:" I, [name], do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King Charles the Third, King of Canada, his heirs and successors. So help me God."

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The "canadian" armed forces are Nuetered, they will present zero opposition.

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In B.C. they have passed Bill 36. This is a Bill pushed through without parliamentary debate, where Health Services of BC can threaten Dr.’s with up to 200,000.00 in fines or up to two years in prison if they do not communicate with patients the dictates of the Health Services.

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Alberta is a hot bed for transformation but take into account that the New-England colonies defeated the British Empire by joining forces, because none of them could have won if they had fought alone.

Perhaps it would be wise to sound out the other provinces and territories in order to pool forces to change the current situation.

Canada is not, in fact, an independent country, but a branch of the British Crown, since the oaths of both parliamentarians and the military are made to the British Crown and not to the Canadian Constitution nor to the Canadian people.

Alberta could be the lighthouse that will light the way and guide the other constituents of today's Canada towards a new form of government, but will it be able to do so on its own is a question that deserves to be asked.

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Oh Trudeau is doing a good job of sabotaging himself one scandel after another

Excellent interview

We do not want Health Canada

We do not want WHO in charge of our country 's health

Get rid of the WEF


Dr. Makis we need to get the Wellness Products in Canada if i ordered from the USA there is a chance that the products would be confiscated by the Canadian border patrol !

Dr. Makis please pace yourself we need you for the long haul. enjoy your family.

PS: Rome was not built in a Day steady goes it.

Total Insanity put defiberators in school get rid of the VAX

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Suggested reading to help everyone understand personnal power.

Discourse on Voluntary Servitude


About the judicial procedures against MD. and all specialists

The process is the punishment


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2 excellent links - thank you Leon!

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Hi Zoë.

Another link that you may appreciate:



Thomas Paine's writings should be made mandatory in all secondary level's school curriculum.

They are particularly in touch with what we are living, more evidently, for the past 4 years .

History repeats itself until people learn from it.

And for those who have more time dedicated to reading there is this link to the complete writings of Thomas Paine.


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Very generous sharing! Thank you so much.

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I want to see a HUMAN and ethical doctor. I recently had to deal with a "virtual assistant" (robot) at the post office. The robot argued with me (really!) when I requested to speak to a human being. I can't imagine having to deal with a robot doctor.

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Thank you for truth and reality of what is happening! Just like the irrational mandates caused the reaction protests by truckers and many others, the malpractice of doctors and politicians will cause people to develop alternatives to the dying system. Taking responsibility for our well being is a personal choice and not the responsibility of doctors or government run, pharma controlled system.

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That was one awesome interview ... Thank You so much ... we learned so much.

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Taking care of own's health begins with understanding what one puts in one's own mouth.

To start with, avoid all foods that include additives of all kind:

Food additives and E numbers


By your food from a grower that you know.

Learn how to prepare lacto-fermented food at home and eat as much as possible


Your health will never be better than your microbiome's one

To start with:




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A constitution defines and limits the powers of the government it creates. It therefore follows, as a natural and also a logical result, that the governmental exercise of any power not authorized by the constitution is an assumed power, and therefore illegal.

When all other rights are taken away, the right of rebellion is made perfect.

Thomas Paine

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