Good video to watch.

We all need to support Dr. Makis and others like him such as Doc Malik as best we can - they

sacrificed their lucrative medical careers because they were the ones who truly upheld medical ethics and are doing a great service to us, the world, and humanity.

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RemovedJul 7
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Why are you spamming this?

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We have lost 6 friends and family from turbo cancer over last couple of years and it's only recently that people started talking about it. We didn't get the jab because we know viruses don't exist but nobody would listen to us.

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Has anyone else noticed the ever increasing normalization of cancers and heart conditions in the mainstream media and their specific research organizations?

Certainly politicians and the medical bodies would like to see all the fuss over the last 4 1/2 yrs. gone and done.But until these overseeing "health" bodies stop harassing,charging and removing doctors licenses and their ability to work for just questioning, we must fight on.

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I appreciate every single podcast. My ex husband is dying of TURBO colon/liver cancer diagnosed June 9… taking him home on palliative care today given zero hope… have him on high dose ivermectin, Fenben, B17, high dose vitamin C IV’s starting at home…

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I'm so sorry, Sharon. A vaccinated acquaintance from church was just diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer. I don't think she and her family are open to anything other than what her oncologist has recommended: chemo.

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Dr Burzynski in Housten

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I feel very privileged and honoured to subscribe to Dr. Makis, he has my undying gratitude. He is a steady and trusted friend and advisor, and has given far more than can ever be repaid. What a bizarre world we’re living in, the good doctors with integrity get persecuted, and the sell outs and the ignorant, financially thrive.

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Not for long - their time will come soon enough - so sad

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It can't come soon enough! I am anxiously waiting for every small move in that direction.

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Huge gratitude to both Dr Malik and Dr Makis!


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Thank you U guys for your good job :-) Hans from Denmark

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The New Zealand Ministry of Health secretly issued thousands of Significant Service Disruption exemptions to consultant medical staff and about 14% of MOH staff. This was revealed by OIA (Official Information Act) documents in October 23. I wonder if this was only in New Zealand or was it a strategy in other countries too, to prevent opposition to the mandates. The consultants who must have understood the risks of the vaccine were able to get exemption for themselves. Without that it is likely more would have objected and made mandates impossible.


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Ok we need to realize that God is real Jesus is real and satan is real and his time is mearing whete he becomes the world leader. He is showing his character today more than ever.

This is according to revelations.

Only those that have excepted Jesus as their savior are going to overcome this world. If not you go straight to hell when you die. We are at a crucial time folks. The souls of men are at stake.

I pray many come to see the light.

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My brother worked for 40 years for Roche Pharma, he said to me "if you knew what really goes on in the pharma world it would curl your hair".

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I think many of us know now - intent to depopulate the planet for themselves - pure evil

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Frightening, is this Canada? Not the Canada I believed in. I trusted the elected government of my Province and my Country but slowly I watched the corruption being revealed.

So many my of friends sick and dying with cancer and ALS. But those complacent people are ready to line up when the next announcement of a Flu and Pandemic Safe and Effective Injection is ready!

Who is going to be accused and blamed? Who will be crawling under the “not me” cover up. Who will we trust, will there be any Doctor, Politician or Goverment Employee that we not wonder about.

Myrna Kerr

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John Campbell from the UK who specializes in statistics would like to talk to a doctor in Canada. He has found the excess death rate in America is 10% while in Canada is 19.1% https://johninengland.substack.com/p/96540-extra-uk-cardiovascular-deaths

I'll attempt to give him your name and site as well.

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Where can a person get ivermectin? Thinking it might be good to give my husband. My husband had multiple strokes from the testing. It caused a massive growth on his heart valve which spewed emboli to his brain causing multiple strokes like gun fire to his brain. We did not get vaccinated and because of this my husband lost his job. My husband had a lifetime career as a CFO as he is a CPA and only had 2 years before retirement. It broke him and when he took another position after telling them he would not get vaccinated they told him he needed to be tested weekly. Never thought anything about it and we should have but we were exhausted as we had to sell our home and move across the Nation and we had both just lost a parent from the covid crap. My husband father died from isolation and my mother died from the jab. Since then our lives have been upside down. The hospital wanted to let my husband die and he is not the person he was. He spent 2 months in the hospital in 2022 and recently his heart stopped and I worked on him until the ambulance arrived. He now has a pacemaker and defibrillator. He was a very healthy person and we both walked 5-10 k a day. I thank GOD for the miracle of my husband still being here with me. These evil people stole so much from us but GOD is going to restore!

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I'm so sorry, Jacqueline, for the suffering you and your husband are enduring. It's unbearable thinking about the level of suffering in this world. I could not make it if I did not belong to Jesus.

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PCR Dangers

Fail to Understand PCR testing at your peril




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Thank you for speaking out. As a natural medicine practitioner for 30 years, and self-employed just building my practice over the years with no assistance from Big Pharma, I had to chuckle at Dr Malik’s comment about substack subscribers coming and going. My entire professional life I dealt with scathing remarks about my integrity, most coming from the medical profession and quite unfounded. If you believe in yourself and what you are doing then you develop a thick skin over time. You have to buck up and carry on. Appreciate that you experienced societal approval as many of your natural medicine colleagues never had that chance, yet.

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