Thank you for sharing this very important discussion! Your persistence, clarity, and courage inspire and motivate me and many others.

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It would be interesting to know HOW MANY of the stage 4 cancers victims are actually making it via the treatments? Even science news are starting to talk more and more about children cancers!!!!

Also sorry, but need to add this, again... Why MD's are not educated in genetics during their Rockefeller driven education ?

DNA, is like RNA, equally GENETIC MATERIAL!! To suddenly have a foreign NON-human INFECTION driving gene from an RNA based single, positively stranded ENVELOPED virus, from the same group as HIV(!!!), that means something. Both DNA AND RNA viruses replicate in human cells because they consist of genetic material, nucleotides, something what criminal science and pharma cartels learned to program for the optimal cellular damage possible. Nanoparticles are actually used in cancer therapies, including lipid-nanoparticles. Sure, depending on what type. Plain nanoaluminum kills macrophages, and thus no cancer 'digestion' possible. The variety of materials these days is incredible, BUT the specific nanolipids, from mod mRNA injections, could be easy tested, or most probably they must have been already....

Proteins on their own are known to be able to cross nuclear membranes, when they carry specific positively charged amino acids sequence. SARS-CoV-2 Spike is one of them. Wrote posts about it.... The more one looks alone into the amino acid sequence of the Spike the more crime is visible, without even going into RNA/DNA analysis.... My entire substack is all about that part.

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FANTASTIC interview!! This is a must-see discussion.

PLEASE, everyone: copy and paste the link and share with all your friends and family.

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Wait a minute... if viruses have not been proven to exist, then viral infection cannot be proven to cause the sudden surge in the numbers on turbo cancers.

Clearly, the experimental injections are responsible for this sudden surge in cancers - not to mention other injuries caused by these gene therapies forced upon us by our government.

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All sets of countrywide population health data examined so far show that the excess all-cause deaths and the cancers went up after increasing number of Covid jabs but not significantly after infections. So the existence of virus is indeed irrelevant. However as they said in the interview above, the ClevelandClinic showed that verified SARS-CoV-2 variant infections increased with each subsequent jab, but you can ascribe it to weakened immune system if you want.

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How did the ClevelandClinic verify a SARS-CoV-2 variant infection with no virus?

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Violation Covid jab was and remains a population lethality! Without a doubt. Solutions please let us know. 🙏

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Dear Creator,

I Currently Reside On A Planet

Where Medical Doctors Have Become

Pharma Field Niggers.

I Know That You And I Have Had Our Differences.

But They Must Have Really Pissed You Off.


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They denied that there was an increase in cancer for about a year. Now, they are admitting the increase but of course it’s all due to COVID!! It’s a fucking joke! I’m just fed up with it all!!

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Great work Daniel & William. Big thanks from Australia

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The is the most comprehensive and concise overview yet about the genetic therapies and cancers. Very well spoken and interviewed. Thanks.

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Quite helpful, Dr. Makis! However, where does one get any Ivermectin in Canada anymore??? I've heard, no pills, no liquid available - only the 'horse' paste form...one source of which looked pretty dicey to me, coming from a big, bad Pharma company, so I wouldn't trust it to be 'unaltered' in some way. And where do we find your "high dose" recommendations for Mebendazole?

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Another enlightening interview. And Mr Horrorwitz.. I wonder if he is Irish ?

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oy veh, absolutely Irish, no doubt

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Has Horowitz discussed with his Rabbi why the CEO's of big pharma are violating the Talmud by supposedly healing the Goyim with the vaxxines? The Talmud forbids healing of the Goyim, in fact it says THE BEST OF THE GOYIM MUST BE KILLED. Read http://come-and-hear.com which has 14,000 pages of the Soncino Talmud searchable.

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Any idea why Netanyahu negotiated exclusive deal with Pfizer to make Israel a captive test market for their deadly Covid shot? Wouldnt that go against the teachings...

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Yes, and many other harmful and homicidal actions he’s currently perpetrating definitely go against the teachings

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Several Rabbi have commented that losing some of their own is ok to usher in their messiah, thats where the six million comes from, their prophecies say they must lose six million prior to messiah arrival. Their messiah is Appollo from the old mystery religion. Then they get world govt and own the planet.

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The poor Palestinians are the focus for now.. So we are next on their happy Talmud list

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