fertility rates are down below replacement level in developed countries considering the increased death rate. however the total numbers wont change by more than a few percent a year so if this is long term strategy someone is thinking in terms of keeping the population around 8 billion, gradually becoming darker skinned due to differences in birth rate and necessary immigration.
fertility rates are down below replacement level in developed countries considering the increased death rate. however the total numbers wont change by more than a few percent a year so if this is long term strategy someone is thinking in terms of keeping the population around 8 billion, gradually becoming darker skinned due to differences in birth rate and necessary immigration.
fertility rates are down below replacement level in developed countries considering the increased death rate. however the total numbers wont change by more than a few percent a year so if this is long term strategy someone is thinking in terms of keeping the population around 8 billion, gradually becoming darker skinned due to differences in birth rate and necessary immigration.
they do love the long game :/