EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW - Alberta Cancer patients are being murdered by the AHS and College mafia - and they've ensured that Premier Danielle Smith is now on her way out.
Dr Yeadon’s blatant attack on Ivermectin represents an escalation in the war on Ivermectin. You can bet more than ever how important of a healing agent Ivermectin really is. That said, there is the prospect that big pharma will acquire major producers of the drug and begin sabotaging against its benefits by adulterating its chemistry. I allow my 20 y/o daughter to take Ivermectin at this point in time.
Look deeper into the anti-Ivetmectin psychosis... it's so out of context, and filled with such deranged misinformation and misunderstanding about the facts of the "studies" these laypeople substack writers started by not understanding how to read a study. The doses used for iver (when converted to equivalent human dosing that was used in the rabbit studies) would be a 72,000 mg human dose taken daily. (And even if that was the dose that was used over the entire 56-day rabbit study, it still equates to an almost 1,300 mg for a 60 kg adult daily dose of ivermectin when the mg/kg is extrapolated.) What they ignored in this study (which had no follow up once the drug was stopped because the animals were euthanized upon completion of dosing, so no follow up), that despite that high dosing, no rabbits died from the ivermectin dosing. That should prove the safety, not harm. (A 2 kg rabbit was given 240 mg iver daily. Figure out what that is mg per kg.) And this same study also showed that Quercetin, curcumin, resveratrol, green tea, vitamin D, vitamin C, etc were poison, too. These deranged "wannabe famous" punks who started this narrative, are promoting that these therapeutics are PGP Inhibitors, the pathway the body uses to eliminate these supplements (which is what makes them "poison"). So what? (So space them out if taking multiple PGP Inhibitors together.) So iver is a PGP inhibitor... big f-ing deal. That neither proves its harmful OR that it reduces fertility. Furthermore, human studies conducted in Africa years ago (where Ivermectin is taken reularly), showed no effect on (or increased) fertility. (Guess GatesOfHell wanted Ivermectin to reduce fertility, which didn't happen, so he took his poison vaccines to those populations instead to sterilize them.) Isn't that interesting...that the therapeutics that are used daily by people (and have been for decades), are now ALL suddenly "poison". Why would they want everyone afraid of these supplements AND ivermectin (and HCQ), but excited about new bi0weap0n injections AND the new mRNA turbo cancer DRUGS big pHARMa is bringing to market? The answer is obvious, unless you're an idiot sheople. Shame on Yeadon. He's a coward and a despicable pawn... throwing out his ivermectin and Quercetin because they're "poison". No way would I listen to that Yeadon pHARMa freak show again. He's insane or threatened or bought off.
And these same fly-by-night, nobody substack writers (Agent 131711 or whatever the hell his name is who started this sh!t show) are putting out scare info about everything natural, too. One has locked horns with Dr Lee Merritt about some of the BS this punk has written; and Tess Lawrie has invited Yeadon to have a discussion about this ivermectin stupidity. Yeadon hasn't responded. What's especially telling in all of this nonsense is that Yeadon is making accusations and has insinuated all of these doctors had knowledge four years ago that Iver inhibited fertility (it doesn't) and they advocated for it for that reason. That's despicable. Many governments went to great lengths to make sure no one had access to Ivermectin. If iver could've helped the depopulation agenda or harmed fertility (like trans surgery and puberty blockers do) you can bet your sweet a$$ they'd have mandated it. If it was neurotoxic, they would have mandated it. If it caused harm, they would have mandated it. And so on. Because the hit pieces on Ivermectin include the same hit pieces on HCQ as well. The D S satanic globalists are scared to death about humanity using Iver and HCQ. What does that tell you? It looks like the demons want to set up the narrative that Iver and HCQ are the culprits (excuse) for what the intended side effects (death, infertility, etc) of the bi0weapons were and to pin it on the people who were saving lives instead of destroying them.
Ivermectin - as with any antiparasitic - should not be used during pregnancy - because it kills rapidly dividing cells .
My explanation is simplistic but do look it up. Maybe therein lies the basis for his concern . Everyone has a breaking point. Pray pray pray to the one true God.
Ivermectin is safe during pregnancy... and has been for decades. It's MUCH safer than Tylenol (which should NEVER to taken by anyone, esp children) which is taken during pregnancy. And what about quackcines? Those deadly, never proven safe or effective poisons, are somehow OK in pregnancy ? NOT ONE SINGLE VACCINE, including the flu jab, has EVER been found safe or effective, but it's pushed on pregnant moms. And what about the c0vid bi0weap0n? Also, according to the demons running this depopulation agenda, is safe for pregnant women, infants, and everyone else? THINK about what you're saying.
Please show the study on anti parasitics. I have no problem weighing out risk for a medication, but can we agree that
1. Tylenol has never been safe agreed
2. Flu shots were not ever safe- many of us learned this the hard way
3. Clot shot not safe - deadly even
But, Rapidly dividing cells are deserving of a thoughtful medication regimen- any cautious practitioner would agree
If the mother/child lives are at risk then yes give the medication.
No need to be so upset. I am open and I am here to receive and exchange civil discourse.
Thank you for your thoughts and insight. Please send a study link if you happen to find one. I am always interested in any of them if they help with discernment.
It’s a wild world out there- best to stick together.
I'm not upset and don't mean for it to come across that way. But these antiparasitics have been used in pregnancy, infants and children without incident. The "action" of ivermectin isn't so much on stopping "rapidly dividing cells" as it has other mechanisms of action. Killing rapidly dividing cells isn't always the focus with off-label drugs or with natural therapeutics. It doesn't work the same way "chemo" does, which poisons the entire terrain of the body and allegedly kills rapidly dividing cells. The mechanisms of action with other agents and therapeutics aren't always the same as conventional therapies.
This should provide insight into the fertility studies (from Dr Tess Lawrie's substack). (Will continue to look for the other links. Seems there were five of them I put somewhere that I can't find.🤦♀️)
It's time to end this tyranny. Our health care is supposed to help us, it has been a lie our whole lives. Wow, I believed in all systems for the most part until Covid 19 changed our lives for ever. I have a massive case filed a second time and silenced at the King of Courts Bench Level based on thousands of pages and of CROWN affiliation. Now I continue to write our story. It names them all, government, judiciary, law enforcement, medical, a tribal council and child and family services. All systems are used to destroy humanity except for the one percent.
I stand behind William Makis MD 100%, he's sharing the truth. We all have our part and it is vital to keep moving forward for future generations. It's time to take back control and uplift children, families and our lives.
Great interview. Thank you Dr. Makis for keeping up your good work on digging into the documented scientific evidence. Time, in my opinion, for the provincial auditor to do a deep dive into every dollar given to AHS. Where did the money go? Why is every bureaucrat needed. Too much money is spent before any patient is treated. Doctors have to have the freedom to treat as they believe best for the patient. For the last 100 years any alternative treatment has been attacked by the medical authorities. In the 40's Dr. Gerson was vilified for his treatments after testifying before congress. He is only one of many who have been attacked and vilified over the years.
So many excellent cancer (and other) drs have been scorned, vilified, silenced, etc for showing cancer cures... starting with Hoxey in the late 1800's early 1900's. Non stop. Look at what happened to all the drs successfully using GcMAF for cancer -- all gone or silenced; and now getting GcMAF is next to impossible. Look at the hell Dr Burzynski has gone through in TX for over 40 yrs... and on and on. There are so many cures for cancer outside of big pHARMa it would make the average person's head spin.
Excellent summary. The money spent on trying to close down Dr. Burzynski could have paid for many clinical trials. He has the observational studies, the gold standard, for thousands of years. If it works keep using it.
Exactly. But the demons running the genocide show for generations will do ANYTHING, whatever it takes, to destroy anything that threatens their pHARMa profit / control model.
Our medical system killed my mum. From giving her the poison shot to remdesver to supposed cancer treatment. AHS does not care about the elderly, thats why they try to push MAID on them. Its disgusting.
I have been praying for many Canadians to get the chance to have Medical Care in a timely manor. I have been looking for private medical practitioners because my local Health Network tells the Doctor (Specialist) how to treat because they limit what he/she can even test with intimidation language like; "invalid" test. They then cite two other specialities who also have never been in the same situation. This system of citing other specialties allows them to restrict specialties to do the treatment that they deem. I suspect the less treatment and the less testing the better the pay for the brass. I suspect that if malpractice was being "prevented" by a different structure the doctor might be able to give a different answer. If a specialist was able to request a test and the health network had to ask 2 senior doctors of the same speciality; 'Was this situation novel?' If anything the doctor was saying was theoretically possible and you could test another more economical way the Heath Network should have the burden to suggest that. This specialist vs specialist idea means no one gets health care. Imagine your mechanic had to consult a welder and a small engine specialist everytime he wanted to run a test on the vehicles internals through the computer. Not, do something to change the vehicle, but just to inquire what the sensors are saying. (Deepen your professionsl understanding below the surface.)
Medical patients are not after validation, if they wanted a psychologist, they wouldn't be at the hospital, or they would be in a psyc ward.
That's possible, but there are also people who are much more cunning.
In Japan, it was discovered that one of the members of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's vaccination promotion committee (a professor at a medical school) had not been vaccinated.(There have been rumors going around from the start that many Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare employees have not been vaccinated either. However, this cannot be confirmed because it involves personal information.)
This professor had previously received $230,000 in sponsorship money from pharmaceutical companies, including Pfizer. Prices in Japan are different to those in the US, so this would be about $500,000 to $700,000 in US terms.
Upon investigation, it was found that most of the other proponents had also received sponsorship money.
Just like Dr Hoffe in Lyndon, BC “wildfire”: he barely managed to save his files of research on d-dimer results in his mRNA/DNA injected patients from his home office as the town burned down.
I agree her demeanour has changed. Noticed it sometime ago. I thought it was after the Mc Iver incident in Chestermere, so felt it was also coming from the old boys club in her party.
Without a doubt I think she has been completely shut down by AHS. I too, have stated openly the only way out of this is for her to make public ALL the threats and manipulations and hire private security.
I do not either the college or the government insiders will willingly give up power. Too much money involved.
You’re right, AHA IS trying to shut her down. Please read my comment. Our news are censored. I posted an article regarding what she is doing to help. You just never see it on our news. Pass it on. This is just one example. If you want to help her, go make sure she retains leadership of the UCP, go to the AGM. Thank you. It is further down. You may even change your mind.
The turdeau tyranny seized my ivermectin order at the border. $150 out the window but that's a drop in the bucket compared to what they've stolen from me. The corruption is as bad as under the first turd whose policies of bilingualism which was a transfer of power to quebec and multiculturalism which is divide and conquer, set the stage for the destruction of kanada
There is no question that Trudeau, both v1.0 and v2.0 have been a disaster. However, those PMs between have been every bit as disastrous, just in different ways. Mulroney killed the economy with Free Trade, and turned the CBC into a government propaganda organ while beginning the colonization by doubling the worst years of Trudeau. Chretien and Martin asset stripped the government gifting them at fire sale prices to friends. Harper became a Bush Lite and tied us to Israel. We´ve been screwed since Pearson and his Bilingualism and Bi-culturalism commission and new flag.
I urge Everyone to share this! Send it to your MLAs!!! Tell Danielle Smith to grow a pair!!! She said she wanted to be like Ralph so here is her chance!
Please read my comment. Our news are censored. I posted an article regarding what she is doing to help. You just never see it on our news. Pass it on. This is just one example. If you want to help her, go make sure she retains leadership of the UCP, go to the AGM. Thank you.
Please read my comment. Our news are censored. I posted an article regarding what she is doing to help. You just never see it on our news. Pass it on. This is just one example. If you want to help her, go make sure she retains leadership of the UCP, go to the AGM. Thank you. It is further down. You may even change your mind.
Thank you Dr Makis, Im amazed at your bravery.
Dr Yeadon’s blatant attack on Ivermectin represents an escalation in the war on Ivermectin. You can bet more than ever how important of a healing agent Ivermectin really is. That said, there is the prospect that big pharma will acquire major producers of the drug and begin sabotaging against its benefits by adulterating its chemistry. I allow my 20 y/o daughter to take Ivermectin at this point in time.
Look deeper into the anti-Ivetmectin psychosis... it's so out of context, and filled with such deranged misinformation and misunderstanding about the facts of the "studies" these laypeople substack writers started by not understanding how to read a study. The doses used for iver (when converted to equivalent human dosing that was used in the rabbit studies) would be a 72,000 mg human dose taken daily. (And even if that was the dose that was used over the entire 56-day rabbit study, it still equates to an almost 1,300 mg for a 60 kg adult daily dose of ivermectin when the mg/kg is extrapolated.) What they ignored in this study (which had no follow up once the drug was stopped because the animals were euthanized upon completion of dosing, so no follow up), that despite that high dosing, no rabbits died from the ivermectin dosing. That should prove the safety, not harm. (A 2 kg rabbit was given 240 mg iver daily. Figure out what that is mg per kg.) And this same study also showed that Quercetin, curcumin, resveratrol, green tea, vitamin D, vitamin C, etc were poison, too. These deranged "wannabe famous" punks who started this narrative, are promoting that these therapeutics are PGP Inhibitors, the pathway the body uses to eliminate these supplements (which is what makes them "poison"). So what? (So space them out if taking multiple PGP Inhibitors together.) So iver is a PGP inhibitor... big f-ing deal. That neither proves its harmful OR that it reduces fertility. Furthermore, human studies conducted in Africa years ago (where Ivermectin is taken reularly), showed no effect on (or increased) fertility. (Guess GatesOfHell wanted Ivermectin to reduce fertility, which didn't happen, so he took his poison vaccines to those populations instead to sterilize them.) Isn't that interesting...that the therapeutics that are used daily by people (and have been for decades), are now ALL suddenly "poison". Why would they want everyone afraid of these supplements AND ivermectin (and HCQ), but excited about new bi0weap0n injections AND the new mRNA turbo cancer DRUGS big pHARMa is bringing to market? The answer is obvious, unless you're an idiot sheople. Shame on Yeadon. He's a coward and a despicable pawn... throwing out his ivermectin and Quercetin because they're "poison". No way would I listen to that Yeadon pHARMa freak show again. He's insane or threatened or bought off.
And these same fly-by-night, nobody substack writers (Agent 131711 or whatever the hell his name is who started this sh!t show) are putting out scare info about everything natural, too. One has locked horns with Dr Lee Merritt about some of the BS this punk has written; and Tess Lawrie has invited Yeadon to have a discussion about this ivermectin stupidity. Yeadon hasn't responded. What's especially telling in all of this nonsense is that Yeadon is making accusations and has insinuated all of these doctors had knowledge four years ago that Iver inhibited fertility (it doesn't) and they advocated for it for that reason. That's despicable. Many governments went to great lengths to make sure no one had access to Ivermectin. If iver could've helped the depopulation agenda or harmed fertility (like trans surgery and puberty blockers do) you can bet your sweet a$$ they'd have mandated it. If it was neurotoxic, they would have mandated it. If it caused harm, they would have mandated it. And so on. Because the hit pieces on Ivermectin include the same hit pieces on HCQ as well. The D S satanic globalists are scared to death about humanity using Iver and HCQ. What does that tell you? It looks like the demons want to set up the narrative that Iver and HCQ are the culprits (excuse) for what the intended side effects (death, infertility, etc) of the bi0weapons were and to pin it on the people who were saving lives instead of destroying them.
Even if it wasn't a drug, there was no way the human body could survive if it consisted solely of that substance.
Ivermectin - as with any antiparasitic - should not be used during pregnancy - because it kills rapidly dividing cells .
My explanation is simplistic but do look it up. Maybe therein lies the basis for his concern . Everyone has a breaking point. Pray pray pray to the one true God.
He is the only answer . Read John chapter 6🙏❤️
Ivermectin is safe during pregnancy... and has been for decades. It's MUCH safer than Tylenol (which should NEVER to taken by anyone, esp children) which is taken during pregnancy. And what about quackcines? Those deadly, never proven safe or effective poisons, are somehow OK in pregnancy ? NOT ONE SINGLE VACCINE, including the flu jab, has EVER been found safe or effective, but it's pushed on pregnant moms. And what about the c0vid bi0weap0n? Also, according to the demons running this depopulation agenda, is safe for pregnant women, infants, and everyone else? THINK about what you're saying.
Please show the study on anti parasitics. I have no problem weighing out risk for a medication, but can we agree that
1. Tylenol has never been safe agreed
2. Flu shots were not ever safe- many of us learned this the hard way
3. Clot shot not safe - deadly even
But, Rapidly dividing cells are deserving of a thoughtful medication regimen- any cautious practitioner would agree
If the mother/child lives are at risk then yes give the medication.
No need to be so upset. I am open and I am here to receive and exchange civil discourse.
Thank you for your thoughts and insight. Please send a study link if you happen to find one. I am always interested in any of them if they help with discernment.
It’s a wild world out there- best to stick together.
God bless you🙏
I'm not upset and don't mean for it to come across that way. But these antiparasitics have been used in pregnancy, infants and children without incident. The "action" of ivermectin isn't so much on stopping "rapidly dividing cells" as it has other mechanisms of action. Killing rapidly dividing cells isn't always the focus with off-label drugs or with natural therapeutics. It doesn't work the same way "chemo" does, which poisons the entire terrain of the body and allegedly kills rapidly dividing cells. The mechanisms of action with other agents and therapeutics aren't always the same as conventional therapies.
But why isn't Africa's population declining?
Because the human studies have shown Ivermectin and antiparasitics don't effect fertility. (I'll try to post the links to those studies.)
Oops, looks like the data doesn't fit the theory, so pharma shills just ignore the data. Ivermectin is one of the safest drugs on the planet.
This should provide insight into the fertility studies (from Dr Tess Lawrie's substack). (Will continue to look for the other links. Seems there were five of them I put somewhere that I can't find.🤦♀️)
It's time to end this tyranny. Our health care is supposed to help us, it has been a lie our whole lives. Wow, I believed in all systems for the most part until Covid 19 changed our lives for ever. I have a massive case filed a second time and silenced at the King of Courts Bench Level based on thousands of pages and of CROWN affiliation. Now I continue to write our story. It names them all, government, judiciary, law enforcement, medical, a tribal council and child and family services. All systems are used to destroy humanity except for the one percent.
I stand behind William Makis MD 100%, he's sharing the truth. We all have our part and it is vital to keep moving forward for future generations. It's time to take back control and uplift children, families and our lives.
Great interview. Thank you Dr. Makis for keeping up your good work on digging into the documented scientific evidence. Time, in my opinion, for the provincial auditor to do a deep dive into every dollar given to AHS. Where did the money go? Why is every bureaucrat needed. Too much money is spent before any patient is treated. Doctors have to have the freedom to treat as they believe best for the patient. For the last 100 years any alternative treatment has been attacked by the medical authorities. In the 40's Dr. Gerson was vilified for his treatments after testifying before congress. He is only one of many who have been attacked and vilified over the years.
So many excellent cancer (and other) drs have been scorned, vilified, silenced, etc for showing cancer cures... starting with Hoxey in the late 1800's early 1900's. Non stop. Look at what happened to all the drs successfully using GcMAF for cancer -- all gone or silenced; and now getting GcMAF is next to impossible. Look at the hell Dr Burzynski has gone through in TX for over 40 yrs... and on and on. There are so many cures for cancer outside of big pHARMa it would make the average person's head spin.
Excellent summary. The money spent on trying to close down Dr. Burzynski could have paid for many clinical trials. He has the observational studies, the gold standard, for thousands of years. If it works keep using it.
Exactly. But the demons running the genocide show for generations will do ANYTHING, whatever it takes, to destroy anything that threatens their pHARMa profit / control model.
Our medical system killed my mum. From giving her the poison shot to remdesver to supposed cancer treatment. AHS does not care about the elderly, thats why they try to push MAID on them. Its disgusting.
I have been praying for many Canadians to get the chance to have Medical Care in a timely manor. I have been looking for private medical practitioners because my local Health Network tells the Doctor (Specialist) how to treat because they limit what he/she can even test with intimidation language like; "invalid" test. They then cite two other specialities who also have never been in the same situation. This system of citing other specialties allows them to restrict specialties to do the treatment that they deem. I suspect the less treatment and the less testing the better the pay for the brass. I suspect that if malpractice was being "prevented" by a different structure the doctor might be able to give a different answer. If a specialist was able to request a test and the health network had to ask 2 senior doctors of the same speciality; 'Was this situation novel?' If anything the doctor was saying was theoretically possible and you could test another more economical way the Heath Network should have the burden to suggest that. This specialist vs specialist idea means no one gets health care. Imagine your mechanic had to consult a welder and a small engine specialist everytime he wanted to run a test on the vehicles internals through the computer. Not, do something to change the vehicle, but just to inquire what the sensors are saying. (Deepen your professionsl understanding below the surface.)
Medical patients are not after validation, if they wanted a psychologist, they wouldn't be at the hospital, or they would be in a psyc ward.
There is no medical system here in CHINADA.
Quite possibly. Walking uphill is hard. Then there is a view and a downhill.
Danielle Is In Above Her Head With These Gangsters!
Perhaps the college lawyers and senior AHS are all jabbed and on their 6th or 7th boosters? If so, the problem should resolve itself.
That's possible, but there are also people who are much more cunning.
In Japan, it was discovered that one of the members of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's vaccination promotion committee (a professor at a medical school) had not been vaccinated.(There have been rumors going around from the start that many Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare employees have not been vaccinated either. However, this cannot be confirmed because it involves personal information.)
This professor had previously received $230,000 in sponsorship money from pharmaceutical companies, including Pfizer. Prices in Japan are different to those in the US, so this would be about $500,000 to $700,000 in US terms.
Upon investigation, it was found that most of the other proponents had also received sponsorship money.
We still can't let our guard down.
Have good fire alarms and fire extinguishers at home. The evidence may "accidently" spontaneously combust.
Just like Dr Hoffe in Lyndon, BC “wildfire”: he barely managed to save his files of research on d-dimer results in his mRNA/DNA injected patients from his home office as the town burned down.
I agree her demeanour has changed. Noticed it sometime ago. I thought it was after the Mc Iver incident in Chestermere, so felt it was also coming from the old boys club in her party.
Without a doubt I think she has been completely shut down by AHS. I too, have stated openly the only way out of this is for her to make public ALL the threats and manipulations and hire private security.
I do not either the college or the government insiders will willingly give up power. Too much money involved.
You’re right, AHA IS trying to shut her down. Please read my comment. Our news are censored. I posted an article regarding what she is doing to help. You just never see it on our news. Pass it on. This is just one example. If you want to help her, go make sure she retains leadership of the UCP, go to the AGM. Thank you. It is further down. You may even change your mind.
The turdeau tyranny seized my ivermectin order at the border. $150 out the window but that's a drop in the bucket compared to what they've stolen from me. The corruption is as bad as under the first turd whose policies of bilingualism which was a transfer of power to quebec and multiculturalism which is divide and conquer, set the stage for the destruction of kanada
There is no question that Trudeau, both v1.0 and v2.0 have been a disaster. However, those PMs between have been every bit as disastrous, just in different ways. Mulroney killed the economy with Free Trade, and turned the CBC into a government propaganda organ while beginning the colonization by doubling the worst years of Trudeau. Chretien and Martin asset stripped the government gifting them at fire sale prices to friends. Harper became a Bush Lite and tied us to Israel. We´ve been screwed since Pearson and his Bilingualism and Bi-culturalism commission and new flag.
Thank You! Thank You Dr. Macis!!!
I urge Everyone to share this! Send it to your MLAs!!! Tell Danielle Smith to grow a pair!!! She said she wanted to be like Ralph so here is her chance!
Please read my comment. Our news are censored. I posted an article regarding what she is doing to help. You just never see it on our news. Pass it on. This is just one example. If you want to help her, go make sure she retains leadership of the UCP, go to the AGM. Thank you.
My comment is further down. 😊
Canadians en masse need to put an end to this madness. Here's how: www.TrudeauForTreason.com
Danielle Smith doesn't have any balls - both actually & figuratively.
Please read my comment. Our news are censored. I posted an article regarding what she is doing to help. You just never see it on our news. Pass it on. This is just one example. If you want to help her, go make sure she retains leadership of the UCP, go to the AGM. Thank you. It is further down. You may even change your mind.
I get it from a farm store, and works great. They keep it in stock too. No questions asked.