That’s all we need- another ‘Kavorkian doctor. I don’t think the Hypocratic Oath allows for the killing of patients. Besides that the Bible says, “Thou shalt not kill “. She’ll have answer for her deeds on judgement day. Doesn’t matter if she doesn’t believe in it.

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Why am I not surprised that an abortionist moved into this kind of work?

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As a social scientist, I agree wholeheartedly with the following statement: "The biggest problem that all of this comes down to is the refusal of most people to believe that people in power wish them harm, actively want to do harm to them. This is the hardest thing for most people to accept". - Bob Moran Unfortunately, we don't wield enough power to stop this.

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Very disturbing how she is happy taking so many lives. We do not get to play God in this life yet the government has allowed this to happen. The government loves to depopulate and this woman would be favoured by them greatly. The government favours any doctors who make them money. No matter the procedure.

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Talk about evil!! 😈

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When good people work together for the Love of Humanity and Life Itself, many problems can be solved, many cures can be found, it only takes the good people of the World, then Justice can be Served. What happened to the "Hippocratic Oath" did it disappear like colds and influenza when lockdown happened ?

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She reminds me of a female Dracula. Glorying in death. A true Liberal. And does abortions as well. Christ said Whoever harms one of these little ones, it would be better for him if a millstone was hung around their neck and throw them into the sea. People like her have no belief in the afterlife. They think we are animals with no soul.

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Disgusting serial murderer. She is not a doctor, just a really evil person who does not care who she murders and takes real pleasure in it. A short trial followed by a short drop hanging seems like a fitting punishment.

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

This creepy woman is possessed. It clearly shows in her eyes, and her diabolical laugh. It probably happened during her abortion career. I remember a memoir I read about a man traveling in the remote area of Tierra del Fuego. He visited a sheep butchering station, and the workers told him that for fun on their days off, they would head to the local beach and kill herds of seals...just for the fun of it. Surround yourself with death, and you come under the influence of demons...and seek out more ways to kill... and it becomes as lifestyle.

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The laughing doctor death. Legalised murder will never be lawful murder.

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The state owning and dispersing death. The slope isn't slippery. It's a luge sport. Language molifies this 'right'. Consent forms can be executed by someone else...if you are unable.

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Repulsive. Her obvious enjoyment has a demonic quality.

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I look at her and watch her face and the only thought I have is that she is a psychopathic ghoul. Imagine deriving JOY from causing someone’s death. And her very last statement gives her psychopathic motive away: she gets off on people feeling GRATEFUL to her. Can you IMAGINE a more selfish and narcissistic reason for killing someone? Did you see the glee on her eyes when she said that. It made me shudder.

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And that evil laugh after commenting on the handicapped woman...

"And one day you may get sick...." [paraphrased].

I saw nothing but evil in everything about this woman.

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

You first, Doctor Death.

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Just a few decades ago across the ocean this doctor herself would have been targeted for euthanasia because of her disability.

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She clearly loves satan and all he stands for, like death.

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