Dr Makis, you are one of the very few smart doctors around the world, who has been courageous facing the demons and bringing light to the dark corners where they have been hiding while hurting so many people, especially children, to please their master.

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One of the very few. So few ….

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Dec 14Edited
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It is also in your water, anesthetics and much, much more.

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Dr. Makis',

I have treated several people with your protocols, and they are overcoming deadly cancers, both vaxxed and unvaxxed. Also, a close friend who was diagnosed with Parkinson's. When I tested him, it turned out to be a viral infection. When treated with Ivermectin, and Mebendazole, he went from wheelchair to independence,!!

So much for medical diagnosis.

I have seen staph infections that are diagnosed as cancer, for obvious reasons. No money in treating staph!

Also, parasites, severe allergies, and simple nutrition deficiencies diagnosed as cancer. It's all about the money!!

Several hundred children diagnosed with leukemia, who had easily-resolved bone marrow infections, spleen infection or blood sucking parasites (hookworm, etc.)....even a severe yeast infection!! All of which were easily resolved. I have never in 38 years of practice, found a child who was diagnosed with leukemia, that actually had cancer.

It is sooo important to find the cause, and not just throw drugs at one or more symptoms!!!!! Without correctly treating the cause, you cannot resolve the problem. Period!

As a medical researcher for 25 years, I can honestly say that only 13% of diagnosed "cancers" are true cancers. There are 3 things that cause a true cancer.... radiation poisoning, chemical poisoning (chemo), and genetically modified DNA (immunotherapy) that infiltrates and integrates into our DNA! These never end well.

When treating the cause instead of the symptoms, the success rate is phenomenal!

Your protocols are invaluable in treating the viral and parasite-caused health problems. God sees every one who lives, because you stuck your neck out, and your reward will be great in the resurrection, in the day of judgement.

You are greatly loved. Don't get mixed up with the deceptive powers-that-be, on either side of the border. It will not end well for you.

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Wow! Thank you for sharing these insights 🙏

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Telling the truth in an empire of lies is the role of a warrior, and carries all of the risks involved. In going ahead despite threats to yourself and your family, you are walking the path of a hero. I will pray that you succeed and do not become (another) martyr. (I have known several, doctors included). God Bless you and your family.

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Fight on! I cannot wait to provide support.

They are treed. They are scarred. They are on the run.

God bless you. God help us.

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Truth always wins. You and your family are in my prayers. Premier Smith needs to change course.

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No, all those who have betrayed Canadians by following the dictates of foreign entities need to be prosecuted and hung for their crimes.

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I'm not sure if that is true Katherine! Now when we get to heaven/hell we will know the Truth 100% but on earth, most people cannot define truth any more! It's "my truth" which is another lie from the pit of hell! Even lots of judges are not holding to the truth anymore! So the truth did not win for the 10 million known dead around the world because of Covid preventive care, complements of USA government! I bet that is not half the truth of deaths or coming deaths from these poison mandates. Still being pushed on innocent babies and children! This is so evil! BUT GOD! Now He knows the truth to it all! Shew! His truths stand forever! 🦋

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Why would a good God allow billions of people to be poisoned by the injections?.All the murderers are very rich on the profits and having a great life. Psy hopaths have co.mitted genocide ide fir millenia and it gives them.power and vast wealth etc. Eg royals symuchvas UK only got to be trillionsires who still own 1/6th of the planet apparently, due to looting and genocide for centuries...They helped create Israel etc & still loot the Middle East with the help of the US & Israel eg Gaza, Iraq. Syria, Lebanon, Yemen. Evil types own the planet usually & have rewritten thecBibke to suit their agenda many times. Blind faith, waiting for ' justice' that apparently only happens when we are dead iie heaven' etc could easily be wishful thinking- people who do nothing to get rid of evil while alive need not feel guilty etc

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I do not know why God allowed all this I cannot speak for a holy, just God! It breaks my heart, and I’ve actually been praying and asking the same question! There’s a lot of discussion about that online pretty much a hot topic amongst Christians and non-Christians! I do hope God will tell us His stories of our lives and how he saw us through our hard times! He did say, “ I have told you all this so that you may have peace in Me. Here on earth, you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world. “ John 16:33 my big question is why didn’t God zap humanity many years ago before we even were born as as wicked as we have been to turn away from him and mock a holy God!?! But it is very hard time and it doesn’t seem like God would do such a thing, but God is love and I know him a lot better than that. If you don’t know him yet go to the Bible there’s lots of stories about who He is and what he’s done and how he’s done it.. , he loves you even if you don’t love him! I know that because he did to me I didn’t get to know him till recently! God bless you!🦋

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Thankyou but the Bible has been heavily edited many times ie huge amounts thrown out ( reincarnation was partbof the Bible until Roman emperor hot rid of it) and other chunks of it invented eg Zioniists added hu dress of edits ( lies) a century ago regarding Israel being ancient, chosen by God, where Jesus will be reborn etc hence Christian Zionism created ie millions of people cheering on Israels genocide of Palestinians because the Bible says that 'war' must happen for Jesus to return! It is stunningly easy to fool people Into believing that 'God' wrote a book or 2 and that he (male God of course just like those in power on this planet for 2000 years who wrote the Bible)) It does not fill me with confidence that 'God' exists if 'he' let's multi millions of people be murdered every year for greed and profit by the rich psychopaths but saves a few random ones who may or may not pray to him...

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I hear you loud and clear! All the worlds circumstances are dark at times! Some things are to big for me to understand! That's why the joy of knowing God is bigger than the worlds circumstances is my hope and joy! But I have a faith in God that can listen to your discussion and still hear your personal thoughts about Holy God and wish you well in your journey in life and death. I can and am friends with many who chose not to believe the in God. I don't attack or belittle anyone's beliefs or lack of! Father God does the same! He loves each of us more than disagreements over His existence.

We are both living through some dark days and I'm very content to depend on God that knows all, and helps me stay in this fight for medical freedoms and support wonderful doctors who spread the truth about the dark times we are in.

I hope we get to see our nation and all nations to stop this insane MNRA killings! 🦋

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Probably what we are taught about 'God' is false - ie that 'he' is 'all good', 'omnipotent', etc ie the thousands if years of 'editing',mistranslation etc of the Bible. If a God was all good and all powerful, millions of people a year killed by the rich psychopaths using 'wars', 'poverty', poisons in food, water, 'medicines', (man made) pandemics etc make no sense. Possibly there is a God but he she it is not 'all powerful' and evil

prevails often or mostly ie humans have free will. (apart from when psychopathic humans use the more trusting ones so latter lose 'free will' it seems. Or 'God' exists but is not

'all good' ie and creates/allows evil often or 'God is evil and any good happening is despite 'him..Or there is no God & the most evil types of human easily take over (they have for thousands ds of years at least)

but most humans seem designed to 'believe' it seems and so create 'God/s' to give meaning to life, and ruthless/evil humans can use the tendency to want 'God' to exist, to mind control billions of people eg human men write a book and pretend its'God's' words....

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it would seem she is just one more globalist parasite, she fooled us all, we thought she was a real Albertan. One more fraud it turns out. There can be no forgiveness for them; they will not stop, they must be stopped. Soon the only way forward will be for good men to engage in stupendous evil, time to rid the world of these monsters.

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I don’t have much to give but I will donate what I can. You are on the right side of history Dr Makis and we are grateful for it. I’d like to make a plea to everyone reading this- visualise Dr Makis winning. Do it every day with a big smile on your face. That includes you Dr Makis!

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I crossed into Alberta from BC yesterday. There was always a "welcome to Alberta wild rose country " sign with " the Alberta advantage " at the border.


What are you willing to lose?"

My answer- nothing. I'm especially not willing to lose what I've already lost, like freedom of speech or freedom of worship. Where was the freedom to support the freedom convoy? How about our freedom to obtain medical advice from the practitioner of our choice who happens to be Dr William Makis?

Glad you didn't use GoFU**ME as a fund raiser, Doc!

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God Speed

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God bless you and your family. Your followers are going to come through for you because we can't let them stop your work.

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Fight! Fight! Fight!

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Item of interest: Fight, Fight, Fight = 666.

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How's that?? Isn't it 555?

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15 = 5 + 1 = 6

it's five five five. = 15 which = 6. Not 666

people like to fuck with the numbers like science.....

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A1, B2, C3, D4, E5, F6

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Oh really? A1, B2, C3, D4, E5, F6. Who is the idiot?

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Um, not that this numerology rabbithole should be anybody’s thing, but “Fight” is a word. It isn’t the letter “F”. Just sayin’. Btw, does any word beginning with “F”, said three times, equal 666? Or only when Trump says them?

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No, not just ANY word. “Fight, Fight, Fight” is not a word. It’s a phrase. Three words starting with F which is equivalent to 6…. I thought this was pretty obvious. Very obvious basics of numerology that “they” use on daily basis.

Even college kids know that much and use it …. College site: https://people.richland.edu/james/ictcm/2001/dating/dating.pdf

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Ah, well, now that I know that college kids know that much and use it, I'm totally impressed :-D. So if Scarlett O'Hara said "Fiddledeedee, Fiddledeedee, Fiddledeedee", it would equal 666, and Rhett would like, need to be afraid, very afraid?

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G7 h8 i9 J1 k2 etc

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Thank goodness! May God bless and protect you , your family and everyone trying to help you.

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He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High,

Who abides in the shadow of the Almighty,

Will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress: my God, in whom I trust.”

For he will deliver you from the snare of the brigand,

And from the venomous potion;

He will cover you with his pinions,

And under his wings you will find refuge;

His faithfulness is a shield and buckler.

You will not fear the terror of the night,

Nor the arrow that flies by day,

Nor the pestilence that prowls in darkness,

Nor the scourge that stalks at noonday.

A thousand may fall at your side,

Ten thousand at your right hand;

But disaster will not come near you.

You will look abroad with your eyes, and find decay,

And see the requital of the wicked.

Because you have made God Himself your refuge,

The Most High your pillar of strength,

No evil shall befall you,

No calamity come near your tent.

For he will send his angels to guard you in all your ways.

They will bear you up with their own hands,

Lest you dash your foot against stone.

You will tread on the lion and the adder,

The young lion and the serpent you will trample under foot.

“If he cleaves to me, I will deliver him;

I will protect him if he honors My Name.

When he calls upon me, I will answer him;

I will be there with him; from his anguish

I will rescue him and favor him.

With length of days I will content him,

And yea, he shall drink deeply of my salvation.”

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Psalm 91, the warriors prayer for divine protection 💕🩷🙏✝️

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Sad that you need to do this. But, with you all the way!

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God Bless you Dr Makis for fighting the tyrant Danielle Smith, we will financially support you and you will win, you have the Lord on your side, she has nothing but evil on her side.

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Phil, be careful what you wish for? The next one might be much worse. He is a committed communist, globalist. Nenshi that is. However, I have to agree with some other people on this forum that D. Smith has been captured. She’s is as Conservative as her predecessor Jason Kenney, another known globalist and WEF stooge.

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Reading all the comments and thinking “Thank you Heaven for putting Doctor Makis on Earth to carry out these acts of truth and bravery to save our Canada, and the World, from the planed evil medical conspiracies agains us.”

Alberta Premiere will find that she is one of us, to be got rid of when she fails, and disappears quickly and quietly, as is planned for all of us “insignificant humans” humans. Myrna Kerr

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I liked Premier Danielle Smith, until I heard of your situation. I can't believe how mean she is! You are doing good work for very ill patients, what is wrong with her?

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It seems the leaders all get threatened, bought, blackmailed or become victims of MK-Ultra. I had high hopes for Alberta and now it's like every other corrupt corporation.

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My question entirely. I have found her very reasoned and I'm wondering if she is even aware of the question of treatment in this case or if there is an adviser between the two of them. She is not a doctor who is advising her? Is she even aware of this case?

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