Bravo Sen. Malcolm Roberts!💜

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All planned for decades!!!

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You just have to watch the 2012 London Olympics ceremonies to see it has been planned for a long time. Who the hell is doing this?

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Bilderberg Group / Club of Rome / BIS ... the self appointed emperor-bankers.

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Rockerfellas, Rothschilds, Bill Gates, W.H.O., W.E.F. and others. Follow the money, and "who's your Daddy, and what schoold did you go to, and who are you married to?

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Hello Peter, I have put some information comments in this crazzfiles article (a wonderful website to give the truth to the people (crazzfiles.com ) https://crazzfiles.com/alarming-study-reveals-undeclared-toxic-elements-in-covid-19-vaccines/ and remember to get **** extensive knowledge also of what's really going on from globalresearch.ca ***

The censorship in Australia and globally has been shocking since they first pulled the covid fraud. Kind Regards, Diane Drayton Buckland

ps They disabled my F/B page in April this year because I was posting too much truth. That's why all Governments, WHO WEF UN Big Media Big Medicine Big Tech Globalists elite ...... all want to shut us all up and kill our freedom of speech and all our freedoms rights and choices - the covid lockdown (all a total fraud) -a test run. See work also by Australian Elizabeth Hart substack - her paper (one of countless she did a lot re: the appalling corruption/conflicts of interest and they faked a pandemic to install totalitarianism. Also see professor Ian Brighthope - Geoff Pain substack and Gaz's substack keeps good up to date info. Cairnsnews.org will also give you good info.

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1992 Barcelona olympics opening ceremony was an even earlier predictive programming of the evil plandemic. It is being done by a highly centralized zionist centric cabal.

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One by one every country is waking up to the depopulation agenda behind the dreadful COVID-19 gene therapy jabs. You do not hear any of this in the US legacy media, just crickets.

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Don't look for any truth from msm..

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Follow the money!! it’s not going to stop because they’re all making money off of it. Huge money they are also on team genocide.

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Where's the other parliamentarians?

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In England, we had one (ONE!) MP (Andrew Bridgen) who had the brains to see things were very wrong (after he'd had 2 jabs himself) and the courage to stand up in parliament asking very well researched questions.

Whenever he stood up to speak, the rest of the MP windbags - on both sides of the house - walked out. So much for a loyal opposition. His questions were never answered - apart from the then PM (called something like Rusty Nutsack) or his stand-in regurgitating the 'safe & effective' nonsense.

Mr Bridgen was ignored or ridiculed by the UK MSM, thrown out of the (governing) party, relegated to a grotty basement office, patronised by the dreadful Penny Mordaunt and then lost his seat in the recent election when standing as an independent. TPTB made an example of him. I would like him to have been given a medal.

I'm sure the Oz MPs know of Andrew Bridgen & his punishment, so respect to them for not bowing down before the establishment.

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Andrew Bridgen's election outcome of getting only 3.2% of the vote, was clearly a fix. It was way way too low to be believed.

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I agree. The numbers stank - could his constituents really be that stupid?

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He is awesome.Remarkable soldier for truth.

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I am an Aussie very saddened to hear of Andrew Bridgen losing his seat. He was an inspiration. Is there anyone left to attempt to hold the Establishment to account now?

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Nope. As far as I can see they've all got their snouts in the trough - just wearing differently coloured rosettes.

The latest incarnation of our unhealthy minister is proposing to have unemployed people jabbed with ozempic or similar. Can't think where he got that brilliant idea from. Pity he doesn't apply the same notion to improving the productivity of the HoC. It's full of fat bar stewards who could do with taking a few shots. And appropriate boosters, of course.

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Sadly they are all so rude, disrespectful and truth-averse, that they all leave so as not to have any tatters of their consciences pricked. There were some who spoke the truth from the outset - most of whom now ousted.

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Exactly!.....where are the cowards that were elected to represent the people?

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On the payroll!

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Senator Gerard Rennick down here as well, who is now an independent:


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I'm pleased to hear that he survived the election intact. A very bright guy.

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The scamdemic deserves to be treated as a crime against humanity. Calls for quick trials and quick imposition of death sentences. No reason for perpetuators of such heinous crimes against humanity to be permitted to possibly live among us. No amount of rehabilitation can cure such warped minds. Nothing like greed and seeking of absolute power and control of the citizens to motivate sociopathic behavior.

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Your comment made me think of Reiner Fuellmich, Crimes against humanity…

He’s been also taken out of commission for wanting to know and share the truth. Imprisoned under false accusations.

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These kill shots would be off the market if all politicians did their job and represented the people instead of Big Pharma! They should all be on the same page 4 years later giving the evidence in front of them.

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How could anyone NOT call a Royal Commission after that ultra-clear, concise, and factual statement about the serious dangers and harms of mRNA “vaccines”? Only if Australia’s PM is blind, deaf and dumb to real facts like Canada’s globalist puppet PM (who was apparently investing and making mega $$$ from the shots/nanotechnology linked to the injections), could they possibly ignore this statement. Any leaders who played a part however small in promoting the shots in the first place, and blatantly lying about “safe and effective”, should be forced to resign their positions. This statement should raise a clarion cry in all countries to BAN these experimental shots 💉🦠⚰️immediately, (as they are doing in Slovakia) — never mind time wasting more time on a Royal Commission inquiry while people are still being duped and encouraged by governments everywhere to continue to take these highly dangerous injections!! The entire mRNA hoax and garbage “science” behind it cannot be swept under the carpet by the UN Agenda 2030 and WHO-allied governments any longer!! STOP THE SHOTS!!!!

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On March 20, 1969 Dr. Richard Day gave a speech in Philadelphia, PA, to an audience including other physicians. Dr. Day unleashed the agendas of The New World Order. EVERYTHING that the WEF UN WHO GLOBALISTS have and are doing is ALL that was stated in Day's speech and more: the elimination of family doctors, making healthcare difficult for seniors to access, new and untreatable diseases and drug induced heart attacks as a form of assassination (the COVID jabs), the annihilation of the family unit as we've known it, promoting 'anything goes' with sex among genders, educational systems used as indoctrination as children won't actually 'learn' anything, and creating constant chaos with non stop change that 'people will HAVE to get used to and more! It was a 'shadow government'. The New World Order has been rebranded as The Great Reset and the 'players' involved are the epitome of evil; they're ALL the WEF WHO UN GLOBALISTS! Their mission is death, destruction and enslavement, the elimination of societal structures as we've known them to be especially the concept of 'family' and 'community' whereby people join together hence the destruction of churches, Christianity, Judiaism are at the TOP of the list the rest will follow. Creating strong racial divides so we're fighting one another, purposefully creating civil unrest. ALL of the world's politicians involved this and especially the top UN & WEF GLOBALISTS are following through with these agendas in order to reach their goal of WORLD DOMINATION. If you look at the WEALTHY players; GATES, TRUDEAU, GORE, HARARI, The Royal's and others, these 'men' came from wealthy families and have NO IDEA OR CONCEPT or EXPERIENCE of how we, average citizens of the world, actually live. They ALL view us as peasants who need to be eliminated. They're ALL mocking us! The fact that this relatively small group of wealthy people are getting away with trying to destroy humanity without us ALL RISING up against them is shocking.

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THANK YOU!! May You be heard!!

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Anyone with a modicum of intelligence knows the covid "vaccine" is what is causing death and disability in large numbers. Nuremburg 2.0!

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30,000 Aussies dead in last 12 months..

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And the chamber contains less than six warm bodies. What a warrior to fight on in this world of apathy.

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Thank u senator starting this process to speak up about this genocide going on. 🙏🏻 It needs to continue! Yes it was safe against ( I can’t think of anything) but affective (killing people).

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The base of the fallacy is that Covid-19 is unable to give itself any visible number of excess deaths. This mortality-fallacy can be easily proven by showing the average number of chronic conditions is unincreased in the group of "official Covid-19 deaths" against the number in a comparative group of alive ones with the same age-structure. Unlike natural deaths, which are realization of risks originated in the ones past (with almost none predictability of a specific year of falling into ones terminal state), quick premature deaths due to the infection, if mortality is very small and so an average age of decedents is high -must be always accompanied by over doubled number of chronic conditions. It is proven here https://zenodo.org/records/8312871 , but the main method is long and very difficult, thus the alternative easy method (its summary) is added as 'Shortened Supplement' on the main page. In a simple and smart way it proves any very high age of victims of an infection provoking quick premature deaths is impossible without the strongly increased average number of chronic conditions (/1-2 pages to read)

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